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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

Page 12

by Zara Teleg

  My inner rage swelled in my chest as I stood crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m supposed to let go what Ramsey fuckin’ did to her? Or could have done to her? So I see him at The Pit and I act like nothing? What about other girls he could do this to or did this to? Ivy or any of your baby sisters?” Hawk’s face twisted when Ivy’s name came out of my mouth.

  Colt stood and got right in my face. “Rage, I know you have been in Tennessee for a long time. I’m not sure how they run things over there, but around here, I am your Prez, and you will respect that and do as I say.” His face was now only inches from mine. His graying facial hair reminded me of how long he had been at this and that he was right. He was the president, and I had to respect that, even when I didn’t agree with him.

  “Fine, but come the Fourth of July fights, he will feel my wrath. I’ll make him fuckin’ pay.” The group of men all cheered, and Hawk patted my back.

  “Fuckin’ right,” Leo agreed. “You two will be the main event: Rage versus Ramsey. Wipe the floor with him. Revenge is best served in the octagon.” Another round of cheers from the men.

  Colt hit the gavel. “Alright, we are going to get to the bottom of this. Hack, you and I need to do some homework before we go any further. Anyone hears anything, you bring it here to church, got it?”

  With nods around the room, he banged the gavel for the last time, dismissing us.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Danny, hand me a wrench from the bench over there.”

  “What?” he shouted. “The wrench,” I yelled over the music vibrating through the garage. I had been working on Black Betty for the past few weeks as a distraction to keep myself from constantly wanting to spend time with Juliet. Agreeing to be friends had been proving difficult. I had hoped that by now I would have convinced her to at least go on one date with me. How she got me so twisted up, I didn’t know. She had stirred things in me I didn’t know existed.

  It had been entertaining having her around and spending time with her and Lord. I’d even come to appreciate Ivy and her smart-ass mouth. We spent most nights hanging out at Juliet’s house. She didn’t like leaving Lord. I didn’t blame her. He always seemed so sad when she left him.

  I’d been a loner for so long, I’d forgotten what it felt like to have someone else to think about other than myself. The quiet evenings we spent together at her home had been the best nights of my life. She always made something unbelievable in her small kitchen. Pots, pans, and veggies sprawled from counter to counter as she made her creations. Most meals, I forgot that I was eating meat-free. I even enjoyed our debates about that. When she’d explained her views about Earth and meat consumption and their effect on the environment, it made me look at everything a little differently.

  After tightening the last few bolts, I shoved all the tools back in their places and cleaned my station. I wiped the area down with the new washable towels I bought so that I wouldn’t use so many disposable paper towels. I got the guys these bins to keep the clean and dirty ones separate; we washed them all once a week.

  Juliet had been rubbing off on me. I’d been telling the guys to recycle, and I’d been picking through the trash when I noticed bottles in it. I knew I was fucked when my energy was zapped mid-afternoon at The Pit, and instead of guzzling an energy drink, I found myself at Juiced. I didn’t even think about it, I just went. I ordered this gross-looking green drink that Juliet always got. It looked like glowing green slime, but it tasted amazing, like lime and pineapple. It wasn’t the drink that had me scratching my head—I left there with a veggie burger and kombucha, and I wasn’t entirely sure how that happened.

  The boys thought I’d grown a pussy. Fuck, I never thought I’d see the day. They would laugh at me, but when she brought dark chocolate peanut butter protein brownies to The Pit, they all begged for more.

  I would have bet my life that no woman could ever have that kind of influence over me. Juliet’s goodness shined so brightly, and I couldn’t help but want to be around her and be part of her passions.

  I glanced at the dust-coated clock on the garage wall. Shit, I had to get out of here if I wanted to get to The Pit. Leo and Shelly wanted to have the night off. I hoped Juliet was still there.


  I rolled out my mat, stretched, and did several sun salutations. I moved into some deep leg stretches, preparing my body for kicks. The Pit was pretty quiet, so I turned up my music and began my private practice.

