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Highest Bidder

Page 18

by Le Carre, Georgia

  It was Brent.

  Where are you?

  I wanted to ignore it, just for a little bit, so I didn’t look so eager, but it was impossible. Within minutes, I had the phone in my hands and was drafting a reply.

  At Starbucks at South Kensington. Studying for my test tomorrow.

  His text came again. How long will you be there?

  My fingers flew over the keyboard. Very late. I’ll take a cab home.

  I don’t know what I expected but whatever it was, it wasn’t his reply. I’ll join you.


  I had to rub my eyes to be sure I had read the message clearly. Two more hours passed and there was still no sign of him. I rested my head down on the table to cool my brain and when my eyes fluttered open a few minutes later, Brent Lucan was standing over me, a cup of coffee in his hand. I hadn’t even seen him come in.

  “Hey.” His voice was breathy, almost soundless but I heard it all the way deep in my heart.

  He was wearing a baseball cap on his head and the same dark attire he had had on that morning. He looked nothing like the powerful magnate the world was accustomed to, but every girl’s impossibly handsome crush from secondary school. That unattainable dream was right now beside me and staring into my eyes.

  “What are you h-?” I tried to ask but my brain was fried. I turned away and tried to get my breathing under control.

  “You’re exhausted,” he said. “Shouldn’t you head home to rest?”

  “No,” I disagreed. “I have a bit more to go through.”

  “Okay,” he said, and turning towards the computer he had opened in front of him, left me to my work. I couldn’t understand how he expected me to concentrate with him sitting so close beside me that I could feel his warmth. If I were honest, I didn’t want him anywhere else either, so I placed my headphones in my ears, turned the volume up, and tried my best to ignore him. A little while later, I felt him pull a bud from my ear and place it in his to hear what I was listening to.

  He looked at me, his brow cocked in surprise. “Chinese instrumental?”

  “It calms me,” I replied.

  “You started listening to it because of Maddie? She’s Chinese, isn’t she?”

  “Not at all, she doesn’t like instrumentals. Her mother used to play it a lot in the house though when we were in secondary school, so that’s how I—” Something suddenly struck me. “How do you know about Maddie?”

  He returned his gaze to the dark page of codes he was writing on his own screen. “You don’t expect me not to know as much as possible about you before proposing a relationship with you do you?”

  The pen fell from my hand.

  He smiled as he caught it just before it rolled off the desk. “Close your mouth, Freya.”

  As I watched him, I knew what I wanted to ask but I didn’t know how to put it in words. My brain wouldn’t work so instead, I looked away and thanked him for saving my pen. Of course, he would know everything about me ... I remembered his brother’s words. He's not an ordinary person. He’s calculated, precise ,and never careless. Every move he makes means something and is properly thought out.

  It made me wonder then what he was doing here. What sitting beside me right now in this cafe meant. Did he want to get closer to me, or was he trying to get me to perceive him in a certain light? My guesses didn’t make sense and they were draining the energy I had reserved for studying. I turned to him. “Why are you here?”

  “I'm working,” he answered. When he realized I was still watching him he turned towards me too.

  “I know, but you never do things without a reason. You could be working on your own but you’re here where it can’t be as comfortable as your study. I’m just curious why.”

  His smile spread into a full grin then as he leaned back into the chair. “What makes you think I never do things without a reason? I’m a human being.”

  “Well, you’re the only one who thinks that,” I muttered and returned my gaze to the book open before me.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  I shut the book and turned to him. “You're calculating, aren’t you? You plan every single move you make.”

  He blinked.

  “Right?” I prompted.

  “Okay,” he responded.

  I got the impression he was just humoring me. “Forget about it,” I said and returned to my book.

  “Yes, I am quite structured,” he explained gently, “and me being here right now, is quite impulsive for me I have to admit, but I wanted to be near you.” He leaned in, his nose to my neck. “To wallow in the scent of your skin.”

  I felt my bones begin to melt. It was as though his words had conjured up a bubble around the both of us that kept the rest of the world around us outside and silent. It was as though we were the only two that existed in the world right now.

  My head slanted to catch his lips, the slight taste of him shooting red molten desire straight to my core.

  I pulled away, worried that he would be too uncomfortable with such displays of affection in a public place, but as I licked the taste of him on my lips, his hand went around my neck and pulled me forward. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I saw stars.

  Few seconds later, and I couldn’t even sit still any longer. My knuckles were white from gripping his sweater. He broke the kiss then and my forehead collapsed onto his chest. I was out of breath and my heart was beating like a drum. “How far away is your car?” I asked.

  “If I take you out of here, I cannot guarantee that you will return.”

  “I don't care.”

  “If you fail the test, will you come work for me?”

  I immediately straightened and leaned away without meeting his eyes. His slight chuckle was pure music to my ears.


  The following day, I stepped out of the test halls in the Merrill Lynch headquarters in Oxford, quite surprised at how well the test had gone for me. Pulling my phone out of my backpack, I switched it on, my teeth nibbling on my nail as I held my breath for Brent’s good luck message.

