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Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6)

Page 11

by Delta James

  “No, just the opposite. She’s bound and determined not to love him and has talked about leaving him.”

  “Yikes. That’s not good at all. If she runs...”

  “He’ll track her down and welt her ass good for doing it. I’m telling you, Mistress, he won’t give her up.”

  “Then someone’s going to have to have a long talk with him.”

  “I think so. Perhaps Oliver?”

  “Hmm, Oliver wouldn’t be bad. After all he has some experience with reluctant mates. But Griffin Owen might be better. He’s also mated to a turned human and actually knows her and her pack. Between him and Oliver, we might be able to handle this quietly and with a minimum of fuss.”

  “I don’t think Lizzy will go quietly.”

  “Nor do I... not from what I’ve heard. But I do know her alpha is desperate to find her and make sure she’s safe and then to get her mated.”

  “I wondered if that might be the case.”

  “Look, Bess, just keep an eye on things. I’m going to need to talk to Oliver at this point. I don’t want you to worry because I think once he knows everything he’ll be able to offer a lot of help and support... that is after he reminds me in no uncertain terms that I am not allowed to keep secrets from him.”

  “If Declan wants to turn...”

  “Honestly, Bess, if he wants to keep her I don’t think he’ll have a choice. She is shifter-born and an alpha to boot. The old guard isn’t going to want her running loose and the new guard isn’t going to be much more understanding. And neither will be inclined to believe that a human can handle her long term. But we’ll deal with that down the line. I’ll let Greg, our doctor here at the estate, know so that he can put together a go bag if something happens.”

  “Thank you, Mistress. I feel better now that you know and are planning to bring Oliver in on it.”

  “Bess? Seriously, I’m about to get my ass beat for you. The least you could do is call me Roz.”

  Bess laughed. “You’re right, Roz. And I am sorry for the spanking you’re probably going to get.”

  “Oh, no probably about it. But hey, I’ve gotten myself spanked for lesser causes. You keep an eye on things up there. I’ll talk to Oliver tonight and one of us will get back to you tomorrow morning at the latest.”

  * * *

  Ava slept as though she hadn’t a care in the world. There was something about the way Declan had brought her up to the house, sweeping her into his arms at the foot of the stairs and carrying her up to their room that had made her give in to the exhaustion that had been threatening her ever since she’d finished her run.

  She had wanted to resist it, but having her backside swatted several times after it had already been thoroughly punished and wearing a butt plug had convinced her that perhaps arguing with him was not the way to accomplish what she knew she needed to do... leave. The thought of leaving Declan clutched at her heart in a way she hadn’t dreamt was possible. But she had to leave. If he wasn’t her fated mate, she could not tie herself to a human. And if he was, she wouldn’t want to risk his being turned. No, the only thing to do was to leave and to leave before things went too far or something went wrong.

  There was a knock on the door and Declan let Bess into the room. Ava opened her eyes and smiled at Bess. She was going to miss her too.

  “You’ve had a nice long nap,” said Bess. “You probably shouldn’t have let her sleep so long, Declan. She’ll be awake all night.”

  “I think that’s his plan. Then he doesn’t have to feel bad when he doesn’t let me get any sleep once he crawls into bed with me. Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” teased Ava, her eyes alight with mischief.

  “I can see that,” responded Bess.

  “And that’s enough out of both of you,” said Declan. “I had thought Bess might be a good influence on you, but I can see I was mistaken.”

  “Now, now, Declan,” fussed Bess. “You can’t deny a couple of girls their fun, can he, Lizzy?”

  “He can try, but I’m not sure it’ll do him much good.”

  Declan shook his head and pointed to the door. “Bess, out. And you, miss, had best behave.”

  Closing the door behind Bess’ back, he turned to Ava.

  “Are you feeling better?”

  “Better? No. More rested? Yes. It’s hard to feel better when you can’t sit down and you have something stuck up your ass.”

  “And do you recall why it is that you can’t sit down and why you’re wearing the plug?”

  “Yes, sir. Because you think I was naughty...”

  “I don’t think it, Lizzy. You flat out disobeyed me this morning, which is what got you spanked and the plug put in the first time. And then when I was fucking you, you tried to withhold your climax from me as I came in you. I’m telling you, try that again and you’ll get your bottom spanked before I put a plug in it.”

  They shared dinner sitting in the big bed together. Even though the bed was soft, Ava had found that sitting with an additional bed pillow made it more comfortable—a fact that had made Declan smile, but wisely not give in to the laughter that threatened to erupt.

  Having moved the dinner tray off their bed and out into the hall, Declan sat down on the edge of the bed and patted his lap.

  “All right, Lizzy, up you get.”

  “Declan, I haven’t done anything wrong,” she whined.

  “Not yet. But that will only continue to hold true if you obey me and put yourself over my knee.”

  “Damn it, Declan...”

  “Now, Lizzy, or I’ll spank that red bottom of yours to a deeper shade of crimson.”

  Ava crawled out from under the covers and lay across Declan’s lap. He brought his hand down hard once across her tender globes, reigniting the fire from her earlier spanking and causing the butt plug to send a jolt of arousal through her entire being.

