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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

Page 13

by Zara Teleg

  Ivy: Are you okay up there?

  Me: Yes, but I’m not going to lie, it’s getting pretty scary. The lights keep going out.

  Ivy: I lost power, I’m at Stained, luckily their side of the street still has power.

  Me: Good idea. I was going to check on you.

  Ivy: Want me to send a hot biker up to get you and Lord?

  Me: Haha funny! I have a date with Vikings…and wine.

  Ivy: Yes! You better text me after each episode

  Me: K. Be safe. If the power doesn’t come back to the building, let me know where you are staying. I’d invite you here, but I don’t know how the road up the mountain is.

  Ivy: K. Have fun watching. Try not to lick your TV lol

  Me: You are awful. Going to take a nap and then binge.

  Ivy: Love you! Have hot dreams!



  I’d been hunkering down these past few days, working in the garage, trying to keep out of the nonstop rain. All the brothers around here were miserable when they couldn’t ride their bikes. I’d had enough of everyone. I’d been holed up in my room since last night. Been staring at the ceiling for so long, I had every crack memorized. I felt stir crazy. A whole brotherhood, girls, and booze were outside my door, yet I didn’t feel like bothering with any of them.

  The blues softly played, the melody mixing with the wind. I was just about to drift off when a knock tapped at the door.

  “Yeah,” I yelled, not bothering to move from my bed.

  A sugar-sweet voice came through the thick wooden door. “Rage,” clearing her throat, speaking louder, “sweetie, do you want some company?”

  Leann. She and I had spent a few nights together since I’d been back. Hell, I might be crazy about Juliet, but she had told me on several occasions that we could only be friends. A man has needs, I reasoned. Did I close my eyes and wished it was Juliet? Every fucking time. Maybe that was wrong and unfair to Leann, but I couldn’t exactly control where my thoughts went. Since the day I laid eyes on Juliet, she had consumed my thoughts.

  Even though I had agreed to only friendship, I still wanted her. I wanted that girl so bad it took everything I had some days not to go to her and make her mine. Juliet may have insisted on wanting to be friends, but her lips told lies. Her eyes held the truth—they were filled with the same need and desire that filled mine.

  “Rage,” Leann called again, my name lingering in her southern drawl. I took a deep breath as I contemplated whether to let her in. Maybe I did need to keep Juliet out of my head. Leann could make me forget a least for a little while, or at least pretend. I could hear her nails tapping against the wood, waiting for me to invite her in. Lightning flashed and the lights flickered. Fuck it. “Come in.”

  The door opened, revealing the red-haired beauty. As far as biker hang-arounds go, Leann was hot. She was no club whore, but I knew she had been with a few of the guys. She had been after me since I’d come home. She wanted to be some biker’s “old lady,” that part was obvious. The problem was, Leann wasn’t Juliet.

  I waved her in. She closed the door behind her and leaned her back against it, clicking the lock. Her gaze devoured me, her smile was predatory.

  I smiled at her, admiring her easy-access short skirt and knee-high boots. They were shiny black leather with a spiked heel that clicked as she walked. She swayed her hips seductively as she came and stood at the foot of my bed. Lust filled her eyes.

  Her white shirt was tied up under her massive fake tits. It was unbuttoned to display her ample cleavage. Her makeup was heavy. Her eyes looked like a cat’s, outlined in thick black. Her long lashes were as fake as her tits, and her lips were an unnatural shade of cherry. She looked more like she belonged on a pole than in my bed.

  Leann took a few more steps and came up beside me. She placed her hand on my bare chest, her long pointed red nails matching her lips. Her finger traced its way down, stopping at the waistband of my growing sweatpants. “Missed you, handsome,” she purred.

  She sat beside me on the bed, crossing her thin legs, giving me a peek of red lace under her skirt. “Why are you hiding out in here?” she pouted. “I haven’t seen you in over a week.” She ran her finger back and forth across my waistband. She placed her lips against my stomach, leaving a red print behind.

