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Anarchy (Hades Book 2)

Page 12

by Tate James

  His gaze dipped, taking in my black, laced-up pencil skirt and loose satin blouse with my gun holster strapped over the top. My shoes were somewhere in the living room, as I'd kicked them off talking to Lucas last night, and right now they were my only pair. I really needed to restock my wardrobe today. Big bad Hades couldn't be getting around in men's T-shirts and sweats. Neither could Daria Wolff. More's the shame; they were goddamn comfy to wear.

  After taking way too long perusing my attire, Zed gave a small headshake. "I've got some shit to follow up on today. Don't worry, though; your Gumdrop is perfectly safe here on his own."

  I arched a brow. "I wasn't worried. Good to know what's on your mind this morning, though." With a pointed look, I went in search of my shoes while sipping my coffee. Was it too early for Scotch? I squinted out the window at the sun, which hadn't fully risen. Probably yes.

  Zed just remained in the kitchen, watching me with an unreadable expression as I stepped into my shoes and finished my coffee.

  "I expect a progress update from Alexi today," I told him as I returned my mug to the sink and rinsed it out. "And we need to arrange a meeting with the mayor of Cloudcroft. Our gambling license for Timber still hasn't been approved, and I think it's time we applied a little extra pressure."

  Zed jerked a nod of understanding but remained silent. Fucking melodramatic shit.

  I was tempted to just leave and let him sort out his emo feelings on the punching bag, like he'd clearly been doing already this morning. But he was still my best friend, and it didn't sit right to have this animosity between us.

  With a sigh, I propped my butt against the counter and folded my arms over my chest. "Zed... what the fuck is going on with you? I haven't seen you all moody like this since you watched the last episode of Supernatural."

  I was joking, trying to ease the tension in the room, but he just shot me a furious scowl. "That ending was fucked, Dare, and you know it. Total fucking bullshit."

  A smile touched my lips, and I rolled my eyes. At least I was back to Dare and not Hades this morning. That had to be a step in the right direction.

  "Look, I get that you don't trust Lucas—" I started gently, trying to broach the subject that was clearly pissing him off so much.

  Zed scoffed a bitter laugh. "You wouldn't either if you weren't—"

  "Do not insult me again, Zed," I barked, straightening up and glaring ice-cold death. "You didn't have any issues offering Lucas a place to stay here. In your home. You vouched for him as his fake brother. You seemed to actually like him a few days ago, so what the fuck changed?"

  Zed's smile was brittle. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, boss. Better to have him right here under my nose so I can figure out what angle he's working."

  I stared back at him for a long moment, confused as all fuck. He was lying... at least partially. "And Cass? Why do you suddenly have such a vendetta against him? Two days ago you two were all fucking buddy-buddy."

  Zed's jaw tightened, and his gaze flicked away from mine. "Just because I trust him to pick up some clothes for you or bring us quality weed doesn't mean he's trustworthy. He's the leader of a rival gang, and he's clearly got an agenda."

  I huffed a laugh. "The Reapers are not our rivals, Zed. I could take them out just as easily as I wiped out the Wraiths. Or did you forget who I fucking am? Cass is not a threat to us, Zed."

  He gave an angry shake of his head. "Respectfully, sir, I disagree."

  I rolled my eyes, tempted to be a petty bitch and ask if it was really him who felt threatened by Cass getting closer to me. But I bit my tongue and kept that accusation to myself because it would only be a bullshit swipe to piss him off. Like when someone says "calm down" in the middle of an argument, it would only fan the flames.

  So instead, I drew a deep breath and gave him a short nod. Professional lines needed to be reestablished. "Well then, I expect you'll present me with your evidence when you have something conclusive. Until then, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself."

  Zed's brow furrowed at the shift in my tone. He'd have to be deaf and blind to have missed it. "Dare—"

  "Save it, Zed. Until you're ready to either show some hard evidence or fess up to whatever other secrets you're holding, I don't want to hear it. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean I need to hear it." Brushing past him, I grabbed the keys to his Audi from where I'd left them last night. "I'll meet you at Anarchy this afternoon, usual time."