  Declan grasped the handle of the butt plug and started to slowly thrust it shallowly in and out of her bottom. Ava could not believe how his manipulation of that object made her pussy begin to gush and to vibrate in rhythm to the plug being used in her ass. Her nipples tightened and she could feel her clit start to throb.

  “Declan,” she cried before coming with nothing for her pussy to clamp down on.

  “Again,” whispered Declan as he drove the butt plug a little more deeply and with a little more speed and power.

  Ava was grasping at his legs and the rug on the floor. She could feel another orgasm welling up inside her as he continued to do nothing more than manually take her ass with the butt plug. Again, her body convulsed with the power of her orgasm. She lay there gasping and only partially sated. The climax had felt incomplete. For one thing she hadn’t had Declan’s cum shooting into her and for the second, her pussy had been empty... far too empty.

  Slowly Declan withdrew the plug completely and set it on the bedside table. He placed his hand on her upper back to keep her bent over his knee.

  “Do—not—ever—think—to—deny—me—again!” The odd numbered words were accompanied by a hard swat to her ass. The even numbered ones were punctuated by an equally hard swat to her pussy.

  Ava yowled and squirmed in response. Declan fisted her hair and brought her up off his lap.

  “Get your ass back in our bed. Present that dripping pussy to me so I can fuck it the way it needs to be fucked.”

  Ava scrambled up on the bed. He’d taught her that when she was ordered to present her pussy to him, he wanted her on her knees, her tits and head pressed into the mattress. As much as she hated to admit it, her pussy ached for his use and she needed him to fuck her with enough force that she would feel every bit of his dominance and control.

  When she was in position, he kneeled behind her, took hold of her hips and thrust home, making her squeal as she came. Declan’s chuckle was decidedly masculine and somewhat malevolent. The rumbling growl that accompanied it caused Ava to push back against him to get him even further inside her body.

  Repeatedly he pi
stoned in and out of her cunt until she called his name in a desperate attempt to get him to come. Ava could feel this fucking was all about his need to master her body and feel her surrender to his dominance. Stroking her hard, his pelvis connected with her ass in a different, but almost as painful, way as his hand had earlier when he had been spanking her. It reminded her that while definitely sexual, it was still a form of punishment for trying to deny him what he believed was his.

  Ava had done her share of fucking, but never like this. Never had she been taken by a man or even as a wolf in such a dominant fashion. Part of her believed she should object, but as her body answered his unknowing call, it responded in the way it knew how to best satisfy him. Pure lust was driving them to couple like the wild beasts she knew them both to be. And there it was, the acknowledgement on her part that Declan needed to be a wolf... needed to be her mate... needed to tame and master her completely.

  Ava arched her back and howled low and long, offering her tight pussy to this man who was taking it regardless of what she offered. His hard staff seemed to be continuing to swell to a new, larger size, stretching her like never before. Ava could feel his cock starting to throb the way it did as he was ramping up for an orgasm. Her body recognized it as well and raced toward the abyss to give him her pussy, encompassing every inch of him and spasming in the ecstasy of his taking.

  One last hard thrust and she could feel him filling her with his cum. It seemed to go on forever. She felt his cock jerking within her and his hips moving against her ass as if to call up more to deposit there.

  “Never again, do you hear me?”

  She reached her hand back for him, seeking even in this instance the comfort only he could offer. He took her hand and folded it back under her body so that he could release it and stroke her belly and breasts.

  “Yes, Declan, I hear you.” God help me, she thought, I hear you... even though you don’t know you’re calling.

  Chapter Twelve

  Declan picked her up and deposited her back under the covers. He went to take a shower. When Ava rose to join him, he shook his head and pointed back to their bed.

  “No, little girl, you sleep with my cum filling your pussy and whatever overflows trickling out to dry on you. Come morning, I’ll decide whether or not you can wash it off.”

  Ava couldn’t suppress the smile or the feeling of peace that settled over her at his command. With the passage of time as they had come to know each other, Ava had found herself falling more and more for Declan. Working on the wildlife project together, she had come to truly appreciate his love of the land and its people and that he treated her work and expertise with respect.

  His dominance in their sexual relationship gave her what she needed in an alpha and she recognized that he was her fated mate... even though she didn’t want him to be.

  But it was just those things that caused her pain. Pain because she knew that the woman he thought he knew was a lie. He didn’t know her real name and the pain of hearing him call her Lizzy grew worse each time it passed his lips. He didn’t know who, or even what, she was. Ava feared he’d think her a liar at best and more likely some kind of monster.

  But what of her dreams to be mistress of a great pack? There was no pack here. Perhaps Oliver Halsey would allow Declan to take over this small portion of Maine and even allow him dominion over Bess and herself. Would that be enough, she wondered?

  And that wasn’t even the worst of it. She couldn’t risk biting and turning him because from all she had heard, and granted there wasn’t much said about turning men, the process could be dangerous and deadly. It was just her and Bess up here in Maine. If she accidentally did inflict a wound capable of turning him, who was there to help?

  Ava obediently stayed in their bed feeling very used and very—dare she say it—loved. She no longer doubted he was her mate, but knew their joining could never be. She would need to rip her heart out and leave the only man she knew she would ever love in order to keep him safe.

