Book Read Free

Sybille Bedford

Page 45

by Selina Hastings

  “like a man with a great burden”: Aldous Huxley Vol. 2 p. 11.

  “It was of course”: ibid.

  “Aldous, don’t you want England to win?”: ibid. p. 12.

  “deux curieuses bonnes femmes”: Journal: Les Années d’Exil 1937–1949 by Klaus Mann (Bernard Grasset, 1998) p. 217.

  “ ‘Dear John,’ said Eleanor”: “What Can We Ever Do?” typescript SB archive HRC.

  “it is so overloaded”: 5.8.41 SB archive HRC.

  “I had reached the age”: Quicksands p. 7.

  “Sybille is a silly little snob”: Maria Huxley to Marjorie Seabrook 4.12.41 Aldous Huxley Vol. 2 p. 23.

  “[She and Allanah] are not happy here”: Maria Huxley to Eddy Sackville-West 9.12.40 SB archive HRC.

  “probablement ma meilleure amie”: Maria Huxley to Jeanne Neveux February 1942 Nys-Huxley archive Bibliothèque Royale de Bruxelles.

  “a difficult time”: SB to Katie Muir 21.6.54 SB archive HRC.

  “In those New York years”: SB to James Stern 27.12.85 James Stern archive British Library.

  “In those American years”: review by SB of Cyril Connolly: Journal & Memoir by David Pryce-Jones Vogue August 1983.

  “a Yiddish bulldog”: Clement Greenberg: A Life by Florence Rubenfeld (Scribner, 1997) p. 97.

  “ghastly physically”: Allanah Harper to SB, 28.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “monstrously untrained”: Eda Lord to James Stern 4.9.64 James Stern archive British Library.

  “I have got all the information”: Maria Huxley to SB, 18.3.41 SB archive HRC.

  “Malheureusement je dois dire”: Maria Huxley to SB 13.11.42 SB archive HRC.

  “my always dear Sybille”: Maria Huxley to SB 8.3.43 SB archive HRC.

  “very dear Sybille”: Maria Huxley to SB 15.1.45 SB archive HRC.

  “the most remarkable and adorable woman”: SB to Elaine Robson-Scott 1961 SB archive HRC.

  “the difficult facts of life”: Decision January–February 1942 pp. 73–4.

  “I have just read your article”: Aldous Huxley to SB 10.11.42 SB archive HRC.

  “I was, on the whole, disappointed”: James Stern to SB 11.6.41 SB archive HRC.

  “It’s frightfully underfurnished”: SB to Tania Stern 30.10.43 James Stern archive British Library.

  “a full-sized kitchen”: ibid.

  “Of Hock and Fine”: SB to Curtis Moffatt 11.10.44 SB archive HRC.

  “Poor A. trying to prove”: Maria Huxley to SB 23.3.41 SB archive HRC.

  “I found myself a bit depressed”: Tania Stern to James Stern 19.6.45 James Stern archive British Library.

  “is devoted to you”: Allanah Harper to SB, 28.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “An extremely good dinner”: Anne Bakewell to Clement Greenberg 1943 SB archive HRC.

  “Darling, wasn’t it fun”: Anne Bakewell to SB April 1943 SB archive HRC.

  “a new affaire de coeur”: SB to Toni Muir 30.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “her nasty old allowance-power”: Anne Bakewell to SB 21.5.43 SB archive HRC.

  “I could never have enough of you”: Anne Bakewell to SB 21.5.43 SB archive HRC.

  “If only you could be here tonight”: Anne Bakewell to SB 16.5.43 SB archive HRC.

  “I feel so worried”: Anne Bakewell to SB 15.6.43 SB archive HRC.

  “I never look at her”: Anne Bakewell to Clement Greenberg 1943 SB archive HRC.

  “too boring for words”: Allanah Harper to SB 15.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “I must say it does bring you down”: Allanah Harper to SB September 1943 SB archive HRC.

  “delightful”: SB to Toni Muir 30.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “Darling,” Allanah wrote: Allanah Harper to SB September 1943 SB archive HRC.

  “Remember you are a writer”: Allanah Harper to SB 19.8.43 SB archive HRC.

  “If only you were not so horrible”: Allanah Harper to SB 27.7.43 SB archive HRC.

