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Anarchy (Hades Book 2)

Page 11

by Tate James

  "I've got shit to take care of," he snapped, not meeting my gaze anymore. "Do me a favor, though?"

  My heart thumped hard against my chest, and a dark emotion I couldn't name welled up within me. "Anything," I murmured, meaning it with total sincerity.

  Zed grabbed his gun from the dresser and strapped the holster at his waist, then shoved a spare clip in his pocket. "Don't fucking trust them. The timing is too damn coincidental... especially for Gumdrop."

  My brows rose. "You think he's a plant? Demi ran his check, and—"

  "Demi's good, but she's not the best," he cut me off, his tone harsh as he finally spun around to face me. "There's something more going on with that kid. Maybe with Cass too. They're using you, Hayden, and you're falling for it because you're so desperate for some good dick."

  And that was as far as my patience extended. My fist snapped out, catching Zed in the face with a sharp jab. He barely even flinched, though. He just clenched his jaw and drew a deep breath before opening his eyes once more.

  "Speak to me like that again, Zayden," I hissed at him. "I fucking dare you. Maybe all the excellent orgasms I've been getting have taken the edge off my violence, but I am more than fucking happy to remind you why I am who I am. Do not test me."

  His blue eyes blazed in anger, but he didn't reply, just gave a sharp nod and stormed out of the room. A few moments later, the front door slammed and his tires squealed as he peeled out of the drive.

  When I was confident he was gone, I let the strength seep out of my bones and crumpled to the floor in a shaking heap. What the hell had that all been about? Zed and I didn't argue like that. We just didn't. So what the fuck had just tipped his anger? I didn't believe for a second it was just knowing Cass and I had fucked. That would mean his feelings for me had shifted dramatically in recent weeks, and that... that just wasn't fathomable. Not him. Not my best friend.

  I refused to even consider the possibility, because I refused to lose the most important person in my life. So there must be something else going on.

  Maybe he was on to something...


  Lucas was still in the living room when I eventually made my way back downstairs, and he looked up in question when I joined him.

  "I didn't hear any gunshots," he offered with a lopsided smile. He looked tired and in pain.

  I gave a weak smile in reply. "Not yet, anyway. Has Zed sorted you out with a bedroom yet?" Better to change the subject than try to explain Zed's confusing anger toward me today.

  Lucas shook his head. "Not yet. We didn't get back very long before you; the hospital paperwork took forever to fill out."

  "Alright, let's go sort one out. You need to rest, and I need to deal with..." I trailed off with a heavy sigh. I needed to deal with the unexpected demolition of my apartment building. It was just one more lead weight of guilt added to the already staggering weight I carried on a daily basis.

  Lucas stood up and brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "You kinda look like you need to rest, too."

  Zed was on crack, Lucas wasn't some kind of undercover spy sent to seduce and kill me. He was just a genuinely nice guy who was incredible in bed. Nothing more, nothing less.

  "I'll rest when I'm dead," I whispered back, only half joking. "Come on, we need to find linens for the spare room." Linking my fingers into his, I led the way upstairs and showed him to the guest room down the hall from Zed's room.

  He tried to help with the sheets, and I had to scold him into submission. Weirdly, I got a spike of arousal when he obeyed my command and sat his ass down in the armchair. Maybe I was just still hypersexed from my tryst with Cass earlier.

  After making the bed up and fetching him a stack of fresh towels for the shower, I ordered him into bed and ran downstairs to fetch his medication, which I'd seen sitting on the counter. Then I made a stop in Zed's room to quickly shower, change clothes and remove my gun holster.

  When I returned to Lucas's room in a pair of comfy sleep shorts and my favorite Blink 182 T-shirt, he was fast asleep. His long lashes fanned over his high cheekbones, and his face seemed so damn serene as he slept. Zed had hit the mark too damn well in his rant. Lucas was more than just sex to me already. If he turned out to be a traitor, it'd hurt more than I even wanted to consider.

  Biting my lip and swallowing the emotions that threatened to overwhelm me, I tiptoed across the carpet and drew the curtains against the setting sun. I made it halfway back to the door, intending to leave him in peace, but the sound of him shifting in bed made me pause.

