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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 31

by Ambere Sabo

  There were a lot of questions last night about his back. I know he regrets walking back to me with his shirt off, but I think it’s a good thing. If he continues to hide the scars, he will never move on from the past. He answered all of their questions honestly, and I’m not sure who was more pissed Venom or Rodeo.

  They’re the closest with Havoc. And while I know they understand his silence, it had to be hard knowing that Havoc didn’t trust them with the scars of his past. Venom said he’d talk to Cessy about it, but I don’t know how much luck he had. She’s just as hard-headed as Havoc is, if not more.

  I worry it’s something they’ll not be able to move past. Now that both of their fathers are dead, there’s no one to answer questions about what truly happened. Personally, I’m staying the hell out of it, as is Lil. Doesn’t mean either one of us is happy with how things played out yesterday. We love them both, and that makes it difficult when they’re fighting.

  I shake off my pensive thoughts and watch Lilly. Casanova is trying to sweet talk her as she sits at the bar sipping her drink. Watching him is hilarious because he doesn’t have a chance in hell. Lil only has eyes for one biker, and he’s nothing like Casanova. I don’t know who will be more caught off guard when they figure it out. Havoc, when he figures out that his baby sister is in love with one of his brothers. Or Gunner when he opens his eyes and realizes that the brother is him.

  Poor Casanova, he can’t catch a break with us girls. When we first arrived, he looked longingly at Cessy. He knows to stay away from her though because Hyde told him if he wanted to keep his balls intact, then he should keep on walking. Watching the color drain from his face as Wraith further explained what would happen if Venom caught him flirting with his wife was comical.

  The final nail in the coffin on that train of thought is that the Reapers still look at her as their royalty. No sane person fucks with the Reapers or their Princess. Poor guy turned his attention my way. I ignored him until he planted himself on the stool next to Lilly.

  In truth, the only member of the Dominion who might have had a chance with me was Hoser. Not that I’ll ever tell Havoc that. Though I think maybe Havoc knows, and that’s why he’s such a puto to him. Every time Hoser calls me carino I swear Havoc growls, and I don’t even think he knows what it means. While I’ve no doubt Hoser would treat his Ol’ Lady like gold, Havoc understands me like no one else can.

  Knowing that all of the men we care for are out there right now—some in a tunnel with no way to communicate, and others riding into enemy territory—is unnerving. Only one of them may have a piece of my soul, but more than a few have a place in my heart, and I pray today goes according to plan… In the meantime, all we can do is sit here and wait.

  Chapter 31


  So far, so good. It feels like we’ve been walking forever. But we’ve made it almost all the way to the tunnel’s exit without any issues. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of monitoring down here, none that we can see anyway. That may change the closer we get to the opening within the compound, but only time will tell.

  We're not actually running, but we’re keeping a steady pace at the moment. Most of us could run this tunnel in under thirty minutes, but we’d be shit in a fight afterward, so we walk. The ten of us are loaded down in swat-like attire. Bulletproof vests, artillery, and earpieces. The task force hooked us up, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

  Rodeo just came over the com system and let us know that they’re about to cross the border. Another thing the task force helped with. Generally, a group of bikers that size would be stopped and searched.

  Hell, the weapons each of them is packing on his bike and person alone would be reason enough to detain most, if not all of them. Somehow, they worked that shit out, so everyone is making it through.

  Knowing they’re headed to break down the doors so to speak, we pick up our pace. We need to time it just right so that we make it through the tunnel and into the compound while the cartel is distracted. If the timing’s off, we could fuck ourselves and walk into Lord knows what.

  The building we need to get into is less than one hundred yards from where we’ll be entering the compound. Emily has been staying with Rose in her home, which is basically an apartment at the back of the property. The women who have children and give the cartel more soldiers all get their own space, but it’s still heavily guarded.

  For my sister's sake, I’m hoping it’s better than the cells the other women are kept in. Not that I’m trying to give these cocksuckers any ideas, but maybe if they treated the other women the same, they wouldn’t have such a high miscarriage rate. Expectant mothers don’t do well under stress. Something you’d think they’d understand by now. Not that they give a fuck what happens to the women they steal.