  “quite bad”: SB to Elaine Robson Scott c.1963 SB archive HRC.

  “I do not know what to do”: Allanah Harper to SB, 19.8.43 SB archive HRC.

  “The news has been so exciting”: SB to Toni Muir 30.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “in a warm place”: SB to Toni Muir 30.10.43 SB archive HRC.

  “I must warn you”: All We Know: Three Lives by Lisa Cohen (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2012) p. 105.

  “The past is so satisfactory”: ibid. p. 31.

  “proud, loyal”: John Strachey by Hugh Thomas (Eyre Methuen, 1973), p. 71.

  “You crossed my path”: Esther Murphy to SB 1945 SB archive HRC.

  “I love you and miss you”: Esther Murphy to SB 1.3.45 SB archive HRC.

  “Everything I say”: Allanah Harper to SB 16.9.45 SB archive HRC.

  “I only love you more and more”: Annie Bakewell to SB 5.2.45 SB archive HRC.

  “I will unwillingly address this letter”: Annie Bakewell to SB 16.2.45 SB archive HRC.

  “goodness of heart”: All We Know p. 105.

  “Supernaturally erudite”: Quicksands p. 13.

  “She talks constantly”: The Diaries of Dawn Powell 1931–1965 ed. Tim Page (Steerforth Press, 1995) p. 249.

  “The only thing that matters”: Allanah Harper to SB 17.5.46 SB archive HRC.

  “everyone shrieks in America”: Allanah Harper to SB 27.5.46 SB archive HRC.

  “Oh Bull how you made me long”: SB to Allanah Harper 29.6.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “It is over five years”: Joan Black to SB, 14.3.46 SB archive HRC.

  “Poor Joan started reading”: Eda Lord to SB, 23.9.46 SB archive HRC.

  “What one also did not know”: Quicksands p. 95.

  “She looked very well”: Allanah Harper to SB 19.9.46 SB archive HRC.

  “Her health has suffered”: SB to Allanah Harper 29.6.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “aversion insurmontable”: Katzi Nielsen to SB 13.11.65 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “was no collaborator”: Quicksands p. 366.

  “I suppose I feel closer to you”: SB to Allanah Harper 29.6.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “I am very desperate in many ways”: SB to Allanah Harper 29.6.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “I had a great longing to move”: A Visit to Don Otavio p. 20.

  “It only costs just over a hundred dollars”: SB to Allanah Harper 29.6.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “I am delighted to be here”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.8.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “As one picks one’s way”: A Visit to Don Otavio p. 39.

  “two spiny fishes”: ibid. p. 42.

  “I sniff before tasting”: ibid. p. 50.

  “a sun-splashed loggia”: ibid. p. 123.

  “The place belonged to the governor”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.8.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “born anti-traveller”: Quicksands p. 13.

  “hated to travel”: All We Know p. 106.

  “I am more and more enchanted”: SB to Allanah Harper 25.9.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “three or four men in fine hats”: A Visit to Don Otavio p. 98.

  “The actual fight sickened and depressed me”: SB to Allanah Harper 16.10.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “dirty and illiterate”: SB to Allanah Harper 21.8.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “Old Virginian ladies”: SB to Allanah Harper 3.10.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “spinsterish primadonnaism”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.3.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “if that doesn’t make your flesh creep”: SB to Allanah Harper 3.10.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “rude as Yankee peddlers”: Kokio: A Novel Based on the L
ife of Neill James by Stephen Preston Banks (Tellectual Press, 2016) p. 210.

  “Mexico has made all the difference”: SB to Allanah Harper 13.11.46 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “everyone is too concerned”: Allanah Harper to SB 7.12.46 SB archive HRC.

  “almost frantic need”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.3.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “I got a good black suit”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.5.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “the bogus city”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.3.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “the last word in discomfort”: SB to Allanah Harper 23.3.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “I can bring a thousand cigarettes”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.5.47 Allanah Harper archive HRC.

  “After a universal cataclysm”: Quicksands p. 100.


  “I cannot tell you”: Allanah Harper to Cyril Connolly 23.11.46 Cyril Connolly archive McFarlin Library, Tulsa.

  “If one has been through the bombing”: Allanah Harper to SB 9.6.46 SB archive HRC.

  “Nice as she is”: Allanah Harper to SB 19.9.46 SB archive HRC.