  There was none. Of course. He wanted me to fail so I would go work in his company. I called Maddie.

  “Hey,” she answered.

  “I’m done,” I said, “where are you?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “Why are you whispering?” I asked.

  “Ella’s here,” she responded. “And she’s completely ballistic. She’s been crying for an hour.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “David cheated on her,” she replied.

  I sucked in my breath. “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I said and was immediately on my way.

  When I arrived, Maddie immediately warned me to keep my voice down. “She just fell asleep in my room.”

  We crept into the kitchen for a cup of tea, and Maddie filled me in on what had happened. There was an alert from my phone and though I was dying to look at it, I forced myself not to look.

  “Are you expecting someone?” she asked.


  Her eyes narrowed at me and then glanced down at my phone. “Is it your test? Will the results be out today?”

  “No, that will be next week.”

  “That’s Brent, isn’t it?”

  “Could be,” I said as nonchalantly as I could and glanced at it. My heart jumped to see that he had indeed sent me a message.

  How did it go?

  It amazed me how I couldn’t stop my smile at the inconsequential message. A few seconds later, I pushed the phone aside and glanced up to find Maddie’s face filled with irritation.

  “Did you spend the night with him yesterday, again?” she asked.

  “Of course not, I had to study. But he did stay with me at the cafe until late. He left just before midnight for an early meeting today.”

  “I don’t like this,” she said. “And I don’t like him.” She paused. “Are you at least protecting yourself properly?”

  “Of course I am,” I
responded. “I’m on birth control. I started it right after my period and I made sure we used a condom for a week after.”

  “And are you taking it? Religiously?”

  “I’m not a child, Maddie,” I responded.

  “I hope so, or you’ll be pushing one in a pram.” She looked at her watch. “Anyway, I got to go now. I promised someone at work I would go around. You can wait here for Ella to wake up and take over in listening to her rants when she wakes up.”

  A new message arrived as Maddie flounced out, and my heart began to race in anticipation.

  What do you want to eat tonight?

  I responded immediately.

  Chinese. You want me to come over?

  His reply was back in seconds.

  Of course. I only let you go last night because of your test, which I should have told you, you wouldn’t need to take.

  At the bold statement, my eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

  What do you mean?

  His reply was cryptic.

  I’ll tell you when you get here. See you at eight. Shall I send a car?


  Ella woke up suddenly and I spent an hour consoling her. The poor thing was really devastated by the betrayal, but the beauty of being Ella is bounce. After a while, she talked herself out of her pain. Then she hugged me and told me she would be fine, actually, she would be better off without that shitbag.

  I took a taxi to Brent. He surprised me by answering the door himself. I was used to being welcomed by his assistant, Michael, so I was a bit taken aback, but my brows shot up when I noticed the black and white striped apron hanging from his neck.

  “Come in,” he said with a smile.

  I shut the door and followed him over to the kitchen.

  There were groceries on the counter and Brent was toiling away washing vegetables under a running water faucet.

  “Um,” I began, not quite sure how to ask, “What’s going on?”

  “You said you wanted Chinese food. I’m making it for you.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my amusement.

  Leaning against the counter looking delicious as fuck in his olive-green jumper, he raised an eyebrow at me. “Is that mockery?”

  “No,” I denied immediately.

  “You don’t believe I can do it. I’ll show you.”

  I watched as he brought the washed vegetables over to the massive island and produced a chopping board from underneath. I was surprised he even knew where anything was. Pulling a knife from its holder, he placed the carrot on the board and butchered the poor vegetable in half. I couldn’t hold back my laughter anymore, and he seemed to grow even more offended.

  “Calm down,” I said and placed my hand on him flirtatiously to stop him from using the knife anymore.

  He glanced down at the hand and his eyes darkened. “If you don’t let go right now, your ass will be the menu for tonight.”

  My hand instantly left his as my face flushed red, but the image of my ass on his beautiful face while his tongue devoured me immediately became all that I was hungry for.

  The knife clattered onto the counter and I took a step backwards. Just like that, the air had changed between us from playful and casual to charged with sexual tension.

  “I’m really hungry,” I muttered, my eyes fixed on his.

  “So am I,” he said, “but no longer for sweet and sour chicken.”

  “Sweet and sour chicken sounds amazing.”

  “I’ll buy it for you, then,” he said, as my back collided with the counter.

  “I want to see you cook,” I said breathlessly.

  “I’ll make you an omelet tomorrow morning.”

  My lips puckered into a pout and he was on me before I could blink. The strength left my knees, but as though he now expected the crippling effect that he had on me, his hands gripped my body and held me in place.

  His tongue tangled with mine, sucking, stroking and teasing, coaxing the ache that had been constantly simmering through my veins even at the mere thought of him all day, into raging fire. I couldn’t get enough of him as I lifted my leg so I could grind my tormented sex against his hard bulge. Red, hot lust raged in the pit of my stomach.

  “Brent,” I whispered, as his warm wet tongue slid over the delicate skin at the base of my neck.

