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Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6)

Page 10

by Delta James

  “No, Declan, please...” she wailed softly. “Please?”

  “Answer me,” he said with finality.

  “I feel humbled and submissive. I feel like I was naughty and deserved to be punished by you. But I also feel like now that I’ve been punished, I need you to forgive me and let me know you’re done being angry.”

  Ava began to cry. Declan got off the bed and crossed over to her. He ran his hands down her body and cradled her against himself as she cried.

  “I’m sorry, Declan. I just wanted to run and I know you told me not to. I’m sorry I disobeyed you. Please, can you not be mad at me anymore?”

  He fondled her breasts, teasing her hardened nipples as she moaned in pleasure. She widened her stance and jutted her pussy at him, her plea for him to mount her obvious.

  “Are you sorry enough that I can take out the plug before I fuck you?” he asked.

  “Yes, baby. I’ll be better, I promise, please?”

  Declan removed the plug gently and went to clean it before placing it and the tube of lube back in the paper sack. Declan opened his jeans and she could immediately feel his hard cock poking at her. She braced against the wall; her knees started to give way when he took hold of her hips. Her body knew that his breaching her was imminent.

  He reached between her legs, tickling her clit just for a moment before spreading her labia and drawing out some of her slick essence to coat the head of his cock. Ava felt it probe and then locate her opening before driving home, causing her knees to almost buckle.

  “It’s okay, Lizzy. I’ve got you,” he said, nuzzling her neck as he began to plunge in and out of her.

  Ava couldn’t remember a time she’d been more aroused. The spanking, the plug, Declan’s dominance all combined to make her incredibly aroused and needy. She didn’t mind being responsive and horny, but having those needs so geared toward Declan was unsettling when she took the time to think about it. But as he thrust within her stretching her sheath to its maximum capacity, she didn’t care. All Ava cared about was the way he made her feel and the way she wanted to please him, not just sexually but in all ways.

  She loved hearing him grunt and groan as he pounded her pussy. Her own cries and moans seemed to fuel his need to possess and dominate her, which in turn only amped up her desire for him. Ava felt her body becoming flushed and all of her feelings concentrated in her core as her orgasm burst forth, causing her cunt to contract all along his cock as he cried out in pleasure and relentlessly stroked on.

  “Good girl, Lizzy. Let me feel how much you want me to fuck you.”

  “God, yes, Declan,” she screamed as a second climax quickly followed the first, making reality slip away.

  It wasn’t that their lovemaking hadn’t been intense before, but this time their coupling was even more frenzied and passionate. Ava cried out in triumph as she felt Declan begin to come hard. Her feeling of victory over him was short lived when he reached up to pinch one of her nipples and she spasmed again in ecstasy. She could feel him spurting out the last of his cum and her pussy rippling along his length to milk every last drop from him.

  “Don’t think I didn’t feel you trying to deny me that last orgasm, Lizzy.”

  “Declan, I wasn’t...”

  He bumped her punished ass with his pelvis, driving his cock to the very end of her channel.

  “Bullshit. But I have an idea I think will ensure you don’t try it again.”

  He uncoupled from her and patted her bottom. Even though it wasn’t meant to inflict further punishment and was more affectionate than anything, the state of her thrashed backside made her wince from the connection.

  “Go bend over the edge of the bed, Lizzy.”


  Her protest was cut short when he swatted her backside and she yelped.

  “Now, Lizzy.”

  Turning and facing him, she realized that even though she knew him to be well sated, he was in no mood to argue with her. Quietly she padded over to the bed and put herself in position. Declan followed and reached for the paper bag.

  “Declan, no.”

  “Yes. Right now I’m thinking perhaps I should have left it in when I fucked you. But I thought you had acquiesced to my dominance. That little stunt where you tried to withhold your orgasm from me shows me you had only accepted your spanking and punishment, and had not been ready to submit. I think an afternoon and evening plugged should show you the folly of that.”


  “Reach back and spread your cheeks for me, little girl. Show me you are truly sorry.”

  “Oh, God, Declan...” she started and then sighed in resignation.

  Reaching back, she parted her cheeks and then laid her head on the bed, closing her eyes and surrendering. Declan reached between her legs and scooped up some of his cum that was mingled with her own wet desire and was now spilling out of her well-used pussy. She opened her eyes to see him slathering the combined milky substance over the butt plug he intended to put back in her ass.

  Catching her watching him, he smiled. “You may as well get used to my cum being in your ass, Lizzy. It won’t be too long before my cock starts making regular visits to deposit it there personally. I want you to thank me for not using the peppermint again.”

  She swallowed.

  “I’m sorry I tried to withhold my climax from you. I know better and I know you don’t like it when I try to do that. Thank you for not using the peppermint lube this time.”

  Declan seemed to relent just a bit. “Are you telling me you know you were wrong to do that and deserve to have the plug put back in?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Declan. I misbehaved earlier by running naked in the woods after you told me not to and again when I tried not to come for you a third time. I deserved the spanking I got and having you put that thing inside me.”