  Gunner holds up a fist, signaling for us to stop when we reach the end of the tunnel. Venom waves, getting our attention, and points to the floor. The first sign that the tunnel is monitored has been found.

  There’s a motion sensor at the entrance of the tunnel. It seems to only be on the floor, as we can’t see any others. Hopefully, if we high step, we won’t trigger it. We’re too far away from Snoop for him to try to disrupt the signal, so it’s the only option we have.

  Rodeo radios in, letting us know that they’re approaching the gate just as we hear the commotion outside. Cartel men are scrambling around the compound, yelling in Spanish. I doubt they’ve ever had anyone with enough balls to ride right up to their front door in the middle of the day. It’s our cue to move.

  All of us know where we’re headed. This isn’t a mission to take down the cartel. Our only goal today is to get as many of the women out of here as we can. My only focus is Rose. The plan is for us to split up into smaller teams to blanket the building, but Gunner and Ink are coming with me straight to Rose’s level.

  We creep along the property until we make it to the apartments. The task force men and Venom head below to the cells. We suspect there will be more guards down there with them. The rest of the group splits up among the three levels, while I hightail it to the top.

  I don’t even know what to expect when I get to Rose. She hasn’t seen me since I was in my teens. Will she come with me? What if these women don’t want to leave? We have no clue if they’re suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Hell, it’s possible that the ones who were sold to the cartel may have a better life here than they did on the outside.

  I’m not a religious man, but right now as I make it to my sister’s door, I pray to God this all goes well. That none of my brothers lose their lives trying to save these women. There’s only one way to find out.

  Taking a deep breath, I open the door to her apartment. Nothing could have prepared me for the scene in front of me. I have no doubt that the man in front of me is Enterrador himself. Fucking cocksucker.

  Chapter 32


  I’m going to lose my damn mind! We know that both teams made it into Mexico. Havoc’s team is in the compound right fucking now, and we haven’t heard anything.

  The only reason we know anything at all is because Casanova slipped up and mentioned that they had a com system and knew what was happening. The three of us have been stuck to him like glue ever since Rodeo told the teams they were headed across the border. Usually, he’d probably love the attention but three pushy women throwing questions at him every two minutes has to be hell.

  He’s avoiding mi Reina entirely—she gets the most pissed off when he can’t answer her questions. The team inside the compound has been the quietest, and that’s where Venom is, so she’s a damn hot mess and quite capable of getting stabby.

  “So, who’s this Emily girl that they’re trying to rescue with Rose?”

  Mi Reina clenches her fists and swallows hard, taking a sip of her water before answering, “She’s a dancer that used to work at Blue Bells. They called her Tempest.”

  Understanding dawns on my face. “Oh, so she was your friend? And that’s why you’re worried?

  A humorless chuckle escapes her lips. “Friend? No, I knew her. But she wasn’t really my friend. I’m not sure she was really anybody’s friend. Emily was an addict, a junkie, and she didn’t really confide in anyone. I wish that she had confided in me. Loki was supplying her with drugs and forcing her to do things in return.”

  Her eyes glisten, and I cover her hand with mine as she continues, “If she had just told me what was going on, I could’ve gotten my pops involved sooner and helped her. She wouldn’t have been sold to the fucking cartel.”

  “Oh, mi Reina. You know that none of what happened to her is your fault, right?”

  Doubt covers her face and something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “You didn’t give her drugs. You didn’t force her to do anything. You didn’t make her keep quiet. And you sure as hell didn’t sell her. You have to let go of the guilt you’re carrying. It isn’t yours to carry.”

  “You’re wrong. I do deserve to carry the burden of guilt. So much guilt. Part of me is actually glad that she turned to drugs. And that she disappeared. Because if she was still in the picture, I’m not sure that I’d have what I have. And I wouldn’t fucking give him up for anything.”