  Then my phone vibrated. I sat up and saw Hawk’s name on the screen. “Sorry, sugar, I gotta take this.” Leann looked annoyed, but whatever.

  “What’s up Hawk? I’m kind of busy.” My hand skimmed up and down Leann’s thigh. She placed her hand under my waistband and walked her fingers down at a slow pace.

  “Ooohhh, and who are you busy with?” he asked like a fucking schoolboy.

  The lights flickered again as the thunder boomed through the room. Leann jumped, acting scared.

  “None of your damn business,” I said back sternly.

  “Okay, okay, geez.”

  “Did you need something?” I was getting impatient.

  “Oh, right, I was calling to see if you wanted to take Black Betty for a ride up to check on Juliet. Ivy said her power kept going out and she’s all alone in this storm. But it’s okay, I’ll send Ledger up to do it.”

  My hand pulled away from Leann like I just touched a hot stove.

  “The fuck you will,” I growled. Did I just growl at him?

  “Did you just growl at me?” Hawk asked with a chuckle. “Oh, so you want to check in on her? I don’t want to disturb you, being busy and all.”

  I stood up, moving away from Leann, who still had her hand in my pants. I looked out the window, bright blue and white spiders of lightning flashing through it.

  “I’m on my way,” I said, then hung up. Ledger? Fuck no, he wasn’t sending him.

  “Leann, sorry, sweetheart, I gotta go. Club business.” I pulled on a tight black Stained Souls T-shirt, wiping the lipstick from my stomach.

  “You have to go? Right now?” she protested, “But there’s a horrible storm out there. You would be safer here, with me, in bed.” She batted her eyes and puffed out her bottom lip, patting her hand on the mattress. “Maybe a quickie?”

  There had been a time when I would have begged to be with someone as sexy as Leann. But somehow messy buns, loose sweats, tight white tanks, and Converse had become way more seductive to me now. Even hotter were Juliet’s dark pink eyeglasses that made her look like a sexy librarian.

  “I said, I have business,” I stressed, hurrying around my room pulling out jeans and socks.

  Her head hung in defeat, but only for a second before her inner bitch came out. “Fine, I guess I’ll find someone else who needs some company.”

  “That would be great, actually,” I said. With a deep huff, she straightened her skirt and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Nose in the air, she trotted out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  It took only seconds to change into my favorite worn-style jeans, apply my favorite aftershave, and head out the door.

  The rain relentlessly splattered on the windshield. I could barely make out the narrow road. I drove slowly up the mountain. Trees were bending in the wind, looking like they were about to snap. The drive, which usually took me ten minutes on my bike, had taken almost thirty minutes before the small cabin came into view.


  Lord was barking crazy next to me and woke me from my nap. I sat up groggy. How long was I out?

  “Lord, calm down. What’s wrong?” The headlights streamed through my bedroom window, breaking through the darkness. What the…? Who could be here now? In this weather? I pushed the sheer back. A black truck with big fat tires and a lift, Black Betty. Warmth immediately spread through me. I sprung up from the bed, sprinting to the door.

  I caught my reflection in the hall mirror. Ugh, I was a mess. I threw on my glasses and then tugged the swollen door open. A gust of wind nearly pulled the door from its hinges, but luckily a big strong hand stopped it.

��Get in!” I yelled as the rain blew into the house. Running the short distance from the driveway to the cabin had him soaked to the bone.

  “Rage, what are you doing here? You’re drenched.” I took off to the bathroom and grabbed a clean towel from the closet. When I returned with it, I found him kneeling on the floor, Lord licking the drips from his face.

  “I heard you were having power issues and Hawk suggested, since I have a truck with meaty tires that can get through anything, I should check on you.” He ran the towel over his face and his head. I inhaled the scent of his cologne mixed with the organic smell of summer rain.

  “Oh, thanks, but you didn’t have to do that.” I felt a little stupid and disappointed that he was here only because Hawk had made him come.

