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Pieces of Me

Page 15

by E. L. Todd

  “Very exciting.”

  “Are you doing anything on Friday night?” I asked.

  “Hopefully something with you,” she said with a smile.

  “My family is having a get-together because my best friend is getting engaged. Want to come along?”

  “And meet your family?” she asked incredulously.

  “Well, I don’t mean it like that.” I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression. “I just wanted to bring you along as a friend.”

  “Oh, that sounds nice,” she said. “Your friend is getting engaged?”

  “Yep. He’s been with his boyfriend for a few years now.”

  She didn’t make a comment about him being gay so I assumed she was fine with it. “Should we bring a gift?”

  “No, that’s unnecessary. It’s just a party.”

  “Cool,” she said. “Where are we going?”

  “Mega Shake.”

  “Ooh…I love that place. I could get a greasy burger at any time of day.”

  “You want to get one now?”

  “Don’t tempt me…”

  “Come on, I’m hungry.”

  She licked her lips. “Okay, you convinced me.”

  I laughed. “I hardly did anything.”

  “Whatever,” she said. “Don’t judge me.”

  We turned around and headed down the path we already treaded. She and I were more friends than lovers. I hadn’t kissed her or even touched her hand. But it didn’t seem like she expected that or even wanted it. It was nice just to be with someone and not hide behind a mask. She was broken and so was I.

  And that was perfectly fine.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Damn, this place is nice.” I scanned the restaurants and spotted the white candles on every single tablecloth. Every waiter was dressed in formal wear, and a piano played in the background. Expensive bottles of wine were on most tables, and the women were wearing designer gowns.

  Heath wore the blue collared shirt I got him with a black tie. Blue always looked good on him because of his unusually bright eyes. They held a lifetime of secrets, and that mystery constantly pulled me in. His blond hair was styled but still a little messy, just the way I liked it.

  “What are you getting, babe?” he asked as he looked at the menu.

  “I don’t know.” I hadn’t even looked. “No wonder this place is so hard to get into.”

  “You like it?” he asked with a smile. It obvious he was happy that I was happy.

  “It’s fancy.” I took a drink of the wine, which was the smoothest I’ve ever had. “What kind of wine is this?”

  “Not sure. I asked the waiter for the recommendation.”

  “Well, we need to start drinking it regularly.”

  Heath chuckled. “I’ll drink to that.” He tapped his glass against mine before he took a drink.

  I finished my glass and filled it again.

  “You really should look at your menu. I’m surprised you aren’t starving since you didn’t eat anything all day.”

  “Oh, I’m hungry.” I opened the hardback menu and scanned the selections. “The risotto steak sounds good.”

  “It does,” he said. “But I think I’m getting the lobster.”

  I wasn’t a big fan of seafood. “We can share and make it a surf and turf.”

  “Excellent idea.” He closed his menu and blatantly stared at me.

  The look wasn’t unsettling to me. I loved it when he looked at me like no one else was in the room.

  “How was work?”

  “Fine,” I said. “I’m getting faster at putting everything together.”

  “I noticed you’re getting home at a reasonable hour.”

  “It’s nice,” I said with a chuckle. “I definitely don’t want to be a workaholic. My dad always told me to never do that. You need to live your life for you, not work.”

  “Wise man.”

  When the waiter came over, Heath ordered for both of us. “I’ll have the lobster and he’ll have the risotto steak. Medium well, please.”

  The waiter took our menus and walked away.

  Heath and I didn’t play any specific role in our relationship. Sometimes he took the wheel and steered us where we needed to go, and sometimes I was in charge. Neither one of us were so aggressive that we felt uneasy not being in control, and I think that’s why our relationship worked so well.

  “I like that shirt on you,” he said. “Your shoulders look nice.”

  “Thanks.” I felt the heat flush through my body. “Your ass looks nice in those slacks.”

  “I didn’t realize you snuck a peek.”

  “I always sneak a peek.”

  He finished his glass then poured another. “We’ve been together for a long time…”

  “I know. It’s been, like, a year.”

  “It’s been longer than that. I was in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  My heart grew three times its size, and the heat flushed through my body in waves. There was a connection to Heath the moment we met. I didn’t realize what it was at the time, and when I started to figure it out I pushed him away. I didn’t want to be gay. I was ashamed of that possibility. But the moment I finally accepted it I experienced the greatest happiness I’ve ever known. “I can’t remember when it happened for me. But it feels like it’s always been that way…in a strange way.”

  “Maybe it has always been that way,” he whispered. “Maybe it happened when I was still in Ireland and trying to find my way to the truth. Maybe it happened when we passed each other on the sidewalk when we were just strangers. Maybe it didn’t happen at all because it’s always been there…some way or another.”

  Heath said poetic things at the most unsuspecting times. His sophisticated nature and beautiful words always hit me straight in the heart. He had a depth I craved, an endless fall into his soul. “Yeah…maybe.”

  We stared at each other for a long time, neither one of us blinking or speaking. The trance was only broken when our dishes were placed in front of us.

