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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 142

by Manda Mellett

  Realising I’m not going to discuss him with her, Della shows me the ropes and I get a quick lesson in tending bar. It’s busy, so in between watching the girls on the stage, I’m doing my best to keep up with the drink orders. The dancers come on quickly, one after the other. When one is finishing up, another is waiting in the wings. I know the schedule like the back of my hand, so when Tinker doesn’t appear, I know immediately it’s her who’s missing. She doesn’t normally get muddled up.

  “Della. Play Karma’s music, Tink’s missed her cue. I’m just going to see what’s up.” I look around for Heart to explain what I’m doing, but he’s nowhere in sight.

  Running to the dressing room, I push the door open, throwing a quick instruction to Karma. “You’re up, sweetie. Tink hasn’t gone on stage.”

  “Why not?”

  “That’s what I’m gonna find out. Just get out there, will you?”

  The others give each other worried glances. “I didn’t see her leave. Her bag’s still here.”

  “I’ll go check out back, she might have gone for a smoke and lost track of time.” I try to hide it, but I’m getting concerned myself.

  Going to the back door of the club, I push down on the bar to open it up. Philby is standing outside. He’s the bouncer who makes sure the girls can come out for a crafty cigarette or get to their cars unmolested. It’s normally a boring job unless customers try to find their way around the back, and so he alternates with Fergus.

  “Hi, Philby. I’m looking for Tinker. You seen her?”

  “Seen no one. I’ve been here…” he breaks off and gives me a guilty look. “Tell you the truth, Alex, I just went inside to the head. I—”

  “I said get off me! Get off.” A scream comes, a shouted swear word in a male voice, and then nothing again.

  Philby and I look at each other and run around the corner and come to a dead stop. Heart has Tinker pushed up against a wall, his hand over her mouth. She’s struggling, her cover up that she uses over her costume is down by her ankles, as are her panties. Heart’s other hand is up between her legs.

  “Get him off her.”

  Heart might have been introduced to Philby as his new boss, but I’m his old one. He’s got a soft heart for the strippers and has no hesitation pulling Heart off Tinker and putting himself protectively between the two. I go straight to Tink and pull the sobbing woman into my arms.

  “What the fuck? She’s a whore. A stripper. I was taking what she offered.”

  A small voice gasps. “I’m not a whore.”

  “I know you’re not, sweetie.” I glare at Heart. “Get out of here now.”

  “Bitch, you can’t tell me what to do.”

  “If she can’t, I can. Get your ass back to the fuckin’ compound, Heart. I’m gonna have to take this to Drum.” I’ve never been so pleased to see Dollar. I hadn’t realised he’d stayed at the club. He’s standing beside us, vibrating with fury.

  “Look, all the girls go for patched members. You know that. She offered, I was just fuckin’ picking up what she was putting down.”

  Tink gasps and shakes her head.

  “Get back to the compound. Now.”

  For a moment Heart looks like he’s going to continue to argue, but then throws both hands in the air before sauntering off. After a few seconds, we hear the roar of his bike.

  “What happened, Tinker? Tell us exactly how this, whatever this was, went down.”

  Philby picks up her robe and passes it to her. He picks up her panties, but doesn’t know what to do with them, as they’re clearly torn and useless. She wraps the robe around her, then snatches them from his hands, twisting them between her fingers.

  “I came out for a quick smoke, I was due to go back on.” She looks at me, her makeup smeared over her face, tears running from her eyes. “I’ll take the next slot, Alex. I’ll do my bit.”

  “You’re going straight home,” Dollar says gently. “But first, explain what Heart did.”

  “I didn’t encourage him,” she says quickly.

  Dollar touches her arm. “We know that.”

  “I was lighting my cigarette, and he must have followed me out. Philby wasn’t here, I didn’t think nothing of it.”

  Philby looks down at his feet.

  “Heart grabbed me, put his hand over my mouth, and pushed me up against the wall. He started tearing my robe off, and then my pants.” She gulps. “He told me I was a whore, and that I should be grateful I’d gotten me a biker to fuck. I tried to kick him, to fight him off. I couldn’t scream ‘cause of his hand. So I bit him.” Her eyes flick around wildly as she relives it. “When I screamed, he tore off my panties… And then, thank God, you turned up.”