  He came back to bed, his staff at half-mast. He chuckled as she looked from it to his face.

  “I’ll let you get a little sleep, Lizzy, before I mount you again. But come tomorrow morning, you will have learned your lesson about disobeying me and about trying to withhold yourself from me. I mean to make your sweet pussy every bit as sore as your bottom. How well you behave tonight will determine whether you wear your reminder of good behavior tomorrow.”

  Declan joined her in bed and drew her close before closing his eyes and falling asleep. Ava did the same, savoring the way his body cradled hers. The feel of his arm stretched out under her head holding her hand while the other was draped over her waist, his hand resting possessively over her sex brought her a deep sense of safety and belonging.

  Twice during the night he had awakened her by rolling her onto her belly, pumping her pussy with his fingers before dragging her hips up so that he could take her again. Each and every time she had allowed her body just to feel and glory in her submissive response to his call. She was quite sure that tomorrow her pussy would be far more sore from his use than her ass had ever been from his spanking.

  She awoke as the sun began to creep over its oceanic horizon and peep into their bedroom window. Declan was snuggled up against her once again, holding her close. She smiled as his body recognized hers was waking and his cock began to probe between her legs looking for the sheath in which it wanted to claim dominion.

  Declan kissed and then nibbled her ear. Sometime during the night he had begun to nip at her. Both of her nipples had felt his teeth as had her clit. It was a decidedly wolfen thing to do and Ava had relished it. Declan made space between them. As she started to protest, he rolled her onto her back. He slid his hand down between her legs, parted her swollen labia and inserted two fingers into her waiting pussy. It was as soaked as he had found it each time he’d made love to her during the night. He smiled. She might fuss, but Ava knew that Declan had figured out that she responded well to his taking command of their relationship and their lovemaking.

  Declan leaned over and kissed her deeply. His tongue pushed past her teeth and stroked her mouth seductively and invited hers to do the same. She wrapped her arms around his neck and scooted her upper body more fully under his before rising up to rub her hardened nipples against his naked chest. He stroked her pussy with more vigor and she moaned in response.

  “So,” he said conversationally as if they were sitting in the diner where they had first literally bumped into each other, “what did we learn yesterday and last night?”

  She smiled. Both times last night, she’d wanted him to either let her be on top or at least let her be on her back. Both times he had denied her that request, saying that until he was sure she had learned her place he would take her only in the most male dominant positions. Both times he had done so in no uncertain terms. And both times she had responded in the most profound way not only to the physical act of being taken by him, but to the authority he was exerting as he did so. Each time he had fucked her hard enough that she was reminded that she was the one being fucked... not the one doing the fucking.

  “That I won’t be the one who does the riding,” she said quietly with a catch in her throat.

  She hated having to admit that he was alpha in their relationship, but she knew he had figured that out. He also knew that she needed to understand and accept that to be happy. Ava was trying hard to believe that he wanted this only for his own personal satisfaction, but knew she was lying to herself. She knew that he meant to give her everything she wanted and needed... even if she was loath to admit she wanted or needed it. She hated that he was the only man who had taken her from behind in human form... and that she reveled in his doing so.

  He kissed her softly. “It’s all right, Lizzy. The world can still think you’re the same bad-ass techie you’ve always been. The only time it’ll be an issue is when you forget that you are mine and that you answer to me.”

  “Yes, Declan,” she said, snu
ggling closer to him.

  “What’s going to happen to you when you forget?”

  “You’re going to hold me accountable,” she said, trying to have to avoid saying what she knew he wanted to hear.

  “Yes,” he said, smiling, “but what is always going to be a part of my disciplining you?”

  She sighed. “You’re going to spank me.”

  “Yes, I am,” he said seductively. “Then I’ll fuck you senseless until you remember which one of us is dominant. Clear?”


  She raised her eyes to look deeply into his. What she found there was comforting and terrifying at the same time. She was beginning to accept that Declan loved her and that she was meant to be with him. But she didn’t want that. She wanted him to be safe.

  Declan withdrew his fingers from her pussy just before he’d brought her to orgasm.

  “Declan, please,” she sighed. She knew he wouldn’t leave her hanging over the abyss. She knew he would take her there and beyond, but for some reason he seemed intent on teasing her.

  Lifting his fingers to his mouth, he sucked and licked her natural lubricant.

  “Is there something you want, Lizzy?”

  God, how she hated that he called her that. She longed to hear him call her by her real name. But for that to happen, she reasoned, she’d need to tell him her real name and that would lead to him demanding to know why. And that would open a whole Pandora’s Box she was not prepared to deal with.

  “Yes,” she said demurely. “I’d like to push you over on your back and climb on top of you, impaling myself on your cock and riding you while you play with my tits.”

  He laughed. “And we both know that’s not going to happen... don’t we?”

  “Yes, Declan. But you did ask what I wanted.”

  He nodded. “Yes, I did. Do I need to mount you from behind again, or would you prefer to spread your legs for me and ask me sweetly to take you face-to-face?”

  Ava spread her legs without even thinking about it. “Please, Declan. I got the message.”


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