  I made my way out of the kitchen. He shouted a curse behind me, but I didn't stop. Fuck it. He could head down to Anarchy early and deal with his male-PMS on the trainee fighters there.

  The drive over to Copper Wolf was quick and easy from Zed's property, and when I arrived, I asked Hannah, my accountant Macy’s assistant, to join me in my office.

  "Did you want a coffee, sir?" Macy asked as her assistant blinked up at me with huge eyes. Poor thing thought she was in trouble. "Hannah was about to run down to the kiosk for me."

  "Yes, please, that would be great." I softened my severe expression and gave Hannah a small smile. "There's no rush, Hannah. Just come in when you get back. I won't deprive Macy of her caffeine." I shot my accountant a knowing look, and she returned it with a nod.

  In my office, I lost myself in piles of emails and spreadsheets until Hannah tapped on my door about fifteen minutes later.

  "Come in," I urged her, and she approached my desk with a tall coffee cup in her hand. "Thanks, Hannah. Take a seat."

  She gave me a nervous smile and perched on the edge of a chair, tucking her curly black hair behind her ears. Damn, and here I was thinking my Daria Wolff face wasn't as intimidating as my Hades one.

  "Don't look so worried, Hannah," I chastised in a gentle tone, "you're not in trouble. I just wanted your help on something, and I don't have my own assistant. I hope Macy won't mind me borrowing you for the day." Actually, come to think of it, I should have checked with my accountant first.

  Hannah nodded quickly. "I'm sure it'll be fine, sir. What can I do for you?"

  "You seem like you've got a good eye for fashion, Hannah. You're always so well dressed when I come into the office." It was half the reason I'd thought of her for this task. Her style seemed to echo mine quite well, if on a slightly lower budget.

  She beamed. "Thank you, sir. I interned at a fashion magazine for a year, and it taught me a lot about personal presentation."

  I cocked my head, interested. I'd never really spoken to Hannah before, but she'd been Macy's assistant for over a year. "What made you leave there? I thought that was the sort of job fashionable women dreamed of."

  She quirked a smile. "Uh, yeah, I prefer to work for bloodthirsty criminals who don't try to hide behind fake smiles and clouds of Chanel perfume."

  I arched a brow, and she gave a horrified gasp, clapping a hand over her mouth.

  "Oh my god," she squeaked in panic. "I didn't mean—"

  Unable to fight the smile creasing my lips, I waved off her frantic backpedal. "You did, and it's absolutely fine. I think I like you, Hannah."

  Her eyes widened, and her fingers trembled as she returned her hands to her lap. "Th-thanks," she replied in a strangled whisper.

  "Anyway, I need you to help me out. My home was destroyed yesterday." Hannah gave a shocked gasp, and I shrugged. "So, I'm in need of a new... uh... everything. Clothes, shoes, underwear, make-up, toiletries. Everything." I pulled my desk drawer open and fished out the corporate credit card I kept in there. "I don't have the time or patience to deal with it myself. Do you mind doing it for me?"

  I was being more polite than I usually was because the poor thing already looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Her eyes flipped from my face to the black metal credit card I held out for her to take, then back to my face.

  "I—" she started, then swallowed and wet her lips. "You want me to go shopping?"

  I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile. "Yes, please. Is that something you can do for me?"
/>   She gaped for another moment, then nodded quickly and took the credit card from my hand. "Yes, absolutely. Yes, leave it with me, sir. I can definitely sort you out. Do you, um, can I get your sizes?"

  I scribbled all my sizes down on a piece of notebook paper and handed it over to her along with a business card for a corporate car service I'd used on occasion.

  "Call this guy; he can drive you around and carry bags and whatnot. Then have him deliver it all to this address." I scribbled down Zed's address. "There's a gatehouse where he can leave everything."

  Hannah took the extra note from my fingers and tucked it into her skirt pocket. "Absolutely, leave it with me, sir. Do you also need furniture and... all that?"

  I shook my head. "Not yet. I'm staying with Zed until I can sort out new living arrangements." I watched her carefully as I said that, but her expression didn't change. Maybe she hadn't yet fallen prey to Zayden De Rosa... which seemed odd when she was easily pretty enough to meet his standards. Somehow that made me like her a little bit more.