  “This looks awesome.” I immediately grabbed my utensils and prepared to dig in.

  “Mine looks good too.”

  We ate quietly together, and I cut off a piece of my steak and put it on his plate. He knew I wasn’t a big fan of seafood so he shoveled some mashed potatoes onto my plate. All of this was done wordlessly because we could communicate with just our bodies.

  We exchanged looks as we ate across from each other. I used to feel self-conscious being with Heath in public. I was afraid of what people would think of me, and how they would treat us. And I was afraid of how it would affect my family. But then I realized people were always going to have a problem with something I did, so I may as well do what I want. The moment I stopped caring what people thought, I was free. And when my family supported me completely, I realized it was perfectly okay to be different than everyone else. The people who mattered would always stand by my side. No one else mattered.

  Heath ate everything on his plate, even the greens. “That was really something…”

  I didn’t finish my steak because I was full, but it tasted so good I plowed on. “That was the best steak I’ve ever had.”

  “Should we make reservations on our way out?” he teased.

  “Hell yeah.”

  Heath chuckled. “Alright, we will.”

  “This is one of the rare times I wish I were my father. He could get reservations here whenever he wanted.”

  “We could just invite him so we can get in.”

  I laughed. “Dad probably wouldn’t care as long as he got to spend time with us.”

  “Yeah, probably not.”

  The waiter removed our plates then asked if we wanted dessert.

  “Babe, you want anything?” Heath asked.

  I shook my head and put a hand over my stomach. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  “Maybe next time,” Heath said. “Just the check please.”

  The waiter walked away.

  “I’m ready to have sex and go to bed,” I blurted.

  “That makes two of us,” he said with a smile.

  I stared out the window and felt his gaze on my face. I turned back to him when I felt the heat burn into my skin. The look he was giving me was different than all the others. He even seemed a little nervous. “I thought Ander was the one…at one point in time.”

  I listened to him silently, knowing whatever he was going to say was important.

  “But then after I met you I realized how wrong I was, and not just because he wouldn’t commit. We never had the relationship you and I had. We’re friends as well as lovers. It’s really nice.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat because I didn’t know what to say.

  “I know I’m all you’ve ever known but I know I’m all you’ll ever need.”

  “You are all I’ll ever need.” When I thought about my future, Heath was always in it. Sometimes we had a house in the country, and sometimes we had an apartment together in the city. We had two kids running around. In any given scenario, he was there.

  Heath left his chair then moved to one knee.

  Oh my god.

  He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened the lid. Inside were two black metallic rings, shiny under the dim lighting.

  Was this really happening?

  I couldn’t breathe.

  “Roland Sean Preston, will you marry me?”

  I stared at the ring and felt my heart thud in my chest. The blood pounded in my ears. Everything moved in slow motion. Everything was happening so fast but so slow at the same time. “Yes.” I couldn’t feel my mouth move. The action was involuntary.

  Heath smiled then pulled the rings out of the box. He slipped one onto his ring finger and placed the other on mine.

  I stared at the ring and felt the cold metal. It felt right on my finger, like it should have been there a long time ago. When the feeling finally returned to my legs, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. Not caring about all the people watching us, I kissed him right on the mouth.

  Heath cupped my face and deepened the kiss.

  Applause sounded around us, and it echoed around the restaurant.

  Heath pulled away, his eyes moist. “Now it’s time for the party.”

  “What party?” I asked.

  “Everyone is waiting for us at Mega Shake.”

  A long time ago, Dad told me how he proposed to Mom. Afterward, they went to Mega Shake in Washington. Together, they celebrated. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was perfect for them. The fact Heath knew that meant a lot to me. He obviously spoke to my father. I grabbed his hand. “Let’s go celebrate.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Everyone stared at Carrie the second we walked inside.

  Mega Shake was rented out, and the tables were pushed together in the center of the room. Streamers and balloons were inside, along with confetti on the tables. Carrie and I didn’t touch each other. We had yet to hold hands.

  Theo narrowed his eyes on me when he saw that I brought a date. Skye did a double take. And Dad grinned in approval, obviously liking the look of Carrie.

  “Ignore them,” I said in her ear.

  She chuckled. “I’m used to it. My family is worse than yours.

  I pulled out a chair for her before I sat beside her. Despite all the stares directed my way, I tried not to appear awkward. “Everyone, this is my friend Carrie. Carrie, this is everyone.” One by one, I introduced them.

  Dad eagerly shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Mom was excited too. “You’re very beautiful.”

  I rolled my eyes in embarrassment.

  “Well, that’s nice of you to say,” Carrie said politely.

  Trinity didn’t accept her openly. She was on her guard, being a protective sibling that I didn’t need.

  “I hear you have a Doberman,” Dad said.

  “I do.” Carrie smiled and took their interrogation in stride. “Her name is Sassy.”

  “I love that name,” Mom said.

  “Well, the name fits her perfectly,” Carrie said with a chuckle.

  “Is it true you’re a sports writer?” Slade blurted.

  How the hell did he know that?

  “Yeah,” Carrie answered. “I’ve been doing it since I graduated college.”

