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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 141

by Manda Mellett

  “You served?”

  I nod.

  “Then you’ll know anyone who has can put up with a whole heap of the smelly stuff.”

  I’ve almost got him, now I just have to reel him in.

  He’s still wary. “Saw your boys ride in. You’re a white club. And there ain’t no getting away from the colour of my skin.”

  I shade my eyes as though giving him a look like I hadn’t noticed he was black until he’d pointed it out. Then I grin. “Dart,” I tell him, holding out my hand for him to shake. “I’m the VP, the vice president of this chapter. And I’m on the lookout for new members.”

  He looks a little more interested now I’ve explained my rank.

  “Ain’t gonna kid you, I’ve just taken an ol’ lady, and she’s got the same colour as you. She’s got a young son which forced a decision on the club. We changed our bylaws to accept all members, black, white, purple, or fucking blue. You come with me? You’ll be our first black member. Not gonna lie and say there won’t ever be any awkwardness or that it will always be easy, but there ain’t nothing stopping you becoming a part of the club.”

  He straightens his back and flexes his impressive muscles. “I can handle my own.” And he looks like he can.

  I give him a few moments to process what I’ve told him. Then his mouth quirks, one side turning up followed by the other, and then a full smile appears on his face. As he holds out his hand I grasp it, and pulling him to me, slap him on the back.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Simpson. Niran Simpson.”

  “Well, Niran, sounds like we’ve got a party to go to.” I turn and walk off. After just a second’s hesitation, Niran steps alongside me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Ron’s dead. I was wary at first when Celine contacted me saying his department was trying to get in touch. I wasn’t sure why they wanted to talk with me, and I certainly had no desire to be tricked into talking to Ron. I checked with Drummer, who said it was okay to call them back. I made the call in Drummer’s office, sitting across from him.

  It hadn’t taken me long to get through, and once I got through to the right person, his captain I think he said he was, well, he gave me the sad news. An automobile accident he said, assuring me Ron had been dead on impact and hadn’t suffered.

  It took a long time to sink in. I couldn’t even tell Drummer for a second. When I looked at him, his features were set, and his eyebrow raised as if he had no idea of the news I’d just been given. But a feeling told me he already knew, and I was one hundred percent alright with that.

  A big smile split my face as I told him, almost jumping up and down with excitement. Ron’s gone. He’s really gone, and will never hurt me or Tyler again.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Dart. Drummer left me alone for that call.

  Dart’s still unable to come home, but when I spoke to him, he’d suggested there was no longer a reason preventing me going to San Diego, and that I should join him as soon as I could. I’d have gone like a shot, except for one thing—Drummer’s pleased with the work I’m doing at the strip club. It’s running more smoothly now I’ve knocked the girls into shape and wants me to stay on until Heart can take over.

  How could I say no after all he and the club have done for me? Giving me the job in the first place, saving me and subsequently offering me their protection, and now I suspect responsible for ensuring my son and I are safe for good. I can’t just walk out, it’s not in me to be so selfish.

  Dart wasn’t happy, but, for the moment, both of us are stuck due to our obligations to the club.

  Ron’s dead. I shouldn’t want to dance around cheering every time I think of it, but that man scarred me for life and had left me for dead. I won’t even pretend to be sad.

  Tuesday afternoon I leave for the club early, and as Road had suggested, I dress in yoga pants and a t-shirt so I can get in some practice on the pole. I won’t be able to do much, and if it hurts, I’ll stop. But just to do a couple of minutes will feel amazing.

  Road’s at the bar that he should be cleaning, but he stops for a moment, resting his elbows on the wood and his chin on his hands. “You want me to put some music on?”

  “Not yet, Road. Just going to start with something simple.”


  I wait for a second, but he doesn’t move. “Could do without an audience.”

  When I narrow my eyes, he chuckles. “Okay, darlin’. I can take a hint.” He picks up his cloth and starts polishing again.

