The Thirty-Year Genocide

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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 91

by Benny Morris

  476. Earl of Derby to Curzon, 7 June 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5049.

  477. Shepard, “Outline . . . ,” USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  478. Shepard to ?, 19 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  Notes to Pages 354–356

  479. Boyd, Aintab, to NER director, Aleppo, 1 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418; and Ernest Altanuniyan (?) (Aleppo) to Jackson, 11 September 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.4016P81 / 600–860J.48 / 199, Roll 7.

  480. Shepard to ?, 19 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  481. Willson to Bristol, 1 October 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  482. Boyd to Knudsen, 21 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 255.

  484. Fontana (Beirut) to Curzon, 15 October 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5040.

  485. Willson to Bristol, 6 October 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.



  Française a l’egard des Armeniens de Syrie- Cilicie,” attachment to WO to Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 16 November 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5210.

  487. Willson to Bristol, 24 December 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  488. Basil Gabriel, Adana YMCA, to Steger, Constantinople, 1 January 1921, attached to Steger to Bristol, 28 January 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  489. YMCA Adana to Steger, se nior secretary YMCA, Constantinople, 1 January 1920, USNA RG

  84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.



  From Empire to Republic, vol. 3, part 2, 1398.

  491. Willson to Bristol, 11 February 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 440.

  492. Bristol to SecState, 30 June 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 444.

  493. Nicol to Bristol, 20 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 444.

  494. Adana YMCA to Steger, se nior secretary YMCA, Constantinople, 1 January 1920, USNA RG

  84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  495. “Account by D. T. Eby of the Siege of Hadjin,” undated, attached to de Robeck to Curzon, 6

  July 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5053.

  496. Manoogian, “The Annihilation of Hadjin,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  497. Manoogian, “The Annihilation of Hadjin,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 208.

  499. Edith Cold (Talas) to Bell, 22 June 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.2, Vol. 5. Kurds were also cited for their protection of Armenians and missionaries in Mamuret- ül- Aziz vilayet (Bessy Bannerman Mur-dock, “Report of Work Completed at Arabkir Branch of Harput Near East Relief Unit November 1, 1919–

  April 1, 1922,” 14 June 1922, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 464).




  (Kalem- i mahsus) to mutesarriflik of Maraş, 25 February 1920, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 107 / 128.

  501. Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  502. Dodd to Managing Director, NER, Constantinople, 10 March 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 415.

  503. “Account by D. T. Eby . . . ,” UKNA FO 371 / 5053.

  504. “Statement by Dr. Kennedy,” undated but c. 28 May 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol. 52; and Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  505. Cold to Bell, 22 June 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.2, Vol. 5. See also Super, Massacre Averted, 35–71.

  506. Message from Mersin, 23 March 1920, in Armenian Patriarchate news round-up, sent to US

  high commission c. end of March 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.01 / 52–860J.4016 / 49, Roll 4.

  507. Armenian Patriarchate, report from Mersin, 27 September 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.00–860J.01, Roll 1.

  508. Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  Notes to Pages 356–359

  509. Elizabeth Webb, “The Fall of Hadjin,” undated but from early November 1920, Houghton ABC

  16.9.1, Vol. 2.

  510. Peet, “Memorandum,” 10 February 1921, attached to Rumbold to Curzon, 14 February 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6556.

  511. Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  512. Elizabeth Webb, “The Fall of Hadjin,” Houghton ABC 16.9.1, Vol. 2.

  513. Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  514. Manoogian, “The Annihilation . . . ,” 15 November 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 207.

  515. Peet, “Memorandum,” 10 February 1921, attached to Rumbold to Curzon, 14 February 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6556.

  516. Bristol in effect denied the massacre; it was all hearsay— though he gave credence to reports of Armenian massacre and rape of Turks in Hacin (entry for 25 July 1921, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary).




  John D. Edwards, to Bristol, 25 July 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  518. Armenian Patriarchate circular, 18 July 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.4016 / 50–860J.4016P81 /

  99, Roll 5.

  519. Olin Lee to Steger, 14 August 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.

  520. Entry for 24 March 1921, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  521. UK consulate general, Beirut, to Foreign Secretary, 31 January 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6565.

  522. Ernest Riggs to Barton, 15 January 1921, Houghton ABC 16.9.7, Vol. 26. Riggs was quoting Robert de Caix, the acting French High Commissioner in Syria.

  523. Stanley Kerr to Aleppo director, NER, 2 September 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 438; and Nicol to Bristol, 20 September 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 444.

