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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

Page 9

by Lane Hart

  “I know everyone’s secrets whether I want to or not,” I reply since it’s part of the job. “Have you ever told anyone else here about your husband?”

  “No,” she responds, momentarily lowering her eyes from the camera. “Vicky knows that I was in a bad relationship when I first came to town and we were roommates. That’s why she told me about you and your computer skills. She doesn’t know the details, though.”

  “Good,” I tell her.

  “Why is it good that I haven’t shared that secret with anyone?” Cynthia asks.

  “Because I like knowing something about you that no one else knows,” I explain.

  “Yes, you’re the all-knowing, all-powerful Oz,” she huffs with a good-natured roll of her emerald eyes. “Now, spill. Tell me something about yourself that your brothers don’t know.”

  Leaning back in my chair to get comfortable, I try to figure out what to tell her. There’s really not much, at least much that I want to tell the woman I’m currently seeing.

  “If you give me something good, I’ll let you see what I’m wearing,” Cynthia teases me, instantly making my gut tighten with need. So, I cave, and I tell her a secret because I do want to see the rest of her body, no matter what she has on.

  “I was married,” I blurt out.

  “You were married? Really?” she asks, leaning away from the computer screen as if I’ve knocked her backward. “When?”

  “A long time ago,” I answer.

  “Well, what happened? Are you still married?” she asks.

  “No,” I reply. “Divorced.”

  “Oh. Wow,” she says, followed by a long silent pause where she’s probably waiting for me to go into details. That’s too bad, because I’ve already told her more about my personal life than I wanted.

  “Does anyone else in the MC know that you were married?” Cynthia asks.


  “Now I see what you mean,” she says with a small smile. “I really like being the only person to know one of your secrets.”

  “Is that secret sufficient for the quid pro quo you promised?” I ask.

  “Even better than I expected actually,” Cynthia tells me before she pushes her laptop back…showing me her creamy tits that are overflowing from the top of her red nightie. Jesus. The view is well worth spilling my deep, dark secret. Seeing my more than obvious rapt attention on her breasts, she cups both, pushing them together and says, “The size you picked out is a little small for me…”

  “No,” I respond as my mouth goes dryer than it ever did during my time stationed in the desert. “It’s perfect.”

  “So, you like it?” she asks, sounding almost self-conscious.

  “Oh yeah,” I say. “Stand up and let me see the garters.”

  Biting down on her bottom lip, she says, “Not yet. Not until I get another one of your secrets.”

  Fuck, I would tell her anything she wants to know to see the rest of the naughty outfit.

  “Tell me something about your family,” she insists. So, I do.

  “I have an older sister. And you probably won’t believe me,” I start. “But we were raised…in a nudist colony.”

  A burst of girly laughter floats through the speakers. “You’re right,” she says. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

  “It’s unfortunately true,” I assure her. “My parents, my sister, and her husband and kids still live there. Which is exactly why I never visit. I do keep in touch by phone, but no…face-to-face contact.”

  “Wow,” Cynthia says with a shake of her head and a smile lifting her lips. “I can’t even imagine. What was that like? Growing up there?”

  “Incredibly awkward,” I answer. “Especially when I was a teenager. I left for college and haven’t been back since.”

  “And then you went into the Army?”

  “I did,” I say with a nod. “Right after 9/11. I left school in the middle of my sophomore year to join up, fulfil my patriotic duty.”

  “That’s incredible, Reece,” Cynthia tells me. “Thank you for everything you sacrificed to serve.”

  To try and prevent further questions on this subject, and because I can’t wait another second, I tell her, “Now show me your panties.”

  “Yes, sir,” Cynthia agrees with a sexy purr. “Although, I was surprised you didn’t ask me to wear the maid outfit.”

  “No way,” I tell her. “When you wear that maid outfit, you can bet your fine ass that I’ll be there in the room to take it off of you.”

  “Oh, well, of course,” she agrees before she finally, thankfully, stands up, showing me everything from her neck down to her knees on the camera, which includes the garters and the red panties with the white fluffy trim.

  “Damn,” I mutter as I look her gorgeous body over from top to bottom and everything in between. “Now I wish I were in the room to take that one off of you.”

  “Just seven more dates,” Cynthia reminds me.

  “The fourth tomorrow?” I ask.

  “What do you have in mind?” she asks as she takes a seat again so that I’m talking to her face and not her sexy curves.

  “You could really use a better selection of wine,” is all I tell her about our plans. “Can I pick you up at your place at seven?”

  “Sure,” she agrees with a blinding smile. “Can’t wait.”

  “Me either,” I admit.

  I never thought I would look forward to leaving the clubhouse as much as I do when I get to see Cynthia. But the problem is that I can’t just up and leave whenever I want. Someone has to keep an eye on things. Not only do I monitor the security for the clubhouse, but also several members’ houses, Avalon, the Jolly Roger Hotel, the salvage yard, and a few other Savage Kings’ establishments.

  So, what the hell am I going to do about it?

  Chapter Fifteen


  When I open my apartment door for Reece, he doesn’t say hello. He simply stares at me. Or stares at my outfit.

