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Highest Bidder

Page 17

by Le Carre, Georgia

  “I love it that you got so carried away. You’re always so controlled.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m never controlled around you. I’m like a keg of dynamite. One little spark from you and I’m off.”

  “No way. You’re always telling me you need me just for sex.”

  “Can you blame a man for saying that to you?”

  I grinned. “Did I do good today?”

  “You were awesome, but the magic was not in your technique,” he said.

  I stopped to pull up his head so I could meet his gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “I fucking exploded in your mouth,” he said. “Doesn’t that hold all the answers?”

  “No, it doesn’t. I’m dense. Explain it to me.”

  He nibbled on the tip of my nose. “You drive me fucking crazy, Freya,” he murmured. “I don’t know what it is about you, or why. Your technique wasn’t new, but I’ve never come that hard in anyone's mouth.”

  “Do you masturbate thinking of me?” I asked.

  “Yeah, do you?”

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  He pushed my legs apart and looked down at my wet sex. “Do it now.”

  I began to circle my clit. Then I gave him what he wanted. He wanted to see me fucking myself. I plunged my fingers into myself. With a groan, he pushed my fingers away. His mouth landed on my pussy and my back arched off the bed.

  “Fuck,” I breathed, as my knees knocked together, trapping him between my legs. His warm wet tongue dug into my cunt.

  I almost pulled off his hair as he threw my legs over his shoulders so my ass was lifted clean off the bed to give him as much access as he needed. Soon, his fingers were thrusting in and out of me with his mouth licking and sucking on the engrossed bud of my sex.

  I writhed on the bed as though possessed as my controllable cries of pleasure were torn from my lips as he devoured me relentlessly.

  “Brent,” I gasped as my climax started.

  “I never knew you had such a dirty mouth,” he said to me, as he gently licked my pussy.

  “I never knew I had such a dirty mouth,” I whispered, drained of energy. Until I met him, I would never have thought I would say, ‘fuck my pussy, Brent’ or any of the other equally filthy things I cried out in the throes of my climax.

  I felt his rock-hard dick slide into me. At first, he was careful at how tight I was, but as soon as my body adjusted to having his massive girth inside it, he held onto my waist and rammed all the way into me.

  As he buried his face in my breasts, suckling and fondling the heavy mounds, my hips bucked with delicious pleasure as I savored his complete possession of my body.

  My mind was long gone. All I could do was feel, my fingers clenching the sheet underneath me, my bones moving like rubber as I met every thrust of his, and his cock slamming deeper and deeper into me.

  He fucked me so viciously, that at a point I believed my spine would be permanently set in the arched position that my frame had twisted in. My back was no longer touching the bed and his strength and virility was more than I could bear.

  “Just like that ... Just like that,” he muttered, as I pushed my hips towards his thrusts.

  “Oh, God.”

  All I could hear was his voice … from a distance as he completely overwhelmed me with burning red lust.

  “Open your eyes,” I heard him rasp out but it was damn near impossible.

  “Open them,” he growled.

  My eyelids opened to gaze into his golden eyes.

  The bed rocked with the force of his thrusts, and the wet sound of our flesh slapping echoed around the cabin. As he chased his climax his thrusts grew harder and faster, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to contain them.

  We heard and felt nothing else beyond the intensity of our desire and when I came, all I could register were my hands above my head, and my fingers linked almost painfully in his. Something was exploding in me that I could not contain. He cursed and sunk his teeth into my shoulders to muffle his cry. I held onto his head desperately feeling as though I would shatter if I didn’t.

  I heard him roar out my name as I writhed and screamed, my own orgasm quaking my body to it's very core.

  He forced his tongue into my mouth. I sucked it and wrapped my legs around his hips, refusing to let go and that was how we both came back to earth.

  It was a slow descent, but the lingering effects powerful enough to render us both speechless and motionless for a long time. When he began to move to separate from me, I let him go, gasping, as his slick wet cock slid heavily out of me. I turned to my side to hide whatever the emotion that would betray the depth of my feelings.

  Brent wouldn’t allow it. He came right up to me and pulled me into his body. Tucked into him, I was sure that no other place on earth would fit me more perfectly. The steady rise and fall of his chest and his warmth completely encapsulating me … lulled me to sleep.

  Just before I slipped into unconsciousness however, I was sure I heard him say, “You’re mine now, Freya Anderson.”


  The next morning, I awoke to an empty bed. After untangling myself from the stained sheets ‒ yeah, we got up to more sex during the night ‒ I got to my feet and groggily looked around for my clothes. They had been taken away and in their place, a warm robe had been draped across the lounge sofa.

  I quickly put it on and went in search of Brent.

  As I walked, I looked through the windows to see that we were now far off shore as there were no more buildings in sight, but the vast ocean. This wasn’t good, as I needed to return to my still very messy life and even more frantic mother who probably expected me to come home soon as it was Saturday. I had no classes. I hurried and that was how I tripped over the doors ledge and fell forward.

  My knees connected with the hardwood floors, and I groaned in pain.