  “Eda as usual does not express an opinion”: ibid.

  “madly in love”: Allanah Harper to SB 20.4.47 SB archive HRC.

  “has been wonderful”: Allanah Harper to SB 20.5.47 SB archive HRC.

  “I could have Esther here”: Allanah Harper to SB 13.3.47 SB archive HRC.

  “sitting in one of the stiff armchairs”: Quicksands p. 95.

  “vast meals on time”: SB to Toni Muir 15.11.49 SB archive HRC.

  “She spellbound her hosts”: Quicksands p. 99.

  “How is it that she has lived in France so long”: The Fifties: From Notebooks and Diaries of the Period by Edmund Wilson. Edited by Leon Edel (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986) p. 376.

  “The Mimerels were entirely out of it”: Quicksands p. 101.

  “I wish you would fall in love”: Allanah Harper to SB 30.4.49 SB archive HRC.

  “moral stature”: SB to Toni Muir 25.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I am rather sad”: SB to Allanah Harper 14.2.49 SB archive HRC SB archive HRC.

  “I know I have forfeited all claim”: Esther Murphy to SB 3.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “how unspeakably I love you”: Esther Murphy to SB 13.2.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Some people can write love letters”: Sunday Times 13.11.94.

  “the sun, the sweet air”: Quicksands p. 12.

  “the cold is breaking me”: SB to Toni Muir 9.2.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I am not writing”: SB to Toni Muir 22.1.49 SB archive HRC.

  “made my hair stand on end”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “remained the loving, generous sister”: Quicksands p. 365.

  “I can’t tell you HOW lovely”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “The streets are full”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “French windows giving on to”: Quicksands p. 49.

  “a gentleman of the press in skirts”: Genêt: A Biography of Janet Flanner by Brenda Wineapple (Ticknor & Fields, 1989) p. 94.

  “the enormous moral progress”: SB to Allanah Harper 8.3.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I cannot understand”: SB to Allanah Harper 19.2.49 SB archive HRC.

  “rather nasty letter”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “not an amiable quality”: SB to Toni Muir 20.8.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Klaus could no longer find himself”: Golo Mann in Escape to Life filmed by Andrea Weiss and Wieland Speck (2000).

  “goes on like a great heavy wheel”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “romantic, German fixation”: SB to Toni Muir 27.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I am free of Esther”: SB to Toni Muir 25.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “a woman of radiant vitality”: Quicksands p. 139.

  “Not educated in our sense”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I had what is called a good time”: SB to Toni Muir 27.5.49 ibid.

  “I never met a more self-righteous woman”: review by SB of Our Three Selves: A Life of Radclyffe Hall by Michael Baker (William Morrow, 1985) Guardian 1985.

  “How guilty one feels”: SB to Toni Muir 27.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Your friend Patricia Laffan”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “took me aside”: SB to Toni Muir 25.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “She was very excited about it”: SB to Allanah Harper 30.4.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Very well”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Meeting Martha”: Pleasures and Landscapes p. 17.

  “proud, solitary, faintly snobbish”: SB to Allanah Harper 10.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “By full morning”: Pleasures and Landscapes p. 15.

  “The island is full of the old and titled”: SB to Allanah Harper 1948 SB archive HRC.

  “I left England under a cloud”: Robin Maugham unpublished diaries 1949 (private archive).

  “The talk, as I remember”: Pleasures and Landscapes p. 20.

  “bubbling and bawdy, and kind”: SB to Toni Muir 26.8.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I felt privileged”: Pleasures and Landscapes p. 22.

  “the brightest, most honourable”: Quicksands p. 20.

  “I owe her a good deal”: ibid.

  “By Golly!”: ibid. p. 21.

  “My God, I thought”: ibid.

  “gave me an affectionate”: ibid. p. 22.

  “though charming and comfortable”: SB to Martha Gellhorn 24.7.49 Martha Gellhorn archive HGARC.

  “set out with gleaming linen”: Quicksands p. 43.

  “coroneted napkins, silver dishes”: SB to Allanah Harper 16.8.49 SB archive HRC.

  “the most unsuitable topics”: SB to Martha Gellhorn 24.7.49 Martha Gellhorn archive HGARC.

  “One cannot think much”: SB to Toni Muir 20.7.49 SB archive HRC.