  I wipe down the pole and put chalk on my hands, then look at it as if it’s an obstacle as high as a mountain. Gingerly, I pull myself up and attempt some experimental moves. Yes, I can feel the scars pulling at my chest, but not much more than any exercise would do. Climbing the pole, I then let myself twirl around to the bottom, thinking I won’t do too much today, as I don’t want to push it.

  I’d ignored the door to the club banging open, thinking it’s just more staff coming in. But I can’t ignore the loud, horrified shout.

  “Who’s that fucking fat-assed bitch on the pole? You letting your girlfriends in for free, Road?”

  I drop down, landing lightly on my feet. There’s a biker wearing a Satan’s Devils cut, but I don’t recognise him. He’s got long blond hair tied back in a bun, but one side of his head is mismatched and covered in much shorter hair. Realising immediately it’s not deliberately styled that way, I gasp with surprise. This must be the reportedly mild-mannered Heart.

  Road’s standing with his mouth open, gaping like a fish, while Heart takes a step toward me. “Get off the fuckin’ stage, bitch.” Then over his shoulder he adds, “I can see why Prez wants me to take charge here. Place has gone to the dogs. Fuckin’ black ones at that.”

  I walk down the steps and confront him. “I got this, Road,” I start, while my eyes are fixed up at the biker’s face. “You’re Heart, I take it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Alex, and I’m Dart’s old lady.”

  Instead of looking contrite, he looks even more annoyed. “Dart wouldn’t take an ol’ lady. Don’t know what you’re on about, bitch. And he certainly wouldn’t take one of your fuckin’ kind.”

  “I suggest you shut up until you know the facts of what you’re disputing. Drummer asked me to manage the place until you arrived to take over.”

  He’s not appeased. “Don’t look like you’re doing much managing to me. You’re just fuckin’ playing around.”

  I don’t even attempt to defend myself by saying I got here early, nor explain I don’t have set hours I need to work, and only need to stay until what I’ve got to do gets done. I just put my hands on my hips and glare at the man.

  Road’s come out from the bar. The look on his face is both bemused and dismayed. No, this man, Heart, doesn’t resemble the person who’d been described to me at all.

  The prospect tries to help. “Heart, you need to speak to Drum. He’ll tell you everything about Dart and Alex—”

  “I certainly will. And I look forward to seeing Dart’s face when he hears how you think he’s claimed you.” He takes a menacing step toward me. I stand my ground. “Whatever you believe, you’re fuckin’ mistaken. Dart would never get caught in the ol’ lady trap. He’s got far too much sense for that. And you’re not his type. Never would or fuckin’ will be.”

  This man frightens me, which is strange. I’ve never felt nervous around any of the other club members. A cold shiver runs down my spine. If what I’d been told was true, his accident had obviously changed him. And it’s only remembering that he’s dealing with the loss of his wife that helps me keep my temper.

  “Do you want to see the books now?” I offer.

  It only brings a deeper scowl to his face. Turning away from me, he addresses Road. “I’m off to the club. Just stopped in on my way to remind myself of the dive Drum’s asked me to mind. I’ll be sure to tell him how you’re both slacking off.” Then he storms out the door, making as much noise on his way out as he
did when he came in.

  Road’s staring after him. “Hey,” I put my hand on the back of his cut. “Drum’s not going to pay any attention to what he has to say.”

  “I’m giving no thought to that. I’m just worried about him. Fuck, Alex. That man’s changed. Wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.”

  “Going to give Drummer the heads-up?”

  Slowly he nods. “I think I better.”

  The rest of the afternoon and evening passes without incident, and when I drive myself—I don’t have to hide anymore—back to the clubhouse, I find I’m half curious to find out how Heart’s been with everyone else, and the rest of me is worried about coming into contact with such an unpleasant man again.

  After I park up behind the clubhouse, I make my way to Drummer and Sam’s house at the top of the compound. She sees me coming and has the door open. Tyler’s watching something on TV. I can see at once she’s upset by the expression on her face, and that she’s been crying, which is surprising. Sam’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.