  What the hell is she talking about? This lack of information from the guys must be driving her mad too.

  “What do you mean, mi Reina?”

  “Venom and Emily were together… before. They loved each other. They were happy for a time. Her drug use and her decision to use sex to fund her addiction, drove Venom away. But it crushed him. Ruined him for other women. Made him swear off love,” her voice hiccupped, saturated with unshed tears.

  “Until you,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, until me.” She shakes her head ruefully. “But don’t you see, if she hadn’t left the picture, there wouldn’t have been a me on his radar. What if …” her voice trails off.

  “What if what? What if seeing her again awakens something in Venom? Makes him want to go back to what he had then?”

  She doesn’t answer me. But she doesn’t need to, the look on her face tells me what she fears.

  “Honey, you have to know that you are his whole world. Whatever he had with her can’t hold a candle to what the two of you have. Stop thinking about that.”

  Her fingers trace the ring of condensation left on the bar from her glass of water. I’m surprised she isn’t drinking tequila. A shot might help her nerves.

  “How sick is it that I’m glad she was gone? I’m a shitty person. And that guilt isn’t even the worst of what I carry today.”

  “Talk to me. You can tell me anything.”

  “What if he doesn’t make it out, and the last time I talked to him we fought?” mi Reina whispers.

  Scrunching my eyebrows, I ask, “You and Venom fought? About what? Her?”

  Looking at me with tears in her eyes, her voice trembles as she answers, “Not Venom, Angel. Havoc. What if he doesn’t make it out and the last thing I did was fight with him?”

  Pulling her in for a hug, I rub her back and try to reassure her. “He’ll be okay mi Reina. They all will. You can’t be thinking like that. And you and Venom will be better than ever.”

  Nodding, she steps back from me, and swipes angrily at her eyes. “They better be, because I can’t do this alone,” she says, confusing me again. Do what alone? She looks down, a small smile coming to her face as she rests a hand on her stomach.

  Gasping I cover my mouth with my hand, “No? Really? You’re embarazada? Pregnant?”

  She smiles up at me, and I know the answer. That explains the water instead of tequila and definitely explains why her emotions have been running from weepy to stabby today. “Does Venom know? Hell, mi Reina, do any of them know?”

  Shaking her head at me, “No, none of them do. I didn’t want them to worry. I need them, all of them, to have their heads in the game today. They have to come back to me, Angel. They have to.”

  Chapter 33


  “Where’s my fucking sister?” I growl out. This motherfucker is the picture of calm. That’s saying a lot when he’s got three men with guns trained on him ready to kill his ass.

  Hooking his ankle over his knee, he asks, “Where’s your father?’

  Taking a few steps forward, I spit out, “Dead. Now, I won’t ask you again. Where the hell is my sister?”

  Snapping his fingers, he yells, “Gabriel.”

  G walks out with Rose and Emily. What the fuck? Both girls are crying as he walks them into the room at gunpoint. I wanted G to warn Rose that we were coming, but he said he’d never been able to get too close to the women.

  I want, no I need to ask him what the fuck is going on. Find out why he’s in here with a gun pointing at my sister. But I don’t have enough information to know if he’s sold us out or not. He may be Ink’s brother, but if I find out he did sell us out, he’ll be getting a bullet in the head today.

  “I believe that you’ve met Gabriel. Isn’t that right, Havoc?” Enterrador asks.

  “Just give me my fucking sister, and we won’t put a bullet in your head.”

  Rose finally looks up from the floor, her eyes searching mine, confused.

  “I’m here, Ro. We came as soon as we could. I didn’t know.” I tell her in a soft voice.

  “Nobody has called me that in years. No one ever did but my brother. How could you know… Eric?”

  “Yeah, Ro. It’s me.”

  A sob rips from her throat. “Sorry to break up this little family reunion, but I believe this is also a reunion for you and my associate here, Gabriel,” Enterrador says with a smirk.