  “The baronessa tells them”: SB to Martha Gellhorn 24.7.49 Martha Gellhorn archive HGARC.

  “one warm night”: Quicksands p. 12.

  “an extremely subjective book”: SB to Allanah Harper 28.5.49 SB archive HRC.

  “I haven’t written for much too long”: SB to Toni Muir 20.7.49 ibid.

  “I feel exhausted, discouraged”: SB to Martha Gellhorn 24.7.49 Martha Gellhorn archive HGARC.

  “July 20th No work”: SB diaries SB archive HRC.

  “now it’s a bit better”: SB to Martha Gellhorn 24.7.49 Martha Gellhorn archive HGARC.

  “I’ve been wrestling all afternoon”: SB to Allanah Harper 16.8.49 SB archive HRC.

  “It took me three weeks”: SB to Toni Muir 11.8.49 SB archive HRC.

  “What mattered was that the book was moving”: Quicksands p. 18.

  “a worn-out international fairy”: Esther Murphy to SB, 11.10.49 SB archive HRC.

  “My whole feeling about her”: Esther Murphy to SB, 19.10.49 SB archive HRC.

  “madly in love”: Allanah Harper to SB 27.6.49 SB archive HRC.

  “and could not be sweeter”: ibid.

  “to me one of the most heavenly countrysides”: SB to Toni Muir 21.9.49 SB archive HRC.

  “abode of permanent peace”: ibid.

  “the Bates Sorcery Chamber”: Quicksands p. 67.

  “still one of the liveliest”: SB to Toni Muir 15.11.49 SB archive HRC.

  “Lord Byron of the Ladies”: ibid.

  “Quick change and off”: SB to Evelyn Gendel 26.1.52 SB archive HRC.

  “Suddenly” Sybille recalled: Joan Schenkar (unpublished) interview with SB 12.6.90.
br />   “She is a monster”: SB to Evelyn Gendel 13.4.53 SB archive HRC.

  “entirely selfish”: All We Know by Lisa Cohen p. 55.

  “The entertaining, brittle world”: SB to Evelyn Gendel 13.4.53 SB archive HRC.

  “Allanah and I shared”: Quicksands p. 65.

  “an angelic, witty, suicidal imp”: ibid.

  “a horrid Dog Kennel”: SB to Toni Muir 9.4.50 SB archive HRC.

  “I have my tea there”: SB to Allanah Harper 15.4.50 SB archive HRC.

  “I have acquired a new joy”: SB to Allanah Harper 21.6.50 SB archive HRC.

  “Conversation flowed”: Quicksands 126.

  “I felt I’d moved to Yonkers”: author’s interview with Milton Gendel 8.6.12.

  “one of those rather sarcastic”: SB to Toni Muir 23.8.50 SB archive HRC.

  “young in some ways”: ibid.

  “I didn’t especially take to Sybille”: author’s interview with Milton Gendel 8.6.12.

  “Yes, I did like the Gendels”: Quicksands p. 126.

  “I bit a nail, sat down”: ibid. p. 134.

  “tomatoes, an egg or two”: ibid.

  “The Gendels, who occasionally came”: ibid. p. 136.

  “Evelyn and I were facing each other”: ibid. p. 145.

  “I knew all the time”: SB to Toni Muir 23.8.50 SB archive HRC.

  “after that day”: ibid.

  “rather madly in love”: ibid.

  “We had to be extremely careful”: ibid.

  “the maddening, slow maid”: ibid.

  “overexalted & feeling oats”: SB diaries SB archive HRC.

  “It was a strain”: SB to Toni Muir 23.8.50 SB archive HRC.

  “that notion of For Ever”: ibid.

  “I was beside myself”: ibid.

  “After Evelyn left me”: author’s interview with Milton Gendel 8.6.12.

  “and thank God she and Evelyn”: SB to Toni Muir 23.8.50 SB archive HRC.

  “I found the first weeks”: ibid.

  “Many attachments have improbable beginnings”: Quicksands p. 148.

  “was very nice and very intelligent”: Allanah Harper to SB 6.1.51 SB archive HRC.

  “I love Jane as much as ever”: Allanah Harper to SB 19.7.50 SB archive HRC.

  “thank God [she] has a little more money”: SB to Allanah Harper 30.12.51 SB archive HRC.


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