  “What’s up?” I ask, stepping inside and making sure Tyler’s occupied.

  She beckons me into their kitchen. “Heart’s back.”

  “Yes, I know. He came to Angels on his way here.”

  “He doesn’t want anything to do with Amy.”

  “What? He’s her father.”

  She humphs. “You wouldn’t think it. She saw him, ran up to him. He just pushed her away and carried on talking to Drum. Poor child doesn’t understand it. She ran back to me in tears. I brought her and Tyler up here, and we’ve stayed here ever since.”

  It’s then the door pushes open and Drummer steps in. He looks as tired and worn as I’ve ever seen him. He nods at me, then looks at Sam. “I’ve tried talking to Heart.”

  I take it that’s my cue to leave, so start moving away.

  “No, stay, Alex. I take it you’ve already met him.” His mouth twists distastefully. “After my little chat with him, I can guess how that went.”

  “He wasn’t particularly impressed.”

  Drummer looks at me carefully. “I understand he was probably rude, but don’t take it personally. Don’t think there’s one person he hasn’t upset, and he’s only been back a few hours.”

  “He’s already upset Amy.”

  Drummer turns to his old lady and notices her reddened eyes. “And you, darlin’,” he says softly. “I’d tell you he doesn’t mean anything by it, but his head’s all fucked up. I don’t know who he is anymore.”

  “His head injury might have affected him.”

  Drummer nods, but in a way that suggests he’s already thought of it. “Alex, we’ll keep to the plan if that’s alright with you. But I want another brother with you when you’re working at the club and showing Heart the ropes. From the words he was saying, he’d obviously gotten some insults in. Dart wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t protect you from that.”

  “I don’t care about me, I can handle it. But I don’t want any nastiness around Tyler.”

  “I’ll get everyone here to be on the lookout for Heart upsetting the boy, but I know they don’t really need telling. We all like Tyler, he’s a great kid. And I’ll watch out for you, Alex. Heart will go no further than words, but taunts can be hard to shake off. It’s the least I can do for Dart while he’s away.”

  “Dart’s got enough on his plate, Drum. I won’t tell him if you don’t.”

  “Don’t like keeping anything from a brother, but if he’d heard what Heart said to you, he’d be back here in a flash.”

  I take in a breath and let it out slowly. “Coming back here must be hard for Heart. Losing his wife, well that’s a wound that will never completely heal. But returning to his home must be like pulling a scab off and starting it bleeding again. He might just need some time, Drum, to come to terms with what he’s lost.”

  Drummer gives a wane smile. “Now I know what Dart sees in you.” He gives a wink toward his old lady and adds, “Apart from the obvious that is.”

  “Drum!” Sam is forced to laugh, and it relieves the tension a bit.

  “Mom! We going?”

  Looking down, I ruffle the hair on Tyler’s head. “Program finished?”


  I take hold of his hand. “We’re off then. And we won’t say anything more about it for now.”

  To my relief, Heart doesn’t come to Angels for a couple of days, and it appears while he’s in the club, he stays up late drinking himself into a stupor, and then staggers out of his suite, or out of one of the crash rooms if he doesn’t even make it that far, so it’s not too difficult to keep out of his way.

  We’ve taken over Dart’s room to do the planning for the poker run, and I suspect it’s an excuse for people to keep out of Heart’s way. He’s certainly not making it easy on anyone here. No one can say the right thing, and he argues every point that is made. There’s a downer over the whole club, the atmosphere completely changed.

  While we plan, Tyler plays with Amy in our room. Occasionally she’ll ask where her daddy is, but as she’s gotten used to him being away, she seems to have adapted to seeing him around and has learned quickly not to go to him. All the other brothers overcompensate, going out of their way to play with the little girl, and as for the women, well, we all spoil her rotten.

