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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

Page 14

by Zara Teleg

  “That was amazing, even the sausage and green poison, I mean juice.” I threw the kitchen towel at him.


  When I walked into the kitchen, Juliet was stirring batter, sipping coffee, and singing quietly to the low music she had playing. I had never seen a sight so beautiful. I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. Then she handed me the heavenly cup of coffee, exactly the way I liked it. She remembered. Fuck, I loved that.

  Memories came hard and fast at the smell of sugar maple syrup and wild blueberry pancakes. For a moment, I was nine again.

  When she broke out in hysterical laughter after we had our juice shots, I made a decision. I didn’t care how fucking long I had to wait, she was going to be mine. Her laughter had lit a fire in me that I thought had long been smothered out. A tiny ember had been stoked and nourished by Juliet. It was like being brought back to life. If being her friend felt this amazing, how would it feel to be with her? I was determined to find out. I knew she felt it, too. I could see the way she looked at me.

  We took turns showering and then met in the living room for another round of binge-watching. Juliet emerged from her room in fuzzy slippers and an oversized Stained Skyn shirt that hid her cut-off jean shorts. Her hair was wet and piled on her head, and her golden legs were shimmering. I breathed in her signature honeysuckle scent. As for me, well, I always carried an overnight bag in my truck and bike, just in case I needed to land somewhere a few days.

  I joined her on the sofa. “We only have two episodes left in this season. Do you want to watch them now?” she asked.

  “Fuck yeah, I want to watch them now.” I pulled the fuzzy blanket over us. Lord sat on Juliet’s feet, curled in a ball.

  She covered her eyes and hid her face during a few particularly violent scenes. But then we got to some fight scenes that we just had to scrutinize, both of us being trained MMA fighters after all. After much pausing and rewinding, she again insisted that Lagertha could beat Ragnar, resuming an earlier argument.

  “No fucking way,” I told her.

  “Oh, really?” She jumped up, and placing her hands on both her hips, she scanned the space. “Let’s see.”

  I stood up, accepting her challenge. I had to hold back my laughter; she had such a serious expression. Juliet used her small frame to push the sofa, leaving just her big soft area rug. She moved in the middle of the carpet, opening and closing her hands, urging me to join her.

  She kicked off her fuzzy slippers. The long shirt she was wearing made her look naked underneath.

  I gave her a questioning look as I met her in the center. She said, “This is why Lagertha could have easily been able to win that fight.” She positioned us the way the characters were in the show. She had her back toward me and was holding a candle as a knife. She then quickly pulled her back to face my front, twisting and getting at my knee, pinpointing the weak spot and exploiting the pressure point as she made her move, wielding the candle, stabbing my heart.

  Well, I’ll be damned. She was right. I held my hand over my heart, stumbling back, faking my death and pulling her to the floor with me. Both of us were laughing as she landed on top of me. Her giggling stopped as she became aware of our position. She froze and just stared into my eyes.

  My body responded to our closeness. Our eyes locked in a momentary gaze. I stroked the silky strands of her hair, twisting it in my fingers before my mouth found her ear and breathed into it lightly. I snagged the lobe with my teeth, she shuddered, moaning in response. I flipped her on her back and caged her with my arms on both sides of her head and the weight of my body on her. I stared into her gold and green eyes, hoping for a signal to keep going.

  Lust filled her eyes. “You aren’t playing fair,” she whispered, her voice raspy. I felt her take a deep breath before pushing herself forward, rolling away from the closeness of our bodies. Her face looked conflicted as she got to her feet.

  “Rage,” she swallowed hard, “I’m sorry, I-I can’t. It’s not that I don’t find you incredibly attractive, because I do.” Juliet sat on the sofa. She drew her knees to her chest and blew the wayward pink lock of hair from her eyes. “I love our friendship, and I have so much fun with you…but this cannot happen between us. I just can’t. It’s me, I just, I’m not ready to talk about it.” She placed her head sideways on her knees, still hugging them to her chest.

