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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 18

by Ambere Sabo

  “Yeah, she’s comin’ around. Hopefully, we can get her enrolled in school in the fall. That’s the goal anyway,” I explain.

  “Alright, you calmed down now? Well, at least enough to tell me why you brought your ass all the way out here instead of callin’?” he asks. Fucker.

  “It’s about Cessy,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that and as it’s Valentine’s Day I’m guessing you're trying to do something sweet for her. Need some advice from the master?” he says wagging his eyebrows at me. “I know she found your toast in some daily quote calendar Dash has. Decided to ask a living person this time?” he finishes with a chuckle.

  He sure is one cocky bastard for being single, but I’ll leave that alone for now. “I want your permission to make her my Ol’ Lady,” I blurt out.

  He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, and I’m starting to regret the decision to come out here.

  “Why you askin’ me? Rodeo’s her godfather. Don’t you think that should be something you ask him?” he finally asks.

  “I already asked him, Vic, too. Rodeo might be her godfather, but he wasn’t around for most of her life. It’s you she looks to about things she would’ve asked her pops about. It's only right that you be the one to give permission,” I explain.

  He’s over to me in a heartbeat. Just when I think he’s about to deck me, he pulls me in for a hug, but as quick as it started it’s over. And he steps away from me.

  “Treat her right, or they won’t be able to find the pieces, you got me?” he threatens.

  “Yeah, I got you.”

  We bullshit a little, and he gives me shit about Reine carrying my balls in her purse when I tell him that I have to go pick up her new cut. Rodeo helped me get it made special. To anyone else, it looks just like the rest, but there’s a hidden pocket inside the lining with the ring Vic and Lil helped me pick out.

  My baby doesn’t like diamonds, but I pray she loves the custom sapphire ring we had made just for her. Now it’s time to make my baby mine, officially.


  A Silent Sons MC Novel

  Book Two

  Ambere Sabo


  All rights reserved.


  Copyright 2017 © Ambere Sabo

  Published by: Ambere Sabo

  Edited by: Charlotte Stanley

  Cover by Designs by Dana

  Format by: Ambere Sabo

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Ambere Sabo, the author/publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental



  I left behind my home, my family and my club to hunt down a bastard that doesn’t want to be found. My only focus is putting a bullet in his head and figuring out how to save my sisters from the Infierno cartel. The problem? He’s a ghost in the wind who always seems to be one step ahead.

  Things change when my best friend, Cessy, forces me to bring Angel out on the road with me. Angel Hernandez, the hotheaded Hispanic beauty who drives me crazy. She wants the bastard’s head as much as I do, but she has no concern for what it may cost her. Can we overcome the scars of our past together or are we destined to die for the sins of another?


  This novel includes graphic situations with detailed violence, sex and language. It may be offensive to some readers and includes situations that may be triggers for certain individuals. This book is intended for a mature audience.


  This is for my Daddy. The man who use to have me sit on his lap and read his giant books to him. Someone who loves me unconditionally, sometimes more than I deserve. Thank you for being the best dad two little girls could ever ask for. I love you!



  My father’s an asshole. It’s something I’ve known my whole life, but never in a million years could I imagine how twisted he truly is. Not only did the bastard try to sell my best friend, Cessy, to the highest bidder, but my sister Lilly too. His own flesh and blood!

  What's even more fucked? There’s a possibility that he was successful in selling three of my half-sisters to the Infierno Cartel. Why would a father do that to his little girls?


  And not only does the sick bastard get paid for his daughters, but he gets a bonus for every son they produce through repetitive rape.

  I’ve been hunting this motherfucker for five months. Every time I think I’ve got his ass, he slips through my fingers. There are no new leads as to where the hell he’s hiding out, which just intensifies my shitty mood. I won’t rest until I can put a bullet in his head and know he can never hurt those I love again.

  As for my club? The Silent Sons MC have my back in every way. Snoopy feeds me leads whenever he gets them. At one time, I was next in line to be the club Enforcer, now I’m considered a nomad—only expected home if shit hits the fan.

  What they don’t understand is even after I find this piece of shit, it won’t be over. If my sisters are still alive, I will find them and save them from the hell our father put them in. Going up against a cartel will likely lead to one thing—my death. But if I save them, it’ll be worth it.

  Chapter 1


  The only reason I’m even here today is that the three women that mean the most to me would have my fucking head if I missed this day. Even now, standing up here next to my brothers, my mind is somewhere else.

  My mind is on the same track it’s been on for the last five months, on a single, solitary goal—killing the piece of shit whose last name I carry. The motherfucker knows how to stay off the grid, and even with Snoopy’s help, I always seem to be one step behind.

  I’m not the only one searching for him. The Infierno Cartel has their men combing the state, hell even the country, for him. That’s why I can’t waste any time. I want the pleasure of putting a bullet in his fucking head for what he did to my family, and I refuse to give the satisfaction to anyone else.