  “Is this okay for where we’re going?” I ask in concern when I glance down at my flowing black, long-sleeved dress and my black knee-high boots.

  “That peek of your thigh that’s sandwiched between the top of your boots and the hem of the dress is begging for a hand to rub up underneath it,” he informs me.

  “Ah, is that a bad thing?” I ask.

  “No,” Reece responds with a shake of his head, still eyeing my thighs. “Just don’t be surprised if my palm tries to sneak up your skirt later. More than once. Feel free to slap it away.”

  Going up on my toes to kiss his cheek, I whisper, “You have my permission to touch me anywhere your big heart desires.”

  One of Reece’s hands wrap around the bare skin of my thigh before my feet are flat again. “I’m not sure if your permission is a blessing or a curse.”

  “If I had to guess, it’s going to be a blessing for me and a curse for you,” I tell him as his touch inches upward, the pad of his thumb running along my inner thigh up, up, up until it’s pressed against the crotch of my panties. A gasp leaves my lips and I grab Reece’s forearms for balance as he rubs his thumb back and forth over my clit until the lace is soaking wet.

  “You can’t wear these out,” he says.

  “I-I can’t?” I ask when I look up into his silver gaze.

  His thumb ventures deeper to the now soggy fabric and then presses up into my opening. “You can’t go out in public in panties I make you come in. Because if I catch even a whiff of the scent of your arousal, I’ll have no choice but to bury my face between your thighs, no matter where we may happen to be.”

  “You-you’re gonna make me come? Ri-right now?” I stutter through panting breaths.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asks, stealing a quick kiss from my lips when he moves the pad of his thumb back to my clit to keep rubbing me through the lace.

  “No,” I admit, gripping his forearms tighter as my knees begin to tremble.

  “Good,” he responds. “Now give it up
to me.”

  “Here?” I ask.

  “Why not? You worried the Chubby Professor may see? He could probably stand to learn a few things,” Reece says without his thumb missing a beat.

  The thought of getting caught standing here in my doorway with Reece’s hand up my dress is what helps finally send me over the edge. I bury my face in his chest, inhaling the leather scent of his cut as my legs shake and my body shudders with the sudden burst of pleasure exploding through me. It may not have been the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, but it was still one of the most powerful, because it was Reece making it happen. He touched me without asking or wanting me to return the favor. His only goal was to make me feel good. And I do.

  “Thanks,” I tilt my head back to look up at his face and tell him, my palms still braced on his chest.

  “With your cheeks flushed like that, you glow even brighter, sunshine,” he replies with a grin. His thumb moves from my mound and then the next thing I know my panties are being tugged down to the top of my boots. “I’ll be using these later…” Reece says before he crouches to pull the lace over my boots and I lift my feet for him to remove them completely. It takes that long before his words sink into my hazy mind.

  “Can I watch?” I ask him.

  Dangling my panties from his finger, he says, “You want to see these wrapped around my cock before I dirty them up?”


  “Okay,” he agrees. “Tomorrow night. It’ll give me something to look forward to, especially if you return the favor.”

  “Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” I tease him.

  Smiling as he tucks my panties into his front jean pocket, Reece says, “I have to say that, so far, I’m a big fan of dating.”

  “Oh really?” I ask. “And where are you taking me tonight?”

  “A wine tasting,” he answers, and then his eyes search my face as if worried about my response.

  “That sounds perfect,” I tell him, leaning up to kiss his lips. “Thanks for tonight. I’ve already had a great time.”

  “My pleasure,” Reece responds, meeting my lips for another quick kiss. “But we better get moving before I change my mind and drag you back inside.”

  “And miss tasting wine? No way, buddy,” I joke. “Let me put on another pair of panties and we can head out.”

  “If I make those wet before the end of the night, will you let me keep them?” he asks.

  “Give it your best shot,” I tell him with a grin.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Have you watched any of the maid pornos yet?” Cynthia asks right away without preamble when our FaceTime video call starts the next night.

  “No. Not yet,” I answer.

  “No? Why not?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I thought about it. But then I realized I wouldn’t want you getting off to some other guy…”

  “So, you’re saying that you think jerking off to porn is cheating on me?” she asks with a grin.

  “Yeah, it sort of feels like that.”

  Chin braced on her palm so that she looks like a fallen angel, she says, “Well, that’s sweet I guess, but I won’t mind if you do.”

  “I’d rather think about you,” I tell her truthfully.

  “I’d rather you think about me too,” she responds with a radiant smile.

  “Actually, if I can’t be there with you, I’d rather see you than just think about you,” I amend.

  “Do you want to see more of me?” she offers with her finger toying with the collar of her blouse.

  “Hell yes, sunshine,” I reply as if there is more than one answer to that question. “What are you gonna show me?”

  “I could take off my top?”

  “Please,” I beg while reaching down to adjust my cock that’s already starting to lengthen down the leg of my jeans with anticipation.

  Her fingernail continues to tug the V of her blouse down her chest teasingly when she says, “Tell me something else about yourself first.”