  “What the fuck? Freya?”

  I lifted my head to see that I had made a grand entrance into the main cabin where Brent had been having a breakfast meeting with Michael by his side and two other men in suits. I immediately jumped to my feet and spun around to properly tie the silky robe that I now noted clung to every curve of my body.

  Worse, I was completely naked underneath. I wanted to bury myself at the thought that I had just given his associates an early morning show. I was so embarrassed. I felt like the empty-headed bimbo he’d brought along for light entertainment. “Excuse me,” I said and turned around to leave, but Brent’s familiar grip caught my arm. I still wouldn’t open my eyes to look at him, so he turned me to face him.

  “We’re alone,” he said, “open your eyes.”

  I popped one open to see if he was lying to me, and it was clear the men had left. Immediately, I pounded my hands on his chest in frustration. I thought it was just us and the crew. “Why the helł are you having a meeting so early in the morning?” I cried. “And how the hell did they get here?”

  “Speedboat,” he answered, amused.

  Well, I was not amused. I felt humiliated and more than ever, I felt as if I did not deserve to belong in his world. I was from a family of a ruined reputation and that was okay with me, it was my cross to bear and I had carried it this far just fine. Being with him however filled me with the fear that I would begin to be judged as unworthy all over again.

  I hated it.

  Twisting my hands from his grip, I tucked my hair behind my ears. “We need to head back to shore. I have to see my mother and I have a test to prepare for in two days.”

  “We’re heading for Scotland,” he said. “The isle of Harris. I have a castle there.”

  My head shot up in shock.

  He was not joking. “We sailed away during the night.”

  “Why would you—” I began but took a deep breath and decided to let it go. “Can we return?” I asked. “You can’t just whisk me away like this, I have a life too.”

  “No problem. We’ll just turn and be back in a few hours,” he responded as the amusement lef
t his face and he became distant again, just like when we had first met.

  I didn’t want that. My hand reached out to touch him, but I couldn’t make it go all the way. It fell to my side and he walked away from the room and me.

  All I could do was watch him leave.

  His departure completely soured my mood, as I didn’t know when I would see him again. I was so tempted to go in search of him to cancel our return to land, but I had already laid my bed. I came out to the dining area hoping I would see him. Instead, I was told to take my seat as a platter of fruits, yoghurt, scones, croissants, eggs, sausages, bacon and toast were laid out on a buffet.

  “Please help yourself to anything you want, Miss Anderson,” a male attendant said.

  I chose just a scone. I didn’t have any appetite for much else.

  Then I went back to bed. Hours passed. I felt sad that Brent was a free agent and able to go anywhere and do anything he wanted and I on the other hand had responsibilities for my mom and my classes and couldn’t just disappear on a whim.

  I was lamenting over my dead phone battery when Brent came into the room and announced our arrival back at the Thames. He had changed from the breezy white linen shirt he had had on before to a black turtle neck jumper and thick massive jet black Parka. “Time to go,” he said.

  I almost didn’t hear him. All I could do was stare dumbstruck once more, at just how handsome he was. I didn’t look like that when I wore my Parka.

  “Freya,” he called.

  I jumped up from the bed, already dressed. He turned to leave and shortly, we were riding at the back of his town car.

  I remembered then that there were quite the number of things I wanted to speak to him about. I snuck a glance to see that he had his glasses on and was going through a small folder of documents. I wanted to speak, but I felt so nervous. I couldn’t understand myself. I had spent the night in his arms ... With him, I had been more intimate than I’d ever imagined possible, why then, did I always manage to alienate him when we were out of bed? If only I had not fallen, become embarrassed and lashed out at him. It wasn’t his fault that I was so clumsy.

  Eventually I got my mouth to work. “Brent.”

  He turned to me.

  My breath caught at how handsome he was with the low winter sunlight slanting in through the window and turning his eyes into molten gold. “My mother’s store ... do you know if everything went okay today?”

  “It was reopened this morning, and it was as if yesterday never happened.”

  “Thank you again,” I said, turning my face away.

  I told him to drop me a short distance away from my home. Soon the car came to a stop and for a second, I wondered if I should try to repair the tense silence between us before I left the car. But I didn’t know how to properly say goodbye to him and I would probably make a mess of trying to apologize, so I just thanked him for a nice time and grabbed the door handle.

  He caught my hand just before I could pull it and kissed me with breathless abandon. My eyes fluttered closed, my heart raced, and my lower belly came awake with pure unbridled desire.

  He broke it off before I could lose myself in his taste. “I’ll see you later,” he said.

  The question escaped my lips before I could stop it, “When?”

  “Come to me tonight.”

  “I have to study for a test tonight, but message me?”

  He nodded and I threw my arms around his neck for one last lingering kiss. Just before I broke away, I planted soft kisses along his jaw and buried my nose in his neck for one last shameless whiff of his scent before I exited the vehicle.

  I returned to an empty home and was incredibly relieved. After I charged my phone, though I was blasted with the seemingly unending alerts of calls and text messages. I called Maddie first to calm my nerves down.