  "Got it," she acknowledged with a firm nod. "Thank you for the opportunity, sir." With a wide smile, she stood to leave.

  "Wait." I scribbled another note. "This is my mobile number. Text me if you have any questions along the way."

  Her eyes almost bugged out of her head, and her fingers shook when she took the paper from me. She gave another nod of understanding, whispering that she was sure it'd be fine, then made a speedy exit out of my office.

  That taken care of, I picked up my phone and dialed my aunt. She'd damn well better be drinking wine under the Tuscan sun, or there would be hell to pay.

  "Finally," she snapped on answering my call. "Took you long enough to call me, hon. You're lucky Zed already told me you were alive or I'd have been on a plane straight back to Shadow Grove by now."

  I gave a soft laugh. "Sorry, Demi. Things have been crazy. Are you and Stacey staying safe over there?"

  "Of course," she huffed. "Now I'm guessing you need legal help?"

  "I do," I agreed with a sigh. "I was identified at the scene right before my building collapsed. I've already had a call from one sketchy FBI bitch, but I'm thinking it's best to get ahead of the ball on this."

  Demi made an annoyed sound. "I'll handle it," she told me. "I've had my eye on a promising young lawyer in the DA's office. I think it's about time she got a new job offer."

  "You're my favorite aunt in the whole world, Demi," I replied with a grin.

  She huffed again. "I'm your only fucking aunt, you brat. You killed the other ones."

  "They deserved it," I murmured, my smile slipping.

  "Damn right they did," she agreed with a sigh. "Now, can you tell me why your sister has messaged and asked if she can come stay with us in Italy?"

  I winced, rubbing my brow. "Actually, that might not be such a bad idea," I thought out loud. "Have you got space there for Madison Kate's crew? I'd feel better keeping a close guard over Seph until this mess is sorted."

  "I'll make space, but you didn't answer the question, hon. Why did Seph make it sound like you'd just—"

  "Stolen her boyfriend?" I cut Demi off with a sharp laugh. "I didn't; she's just being... a teenager." There was a long pause on the phone, and I sighed. "She had a crush on a guy that was already taken."

  "Mm-hmm," Demi replied, perceptive as always. "I'm going to guess he was taken by you."

  "Seph is upset that I didn't tell her." That was basically it in a nutshell. No one had cheated on anyone. She was just hurt that I’d kept secrets from her.

  Demi didn't say anything for a pause, then clicked her tongue. "I'll sort out some guest rooms and tell Seph to sort out her flights. As for you? Stay alive. Understood?"

  "Thanks, Demi," I said with a sigh. "You really are my favorite aunt. Give my love to Stacey."

  She mumbled something about how I was going to give her a stress heart attack, then ended the call to sort out my new legal counsel.


  The rest of my morning was completely eaten up with Copper Wolf business, and I didn't even notice the time until my phone lit up with Alexi's name.

  Lucas didn't have a phone, so I had no way to call and check in on him. So when I saw it was already after noon, a spike of worry rippled through me.

  "Alexi," I snapped, answering the call. "I hope you have good news for me."

  "I have news," he corrected. "Zed said you were at Copper Wolf; do you want me to come there?" The sound of padded gloves hitting sandbags echoed in the background of his phone.

  "Are you at Anarchy?" I asked, closing down the windows on my computer.

  "KJ-Fit," he replied, "but I can head over to Anarchy now."

  "Done, I'll meet you there. I'm leaving Copper Wolf now, so I'll be an hour or so." I ended the call and left my office. I paused a moment to chat with Macy, then bade her farewell and headed for the elevator.

  I checked my phone while waiting and replied to a message from Hannah, who was awkwardly asking if she was working with a budget. Cute.

  The elevator dinged, announcing its arrival, and the doors slid open. Not looking up from my phone, I stepped in. A strong hand closed over my wrist and jerked me forward, pulling me against a hard, leather-jacketed body.

  "I almost fucking stabbed you," I muttered, meeting Cass's dark eyes as the elevator doors closed behind me. "Don't surprise me like that."

  His lips curled up in a micro-smile. "You don't even have a knife on you, Red." He used his grip on my wrist to spin us around, pushing my back into the wall of the elevator.