  Eventually, I’m sure Enterrador will turn his focus on us, The Silent Sons, for the part we played in that fucked up day. But for now, he only has eyes for my father.

  The music changes bringing me back into the moment, as I watch the best friend I could ever ask for, walk down the aisle to meet my brother, Venom, and exchange vows.

  Seeing her, reminds me of a night about three months ago when Venom called me…

  When I answer a call from a familiar number back home, I pray that shit isn’t hitting the fan and I’m not needed back for club business.

  “Hey, man,” I greet him, trying not to sound as annoyed as I am.

  His voice is a bit nervous as he answers, “Hey, Havoc. How’s it going?”

  “You know same ol’ shit, different day.”

  “So, no new leads?”

  “No, the fucker’s in the wind. So, what’s up with you?”

  “Well, I need to ask you something,” he informs me in a nervous tone.

  “Oh, hell. Am I going to have to come home and kill you?”

  “I hope not. I hope you’ll give your blessing and be happy for us.”

  “No way, dude. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I ask, surprised as hell.

  “You know I love Reine more than I ever thought possible. I want to marry her, but I want to make sure her best friend isn’t going to take my fucking head off.”

  “She loves you. I was worried when you f
irst showed interest in her. But you two have been good for each other. I’m honored you asked, but if she’ll have your sorry ass forever, then I will support you.”

  I look over at him, all cleaned up for his wedding day, and let joy take the place of all my rage, just for today. It kills me that I couldn’t be here when Venom asked her and gave her the cut he had made for her, but at least I’m here now.

  He’s a braver man than I imagined, as he asked Rodeo and Wraith for their permissions as well. I watch her walk toward the only man that could ever truly tame her. My Prez and Wraith are on either side of her, standing in for her pops to give her away.

  She looks fucking amazing, but in true Reine style, she’s wearing a white lace, see-through gown with only her unmentionables covered. Lil says Venom lost his shit when he saw the dress in the closet, but Reine won that fight in the long run. Hell, she usually does.

  I watch as they become man and wife under strings of lights by the pool that’s been added to the back of the property our clubhouse sits on. The girls have done so much to the space, that I feel like a visitor in the place I once called home.

  After the “I do's” are said, we move inside to the bar area for the reception. Ma catered the party, and instead of the traditional cake cutting, there’ll be pie for dessert. By the time the party is in full swing, I’m itching to get back on the road again. I make my rounds, saying goodbye.

  When I make it to the happy couple, a gorgeous Hispanic girl walks up to join us. I’ve never seen her before, but damn her eyes have me fucking staring.

  “Did you hear me Havoc?” Reine asks drawing my attention to her.

  “Uh, no sorry. What did you say?” Venom chuckles—the ass— as she repeats herself.

  “This is Angel. The woman I told you about from the cells.”

  Damn, this is the girl that had her family killed by Martinez. “Nice to meet you,” I say putting my hand out to shake hers.

  “She’ll be riding out with you when you leave tonight,” Reine throws in, and I pull my hand back with a quickness.

  “The hell she is!” I roar.

  Chapter 2


  Running a hand through her beautiful blonde hair, Cessy sighs, “Havoc, I’m not fighting with you about this, it’s already been decided.”

  His rage is palpable as he snaps, “The hell it has. Not one of you asked my fucking opinion about bringing her with me. I don’t have time for this shit. I need to find Wrecker. Not babysit some chick I don’t even fucking know.”

  A quick glance around the room reveals that people are starting to notice the argument. The attention he’s drawing is only going to bring questions. We shouldn’t be having this conversation out in the open. “Come, mi Reina, let’s talk about this somewhere else,” I say to Cessy before walking out the side door. Cessy, Venom and this puto follow me outside.

  As soon as we’re alone, I turn to face Havoc, crossing my arms. “Look, I know this is a surprise to you, and though you may not like it, it has already been decided. From what I understand during my time with the Sons, you’d never go against a direct order from Rodeo. That’s what this is. So, whether you like it or not pendejo, I will be coming with you tonight. You haven’t had a single lead on Wrecker in almost two weeks, yes?” I inquire, already knowing the answer.

  Glaring at me, he grinds out, “What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

  “That has everything to do with why I’m going with you. El Paso is where my family was murdered, and I want answers. Perhaps those answers will lead to some of your own, as it was also where Martinez first started smuggling girls into Texas. In the end, you have no leads, no new ideas on how to catch him and you will take me with you,” I finish, turning to head back inside.

  “Listen, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I’m not taking you any fucking where,” Havoc yells, stopping me in my tracks.

  I’m done with the disrespect he’s showing tonight, not only towards me, but mi Reina and his own damn club as well. There’s no debate here. I’m going with his ass whether he likes it or not.

  Turning back to face him, throwing my hands in the air, “Pinche idiota! I’m Angel Hernandez. The only hope that you have of finding your sisters and that pinche puto you call a father. The club decided your way of doing things isn’t working, so now you’ll do it my way. We leave for El Paso in thirty minutes. Tell your mama goodbye, and I’ll see you at your bike,” I holler at him, storming inside before he has the time to say anything else.