  She greeted me with a scream. “Where the fuck where you? How could you be out of reach? You idiot. Your mother’s been calling me and I’ve had to tell her all kinds of lies.”

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized, “my phone died.”

  “God, you’re so damn annoying. Your mom was going crazy when she couldn’t reach you.”

  “I told her that I would be staying at your pla—”

  “Well, she wanted to fucking talk to you. What excuse do you think I could give as to why you couldn’t come to the phone even after she told me to wake you up that it was important?”

  “What excuse did you give?”

  “I told her you were sick, and then she wanted to come over.”

  I gasped. “So what happened?”

  “I had to ruin my reputation and confessed that I lied. That you were actually on a date. That you have a boyfriend.”


  “What else could I do? She waited to speak to you when you returned, but then she didn’t call again, so I’m suspecting she’s sharpening her knives. Freaking call her.” She hung up the phone on me.

  I was left staring at it. I jumped when it began to ring again, and was surprised to see it was Maddie again. “Yeah?”

  “What happened last night? I mean are you okay?”

  “I am,” I began. “We sailed towards Scotland. I’ll explain later.”

  “Fine. I’m still too angry to listen to you now, but call me when I’m back from work.”

  “Alright, I'm sorry," I said.

  She grunted before hanging up.


  A few hours later, I arrived at my mother’s boutique to see her attending to an elderly woman in a gorgeous white suit and three pearl beads around her neck. She had the most gorgeous head of curly white hair that I had ever seen and for a moment, my gaze was fully on her before it fluttered over to my mother.

  I met her completely furious pair of blue eyes on me and instantly looked away. After briefly chatting with Martin, I passed the time browsing through the racks of clothes and pretty soon, I heard the click of her heels as she headed over to me.

  “You’re no longer under my control anymore, are you? You’re completely on your own now, right?”

  “Mom,” I began and felt her glare begin to dig a grave underneath me.

  “How dare you be out of touch for so long?”

  “I’m sorry, my battery—”

  “I have to know where you are at all times,” she cried.

  I could see that my absence and the loss of contact with me had visibly shaken her, more than I would have expected, and I understood why. After my father’s death, we had stuck closely together and she had remained especially paranoid that she was going to lose me too for the longest time. Her old fears were beginning to return. Especially, at all the unexplainable events that had been happening in our lives recently.

  “I’m sorry,” I said again.

  I could see that she was near tears and just as I reached out to her, she brushed me off, and disappeared into her office.

  I turned to meet Martin’s concerned look. My heart felt heavy with remorse.

  “It’s okay. She’ll be fine,” Martin assured me

  I settled on the love seat in the rear of the boutique and brought out my books to study for the internship test I would be having the following day.

  After a while, she came out. “What are you still doing here?”

  I jumped up from the chair. “I’m studying. And waiting for you.”

  “Oh, what are you studying for?”

  “Internship test tomorrow.”

  She frowned. “Haven’t you already secured one?”

  My brain raced to recollect what lies I had invented about the situation. I was so bad at this. “Uh, ever since the funds got delayed, I've lost faith in them so I'm trying to find a new one.”

  “Who helped with the boutique then?”

  “Oh that. I got some short-term funding from the professor. He spoke directly with the landlord. That’s all sorted now,” I said quickly.

  She nodded then looked at me and expressed her grave source of concern. “What boy were y
ou with yesterday?”

  “He’s from my … umm … class,” I said. “But he’s not my boyfriend, or anything. We just stayed late at his place to study together. “

  “If you were at his place then why didn’t you charge your phone there?”

  “I’m sorry. I was careless, I won’t do it again.”

  With a sigh, she looked down at the catalogue she was holding and I knew then that I had been forgiven. “I'll be staying late again at his place … to study.”

  “Why can’t you study at home?” she asked with a childlike trust in me.

  I promised myself that this would be the last time I lied to her. I was going to tell her about Brent. I had to. I didn’t want her to find out from someone else. “I’ll fall asleep. This is an important test.”

  “Fine,” she agreed. “Keep your phone on though.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I responded and went forward to give her a hug.



  “Thank you so much for what you have done. I don’t know what I would have done if your professor friend had not stepped in and helped.”

  I smiled at her. “That’s all over now. Don’t worry about it anymore.”

  I took myself off to a Starbucks and spread out my books to study. A few hours of studying and I was filled with restlessness. Perhaps I was just bored, but as the moments passed I found myself staring at my phone and checking for messages. I knew that we were not in the kind of relationship that warranted constant communication, but it would have been nice for him to send a short message to tell me that I was on his mind. He never stopped being in mine. At about five o’clock, I was just returning from a refill when I saw my phone beeping with a new message.

  With my heart in my throat, I placed the glass down and grabbed my phone. It was Maddie.

  When will you be home?

  Disappointed, I answered her and pushing the phone away, returned to work. Five minutes later, my cellphone beeped again. Thinking it will be Maddie again, I glanced at it uninterestedly … and time stopped.


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