  "Hayden..." he mumbled, and I cringed. I hadn't wanted to wake him up.

  "Sorry, Lucas," I whispered, changing direction to cross back over to him. Then I realized his eyes were still closed and he was just mumbling in his sleep. He was dreaming about me. And if the smile on his lips was any indication, it was a good dream.

  I couldn't help myself. I leaned over and pressed a light kiss to his lips. But that must have just played into his dream because a moment later his hands threaded into my hair, and he dragged me into the bed with him.

  Then he froze, his eyelids lifting and a grimace of pain on his face.

  "Idiot," I whispered with a soft laugh, trying to extract myself from his grip. "You must have forgotten your injuries in that dream, huh?"

  His response was just a low groan, but his fingers tightened on mine before I could fully climb off the bed. "Lie with me for a bit?"

  Ugh, how could I refuse that angelic face? I lifted the blankets and climbed into the warm bed beside him, slotting perfectly into the side of his body like we'd been created as a matching pair. Neither one of us spoke; Lucas just curled his arm around me and drifted back to sleep within seconds.

  I envied the way his whole body relaxed in sleep.

  My entire being was exhausted, yet after lying there listening to the peaceful, calm sound of Lucas's heartbeat for hours, I had to admit that sleep wasn't coming for me. Not yet. Not when I had so many dark and depressing thoughts swirling around in my brain.

  Ever so carefully, I slid out from under his arm and padded from the room.

  My phone was downstairs on the kitchen counter where I'd tossed it earlier, and I groaned when I saw how many notifications and missed calls were waiting for me. But one of the numbers made my brows shoot up in surprise, and I hit redial.

  "Ms. Timber," the woman answered after the second ring. "I'm glad you called back."

  I clicked my tongue, the gears in my mind whirling. "Special Agent Hanson. I'll admit I'm surprised to hear from you."

  "And why is that?" the FBI agent asked, sounding irritated. "You didn't think I'd want to speak with you after your entire apartment building was blown up this morning? Hell, half the law enforcement in the state is currently hoping to have a word with you, Ms. Timber."

  Anger simmered in my belly, and I sat up straighter. "It's Ms. Wolff to you, special agent," I corrected her, "and I assumed you were dead. After all, you set me up last week. I can't imagine why he left you alive." I was genuinely confused. I'd told the special agent where I would be and when, then my club had been blown up with me very nearly still inside. There was no way that was a coincidence.

  "Ms. Wolff," Agent Hanson responded in a tart voice, "if you're implying I had something to do with that accident at your club last week—"

  "I'm not implying shit, Agent Hanson. I just can't work out why you're still alive." Staring at the marble countertop, I tapped my fingernail against my lip while I thought it through. "Or maybe he wanted to see if I would kill you myself and do his dirty work for him."

  "Excuse me?" Agent Hanson squawked in my ear. "Did you just threaten my life?"

  I snorted a laugh. "Hardly." I pushed the conundrum aside to dissect another day. "So, what can I do for you today, Hanson?"

  The FBI agent made a sound like she could hardly believe what she was hearing. "I need to speak with you in person, Ms. Wolff. You were seen at the scene right before the bombs went off in your building; if y
ou're not responsible, then you know who is." Her voice was thick with frustration and irritation. It made me laugh.

  "Careful, Hanson. You're showing all your cards at once." I was mocking her, and she knew it. "But no, I won't be arranging any more in-person chats with you. Call me crazy, but I’d prefer not to get blown up this week."

  She sucked in a sharp breath. "I had nothing to do with your club exploding, Ms. Wolff. The mere fact that you're suggesting I did is—"

  "I don't have time for this, Hanson," I cut her off. "But it was nice chatting. Watch your back; you're on my shit list now."

  I ended the call before she could splutter any more bluster, then drummed my fingernails on the countertop in thought. She genuinely seemed offended by my accusation, but her actions and lack of follow-up after last week's bomb didn't sit true to a legitimate FBI Agent.

  Not coming up with any immediate answers, I checked all my other messages. They were mostly just work-related updates: check-ins from all my venue managers with their balance sheets and nightly reports attached, updates from the various Timberwolf leaders in different parts of my territory, and even a message from the Death Squad.