  Dollar hugs her to him, then his angry eyes turn to me. “Get her sorted. Alex, give her what time she needs to recover. Make up her lost tips from the till. I’m straight back to see Drummer. He’ll probably want to talk to you too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  San Diego has just about three times the population of Tucson. Whites only just outnumber Hispanics, and Blacks make up less than seven percent of the population. While not numerous, you’re still more likely to come across people of Niran’s heritage in this city than back at home.

  Unaware of the dynamic when I introduced Niran to the California chapter that afternoon, I knew I was taking a risk leading him down to meet my brothers. Back in Tucson there had been little debate and general agreement on widening membership to the club. But here, when the topic had been introduced, I’d been unable to pick up the prevailing vibe. Hoping my brothers weren’t going to let me down, preparing to speak with my fists if anyone started in with any racial slurs, it’s true to say I was more than a little apprehensive as Niran walked by my side down to the beach.

  White supremacists are known for regarding MCs as sharing their sympathies, but fuck me, I’ve got a black old lady, our bylaws have been changed, and I don’t want to be associated with men who regard colour of skin as any type of privilege.

  As it turned out, my worries were for nothing. I’d introduced Niran as an avid biker who’d served as a Marine and who was looking for a new home. Within moments he was brought into the fold with barely the twitch of an eye. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I was pleased to see it was his qualities that mattered, not his heritage.

  Surprisingly, he seemed to be adopted by Scribe and Dusty, and when later that afternoon the later approached me and said he’d be prepared to sponsor him as a prospect, I felt elated. It seemed to be too easy, but Niran had been given the chance to become the first black member of our club, getting off to a flying start as he’d been put forward to step on that first rung of the ladder. I promised we’d discuss it at the next church, as we would anyone wanting to join, but from the reactions I’d seen around me, I didn’t think there’d be any objections.

  This is the brotherhood I wanted to be a part of, and the lure I’d held out in front of our new hangaround.

  “He’s gonna fit in well.” Lost salutes me with his beer bottle. “That the way you usually pick up new prospects, VP?”

  Laughing I shake my head. “First time. It was something about him, you know?”

  “This run’s been a fuckin’ success, Brother. Made everyone remember what the club stands for.” He points toward Scribe. “Now he had a quiet word with me. If Dusty hadn’t stepped up, he wanted to speak up for the new guy. Seemed they’ve got mutual friends from when they served, and he’d heard of some of the things he’d fuckin’ done. That man there saved lives. He’s a fuckin’ hero. Comes back home and is given nothing at all.” He pauses for a moment. “Scribe told me he’d been thinking of throwing in his patch, but today’s shown him the club is moving in a new direction. He’d have definitely left if Snake had brought drugs to the table, and told me none of the men we’ve got left would have supported that either. Seems a visible sign that we’re moving forward, and not back, has had him rethinking his own position.”

“You know,” I tell him, “you’ve got good men in this club. We’ve just got to show them we’ve got their backs if we expect them to have ours.”

  “Truth, Brother. That right there’s the fuckin’ truth.”

  “Fifteen brothers, now potentially four prospects. Bit out of balance. Any of them ready for the patch?”

  Lost thinks about it for a moment. “Reckon we could bring Al to the table, maybe Lloyd too. We’ll discuss it when we discuss Niran.”

  A prospect to be patched in needs a unanimous vote to show everyone trusts them. Hopefully Al and Lloyd have proved they’ve got what it takes.

  As night falls and bonfires die, we trudge back to our bikes. Glancing behind, I see Niran riding along with the prospects. The party’s not over, just being moved to a different location, and he’s been invited to get a better insight into the life that we lead. I’m just happy to see he seems to be fitting right in.

  Over the next few days, my new project becomes a fixture at the club. Currently out of work, we give him a job in the auto-shop where he proves how handy he is with a wrench. When I do my regular walk-through while checking up on all of our businesses, he looks up and I can see longing as his eyes fall on my cut. I can’t make any promises I might not be able to keep, but personally I think he’ll be a shoo-in when we’re next around the table. And it’s Friday, so that will happen tonight.

