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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 32

by Ambere Sabo

  "I thought you said they had the tunnel covered?" Gunner says.

  "They did," Venom says, wariness weighting his words. "Where the hell did the fuckers go?"

  "Everybody watch your backs. They could be hiding, trying to ambush us," Gunner warns.

  We hurry to the tunnel entrance in a tight knot of crouched bodies, everyone with their weapons drawn and ready. Each step I take, I fully expect to be cut down by a bullet shot from somewhere behind us. Anxiety over our current situation traps my breath in my lungs. My mind flashes to Angel. I never told her exactly how I feel about her. Now I might never get a chance. Each step toward the tunnel, is a step closer to having her back in my arms—where I will convince her to stay. Somehow.

  The hundred yards to entrance feels like a mile, but we make it to the tunnel in minutes. “That was too easy,” Venom yells over his shoulder.

  “Agreed,” most of us say in unison. Something isn’t right. But we don’t have time to waste trying to figure out what’s wrong.

  As soon as we step through the tunnel and trigger the motion sensor, we know what isn’t right. BOOM! BOOM! Two explosions go off, and the tunnel starts to waiver. “Run,” Gunner yells as he scoops up Emily.

  We race to outrun the destruction the explosions generated. My arm is going to sleep, where I have Rose’s weight settled unevenly. My legs burn with every pounding step I take. But putting her down or stopping aren’t options, so I force my brain to command each foot to carry us forward.

  Half a mile in, the tunnel behind us collapses. Dust fills the air, making the visibility in the tunnel next to nothing, but we keep running finally making it to the exit.

  As soon as we’re through it, Hoser pulls G from Ink’s arms and into the back of his truck. “Is anyone else injured?”

  I quickly survey everyone in our dirt-covered group. It looks like the rest of us made it out without any significant damage.

  “Where’s Redneck?” Ink exclaims.

  We all look around, searching. He’s not here.

  “He was right behind me,” Jekyll tells him. “Fuck. I didn’t see him after the tunnel collapsed.”

  Climbing into his truck, Hoser announces, “I’m rushing G to the hospital. Someone go back inside and see if you can find Redneck. The rest of you need to get to the fucking bar.”

  Without any explanation for the end of his statement, he tears out of the parking lot, tires screeching and kicking up gravel.



  I didn’t know if I’d ever be back here. But as I stand here gazing down at my parents’ graves, I know that they’d be proud of all I’ve done. My eyes travel around, taking in the place where I grew up. The farm looks nothing like it did the last time I was here.

  The charred remains of my childhood home and the barn have been torn down. The land is finally starting to repair itself. The green of new growth juts up everywhere I look. Soon it will be ready for harvest, and I know the seasonal workers we had will be happy for it.

  G was able to convince his boss that this would be a prime location for their new headquarters. With his cover blown, he can no longer work within the cartel. Hell, he’s lucky he didn’t die the day he was outed, but he’ll lead the field office here instead. He’s doing an amazing job so far. Mi mama would be incredibly happy that he chose to employ the same workers she did to work the land.

  The plot my family is buried on won’t be touched by the task force. It was a stipulation Hyde made sure went into the contract for purchase. At the time I sold the land, I didn’t know what life held for me, so it was a silly clause to me, but as I lay roses on their graves, I’m extremely thankful for it. The debt I owe the Dominion MC for helping me deal with the farm is high, but I know to them, I owe them nothing.

  We all owe them more than we can ever repay. The graves on the other side of my family plot can attest to that. I like to think that even in death, Redneck and Casanova are bickering somewhere.

  “You ready to go, carino?” Hoser asks, walking up behind me.

  Smiling up at him, I nod, and we walk back to his truck together. A lot of changes have happened in the last few months. I didn’t know what to expect after Wrecker came for me. I really thought I’d be dead soon after that. I only hoped that I could take some of the damn cartel with me on the way out. It’s been an adjustment to stop living in the short term.

  No longer having him or the cartel hunting me is liberating. It took me a while to realize what it is that I want. Being here where I grew up and where my parents died, just cements that life is too short to take things for granted.

  We’re running late. We should’ve been at Ink’s tattoo shop an hour ago. The ride’s quiet, giving me time to mull over my decisions. When we pull into the parking lot, Hoser asks, “Are you sure this is what you want, carino?”

  “I am. More than anything,” I answer honestly. He blows out a resigned breath before nodding back at me.

  We both get out of the truck and walk into the shop. Ink comes out of a room when the bell above the door chimes.

  “Hey, Angel. Hyde told me you’d be in today. What can I do for you?” Ink asks.

  “I want to get a tattoo,” I answer with a little tremble in my voice. God, I hate needles. My blood races and my heart slams against my ribs like a caged bird trying to break free. I’m scared to damn death to get this done, but if it shows him just what he means to me, it’ll be worth the pain. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and nod, reassuring myself that I can do this.

  “The hell you are,” Havoc exclaims coming out of the room Ink was just in. Why is he shirtless? He rarely goes without at least a wife beater on, except when it’s just the two of us. What the hell… And more importantly why is he here?