  “Can’t we be friends?” She asked almost like she was asking herself as much as she was asking me. “I mean, Ivy and Hawk are practically best friends, aren’t they?”

  I laced my hands together and placed them on top of my head in defeat. I knew she meant it. God, I was going home with blue balls again, but I respected her decision, and I knew I needed to give her more time.

  “I’m sorry, Juliet. Really. I shouldn’t have. You are an incredibly attractive woman, and I do want to be your friend, that is, until I see you with someone else. I don’t know how I feel about that.” I began gathering my things from the room. Lord followed me around like he didn’t want me to leave.

  “Rage, I know. I’m just, I’m—” Before Juliet found the words, I held up my hand.

  “Juliet, I’m gonna be straight with you. After last night and this morning, I know I said I was good with being friends, and I am, for now. But, in here,” I grabbed her hand and placed her palm over my heart, “you are already mine.”

  “You may not be ready to admit there is something between us, but fuck, I’m done pretending that there isn’t. Being around you is like being home. It’s something I haven’t felt since I was a kid. I never thought I’d ever let anyone in again.” I kneeled before her, brushed the stray hair from her cheek and kissed it.

  “Now,” I cleared my throat, “I’m getting out of here before I do something you’re not ready for.” My finger swept across her chin. I put on my cut, threw my bag over my shoulder as I walked out the door. She stood just a few feet behind me, following as I hurried out.

  “Maybe we can finish what we started another day?” I sent her my best bad boy evil grin and gave her a wink.

  Her eyes widened at my words, and a smile sneaked across her face as she bit her lip to stop it. That move almost had me undone. I was about to throw her over my shoulder and show her how mine she was. But I didn’t, because I wanted her to want it just as bad. And she would, I knew it.

  “Rage,” she said in a shaky voice, stopping me with the door half open and letting the rain blow inside. She looked at her feet before bringing her eyes back to mine. “Thanks for riding out the storm with me.”

  I started to shut the door, then popped my head back in. “Are you coming to the picnic next Saturday after our charity run?”

  She smirked. “It would take a miracle for Ivy not to drag me there.” She shook her head like she was giving in. “So yes, I’ll be there.”

  “Good. I’ll see you then.” I pulled the door closed and walked painfully to my truck, feeling like I was thirteen again.


  The door closed, silencing the rain. I rubbed my hands over my face. What the hell am I doing? I wanted him with every cell in my body, maybe even more than he thought he wanted me. But if I give in, I knew he would undo me. Rage was not the sort of man you could just walk away from. And I knew I was going to have to walk away, if not now, then someday soon. I was on borrowed time.

  I leaned my back against the door, listening to the sound of his engine. I slid down, falling to my knees on the wet floor. I wanted to fling the door open, run to him, and pull him back inside and beg him to make me his. But I knew I couldn’t. I shouldn’t.

  The sound of wet brakes leaving the driveway stabbed me in the gut. Loneliness tore a hole through me. The sting of holding back tears made my nostrils burn.

  I thought the life I had rebuilt here was enough. I believed having Ivy and a few friends was enough. I was wrong. The pain of watching Rage walk out was searing, knowing he was going back to a clubhouse filled with girls ready to take care of him. I remembered the r
edhead at the gym staking her claim. I felt nauseated. An all too familiar knot balling up in my stomach. I allowed myself to cry. It wasn’t fair! That fucking god of a man wanted me, and I was going to lose him to some bitch who didn’t deserve him, all because of my lies and secrets.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’d changed three times. Examining myself in the mirror, I looked at my reflection from the front and then the back. I guessed this would have to do. I glanced at my watch and then around my small bedroom, which was now covered in discarded clothes, on the bed, on the floor, and any other flat surface. Oh, well, I would clean up tomorrow.

  Ivy was on her way here to pick me up and the pies. She would be driving us to the annual barbeque at the Stained Souls clubhouse. Last year’s was fun; it was a different atmosphere there when all the wives and kids were around. I liked their family days, but today was more like a festival than a party.