  My luck runs out on Thursday. I’m at Angels, just firing up the computer to sort out some nights off that Vida and Karma have requested, when the door to the office opens and Heart walks in. True to his promise, Drum’s obviously asked Dollar to come keep an eye on things, as he’s not far behind.

  “So, you gonna show me the shit you haven’t fucked up?”

  “Hey, man. Alex has worked her ass off to keep things running smooth.” Dollar glares at his brother, bristling on my behalf.

  “And what the fuck are you doing here?”

  Dollar shrugs, winks at me behind Heart’s back, before informing him, “Drum asked me to go through the accounts with you.”

  Well, it sounds plausible enough to me, and obviously to Heart too. At least the treasurer’s presence seems to temper Heart’s belligerence some. I show him everything, then checking the time, take him out to the dressing room where the girls are arriving. I introduce him. He gives them a onceover, sneers, and then takes himself out.

  Vida shivers. “I don’t take to him, Alex. You say he’s taking over from you?”

  I lean back against the door. “Yeah, that’s what Drummer wants. And give him some slack. He’s just lost his wife. Drummer wants him to keep busy and not have too much time on his hands.”

  “We all might end up with nothing to do if he treats the customers like that.”

  “He’ll be fine,” I reassure them while mentally crossing my fingers. “He just needs to find his place. Once he’s involved with getting you lot organised, he won’t have space to think.”

  They give a dutiful laugh, but I don’t think I’ve got them convinced. I change the subject. “You okay with the schedule tonight? Tinker? You ready to go on first?”

  “Yeah, fine,” she grumbles. I like all the girls, but she’s one of the best, and she’ll have a couple of later spots too. She might not be a great dancer and not that good on the pole, but she’s blessed with an incredible body and a pretty face, and the customers love her.

  “You staying around, Alex?”

  At Karma’s question, they all look at me hopefully. I don’t know how they expect me to be a buffer between them and Heart, but I’m willing to try. It’s his first night, and it might help if I’m here to ease the way. “As long as I can get someone to watch Tyler, I’ll be here, okay?”

  I leave the dressing room with their thanks ringing in my ears. A quick phone call and Tyler’s sorted. He’ll be staying with Drum and Sam for the night. I end the call having heard the excited yells of Tyler happy to have a sleepover with Amy, and Drum’s thanks as I explain why I’m staying.

  “Thought you ran off before the clu
b opened.”

  I swing around, already tensing as I recognise the voice speaking to my back. “Sometimes I stay to make sure everything’s running smoothly.” I don’t, but I don’t want to tell him the truth, that I’m here to check how he does.

  “Well, get behind the bar and make yourself fuckin’ useful then. And don’t walk around on the floor. Don’t want to chase the customers off.”

  Before Ron got his hands on me, the customers used to scream to watch me dance. Tears come to my eyes as I know all he’s seeing is a short stocky-built girl that nobody would want. As the insecurities which Dart had chased away come flooding back, I feel tears prick in my eyes. I turn away from him and obediently go behind the bar.

  “You shouldn’t let him talk to you like that. I’ll get Dollar—he’s still out back.”

  “No, he’s hurting, Road. Just lashing out.”

  Road’s jaw is clenched. “He still shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll tell him—”

  Yeah, a prospect reading a patched member the riot act. I can see how that will go down. “Road, no. I said no. Now leave it. Words can’t hurt me.”

  He gives a quick shake of his head. “If Dart heard him—”

  “Dart didn’t. And doesn’t need to know. Okay?”

  Looking unconvinced, Road turns away and goes over to check on the bouncers.

  Della, the bartender, is standing with her hands on her hips. For some reason, I feel embarrassed she heard all that. She nods her head in the direction that Heart disappeared. “I don’t like him.”

  I just shake my head. If I admitted it, I don’t either, but I’m trying to keep in mind that he’s Dart’s closest friend. But how long are we going to keep making excuses for his behaviour? Sure, he’s hurting, but he can’t keep lashing out.


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