  “Havoc, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to be working with the task force today?” I question, confused as hell. He can’t be here for this. He’s ruining the surprise.

  Walking over to me, he pulls me to him. Leaning down, he kisses me senseless, making me forget what I’m even here for. My arms wrap around his waist and begin to trail up his back. He jerks back from me, grunting out in pain.

  “Havoc, what’s wrong?” I ask concerned before noticing the black substance on my hands. “What the hell is this?” I exclaim as Ink hands me a damp paper towel to clean off my hands.

  Havoc blows out a breath and looks at the ceiling. Hoser won’t make eye contact with me at all. Ink has a guilty as shit look on his face. “Alright, one of you pendejo’s better start fucking talking,” I exclaim.

  “Calm down, sweet cheeks. Why don’t I just show you instead,” he replies and turns around.

  Confusion is quickly replaced with awe as my eyes track over every inch of Havoc’s back. The skin that my fingers and lips have mapped and memorized is stained with ink. The sight in front of me is almost more than I can take. The scars that crisscross Havoc’s back are no longer visible. Where they once dominated his flesh, is now concealed by the emblem of the Sons but with one massive change.

  The Silent Sons have a skull on their cuts, like many MCs do. But the thing that makes theirs unique it that the skull commands “speak no evil” with its finger to its mouth in a shushing motion. It’s rather fitting considering their name. Instead of a skull though, Havoc has my face in its place. But it’s done up in Dia de Los Muertos style. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

  “It’s gorgeous, Havoc. Ink did a fantastic job. But why would you do this?” I whisper with tears filling my eyes, my fingers reaching to touch the unmarked skin next to the image on his flesh.

  “Can you give us a second?” he asks, looking at Ink and Hoser. They retreat to the back of the shop without a word.

  Grabbing my hand, Havoc pulls me over to the row of chairs along the wall. We sit down facing each other. For some reason, my heart is racing. I wring my fingers together, nervously.

  Havoc reaches over and untangles my fingers. His fingers draw patterns in my palm. “I did this beca
use I’m yours, sweet cheeks. I know how you feel about being claimed. Hell, about being my Ol’ Lady. I did this to show you, I don’t need to claim you, because no matter what the title you want me to have, I belong to you.”

  By the time he’s finished, tears stream down my face. Taking my face in his hands, he wipes my cheeks with his thumbs before softly kissing my lips.

  Pulling away from my lips just enough that his breath caresses my face, he asks softly, “Why are you here, sweet cheeks?”

  Slipping the piece of paper from my pocket, I hand him the script Lil made for me. In the most beautiful lettering, it reads Havoc’s Lady.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise,” I whisper before his mouth is on mine. We pour every unspoken word into the kiss, only stopping when someone clears their throat.

  With a chuckle, Ink speaks up, “Not that I don’t love a good show, but I doubt Hoser agrees with me. Havoc, we need to get your back cleaned up and bandaged, especially since Angel touched it. Got to make sure it heals right. And, Angel, you ready to tell me what I can do for you?”

  Standing, Havoc hands Ink the slip of paper and pulls me up from my seat. Ink looks over the script with a smirk and a nod. Havoc leads me to the room I saw him and Ink come out of. Looking around, I realize this is where Ink does his tattoos.

  “Ok, Havoc, assume the position,” Ink says directing Havoc back to the chair that occupies the majority of the space in the room. “As soon as I get him taken care of and the room cleaned up, we’ll get yours done, Angel.”

  Spraying some sort of liquid on Havoc’s back, he cleans off all the excess ink. Then I get a clearer view of the artwork that now covers almost all of Havoc’s back. What stands out the most is the bright emerald, green eyes. It truly is a beautiful piece.

  Once he’s finished with Havoc, Ink talks with me about pain and the best spot for my new ink. I decide to get the script placed on the inside of my wrist. Both Ink and Havoc joke about it missing a word, but I’m not Old damn it. Getting the tattoo hurts like hell, but it’s over in less than thirty minutes. Ink gives us the aftercare instructions and promises to see us both shortly at Ed’s. He just needs to close up the shop.

  Havoc and I have split most of our time since the night in Juarez between the Sons’ and Dominion’s clubhouses. We’re working with the EPPD task force in hopes of getting Rose’s and Emily’s children out of the hands of the cartel. Rose is lost without her babies, and Havoc has promised to do all he can to get them back to her.

  The cartel has scattered from the Juarez compound, and the task force is having difficulty pinpointing their location. G asked that we come to Ed’s tonight before we ride back to the Sons. I’m assuming he wants to tell us something that he doesn’t want the task force to know about, but who the hell knows at this point.

  As we pull up to Ed’s, the sight of the familiar bikes makes me grin. But there’s a familiar truck that doesn't belong here. Why on earth didn’t mi Reina let us know she’d be here as well? Walking into the bar, I see that not only are mi Reina and Venom here, so are Lil, Gunner, and Rodeo.