  He looked edible. Dripping. Delicious. His dark hair formed a damp curl on his forehead. Devastatingly sexy. Kicking off his boots at the door, he draped the towel around his neck. I couldn’t help but watch him. His eyes caught mine, and I quickly looked away and moved into the living room.

  “Make yourself comfortable. Want a beer?”

  “Sure,” he said, looking around the place. “You get everything in okay? Need me to do anything?”

  “It’s sweet of you to ask, but I got it all, thanks.” I smiled, grateful for the offer.

  “Are you really okay living up here by yourself even in this kind of weather?” He leaned back on the sofa, putting both his hands behind his head.

  “Yes, Rage, I’m a big girl. Lord and I have made it through plenty of storms up here. The worst part is the mud that Lord tracks in. Having white everything can be an issue.” I pointed to the towels on the floor near the back door.

  “Rage, I appreciate your checking on me, but I’m fine. I don’t want to keep you from things you have to do.” A crack of lightning struck a nearby tree, which made me jump and splash him with the beer I was trying to hand him.

  “Really? You seem just fine.” He said wiping the liquid from his jeans.

  “Sorry.” I shrugged my shoulders. A deep baritone of thunder rumbled followed by the lights blinking on and off again.

  “Well, maybe you could stay for another beer?” I huddled on the couch close to him as the sky flashed like a laser show.


  Juliet looked so fucking cute trying to act all tough behind those sexy little glasses. When she opened the door, I could tell she was relieved to have someone here. Like always, she looked gorgeous even with her hair in a messy bun, her little glasses, and no makeup. Her oversized sweats fell loose on her hip bones and looked sexy paired with the tiny cropped shirt that said, “Save a Horse. Ride a Cowboy.”

  A burst of wind carried her scent of fresh laundry with a hint of honeysuckle, which was better than any expensive perfume if you asked me. Her feet were bare, except for her painted toes and gold toe rings. I don’t know how she made ordinary clothes look so damn sexy.

  She seemed disappointed when I said Hawk suggested I check on her. The truth was, I had planned on coming up later this afternoon when the worst of the storm was due to come through. There was no way I was leaving Juliet by herself, but she didn’t need to know that.

  Candles burned around the small home, giving a cozy feel. When the lights went out, it was a perfect excuse for her to let me stay longer.

  “Is my being here ruining your plans for riding out the storm?” I noticed the bottles of wine on the counter and the stack of DVDs.

  “No, I’m glad to have the company,” she said. “I bought loads of food and wine. Lord and I were going to binge-watch a series.” She moved around the counter, sliding the bottle of Moscato in front of her. She reached up and pulled the bottle opener from a hook, exposing most of her stomach. The jewel in her belly button sparkled from the candle in front of her.

  “You’re welcome to stay and hang out if you don’t have anywhere to be.” She placed two glasses in front of her, filling one with wine and one with a beer.

  Great. I was going to be in for a chick flick marathon. But she did say food, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, plus there was Juliet in candlelight.

  “What are you going to watch?” I asked, preparing for the worst.

  “Ivy has been bugging me nonstop to watch…” Oh, boy, here it comes. “Vikings.”

  “Vikings?” I loved that show. I saw the first few episodes before my cable was cut.

  “I hear it’s somewhat violent but the fight scenes are supposed to be good.” My relief must have shown on my face.

  “You thought I was going to say Gilmore Girls, didn’t you? Don’t lie.” She gave me a sideways smile and poked my chest playfully.

  “Something like that,” I said, smiling.

  “Well, I hope you like beer, wine, nachos, popcorn, and homemade pizza, ‘cause I had planned on eating and watching a lot. I got nothing until Monday other than staying out of this rain.”

  That sounded fucking perfect. “Count me in.”

  “I’ll make popcorn. You get comfy.”

  She popped a DVD in the player and turned on the large flat screen, which seemed out of place in her earthy cabin. She placed our glasses and a massive bowl of popcorn on the handmade wooden coffee table. We put on the first episode. Lord jumped between us on the sofa.