  He finished the tease with a lingering kiss. “You’re not wearing a bra,” he murmured, as he fondled my swollen breasts, drawing my nipples into his mouth, and sucking hard through the light fabric of my t-shirt.

  I cupped his head with one hand and then roughly slipped the other into the front of his slacks. My hand closed around his cock. A breathy grunt of approval immediately escaped from his lips. Encouraged by his response, I fisted him and began to stroke him within his slacks. His forehead fell against my chest. I needed him in my mouth right then but the moment I grabbed his fly to unzip, I was pulled away from the counter. My ass was pressed against him. His hands came around and the button of my jeans unfastened.

  My entire body quaked in anticipation of his touch. I ground my ass against his crotch until his hand roughly slid into the panties, and grabbed my soaked sex, hard. My mouth opened at the brute pleasure.

  “Have I told you,” he muttered close to my ear. “That I’ve never been this desperate for anyone in my life?”

  His words made me smile, but I couldn’t concentrate as my toes began to curl at what he was doing to my sex. As he traced kisses down my neck, he stroked my throbbing clit in hard circular motions that made my hips dance and twist in delicious agony.

  In one swift movement, I jerked my panties from my hips. When they were midway across my thighs, he rewarded my efforts by slipping two of his fingers inside me.

  “I want your cock!” I rasped, “I can’t wait.”

  “You have to,” he responded lazily.

  I felt my head go fuzzy. Burying his head in my neck, he thrust his fingers in and out of me. I used the opportunity to slip his cock out of his pants and slip it in between my ass cheeks. I rocked my hips to the rhythm of his thrusts, as breathing became more and more difficult with each passing moment.

  He was so in tune with my body that he was able to sense when I was about to come, or perhaps my mindless thrashing against him was a clear enough indication. He suddenly withdrew his fingers but before I could cry out in protest, I was lifted up and deposited on top of the counter. The cord of the toaster behind me was torn out of the socket and the machine crashed to its demise and so did the jars of ceramic canisters beside me.

  At the ear-splitting crash, my mouth hung open and he quickly covered it with his, effectively deleting every thought from my brain as his fingers continued to plunge in and out of me. I was nearly there, my walls pulsating around his fingers, gripping and releasing the thick fingers uncontrollably.

  He jerked my thighs apart and swiped his tongue, hard and hot down my sex. I was so wet the juices of my arousal were already trickling down my thighs.

  “Fuck me, Brent,” I screamed in frustration.

  With a hard grip on my thighs, he pulled me to the edge of the counter, and without any warning, obliged my request. He shoved his cock into me.

  My moan was throat deep and endless as my hands struck the counter in torment. “Oh God,” I screamed, as his thick cock stretched me. Barely coherent, I grabbed his hair as my legs encircled his waist to drive him deeper into me.

  He began to pound into me. My hands slid down to cup his wonderfully firm ass. It was flexing and straining as he chased his orgasm. As his thrusts grew harsher, deeper and more frantic, my sex spasmed around his erection.

  “Fuck, Freya!” he roared into my ear.

  Something about the rawness of his tone sent me over the edge. I exploded and it triggered his climax, sending bursts of hot semen shooting into me. His groan was guttural as he emptied himself into me, the sound echoing in the massive kitchen.

  I wrapped my hands around his neck as our bodies quaked from the force of our share
d explosion.

  “You’re going to make me lose my mind!” he muttered. “You’re going to fucking make me lose my mind.” He continued to move, milking every last ounce of pleasure out of both of us as his arms tightened almost painfully around my waist. As though he never wanted to let go.

  He pulled me off the counter with him still lodged inside me and my legs in place around his hips.

  “Brent, I can’t feel my legs,” I confessed.

  “Don’t worry. You feel stronger because I’ll feed you after we’re done,” he said.

  “We won’t be done today,” I responded, surprising myself at my greed for this man. “I want you to fuck me on every surface in this house.”

  He kissed me with his approval. “That’s the plan, but we’ll go in rounds otherwise we might both be rushed to ER.” He placed me against a door.

  I buckled in cradling his head to my neck, as he began to slam into me all over again. The loud smacking sounds filled the room. It was the perfect melody to our union.


  Two hours later, Brent was lying across the bed next to me, his hand under his head to prop him up and the platter of takeout boxes we had delivered were spread between us.

  I was in the olive-green sweater he had been wearing earlier, but he had forced me to sit with my legs crossed so he could look at my pussy while he ate. I was sure that I had never felt more excited to be alive.

  “What did you mean earlier?” I asked, chopsticks in hand as I nibbled on a piece of fried dumpling. “When you said that I wouldn’t need to take the test.”

  He pulled his gaze from my open pussy and briefly smiled.

  I licked my finger. “What did you mean? Are you expecting me to fail or something?”

  “Not at all. Merrill Lynch is known for their impossible working hours. With the demands I intend to make on your body, you might end up feeling too exhausted after a while. Then you’ll come join my accounting department.”

  “You don’t wish me well, Brent.” I pouted.


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