  The girls walk over to us as soon as we're through the door. The three of us have a group hug before I ask, “What are y’all doing here?”

  “Not a damn clue, Hyde called Rodeo saying we needed to be here, so here we are but no one’s talking yet.” mi Reina answers, throwing her hands in the air, impatient as usual.

  She’s almost five months pregnant now and has the cutest little baby bump. Don’t tell her that though, she’s one cranky pregnant woman. The next four months will be interesting. I don’t envy Venom at all. He dotes on her though and will make an amazing father to their little boy.

  We don’t have to wait long before Hyde calls the meeting to order, “Alright, I’m sure everyone’s wondering why we called the Sons in for this. But G is the one who called this meeting, so that’s a question for him.”

  Looking around, I don’t see G at the table. The Dominion club lost four members when the cartel came here for Lilly. Mi Reina had grown tired while we waited for news, so the two of us had gone with her to the cabin to lay down. Casanova took us on the golf cart and was the first one to lose his life when he made it back to Ed’s. My heart still clenches at the thought of the world no longer containing the flirty man. The cartel couldn’t get into the cabin and fled when they were outnumbered by the group of bikers that Rodeo and Wraith had with them.

  G’s voice rumbles over the speaker of Hyde’s phone, “Alright, there’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come out with it. After the raid, we weren’t sure if Enterrador made it out alive or not. Today, we found out that he’s alive and kicking.”

  “Are you sure?” Cessy questions.

  “Hyde, give them the letter I sent over this morning,” G directs, and Hyde slides a letter across the table to Lilly. She picks it up with shaky fingers and unfolds it. Her eyes scan it quietly as G explains what the paper is.

  “This was found yesterday on an Infierno member we took in for questioning. He was told to deliver it to your clubhouse outside of Austin. It’s addressed to you, Lilly, but we wanted to be sure it was the real deal before worrying anyone. The handwriting has been analyzed, and it is indeed Enterrador,” he finishes, blowing out a breath.

  Lilly has been reading the letter the whole time G’s been talking. Fear creeps across her face with each word she reads. Havoc reaches out to take the letter from her, but instead, she hands it to Gunner, who sits on the other side of her. He reads it aloud:

  “Dearest Lilly, I’ve dreamed of you every night since the day you became mine. The issues with your father had to be dealt with, but now that he is gone from this world, I can focus on what truly matters… you. The time has come, my beauty. I’ll see you soon.” Gunner’s words are interrupted by Havoc’s fist slamming into the table and his uttered, “Fuck.”

  Gunner lays the paper down and finishes, “It’s signed Enterrador.”


  A Silent Sons MC Novel Book Three

  Ambere Sabo


  All rights reserved.


  Copyright 2018 © Ambere Sabo

  Published by: Ambere Sabo

  Edited by: Charlotte Stanley

  Cover by Designs by Dana

  Format by: Ambere Sabo

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Ambere Sabo, the author/publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental


  To some, I'm the monster they tell their children to fear. A man capable of killing without remorse or regret. Preparing my victims for their graves as I go. To others, I'm their leader. Someone they would follow blindly to their deaths if asked. But to her, I was the one that held her heart. The one who would do anything just to see her smile.

  She was my light in the darkness, and without her, I am lost. The night she took her last breath the man I was died right beside her. They turned me into the monster I am today, Enterrador, The Undertaker, whatever you choose to call me. I am the devil of their making, and this is how I was made.


  This novel includes graphic situations with detailed violence, sex, and language. It may be offensive to some readers and includes situations that may be triggers for certain individuals. This book is intended for a mature audience.


  To the villains in all our lives,

  for they helped
make us the people we are today.



  I’ll never forget the way she looked the day I met her, my Alex. She was barely eleven, running through the gardens at her family home with my sister, Selena. The way they were, so carefree and happy, I thought they were silly little girls acting childish. But truly, I was jealous as hell of their ability to find happiness in the smallest things. My world as I knew it was falling apart, yet they didn’t have a care in the world.

  Alex was a beauty, even then with her long blonde hair pulled back in braids that ran down her back. She had the bluest eyes and lightest skin I’d ever seen. What would become my favorite feature of her face was the smile she wore. It could light up the darkest of places.

  Little did I know in the years to come, that little girl would become my entire world. We’d have a life fairytales couldn’t come close to, and God was I happy. Until the night they took it all away.

  The skeletons in my closet reared their ugly heads, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it. I left her alone and unprepared. Without the slightest clue the man she loved was hated by many. Without a thought she could ever be in danger. To her, I was a simple accountant. Why would anyone want to hurt us?

  In the dark, I helped the cartel thrive, making them more profitable than ever before. More money meant more power, and power was the only thing that drove Diablo. He used it to crush his competition, and they blamed it all on me. The man who handled the numbers. My Alex gave up everything to be with me, and I cost her, her life.

  No amount of killing would ever bring her or our baby back to me. And I’ll live with the guilt of their deaths every day of my life. The pain of losing them molded me into a man capable of anything. A man Alex wouldn’t even recognize, let alone love.


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