  I know mi Reina will follow me inside, but right now I need a second to myself, so I head to the garage. The moment I’m inside, I draw a calming breath. This place has become my solace in the last few months. It reminds me of mi papa. Not that he ever worked on a bike in his life, but more that the men work with their hands in here just as he did. It doesn’t smell of dirt and vegetables but of oil and grease.

  I miss the smell of the freshly tilled soil and helping him plant. The joy it brought him helping a calf enter the world. How proud he would be after every harvest. He was a kind and gentle man that treated mi mama and me like gold. I miss him more than I could’ve ever imagined.

  I lost my temper for the first time in months with Havoc. Keeping all of my anger bottled inside is something I thought I mastered. I’m waiting to unleash it on the bastards that took my family from me. At least, I was. But Havoc infuriates me. I don’t mean to disrespect mi Reina on her wedding day but that hijo de puta needs to be put in his place. Lord help me, I don’t know how I’ll deal with this man in the coming weeks. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t kill him myself.

  He’s angry, and I understand that, but damn if that anger isn’t misplaced. His father is an evil man who deserves punishment. However, his father isn’t the only one at fault. Without the Infierno Cartel, Wrecker would be a terrible man. But they made the bastard a monster. They gave Wrecker the power to sell his own children, Havoc’s sisters. And that’s where his anger should be directed, but he can’t see farther than the problem at hand. And that’s a problem.

  I’m positive the minute he stops chasing his father, Wrecker will come to him. I know enough about the man to know he’s not used to being on the run from anyone. His dirty deeds were a secret for self-preservation, but he’s used to being the boss. At least up until a few months ago, and he won’t choose to stay hidden forever. If Havoc stays in one place long enough, Wrecker’s cockiness will show, and he’ll come after him.

  “I thought I’d find you in here,” Cessy says, stepping into the garage. Coming over to me, she places a hand on my shoulder and asks, “You alright, Angel?”

  In her eyes, I see the concern, and it warms my heart. Blowing out a breath, I let my shoulders sag as I look at the floor, “I’m sorry for losing my temper mi Reina, but your best friend is an ass. I really don’t know if I can keep from killing him on this trip,” I tell her honestly.

  Laughing, she replies, “Believe me, I’ve been there a time or two myself. You’ll do fine. Havoc can take care of himself.” Putting a finger under my chin, she tilts my face up to hers. “What I asked was if you were okay, Angel.”

  Mi Reina has become the best friend I could ever ask for, and she understands my need for revenge. Hell, she wants it too, but it’s her wedding day. It's meant to be a happy day. She doesn’t need to be worrying about me right now.

  Nodding, “I’ll be fine. I could do with some of Vic’s pie before I go, though,” I tell her, in hopes of bringing her back to the celebration, instead of worrying about me.

  A smile comes across her face. “Who am I to deny a girl her pie?” she says with a giggle. “Come on. You need to tell Rodeo and the other brothers goodbye before ya go, too. Hell, if you don’t see Dash before you leave, he’ll hunt you down in El Paso.”

  I can’t help but laugh at that, “That man has become the kid brother I never knew I wanted.” The giant man-baby of a kid brother drives me absolutely crazy, but I love him all the same. />
  Linking her arm through mine, she tells me, “Well, he is actually older than you, not that he acts like it, but you’ll always have a special place in his heart helping him through rehab like you did. He probably still wouldn’t be able to ride, if you hadn’t been on his ass like you were.”

  Dash was my project after the girls left. I had no one left to take care of anymore and damn near lost my mind. He came out of his coma two weeks after the new year and had a long way to go if he ever wanted to ride again. Physical therapy alone took a toll on him, but anytime he wanted to give up I was there to kick him in the ass.

  Dash is the jokester of the club, so the brothers didn’t know how to handle his cranky side. More than once he tried to throw a punch at one of them, so I got put on babysitting duties. In the end, his sad, brown puppy-dog eyes won me over. At first mi Reina thought we could have something, and while Dash is tall and handsome with his black hair, dark chocolate eyes, and tanned skin, helping a man to the bathroom kind of kills any attraction.

  With a shoulder shrug, I downplay my role in his recovery. “He would’ve done just fine, as soon as he stopped with his pity party.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Let’s get you that pie and say your goodbyes.”

  Chapter 3


  Throwing my hands in the air, I pace unable to contain my agitation. “What the fuck, brother? Who the hell does this chick think she is? Telling me what the fuck I’m going to do?” I holler at Venom.

  “That chick has become a part of this club, while you left and decided to be a nomad. That chick helped us get all those girls back to their families or settled with new ones. That chick has been here every damn day helping Cessy and Lil. The three of them are as tight as sisters.” He set to pacing himself, his anger not allowing him to hold still.


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