  He leaned down and smoothed her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “Good girl,” he said as he began to gently push the butt plug all the way in until it was fully seated inside her. “Do you think you can behave?”

  She nodded.

  “Then you can get up. Put some clothes on. We’re going up to the house.”

  “Like this?”

  “Yes, Lizzy, just like this. Once we get there, I’m going to show you to our room. I’m done sneaking around at my own house. You’re moving up to the main house with me. I know you and Bess have become friends and for what it’s worth she agrees with me that we’re perfect for each other.”

  “But she’s going to know...”

  “That we sleep together or that I spank you when you misbehave? Actually, it doesn’t really matter either way. Bess would never say anything to anyone. Do we need to have a discussion about this?”

  Ava grinned in spite of herself. “Would that be the kind of discussion where I’m face down over your knee getting my ass beat?”

  “That would be the kind. I take it you’re willing to just be a good girl and forego the need for another discussion of that kind this afternoon?” he said, smiling.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The honorific rolled off her tongue as though she had been using it with him for a long time when, in fact, it was the first time. The grin on Declan’s face and the softness in his eyes reassured Ava.

  He hauled her up off the bed and into his embrace. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered, “There’s my good girl. I think I rather like you calling me sir when you’re being punished.”

  “Yes, sir,” she purred.

  “Let’s get you up to the house. I’m going to put you down for a nap and I’ll come get the rest of your things.”

  “I don’t want a nap,” she said, failing to stifle a yawn.

  He laughed. “And you didn’t want me to put that plug back in, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need both. Now, get dressed so we can go up to the house. If you’re hungry, you can choose to have lunch downstairs in the kitchen or I’ll bring you something up to eat.”

  “But either way, you’re putting me
to bed.”


  Suddenly Ava started to cry.

  Declan sat down on the bed and pulled her into his lap. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Everything,” she muttered.

  “Lizzy, that isn’t a proper answer. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  “That’s the problem, you can’t fix it,” she said as she buried her face in his neck and cried harder.

  “Shh, baby. It’ll be all right. Are you worried that Bess will make fun of you when you have to use a pillow to sit down?”

  Ava brought her head up and saw all of his love and concern and could only wail in response.

  “Lizzy, baby. Talk to me.”

  She started to push at his chest. “This isn’t going to work. I have to leave.”

  “Leave?” he said, astonished at what he was hearing. “Leave my lap, leave the carriage house...”

  “You. I need to leave you.”

  “That, little girl, is the last thing you need to do. And if you run away from home, because you know this is your home, I’ll come after you. And when I catch up with you, you’ll have a long, painful discussion with my belt as to why you never want to do it again.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “What I understand is that you’re upset and instead of telling me what it is, you think you’ll avoid whatever it is that frightens you by fleeing. And I’m telling you categorically, all that will get you is a welted backside.” He reached up and dried her tears with his sleeve. “When you’re ready to tell me, I’m ready to listen. But at some point if you don’t offer to share with me, I’ll make you. Understood?”

  She nodded. Ava’s feelings for this man, feelings she had never had before, were growing stronger. He kissed her in a comforting way that did make her feel better.

  “Now then, get up and get dressed and we’ll go up and have lunch. Then you, Lizzy Owen, are going to lie down and try to take a nap.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl,” he crooned as he kissed her again.

  Declan called up to the main house to let Bess know that he was moving Lizzy up to the house and that if it wasn’t too much trouble, he’d appreciate her making them both something for lunch to take up to his room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Declan couldn’t remember a time he’d been happier and then thought to himself he was one twisted bastard. Lizzy was, after having to be swatted a couple of more times, naked and in his bed. Even though she had said she wasn’t tired, he had seen it written all over her face. He knew her run earlier in the day had contributed to it as had the spanking and sex that followed. He was also quite certain that the secret she was keeping was a burden that added to it.

  He knew that Lizzy was the woman he wanted with him for the rest of his life. He loved her strength and intelligence. He cherished her submission, when she gave it. He knew, on a deeper level of knowing, that something wasn’t quite right about her... about them. She had that damn secret and his greatest wish was that she would feel safe enough to trust him with it.

  Declan looked over at the bed and watched her peacefully sleeping. She’d been napping for almost two hours. His cock stirred and started to harden at the thought of her naked body, which was currently sporting a decidedly red derriere and a plug lodged in her back entrance. He would let her sleep a bit longer while he worked on some paperwork he had retrieved from his office downstairs. They would get her things tomorrow. He didn’t want her to wake in unfamiliar surroundings alone.

  That he had fallen head over heels for Lizzy didn’t surprise him. What did surprise him was that the depth of feeling grew each and every day. And with it a greater need to dominate and possess her in all ways. For the most part she would submit to him physically, but he knew that having her surrender her spirit to him for safekeeping had yet to be accomplished.

  Declan couldn’t help but believe that whatever the secret, resolving it held the key to solving the mystery that was the beautiful woman to whom he had committed everything.