  But as it turns out, that’s a meeting I’m not destined to be part of.

  Re-entering the clubhouse, I’m pleased to notice the atmosphere seems to have lightened since Saturday’s run, Lost approaches and taps me on the shoulder.

  “My office. Now.”

  If I wasn’t VP, I’d be worried by the serious look on his face, but knowing I’ve done nothing wrong, my concern isn’t personal, but what’s heading for the club. “What’s up, Prez?” I ask, even before my ass has hit the seat.

  “Drum needs you back in Tucson. Emergency church. They need all members to take a vote.”


  Lost shakes his head. “No fuckin’ idea, VP. But it must be serious if he wants you back.”

  Wondering why Drummer hadn’t contacted me himself, I offer, “I’ll give him a call, see what’s up and whether I can proxy my vote.”

  “Not this time, Brother. He wants you there in person. That’s why he called me instead of you direct. It’s not something he wants to discuss over the phone.”

  Shit. A serious vote needing all members present?

  “He needs me today?”

  “Soon as you can, Brother.”

  At least tonight I’ll be holding Alex in my arms. My cock jumps in anticipation.

  “I’ll top off my bike and then leave. Oh, and I’ll stay on for a day or so in Tucson, if that’s okay with you. You’ve got my proxy for getting Niran on board as a prospect. And patching in either of the other two or both. Far as I’ve seen, they’ll make good brothers.”

  “So noted, VP. Are you bringing that woman of yours back?”

  Depending on what Drum needs me for, I can’t promise I’ll be returning to San Diego at all. But there’s one simple answer that satisfies any alternative, “Ain’t gonna be separated from her again.”

  “You’ve always got a place here, Dart. I’d be happy to make the VP spot permanent.”

  For a second I’m stunned, only able to stammer out my thanks, knowing he’s given me something I’ll be thinking on, and feeling fucking thrilled he thinks so much of me. When I get up, he comes around the desk and pulls me to him. After we’ve exchanged hugs, he looks me in the eye. “You’ve had my back, Brother. Gotta thank you for that.”

  I leave San Diego with some regrets. In Tucson, I’d just been rank and file, here I had to step up and play an officer role, and an important one at that. Can’t say I’ve regretted it any at all and realise I’d feel disappointment if that was taken away. Casting one last look at the city in my rearview mirror, given the chance, I know I’d like nothing better than to come back, and take that new step in my life as a full member of the San Diego chapter. This time with Alex and Tyler at my side.

  Six hours later, I’m pulling into the familiar compound that for once doesn’t have quite the same feeling of coming home.

  “Hey, Dart! Good to fuckin’ see ya, Brother.” Beef comes over and slaps me hard on the back.

  “Well ain’t you a fuckin’ sight for sore eyes.” Rock’s not far away.

  As we exchange greetings, I can tell something serious is going on. They might be pleased to see me return, but there’s a shadow hanging over the club, an atmosphere you could almost cut.

  “Alex? She about?” I’m not particularly hopeful. From what she’s told me, early evening’s she’s usually working at the strip club.

  But I’m to be pleasantly surprised. “Yeah, she’s here. In the clubroom with Tyler.”

  Throwing a quick lift of my chin over my shoulder, I walk quickly through the clubhouse doors. And there she fucking is. Sitting at a table with Sam, Amy, and Tyler. And fuck me if it isn’t the boy who notices me first.

  “Dart!” He runs across and throws his arms around my legs, hugging me as though he doesn’t want to let me go. Now that’s a welcome, and one that puts a broad smile on my face.

  “Dart? Dart!” And then my surprised woman is coming across. She tries to get as close to me as she can without squashing the boy. Pulling her to my side, I lower my head, turn her face up to mine, and give her a long, drawn-out kiss such that it draws a round of protests from the room.

  “Get a room!”