  I tilted my chin up, holding his gaze. "I'm resourceful, Cassiel. I'd have managed."

  He made an amused sound, then lowered his lips to meet mine in a harsh, bruising kiss. I kissed him back just as hard, my free hand reaching up to cling onto the back of his neck as I molded my body against his.

  Then the elevator dinged to announce we'd reached the parking level, and I pushed him away forcefully.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked as I stepped out and fished car keys from my bag. "I generally like to keep Copper Wolf fairly free of known gang leaders." He arched a brow at me, and I explained. "Daria Wolff is just a businesswoman, Cass."

  His gaze ran over me, hungry and lustful. "Well, I was coming to see if Daria Wolff wanted to come to lunch with me."

  I jerked to a stop in the middle of the parking lot. "You came to... take me to lunch?"

  He met my eyes, cool as a damn cucumber. "You need to eat; so do I. I was in the area already..." He tipped his head to the side. "You like steak?"

  I didn't fight the smile creasing my lips, but at the same time I shook my head. "You're full of fucking surprises, Saint. But I have an appointment at Anarchy in an hour. Raincheck?"

  His brow creased, but he gave a short nod. "Fine. Dinner instead, then."

  A surprised laugh escaped my chest. "Cass—"

  "I wasn't asking, Red," he growled in a quiet, commanding voice. "I'll pick you up at eight."

  Damn it all to hell, my pussy instantly heated and my breath caught. I was still aching and bruised from our rough escapade the day before, but that didn’t deter me in the least. Goddamn, I was turning into an addict.

  Biting back a smile, I gave a shrug. "I don't know if I'll be back by eight. I've got a lot of shit to deal with today."

  Cass knew I was being deliberately difficult, I could tell by the way his eyes glittered, and he crowded me against the door of Zed's car. His inked fingers wrapped around my throat, but he didn't choke me. Instead, he just leaned down and kissed me until I forgot whose air I was breathing.

  "I'll pick you up at eight," he growled with sex-drenched promise, and his lips brushed over my cheekbone before he released me and stepped away. "Wherever you are."

  I didn't reply because I was too busy getting my breath back and clenching my thighs tight. Damn Cass... I badly needed replacement underwear. Skirts weren't ideal when my cunt was getting so wet around him.

  His lips curved in an ar
rogant smirk as he backed up a couple of steps toward his bike, and I rolled my eyes. I'd never realized just how big Grumpy Cat's ego was, but he was giving Zed a run for his money now.

  Flipping him off, I popped my car door open and slid inside before I could do something stupid—like throw myself at him for a quick fuck right there in the parking lot. As hot as that was in my imagination, it was just a straight up terrible idea in reality.

  While driving back to Shadow Grove, it took me longer than I'd have expected to get my shit under control once more. Then I started questioning everything. Was Zed right about Cass having an ulterior motive? If so... what? He surely wasn't working with Chase. The timing was simply coincidental in that it was me who'd made the first move on him. That couldn't have been manipulated. Hell, I hadn't even known I was going to do it until it happened.

  By the time I pulled into the parking lot of Anarchy, I was an irritable mess and itching for a fight.

  To my disappointment, though, neither Zed or Alexi were in the training center. A couple of younger Timberwolves were there lifting weights, and they scrambled to greet me politely. But it didn't seem fair to take out my bad mood on them.

  With a sigh, I left them and headed over to the security office beside the big top. Zed was sitting at one of the desks looking freshly showered, and Alexi sat opposite him with a grim expression on his face.

  My head of security was in workout clothes, like he'd come straight from the MMA gym without wasting time on a shower or change of clothes, which probably meant his news wasn't good.

  "Boss," Zed said with a tight smile as I approached. "Good of you to join us."

  "Bite me, Zed," I hissed under my breath as I reached him. "Get out of my chair."

  It wasn't my chair, it was just a chair. But there was power in positioning, and while I was all for a power exchange in the bedroom—apparently—I wasn't interested in it in business settings.

  Zed raised a brow at me, the desire to push my buttons all over his damn face. But after a moment, he stood up and brushed a hand over my lower back as I swapped positions with him.


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