  There was a discreet knock on the door. Declan rose from the leather wingback chair and opened the door, stepping out in the hallway.

  “Is she asleep?” asked Bess, her voice heavy with concern. “She looked exhausted.”

  “Yes. I think her little adventure combined with whatever it is she doesn’t want me to know really took it out of her. You don’t know what it is, do you?”

  “I know a bit more than you, I think, but not all of it.”

  “Are you willing to share what you know?”

  Bess seemed to consider her answer. “I think it’s best she tells you herself, but she has sworn to me that it can’t harm you and I believe her.”

  Declan took Bess’ hand in his. “Anything that harms or distresses her does the same to me. In case you missed it, I plan to make a life with her.”

  Declan was surprised by the look of worry that passed over Bess’ face.

  “What is it, Bess? Don’t you care for her? Does it bother you that we’re sleeping together and I’ve brought her up to the house?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “You know me better than that, Declan Collins.”

  “I do, Bess. Forgive me for doubting you. But I can see you’re upset.”

  “Not upset, Declan... concerned. As you say she is keeping secrets from you and you need to find out what they are. But I will say I’ve never seen you happier and I’ve seen Lizzy become happier and more at peace with each day. I daresay she feels for you everything you feel for her and maybe even more.”

  “Any sage advice?”

  “At the risk of shocking you and perhaps even offending you, I would tell you to follow your heart. And when it tells you that you need to be the alpha in your relationship with Lizzy, believe it. As strong-willed as she is, she needs a mate who is every bit as strong and tough. In fact, she needs one that possesses those qualities in abundance over hers. You keep the upper hand with her, Declan and make her mind you. She’ll settle in after a bit and be all the happier for it.”

  It should have surprised him that Bess knew exactly the kind of relationship he had with Lizzy, but it didn’t. It was a huge relief to know that not only did she know, but that he had her full support and endorsement.

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll take good care of her, Bess. I can see I’m not the only one who’s let Lizzy Owen into his heart.”

  “True enough. You know she hates that you call her Lizzy.”

  Declan chuckled. “I know, but I think it fits her better than Elizabeth or Beth.”

  “And perhaps it doesn’t fit her at all,” said Bess, arching her eyebrow at him.

  “Do you think that’s not her real name? She passed a government background check. Mind you it was low level, but still.”

  “Let’s just say when I guessed that wasn’t her real name, she didn’t deny it. And to be frank, I know she’d prefer to be called by her true name when you’re between her legs having your way with her.”

  “Well,” said Declan, a bit taken aback at Bess’ blunt conversation, “I suppose I’ll have to get her to tell me the truth if for no other reason than that.”

  “Take it from an old woman who knows of what she speaks, if you can’t get it done with just your hand, it’s best to get yourself a leather strap or a good belt.”

  If Declan had felt he’d been slapped across one cheek from Bess’ previous statement, he felt the other cheek getting slapped just as hard. Declan laughed. “I’ll take your word on that, but so far my hand seems to be getting the job done.”

  Bess giggled. “And I’ll wager it’s not just your hand that keeps her in line. At least it wasn’t just Cameron’s hand or his strap that helped me to behave.”

  “Jesus, Bess. How did I not know this?”

  “Because, dear boy, you were far too young and had not heard the call of your own true love.”

  “Neither of those facts applies now.”

sp; Bess smiled at him. “Thus the reason I’m telling you. Do you want me to bring supper up to the two of you?”

  “I don’t want you to go to any trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble. It might be a bit easier for her if you give her a few days to settle in up here with you before you make her sit down on a well-punished backside in front of anyone but you.”

  Declan laughed. “Speaking from experience again?”

  She giggled. “Yes, but I got over being embarrassed about it.”

  “Happen that often, did it?”

  “That, Declan Collins, is none of your business.”

  Declan went back into their suite, shaking his head not only at Bess’ confession, but at the fact that he no longer thought of it as his room, but rather theirs.

  * * *

  Bess went into Declan’s study and closed the door. Once more she rang the Halsey estate to the south in the Hamptons. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Roz’s voice.

  “Bess? Is everything all right?”

  “I think so, but I thought I should give you an update.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The she-wolf I told you about? Well, apparently her fated mate is my employer and friend, Declan Collins.”

  Bess was surprised when Roz laughed. “Oh, that’s rich. A female alpha called to a male human? That’s got to have pissed her off royally. Is he an alpha? Does he know about us?”

  “Yes, he is an alpha and seems to be doing well with her,” Bess laughed quietly. “Right now she’s up in his bed napping after getting her backside blistered for disobeying him and running naked through the woods. And no, Declan’s family has never known about our kind.”

  Roz laughed as well. “Oh, she and I are going to get along just fine. Should I ask why she was forbidden to run in the woods? I mean I get the naked, alphas are territorial as all get out, but why are the woods off limits?”

  “Because he’s worried that the lone wolf that has been spotted up here might harm her.”

  Roz’s laughter was infectious. “Oh, my God. That is too funny. But you say they’re getting on? Has she talked about wanting to turn him?”


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