  Rage being there had me checking myself out in the hall mirror one more time. My stomach rolled with a nervousness that I hadn’t felt since I was a teen. Was this too much? Too little? I sighed. Why did I care about how good I looked? I kept saying no to any advances Rage had made, but my body had other ideas every time I was around the man. It was an attraction neither of us could ignore. I had been so close to giving in last week. When his breath and soft moist tongue had touched my neck and ear, I almost lost it. If I kept thinking about it now, I would need to change again.

  I put the lip gloss down and filled up Lord’s food and water, promising him a day all to him tomorrow. He turned his head like he knew what I was saying. He hopped up on the couch and gave me big sad eyes. It was too hot to bring him today. “I’m sorry, boy. Next time.” I squeezed his face, kissing the top of his head, the pink print of my lips staining his white fur.

  He started barking at the sound of music coming from the driveway. I knew Ivy was here before she even beeped. The door swung open. Lord jumped off the couch nearly knocking me over to greet her.

  “Let’s go! It’s party time!” Ivy chanted, her arms pumping in the air. I began questioning my choice of clothing as soon as I set eyes on her. She had on tiny red cut shorts, black heeled boots that made her legs look even longer, and a tie-up black and red corset style tank top. Her cherry red lipstick stuck out against her pale skin. She had sunglasses on her head holding back the pale blond strands; black wings outlined her bright blue eyes that stood out against her thick black eyelashes.

  She looked hot. She was totally biker chic, while I was kind of boho hippie style with my cut-offs and Converse. I bit my nail, contemplating a change of clothes.

  “Juliet, stop. You look gorgeous like you always do.” Ivy kissed my head and pulled me to her. We loaded up her car, said bye to Lord, and sang out of tune the whole way to the clubhouse.


  The Annual BBQ and Charity Run took place the last weekend of June, something I had missed over the previous four years. The Stained Souls had been participating in the event for as long as I could remember. Hawk’s dad used to let us tag along for the ride when we were little kids.

  The Fourth fell on a Thursday so we were celebrating nearly a week early this year. Sugar Maple Run was set to begin at 10 am on Main Street. From there, we’d make our way to Black Rock, arriving at the Children’s Hospital with a generous donation. In addition to raising the money, we provided the fireworks for the display. The boys from Stained Skyn did face painting for the kids at the hospital, turning them into princesses and superheroes, or the occasional villain. The event made the club look like real assets to the community. After the ride, we celebrated with our annual barbeque at the clubhouse.

  Since I was a kid, my favorite part had always been the bonfire. I remembered Hawk’s dad taking us every year. Children were welcome, at least until the fireworks. As kids, we used to gorge ourselves on hamburgers, hot dogs, beans, pies and s’mores until we were sick. We used to spend an hour looking for the sticks long enough to reach the bonfire to toast our marshmallows. All the kids would run around chasing fireflies and playing kick the can. It was the one day of the year I felt like part of a family. The sun wouldn’t set until after nine. Hawk’s mom used to cover us in sunscreen all day and then drown us in OFF lotion as soon as the sun went down. They were the best memories of my childhood other than my time with my grandma.

  When we were teenagers, we rode our bikes to Black Rock. We thought we were the shit. Stealing smokes and beer while admiring all the pretty girls the members had around. We used to sit around the fire talking about how we would do things someday when we were club members. Little did we know what that really meant.

  Ivy and Juliet were meeting us at the clubhouse after the run. The barbeque began at two, so they promised to help the women set up, and they were bringing some food as well. Even though I looked forward to the run, knowing Juliet would be at the club made me want to get back there sooner. Brothers from chapters all over came to be a part of the event. Hundreds of people would be at the club all weekend celebrating. Rebellion, a band I knew from Memphis, had agreed to play this year.

  The line of bikes stretched four blocks down Main Street. All in a single file with a truck ending the line. Red, white, and blue decorations covered the truck that was full of all the fireworks we were donating. Someone always sat in the back, throwing candy at the spectators, and songs about America echoed from its speakers.