  As Alex pulls away, those telltale cheeks a darkened purple, she bangs her fist against my arm. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “Only knew a few hours ago myself. Thought it wasn’t worth wasting time on a phone call when I could get here minutes earlier instead.” Yes, when I realised I’d been given the chance to see Alex again, it pushed everything else out of my head. This is the reason I’m glad to be here. Wherever Alex is, that’s my home.

  And tonight? Well, as I try to adjust myself discreetly, my cock is already anticipating where he’ll be.

  “Now we’re all fuckin’ here. Church.”

  As Drum’s voice thunders out, I give an apologetic smile and a kiss to my woman. And then tilt my head. There are tears in her eyes. “Hey, I won’t be long, doll. Then you and me got some catching up to do.” I throw her a wink.

  But as she turns her head side to side and puts her hand on my face, something tells me her watering eyes aren’t because she’s losing me again. What does she know? And what the fuck’s going on?


  The bellow makes me realise I’m the only one who hasn’t responded to Drum’s call. With one last lingering look trying to interpret the expression on her face, I leave her for now and go into church.

  The sombre atmosphere I’d picked up on outside is even more discernible here. Whatever I’ve been called back for is significant, and I’m apparently the last one to know.

  Without delay Prez bangs the gavel. “Let’s get this started.” But after his pronouncement, he wipes his hands down over his face. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’d aged in the time I’d been away.

  “We all, except for Dart, know what we’re fuckin’ here for. Dollar, you were there and have debriefed me. The rest of you know just by rumour. This is a sad day for the club, and we’re about to make a possibly far-reaching decision. For that reason, I’m gonna be calling some witnesses into church.”

  Suddenly, I realise someone’s missing. I’d been told Heart was back, but his chair’s been left empty. Has it got something to do with him?

  “Paladin, can you show Philby in, please?”

  As our newest member vacates his chair and goes to do what he’s asked, I’m wondering why the hell they want to question the bouncer at the strip club, and feel an icy chill as I wonder how Alex is involved. That she is, I’ve suddenly no doubt. There was a reason for those tears in her eyes.

; Philby comes in and stands at the end of the table, shifting from one leg to the other, while his eyes look anywhere but at the president.

  “Tell us what happened last night.” Prez looks tired and worn.

  After coughing to clear his throat, Philby starts, “I’m sorry, I could have prevented it. It was all my fault.” After pausing to let his admission sink in, he continues, “I’d left my post, gone for a… well I had to take an unscheduled bathroom break.” His face tightens as he waits for the disapproval, but none comes. You can’t really fault a man for having to deal with a personal emergency. “Anyway, when I came back out, Alex was looking for Tinker. And we found her. Being molested by Heart. Some of the other girls had alerted Dollar that Tinker was missing. He came out as I was breaking it up.”

  Heart? Molesting an employee? That can’t be right. My brother would never do such a thing. She must have led him on.

  “Thank you, Philby. You can go. Ask Alex to come in next, please.”

  Now my woman’s standing at the end of the table. She looks so small and lost that I want to go hug her. But then she draws her back straight and looks Drummer in the eye. “You want to know what I saw?” She draws in a breath. “I was looking for Tinker, who’d missed her spot. Unusual for her. Thought she might have forgotten the time, so when I couldn’t find her inside, I went out to see if she was having a smoke.”

  As Alex describes the screams for help and then how she’d found the stripper, I’m shaking my head. It’s not possible. Heart’s not capable of that.

  When she finishes, her place is taken by Tinker. The stripper, one of our best, sobs as she relates the incident.

  “I’m not a whore.” She impresses on us. “I take my clothes off, but never even give lap dances. I know people consider strippers easy game, but I’m not like that. I only do it so I can put food on the table for my kids. If there were anything else I could do, I’d do it.

  “Heart said I asked for it. I didn’t. He pulled me around the corner, and I thought he was gonna criticise my performance. He wasn’t proving an easy boss. I prefer Alex… or Dart.” Her eyes flick to me as if she wants to hear that I’ll be getting my old job back. My heart breaks for her. She’s been with us a year and pulls in a good crowd. Now I’m wondering whether she’ll be going back.


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