  I look in Enterrador’s face and say with all the conviction I can muster, “I don’t know that fucker, but I do know that I will be leaving here today with my sister. One way or another she’s coming with me.”

  Chuckling Enterrador stands, buttoning his suit as he does. “Havoc, I’m not a stupid man, so please don’t treat me as such. It may have taken us some time to figure it out. In the end, his decision to meet with you and the girl is what helped us put the pieces together. If we hadn’t been following your father, we would’ve never known him for the traitor he is,” he spat out, his voice dripping with venom.

  Walking over to my sister and G, “You took care of your father. Something that needed to be handled, and for that I’m grateful. As an expression of my gratitude, I’ll let you leave with your sister, Rose, today. Hell, I’ll even give you the whore, but only because we’ll soon be family. We’ll call it a truce,” he finishes pushing the girls over to us.

  “What the fuck do you mean when you say that we’ll be family?” I snarl, as I shuffle Rose and Emily behind me. Ink and Gunner surround them, so they’re protected.

  He walks circles around G, who stands still as a statue, without answering me. Considering that Enterrador doesn’t seem to be armed, he sure is a cocky bastard. Any of the four of us could shoot him in a second, assuming G is still on our side.

  Stopping behind G, who tenses at the positioning, Enterrador says, “Well your sister, Rose, is already family. She’s given my lieutenant three children. And soon, your sister, Lilly will be mine.”

  “The hell she will” Gunner roars.

  A sick smile crosses Enterrador’s face as he looks at us. “And who’s protecting her right now?” he asks as he pulls a knife from his pocket and stabs G in the side. Ink opens fire hitting Enterrador before he slips down the hallway into one of the rooms.

  Ink rushes to G, as Gunner pursues Enterrador down the hall. Stepping forward to help, I’m halted by Rose grabbing my arm. I turn to face her, as desperate words fall from her lips, “My children, Havoc. They… they have my children.”

  I take a moment to actually look at my sister for the first time today. She looks like her mother. The only feature we share is our blue eyes. She’s been crying, that’s easy to see. About as easy as the baby bump she’s sporting. Fuck me.

  “Please, we have to get them out of here,
” she pleads in a hiccupping voice.

  Gunner comes back into the room, frustration evident on his face. “He’s gone. The son of a bitch is gone. We need to get back to Ed’s, now!” he exclaims.

  Ink is over the com telling everyone to retreat. His voice is frantic as he tries to contact Casanova. “Trouble may be heading your way, brother. Take the girls and get somewhere safe. Do you copy, Casanova?” He waits, while static is the only answer on the line. “Casanova?” Casanova doesn’t answer. No one that stayed at Ed’s with the girls does.

  Ink hoists G up over his shoulder. He’s already lost a lot of blood. Time is running out. We all rush from the top level, thundering down the stairs as quickly as possible. The rest of the brothers meet us at the back of the building.

  Venom is out of breath, as he tells us, “They have the entrance to the tunnel covered. We’re going to have to fight our way out of here.”

  All of the brothers that rode in through the front gate, are on their way back across the border to protect the girls.Damn, it looks like we’re all we’ve got to get out of here.

  Looking at a barely conscious G, I shout, “Where are the kids?”

  “Gone,” he rasps out. “They moved them from the compound this morning.”

  Fuck! Turning to my sister, I urgently explain, “Rose, we’ve got to go. I promise you we’ll find them, but right now we have to get out of here.”

  She falls to her knees crying. She can’t move for the emotions roiling through her. Drawing a deep breath, I try to figure out the best way to handle the situation. I get it. I really do, but right now we don’t have time for this. Picking her up, I cradle her to my chest. Everyone surrounds Ink and me. We have a shell-shocked Emily sandwiched between the two of us. Venom and Gunner lead us all. We move as a single unit, trudging along.

  The area is eerily quiet, like in horror movies before the disfigured serial killer with chainsaws for hands jumps out and cuts the head off the unsuspecting fuckers who stupidly ran out of the house after dark. A quick survey of the area shows no one waiting near the tunnel entrance.


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