  Vega: Feels like something is brewing. It's too damn quiet.

  I rolled my eyes and tapped out a quick reply.

  Hades: No shit. Keep your damn eyes open and your ear to the ground. I won't tolerate another fuckup from you, Vega.

  His reply came quick.

  Vega: Understood.

  There was also a message from the Timberwolf I'd appointed to oversee Vega's business as punishment for breaking my rules. Nothing exciting from him, so I didn't reply.

  After I cleared all my work messages, I scowled down at the empty inbox. Nothing from Cass, despite his promise to talk later when I left his apartment earlier.

  Also, nothing from Zed. It wasn't like him, and it set my nerves on edge all over again.

  I sat there for several minutes, debating whether I should message either of them, then ultimately decided not to. Regardless of how I'd let Cass take control in the bedroom, I was still the boss outside of that unique situation. He could come to me, not the other way around.

  Instead, I tapped out a message to Archer D'Ath, checking on my sister. He replied promptly, confirming she was still safe, and I left it at that. She could contact me when she was ready, and I wouldn't push her. Besides, her words from yesterday still stung and sat like a lead weight in my heart.

  Frustrated and edgy, I went to Zed's freezer and pulled out a bottle of vodka. I wasn't that fussy on my spirits, but vodka needed to be cold for shots. I didn't bother to measure it out, just free-poured a double shot into a crystal tumbler, then knocking it back in a huge gulp.

  The liquor burned a fiery path down to my empty stomach, and my guts cramped in protest. I needed to put some food in me before alcohol, but I sure as hell wasn't in the mood to cook. Vodka would do, at least until the morning.

  I poured another and drank it quickly, then headed upstairs once more. Just because I hadn't been able to sleep next to Lucas didn't mean I couldn't just lie there and soak up his calm.

  "You're back," he murmured when I slipped beneath the covers. His eyes were still closed, but he shifted over to give me more space and, when I’d settled, wrapped his arms around me in a warm hug.

  "I didn't mean to wake you," I whispered back, shivering as his warmth enveloped me. On habit or instinct, I pressed a kiss to his neck.

  He gave a contented sigh and dipped his head to find my lips with his own. "You can wake me up any time you want, Hayden." He mumbled the words between kisses that were quickly getting me heated up all over again.

  "Lucas," I groaned, pulling away with mammoth effort. "I didn't come up here to take advantage of you. Just go back to sleep." In an attempt to solidify my point, I rolled over to face away from him, while still snuggled under his arm.

  Lucas shifted onto his side, too, spooning me with his strong forearm banded over my chest. He held me tight against his chest, and his lips caressed my neck like he was worshiping me.

  "You're not taking advantage, Hayden," he murmured in my ear, then dragged my lobe between his teeth teasingly. "I just can't get enough of you." A statement supported by the hard length of his erection crushed against my backside.

  I gave a small laugh, playfully biting the forearm across my chest. "Lucas, you just got out of hospital. You're injured."

  He hummed a sound, his lips trailing down my neck and his free hand sliding my shorts down over my hip. I still had no panties—thanks to Cass's shitty packing skills—and he inhaled sharply when his fingers brushed over my bare pussy.

  "I am injured," he agreed with a heavy breath as he slid a finger down my seam, searching for my clit. He found it too. No treasure map needed. I gave a small groan, my hips rocking into his touch without my permission. "But you know what would make me feel a million times better?"

  His finger slid lower, pushing into me. "I bet I could guess," I replied with a lusty laugh. "Lucas..." This time his name was said with a plea, and I didn't know if I was asking him to stop or keep going. Probably the latter.

  "I'll be so careful," he promised in a dark whisper, pumping two fingers into me and making me quake. "You're already so hot, so fucking wet..."

  Shit. He had me and he knew it. I reached behind me and tugged his sweats down, giving in to what he and I both so clearly needed.

  His breathing rough, he lifted my top leg slightly and pushed into my cunt from behind with small, rocking thrusts that made my whole body flood with heat. Only when his hips were flush with my ass did he release my leg.