  “I should’ve known better than to expect a peep show from you without more quid pro quo,” I joke. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything,” she replies. “You know, your likes, dislikes, hopes and fears.”

  Leaning back in my chair to consider my answers, I finally respond. “I like…you, especially your cooking. I dislike not seeing you tonight. I hope I can take you out tomorrow, and I fear…that I may die if you don’t show me a little more skin.”

  “Cute,” Cynthia says with a tinkling laugh. “But try again.”

  “Fine,” I grumble. “I like…having all the responsibility of the club’s security on my shoulders, but I’m starting to wish I had a backup, someone to help me out more often than Eddie when he fills in.”

  “Then why can’t you just train someone else?” she asks. “You could divide up your schedule if you had a partner. That’s what Vicky and I do. She prefers nights because her husband is a sheriff and is on a lot of night shifts, and I like working in the day so that I can cook a nice meal at night.”

  “And you actually like cooking?” I ask her since it’s never been an activity that I find enjoyable.

  “I do,” she responds with a smile. “Even when I was a kid, I liked to help my grandmother in the kitchen. She’s the one who taught me. The woman pretty much raised me. My mother went out and partied most nights and slept all day.”

  “What about your father?” I ask.

  “I don’t even know his name,” she replies. “Not sure if my mother knew it either.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” I tell her. “At least you had someone to take care of you.”

  “Yeah, I was lucky my grandmother stepped in to raise me. But she was in her seventies when I was born, so I didn’t have many years with her. She died when I was seventeen.”

  “Sorry,” I say again.

  “Wait, weren’t you supposed to be answering my questions? We covered likes. Now I want dislikes.”

  “Fine,” I huff. “I don’t like talking about myself.”


  “I don’t know,” I respond honestly. “Maybe because I don’t want anyone to have shit on me if it ends badly. You know, like the fact that I enjoy maid porn.”

  “That’s perfectly understandable,” Cynthia says. “It’s hard to know who you can trust with those secrets.”

  “Exactly,” I agree. “But I’m trying…”

  “Yes, you are,” she replies. “Which is why I think I’ll just take this top off.” Her face disappears as the fabric comes off, and then I’m staring at her ivory tits being restrained by a navy-blue satin bra with a little dainty bow right in the middle.


  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “I said if you’ll tell me hopes and fears, then I’ll lose the bra,” she informs me since I must have missed those words the first time.

  “In that case, I guess I better come up with some answers.” While I think it over, I make myself look up at her face again. It’s easier to concentrate that way. “Okay,” I start when I decide to tell her the truth. “You can’t ever tell anyone this,” I warn her.

  “Cross my nipples,” she says, running her finger in the shape of a cross on each one through her bra. Jesus. How can I refuse this woman anything?

  That’s why I find myself blurting out, “Mosquitos.”

  “You’re afraid of…mosquitos?” she asks me slowly.

  “Yes. And ticks,” I add before defending my position. “Both are filthy fucking blood suckers who feed off of people! Just wait and see, they’re gonna wipe out the entire human race one of these day with some nasty ass disease.”

  “Okay, when you put it that way, now I’m terrified of them,” Cynthia responds with a shiver. “Yuck. Let’s move on to something else. Hopes.”

  “Yeah,” I agree since I don’t want to talk about disgusting parasites any longer. “I hope…well, I hope that I can keep everyone here safe so that nothing
like what happened with Kennedy ever happens to the club again.”

  The murder of Torin’s pregnant old lady shook the entire club down to his core. I felt the splinter and wasn’t sure if he could hold it together. But Torin pulled through, despite his grief. I just wish I could’ve done more to prevent it…

  “That’s commendable, but it’s a tall order, Reece. Some things are out of our control, no matter how much security we have in place, you know?”

  “Not on my watch again,” I reply.

  “That seems like an even better reason to have someone else helping you out with monitoring. You have to sleep and eat and have a life occasionally.”

  “I know,” I agree. “Now show me your tits so that I can get bloodshed and blood suckers out of my head.”

  “You’ve earned them,” Cynthia says before she reaches behind her back, undoing the strap so that the satin cups lower revealing the most gorgeous breasts I’ve ever seen.

  “Jesus,” I mutter.

  “They’re not as…perky as they used to be,” she says when she cups them both in her palms.

  “My cock disagrees,” I assure her. “They’re perking him right up.”

  “Show me,” she replies.

  Unashamed and turned on beyond belief, I push my chair back so that the camera has a view of my lap. Then, I unbutton and lower the zipper on my jeans to free my stiffening prick.



  “Wow,” I mutter as Reece unleashes his thick shaft. His fist gives it a few slow strokes to make it grow even longer. “Take your shirt off. Oh, and your pants too!” I instruct him because I want to see all of him.

  When he stands up to remove both, I get to see a close up of his beautiful cock before he sits back down in his chair completely naked as far as I can tell. His chest is smooth and massive with hard, sculpted muscles that continue down his stomach forming a six-pack. There’s a line of dark hair that gets thicker as it leads down to his erection that’s pointing up from between two thick thighs. The man is fucking perfection.


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