  I thought of Rage with every kick I threw. Over the past month, Rage had wormed his way into my life, and I was so glad he had. We had enjoyed many nights laughing, talking, and eating. I didn’t think he would agree to be just friends. I hadn’t yet come to terms with how much I had come to like him. I’d found myself dropping by The Pit at the times I thought he would have been here. I’d been wrestling with my feelings. I knew I wanted him. There was no denying the sexual tension between us. I had never felt so attracted to someone. All it took was a whiff of his aftershave, and I’d find myself needing a new pair of panties. God, how did this happen? No matter how much I wanted him in my bed or in my life, I couldn’t let this…thing…between us go on any farther. I couldn’t let myself fall. I couldn’t take that risk. I couldn’t drag Rage into my bullshit.

  Maybe I should go out on a date with someone fun and put some needed distance between Rage and me. I could do that. Perhaps if I were dating someone else, it would lessen the tension between us. Yes, I could do that. I’d go out with the next decent guy who’d ask me. That would make Ivy happy even though she thought I should give Rage a chance. After her advice on Richard, I thought I should hold off on looking to her for advice.

  The empty room at The Pit was perfect and I tried to focus on my kicks. I had been trying to perfect a butterfly kick for the past few weeks. It was way more complicated than I thought. With my gymnastics background and all the yoga, I thought I could get this quickly. Wrong.

  Stretching my body, I tried it again. Lowering down, swinging my body around, I moved my other leg straight up before throwing the kick.

  “Fuck yeah!” I yelled when I landed the kick perfectly. I did a happy dance, bouncing up and down at my accomplishment. I beamed with pride with a smile I couldn’t contain. Four freaking weeks of practice and I finally got it!

  A loud, slow clap came from the doorway. I swiveled around to see who my spectator was. My eyes met Joey. The Weapon is what they called him, and I extended him a playful bow.

  “Juliet, that was freakin’ awesome! Not many people can perform a butterfly kick like that,” he said, smiling.

  “Why, thank you, Joey. I’ve been practicing for weeks. I think my foot could be a little straighter, but I’m getting there,” I said with a super cheesy grin, trying not to seem too excited. “My next attempt will be takedowns,” I declared emphatically.

  “Well, you will need a partner for those, you know?” He grinned, his white teeth gleamed.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m sure Leo could teach me if he could squeeze me in another slot.”

  “Ow, I’m hurt,” he said, holding his hand over his heart, his bicep bulging. “Juliet, haven’t you seen me fight? I’m a takedown expert. Why do you think they call me The Weapon?” he said in a not-so-humble tone.

  “I don’t want to take up your gym time, Joey, but I appreciate the offer,” I said, smiling at his hopeful look. His blue eyes met mine with warmth. He flipped his long blond hair away from his face, which featured some light blond stubble covering his sharp jawline. I’d never really looked at him before, but he sure was handsome.

  He took one of my hands, placed it in his gigantic palm, and kissed the top, “It would be my pleasure.” I blushed. What should I say? I opened my mouth and managed to stutter out, “Oh…uh…O-Okay, if you’re sure.”

  He smiled at me in a way that seemed to say I’ve no idea what I’ve gotten myself into. “Well, since you are dishing out yeses, maybe you will say yes to a drink with me on Wednesd
ay after class?”

  I was surprised, but I thought maybe it was a sign. “Ah, yeah, okay, Wednesday after class.”

  “You have time for a lesson now?” he asked.

  “I have another twenty minutes in this private room.”

  “Okay, then. Let’s get to work. Have you ever done a clinch hold?”

  “No, I can’t say I have. How does it work?”

  He moved his body close to mine, showing me as he explained, “A clinch is a position where competitors try to control each other’s bodies by wrapping their arms around one another, fighting for good arm and hip position.” He placed his hands on my hips. “It’s a good way to take down someone who’s bigger than you.”

  We began working in a position that felt like a hug but without affection.

  He explained each step thoroughly as we moved our bodies. The scent of his cologne was subtle, light and sexy. I laughed once when his stubble tickled my arm. His massive arms pulsed with muscles, and he had a vein that ran from his shoulder to his wrist.