  We watched one episode after another. After five episodes, we were practically cuddling as she tucked her head in my chest during the many gruesome scenes. I could see myself doing more of this. I knew I was falling for her, and this friendship I had agreed to was killing me.

  “You cheating bastard!” she yelled at the screen, “I cannot believe him! Lagertha should kick her ass and his!”

  “Well, Lagertha is a badass and could definitely kick her ass, but she couldn’t take Ragnar.”

  “Oh, really?” She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “Maybe sometime we will test your theory.”

  We were a few episodes into the second season and had finished way too many nachos. Pausing the TV between episodes, Juliet was up and down refilling our drinks and making giant plates of nachos. An episode in the second season ended, “We have to stop” she said, “it’s getting late.”

  I shook my head no. “One more.” The rain was still falling at a considerable rate. We had a few more blinks but never actually lost power.

  “You’re welcome to stay here if you don’t have to be back. We can watch until we can’t anymore,” she suggested, pulling out a soft fuzzy blanket and covering us.

  She didn’t need to ask me twice. Maybe a little too eagerly, I said, “I can stay.” I slid the blanket up further. “As long as you’re making me an amazing breakfast.”

  “Of course, I will,” she said, smiling, then she pointed to the remote. “Now hit play!”

  We pulled an all-nighter watching a few seasons and fell asleep together on the sofa.


  I woke up with my legs tangled under a massive thigh. I twisted slightly, maneuvering my body from under his weight. Rage looked so at peace sleeping, not like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. The usual crease in his brow was smooth, and his ruggedly beautiful face was relaxed. Realizing that Lord needed to go out, I unwrapped my body from his and snuck around the room.

  Still freaking raining. Ugh. What the hell? I ushered Lord out and back in quickly. How late were we up last night? I had a bit of a headache from the wine. Coffee, it was the perfect remedy. It only took moments for the aroma to permeate the room.

  I inventoried the ingredients for pancakes. Yep, got everything. And vegan sausage, too. I was folding the blueberries into the batter when a sleepy-eyed Rage entered the kitchen. My mouth went dry and my spoon stopped. He was shirtless. His eight pack was on full display. He stretched his arms above his head grasping the doorway in a stretch. How could any man look that delicious when he’d just woken up? Before he said anything, I handed him a cup of the sweet, creamy liquid gold exactly the way I knew he liked it. Appreciation spread across his face as he took a sip, humming in pleasure. The sou
nd he made had me crossing my legs. He pushed back the long curls behind his ears, taming them. Smiling, he looked at the batter and preheating griddle.

  “Are we having pancakes?” His grin reminded me of a little boy.

  I pointed to the maple syrup and plates on the table. Green juice shots and fruit set beside them. “I hope you don’t mind blueberry? I have tons of my wild berries in the freezer.”

  He yawned, pulling the antique wooden chair from the table and sat down. “Blueberry is my favorite,” he confirmed in a sexy sleep-filled rasp and took another sip of his coffee.

  He pointed at the small shot glasses filled with dark green liquid. “What are those?”

  “It’s my ‘I drank too much wine last night’ remedy,” I explained with a laugh. “Trust me, it’s good, you don’t even taste the green, I swear.” I crossed my heart.

  “Okay, since you are making me blueberry pancakes and coffee—”

  “And vegan sausage,” I added.

  “And vegan sausage?” he repeated.

  “You will love it all, I promise.” I poured a second cup from my press and placed it on the small table.

  When the stacks of pancakes were done, I plated it all up, and we sat down clinking our green shots together—juiced kale and fruit, blended with cayenne pepper and lemon.


  As the glasses smacked the table, he said, “That was good, and you totally could not taste the green, but should I ask why my mouth is on fire?” He raised an eyebrow.

  I started choking from uncontrollable laughter. Tears ran down my cheeks. “Cayenne. It’s the secret hangover ingredient. I guess I should have mentioned it.” Now we were both laughing.

  I watched as he dug into the fluffy cakes, his eyes closed when he took the second bite. The whole stack was gone in minutes.


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