  “That’s so sick,” Slade said.

  “Thanks,” Carrie said with a smile.

  Now it was Skye’s turn to ask a question. “You live in Manhattan?”

  Carrie answered. “Yeah, I—”

  “Okay, guys. You’ve asked her enough questions.” I didn’t want them scaring her off. “Carrie and I are just friends. So you can lay off the third degree.”

  Carrie turned to me. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  “Well, it bothers me. Now, let’s talk about Roland. When are they getting here?”

  Sean eyed his watch. “Any minute now.”

  “I’m so excited.” Scarlet couldn’t sit still. “Our baby is getting married…”

  Sean put his arm around her shoulder. “He’s all grown up.”

  “I remember when he was just a baby…”

  “Me too,” Sean said. “Seems like yesterday.”

  Everyone settled into their own conversations as they waited for Roland and Heath to arrive.

  “You have a really big family,” Carrie noted.

  “I’m not related to most of them, actually.”

  “You don’t have to be related by blood to be family.”

  I nodded. “Very true. I know they’re little aggressive and you dealt with it beautifully.”

  “I’m used to it,” she said. “If you meet my parents you’ll go through the same thing. So, we’ll be even.”

  When I turned to Dad I noticed he was watching us. “An eye for an eye, right?”

  Everyone turned to the window when we saw Roland and Heath walk by, hand-in hand.

  “They’re coming!” Scarlet jumped to her feet.

  Everyone rose from their chairs, their party whistles ready to go.

  Roland and Heath walked inside, looking happy and in love. Heath put his arm around Roland’s shoulder, and Roland raised his ring finger. “We’re engaged!”

  We all blew our whistles and clapped.

  Heath pulled Roland close to him then forced him into a dip. Then he kissed him.

  We all clapped harder.

  “Congratulations!” Skye hopped up and down.

  “My baby.” Scarlet reached them first and hugged Roland as hard as she could. “I’m so happy for you. You’re all grown up and getting married…”

  Roland returned her embrace. “Thanks, Mom. It means a lot to me that you’re happy.”

  “I couldn’t be more proud of you, honey.” She continued to hug him and didn’t show any signs of letting him go.

  Roland let the touch linger, and he rolled his eyes when she couldn’t see.

  We all laughed.

  Sean came to Heath and hugged him. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Heath hugged him back. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  “You’re both lucky to have each other.” Sean clapped him on the back. “And now you’re officially another son of mine.”

  Heath nodded. “Thank you for being so supportive. It really means a lot to both of us.”

  “Of course,” Sean said. “There’s not a single reason for us not to be supportive. Love always conquers hate.”

  When Scarlet finally released Roland I moved in next. “Congrats, man.”

  Roland hugged me tighter than he ever had before. “Thanks. You’re the first person I told.”

  “And I’m honored. You guys are going to have a great life together. And I’ll always be crazy Uncle Conrad.”

  Roland chuckled. “More like awesome Uncle Conrad.”

  I smiled. “I’ll take it.” I eyed his ring. “It’s nice. I like it.”

nbsp; “I do too. Heath has a matching one.”

  “Very cool.” Carrie came beside me. “Congratulations, Roland.”

  “Thanks…” Roland looked confused. “I don’t think we’ve met…”

  “This is Carrie,” I explained. “She’s a friend of mine.”

  Roland shook her hand and smiled. “It’s great to meet you. And thanks for your congratulations.”

  “You look very happy together,” she said. “It’s an honor to be in the presence of love, always.”

  Roland turned to me, a wider grin on his face. “Thank you for the kind words.”

  We had a silent conversation between us.

  Roland clearly liked her. It was written all over his face. And it made him happy that I had someone to bring along that wasn’t just hitting my sheets.

  Carrie walked to Heath and introduced herself.

  “She seems nice,” Roland said.

  “She’s a sweet girl.”

  “And she doesn’t look like a whore.”

  I laughed. “She’s a good girl.”

  “I like her even more now. So…what’s going on between you guys?”

  “We’re dating, taking it slow.”

  Roland looked even happier. “That’s awesome, man.” He hugged me again. “I’m so glad you’re doing better. That’s the best gift you could have given me today.”

  I rested my chin on his shoulder and felt terrible for being a dick to him when I was going through a hard time. He always had my back no matter what. Making him happy made me feel good. “It’s much easier to be happy when your best friend is happy.”

  “Very true.” He pulled away. “So, you’ll be my best man?”

  “I better be your best man. If you picked Cayson or something I would murder you.”

  Roland laughed. “No, the spot is yours. It’s always been yours.”

  “We’ll talk later,” I said. “There are twenty people waiting behind me.”

  “Good idea.” Roland clapped my shoulder.

  I headed to Heath next. “Looks like you’re my best friend-in-law.”

  He chuckled. “I guess so. And it’s an honor.”

  I shook his hand. “Thanks for making my friend happy.”

  “It’s been a pleasure,” he said. “Believe me.” He winked.

  I laughed. “TMI, man.”

  “Hey, you’re my best friend-in-law, right?”


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