  All the bikes were polished and gleaming in the hot sun. The temperature had already reached over ninety degrees by 9 am. Haze rose from the blacktop. My boots felt like they were melting into it as we waited for the run to begin. At once all the engines started. Children on their dad’s shoulders cheered as the bikes took off, out of town, over the bridge, one by one in a perfect line. Even with the wind in my face, it was hard to stay cool.

  Three hours later, we headed back to Sugar Maple. The run was a success. The kids at the hospital were happy, and the donation was large. A few of the brothers talked some of the cute nurses into coming back to the clubhouse barbeque later. Until the kids leave, everyone would be on their best behavior.


  Ivy and I spent the last three hours setting up with the member’s wives and some prospects who stayed behind. My hair didn’t last long down in this humidity. I felt a slight burn from the morning sun on my nose after moving some of the tables.

  The sound of kids’ laughter was soon drowned out by the bikes returning from the run. Everyone came to a halt, gazing at the incoming men entering the long path to the clubhouse.

  One by one, the shiny bikes filed into the lot with Colt at the helm. He looked so intimidating leading the pack of bikers. Colt’s salt-and-pepper hair was slicked back. Black sunglasses covered his eyes, and a cigarette was pressed between his lips. Authority rolled off him.

  I was sure they all needed showers after riding in this scorching heat. The blue sky offered no cloud for cover today. They must have baked with the slow pace of the parade to the hospital. I knew how much their donations helped the Children’s Hospital, and I thought it was so sweet that they did this.

  The food was almost ready by the time the boys were off their bikes and in the clubhouse to change. A line of smokers around the courtyard scented the air with barbeque. After setting up the plates and silverware station, we filled the buffet with large bowls of different salads and fruit. I lit the Sternos under the water-filled aluminum trays and waited for Ivy to tell me when to bring out the hot food to set on top.

  I felt eyes penetrating me. I turned, and it was exactly who I hoped it would be. Rage. In all his gorgeous masculine glory. He looked beyond sexy in his jeans, boots, and a white tank top that glowed against his tan and red shoulders.


  All the guys made a big deal for the families coming. They wanted everyone to feel welcome.

  It took us three days to set up the yard with gigantic tents and tables and the stage for the band. We also rented a bounce house and water sli
de for the kids. When Hawk and I were kids, the only things we had were a hose and water guns. Every child begged Hawk to paint a tattoo on them. He was great with the little ones.

  After a much-needed cold shower, I peeked out my window at the club to see all the action in the yard. My stomach growled, the smell of the food was overpowering as it came through my closed window. The a/c was not keeping up with this heat. I started sweating again before I even pulled on my white tank and jeans. I massaged in some aloe onto my burnt shoulders before making my way to the yard.

  I was thankful the clubhouse was in the valley and was a little cooler than the town. The large trees that surrounded the property gave it shade and privacy.

  There were already groups of people under the tented areas, anxiously waiting for food. My eyes roamed the lot until they landed on the tan legs I was scouting for. I’d know those legs anywhere. The sparkly Converse was a giveaway, too. Most of the girls that hung around the club wore heels or boots, not sparkly Converse. Faded ripped jean shorts with pockets hanging through barely covered her ass. Her hair was twisted on her head, exposing the tattoo on her neck. Her loose pink top was sheer enough to show her belly piercing and some cleavage. I licked my lips in approval. Her eyes found mine, and her plump pink glossy lips smiled. Mirrored aviator sunglasses hid her green eyes. Her large earrings met her collarbone, swaying as she sent a wave my way.

  “Hey,” I said, giving her a chin lift as I unloaded some more of the chairs that were stacked next to the door.

  “Hey yourself,” she said. “How was the run? You guys must have melted.” She used a paper plate to fan herself.

  Small beads of sweat slid to her cleavage. I wanted to follow the trail and lick each bead off her honeysuckle-scented skin.

  “Yeah, it was…sweltering on the road, but it was worth it,” I said, trying not to stare.


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