  "See?" he whispered, his voice rough with arousal. "So careful. I won't pull any stitches if we take it slow." Demonstrating his point, he started fucking me with the slowest, most deliberate strokes that were already driving me nuts.

  "This is definitely against doctor’s orders," I protested, then groaned when his fingers found my clit once more.

  Lucas just gave a low, sexy chuckle as he fucked me carefully and drove me straight up Mount Orgasm. "Rules are made to be broken, Hayden."

  Fuck, that was hot as hell coming from his lips.

  Moaning, I relaxed into his hold and let him have his fun. Over and over, he brought me to the edge of orgasm, then backed off as his thick cock pumped in and out of me with that maddening pace. Only when I was ready to spontaneously combust did he finally start fucking me harder. With his huge shaft slamming into my cunt, all it took was the lightest of touches to my swollen clit and I detonated.

  Lucas whispered curses as I came hard, my pussy clenched around him like a vice, then he was coming too. His hips bucked and rolled as he forced himself deeper inside me, spilling hot cum as I continued to climax.

  The whole encounter was intense and sweaty and insanely relaxed, and even after our breathing slowed and our fevered skin cooled, neither one of us moved. I fell asleep with Lucas's dick still buried inside me, so it was no great shock when I woke up sometime later to him hardening once more. Who needed sleep when you could lazy-fuck all night long?

  Zed had no idea how right he’d been when he said Lucas had stamina. Fuck his paranoia, Lucas was exactly what I needed in my life. And if he turned out to be a double agent, then at least I’d gotten some epic sex out of it. Right?

  Yeah. I didn't believe me either. I'd be fucking crushed.


  Despite my conversation with Special Agent Hansen, I wasn't a total asshole. I wasn't just ignoring the destruction of my building and pretending it hadn't happened. When I woke at dawn and carefully extracted myself from Lucas's sleeping embrace, I headed back through to Zed's room to grab clean clothes.

  His bed was still perfectly made, the broken pieces of the lamp he'd smashed still littering the floor. Either he hadn't come home last night or he'd simply not slept. With an irritated frown, I rifled through my bag. There weren't many options left, so I made myself a mental note to pick up new shit when I was in town.

I helped myself to Zed's shower, washing my hair and scrubbing myself down thoroughly before getting dressed. Zed didn't have a hairdryer, which wasn't ideal, but I dragged his comb through my wet locks and gave them a rough towel dry instead.

  On quiet feet, I made my way downstairs and inhaled deeply at the smell of bacon cooking. Apparently Zed was home after all.

  "That smells incredible," I groaned, joining him in the kitchen as he pulled the crispy bacon from a pan and laid it out on a slice of waiting toast.

  He was shirtless and sweaty, his knuckles red and puffy like he'd been boxing without gloves on. Without answering me, he just assembled the bacon and egg sandwich, added a slice of cheese and a drizzle of barbeque sauce, then added another slice of toast as a lid. He looked up at me then, meeting my eyes with a cool gaze as he lifted the sandwich to his mouth and took a huge bite.

  The message was crystal clear, and I glowered.

  "Real mature, Zed," I sulked, looking longingly at the empty frying pan on the stovetop. He'd very deliberately only cooked for one. Prick.

  I didn't need breakfast anyway, just coffee. So I shoulder-checked him out of the way to access the coffee pot, which was already full of dark gold. He didn't step away, though, just made me lean past him to grab a mug and fill it up.

  "You used my shampoo," he muttered, sounding annoyed.

  I finished making my coffee, then turned back to face him with a no shit look on my face. "Mine is somewhere underneath a thousand tons of rubble right now. Is that a problem for you?"

  His answer was just to hold my gaze and take another huge bite of his breakfast sandwich. He even gave an exaggerated moan, like it was the best thing he'd eaten in a long time.

  Because I was feeling childish, I grabbed his wrist in an iron grip, holding the sandwich still as I took a shark-like bite from the other side of it.

  "Mmm," I mumbled around my mouthful of food. "Tasty."

  Zed just stared at me like he could hardly believe I'd just done that, and I snickered a laugh while I chewed. "I'm heading to Copper Wolf," I told him when I'd swallowed. "You coming?"


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