  As we got to our closest position yet, the music suddenly died, and then a booming voice, “What is going on in here?”

  Fuck. Rage.


  I took the shortest route possible to get to The Pit. I did not want to miss Juliet. I had been paying more attention to her habits, and if I was correct, she would be there practicing right now.

  As I drove, my mind flashed back to her small body curled in her bed next to me while I watched her drug-induced sleep wear off. She looked so vulnerable. Stripped away was her usual bravado of acting like she didn’t need anyone.

  Since the night I first met her, I’d not been able to get her out of my mind. The more time we spent together, the stronger the pull had become. Like a movie replaying in my mind, I’d been seeing her smiling face all the time. I felt like such a pussy. She was wearing down the walls I had spent years carefully building. Before her, I didn’t care about anyone. I had fun, no attachments.

  Juliet made me want to say fuck it and risk a chance at happiness. She made me laugh, not many people do. Her caring nature, her attitude, her looks, everything about her drew me in. The more I knew her, the harder it was to stay away. When I saw Ledger get as angry as he did over what happened, I wanted to attack my brother. I knew that look, that feeling. She was an extraordinary woman, and he knew it, too.

  I didn’t know if there was any history there, but I didn’t think I could take knowing she was with a brother. Every part of me wanted her. I’d be damned if I was going to let anyone get in the way. Richard was now out, thank fuck.

  I looked at my watch as I made my way through The Pit. I followed the music—I’d recognize her music anywhere, even with the door closed, the pounding beat of her playlist floated down the hall.

  I was feet away from the door, and I could see through the window. The vein on my neck pulsed. My fists clenched at my sides, sending blood surging through my veins.

  Fucking Joey, teaching Juliet the clinch. What the fuck? No. Fucking. Way. I stormed into the room. Both their heads were in a lock facing the floor. The music kept them from hearing me. My feet pounded across the floor to the speaker. I twisted the volume knob hard, cutting the music off. All that was left was my voice, booming across the room.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  Shocked, Juliet and Joey abruptly broke apart. My eyes moved from him to her. Juliet was in those second-skin yoga pants that make her ass look like a juicy fucking peach. Her tank top barely contained her cleavage, it had me wondering how Joey wasn’t supporting a fucking tent in his shorts.

  They both looked at me saying different things at the same time. Juliet’s shoes squeaked on the wood floor as she took a few steps toward me. “Rage,” she smiled, “Joey offered to help me learn some takedown moves.”

  “We were practicing the clinch,” she said, looking at Joey for confirmation that she said the word right. My jaw ticked as my eyes went to Joey.

  “She’s a quick study,” Joey said winking at her.

  “I’m sure she is, but that isn’t happening,” I said sternly.

  Her eyebrows shot up, and she opened her mouth, but before she could speak, I began tearing Joey a new one. “You are not certified as a trainer here. Our insurance doesn’t cover people who aren’t certified to instruct.”

  “But you never seemed to care before, us guys do it all the time.” He looked confused.

  “Am I not being clear? You are not training her.”

  “Juliet, if you want to learn, you have to follow the rules. Leo or I can instruct you.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. Her eyes shot daggers at me, but she kept quiet. She turned to Joey. Her hand grasped his bicep, running her hand over it. “Joey, thanks so much for the offer. I appreciate the help. Maybe we can train another time, outside the gym.”

  She said that last part looking at me, not Joey. My face hardened as I ground down on my teeth. Joey stood there smiling, under her spell, agreeing. “Anytime, doll.”

  She kept her hand on his arm as she walked him to the door and thanked him again. “So, I’ll see you Wednesday night for class and dinner after?” He flicked his finger under her chin like they were the only two in the room.

  She nodded, “Yep.” She closed the door, turning her angry attention my way. She stomped the twenty feet to where I stood. She looked so damn hot mad.

  My arms folded across my chest. “What?” I asked. “It’s true. There’s a rule against training without being certified.”

  “Since when?” Her eyes squinted. “You are acting like a big possessive asshole. You have no right. Rage, we are only friends, remember?”

  “And, Wednesday night ain’t happening either, so you should cancel your plans.” Possession laced my tone.

  “Oh, yeah? And why not?” She folded her arms across her chest. The move pushed her perfect breasts up even further out of her sports bra. I watched the fabric as it stretched, and I almost forgot my words. She waved her hand in my face. “My face is up here, Rage!” she said pointing to her nose.

  I cleared my throat, embarrassed she caught me, but who could blame me?

  “We are having a Pit meeting. All instructors are required to attend. That is what I was coming to tell you.”

  I wondered whether she was buying this. I tried to read her expression. Her eyes squinted as she tilted her head, looking skeptical.

  Taking a deep breath, I said, “Look, Juliet, I’m not going to lie, I don’t want anyone’s hands on you. Here or on a date. You may not be able to admit it yet, but something is happening here.” I wagged my finger between us. I tried to grab her hand, but she stepped back. “We really do have a meeting, though. It’s mandatory.” Fuck, Leo was going to kill me. I hoped he and Shelly didn’t have plans and they could back me up on this.

  “Rage,” she poked her finger on my chest, “not you,” she poked harder, “or anyone else is going to tell me what to do, got it?” She huffed spinning on her heel.

  Even though she was acting mad, I saw through her. She loved knowing I didn’t want her with someone else, I could see it in her eyes.

  “See you at the ‘meeting’ on Wednesday,” she said with air quotes. She gathered her things and walked right past me out the door. Like I wasn’t even standing there.

  Chapter Twelve


  I wiped the beads of water that collected against the pane of glass. All my windows were fogged up from the past four days of rain. Through the smudged finger trails, I saw my gardens were drowning. Streams of water spilled over and ran down onto the ground, creating large puddles.

  I had already battened down everything that threatened to run its way down the mountain. My yoga swing and mats and all cushions from outside were stacked inside, cluttering up the tiny mudroom.

  A blue light flashed through the room, causing me to jump. Moments like these were a little lonely and scary being up here by myself. Lord helped me feel not alone. Though, at times
, it would be nice to have strong arms holding me instead of just paws.

  Throwing the remote at the couch, I turned off the news, annoyed when the weatherman said two more days of rain with severe winds and flash floods. Storms were frequent this time of year, but this had been downright depressing. You couldn’t get out of the house without being soaked; trees were down, and debris was carried by the wind. I needed to bathe in the sun’s golden rays to keep me balanced. Extended periods of gloomy weather made me feel depleted and sad.

  Yesterday, I braved the weather and stocked up on snacks for the weekend. I bought loads of binge-watching goodies. Popcorn, nuts, nachos, pizza, and a few bottles of wine. The organic vineyard that had a stand at the farmer’s market was running a special at the grocery store because the farmer’s market had closed due to the weather. Wine sale! I guess I should be happy about that.

  I planned to curl up with Lord and watch Vikings. Ivy had been harassing me to watch it. She seemed to have an obsession with big, scary men. That reminded me of someone…Ugh!

  Get him out of your head! Just friends—that is what you told him. It’s for the good of you both.

  I hadn’t spoken to Rage since that impromptu meeting he called at The Pit, which caused me to cancel my date with Joey.

  I pulled my knees to my chest, trying not to freak out as banshee winds pounded the rain against the side of the house. The tin roof absorbed no sound; the drops pecked at it with nonstop tapping.

  The lights flickered. Damn. It looked more like night than late morning. All my solar lights were dark after the past four days with no sun. I scrambled around the house searching for candles and flashlights. Shit. I flinched as lightning cracked and illuminated in jagged spears. Thunder vibrated through the house, rattling the old windows. Lord came to my side, looking nervously at me. “It’s okay, boy.” I kneeled and squeezed him. Thank God he’s not afraid of storms. My house went dark for several seconds, two flashes, then the lights came back on. I had just set my phone to charge when it lit up and chimed with a text from Ivy.


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