  524. Yousif Ikaeb to American consul, Baghdad, 4 June 1921; and “Substance of Tele gram Received from British High Commissioner at Baghdad,” attached to Rattigan to Bristol, 8 July 1921, both in USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 10.

  525. Rumbold to Curzon, 21 May 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6557.

  526. For example, 300 Maraş Armenians recruited to the battalions were murdered near Besny in August 1921 (Kerr to Doolittle, 29 August 1921, LC, Bristol Papers 35).

  527. Rev. S. W. Gentle- Cackett to Rumbold, 21 July 1921, enclosing Gentle- Cackett, “How Zeitun Fell,” undated, UKNA FO 371 / 6557. See also French report, 20 September 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 438.

  528. Satow to FO, 18 September 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6557; Ward to Hughes, “Memorandum to Supplement the Report Made by Mr. F. D. Yowell and Dr. Mark H. Ward on the Conditions in the Interior of Asia Minor, dated May 5, 1922 and Addressed to the Hon. Charles E. Hughes, Secretary of State,”

  undated but from summer 1922, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 47; and Olive Crawford to Peet, 25

  April 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7877.

  529. Ward to Hughes, “Memorandum to Supplement the Report . . . ,” undated but from summer 1922, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 47.

  530. Rumbold to Oliphant, 3 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7902.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 5.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 146. As Zeidner (149) points out, in 1919 the French abetted the escape of five wanted Turkish war criminals and later armed the Nationalists, even as their own forces were engaged against Kemal’s troops in Cilicia.

  533. “Despatch from His Majesty’s Ambassador at Paris Enclosing the Franco- Turkish Agreement signed at Ankara on October 20, 1921”; and Youssouf Kemal to Franklin- Bouillon, 20 October 1921, both

  Notes t
o Pages 359–362

  in UKNA FO 371 / 6479. “Map No. 2” attached to Hardinge to Curzon, 30 October 1921, UKNA FO

  371 / 6475, details the difference between the Sevres and Kemal– Franklin- Bouillon frontiers.

  534. Legation of Greece to Vansittart, 5 December 1921, and attached text of the two “protocols,”

  UKNA FO 371 / 6479; and Se nior Naval Officer, Constantinople, to Commander- in- Chief, Mediterranean,

  “Situation Report,” 2 December 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 7942.

  535. Rumbold to Curzon, 31 October 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6476.

  536. Satow to Curzon, 14 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6479.




  Childs, to Bristol, 5 January 1922, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 464.

  538. W. J. Childs, “Notes of a Conversation with M. Franklin- Bouillon on January 27, 1922,” London, 30 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7854.

  539. Mixed Armenian Council (Constantinople) to Bristol, 14 October 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  540. A.F.L. (Beirut) to War Ministry, 11 November 1921, SHD, GR N7, 4165.

  541. Rumbold to Curzon, 8 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6467.

  542. Cyril Haas (Adana) to Peet, 5 November 1921; and Elizabeth Webb (Adana) to Peet, 6 November 1921, both in Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol. 52.

  543. Chambers to Peet, 5 November 1921, USNA RG 59, 860J.4016 / 50–860J.4016P81 / 99, Roll 5.

  544. Jackson to General de Lamothe, 17 November 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  545. Satow to Curzon, 14 November 1921, UKNA FO 371/6479.

  546. Report by Lt. Col. Sarrou of meeting with Gen. Mouhieddin Pasha, 20 November 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 464.

  547. Chambers to Peet, 5 November 1921, USNA RG 59, 860J.4016 / 50–860J.4016P81 / 99, Roll 5.

  548. “Cabinet 88 (21),” 22 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6478.

  549. Rumbold to Harry Lamb, 1 December 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 29.

  550. Franklin- Bouillon, Hamid Bey ( under secretary of state at Ministry of Interior), and General Muhieddin Pasha, “Appeal to the Inhabitants of Cilicia,” 22 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 7948.

  551. R. S. Stewart to Knabenshue, 19 December 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 459.

  552. Jackson to Bristol, 1 May 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  553. Vartabed to Armenian Del e ga tion in Paris, 10 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5045.

  554. Dodd to Barton, 25 March / 2 April 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.1, Vol. 1; and Dodd to Bristol, 9

  April 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  555. Horton to SecState, 31 March 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.01 / 520–860J.4016 / 49, Roll 4.

  556. Dodd to Bristol, 9 April 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418; and Dodd to Peet, 14 April 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.



  From Empire to Republic, vol. 2, 886.

  558. Chambers (Adana) to Robert Graves (Constantinople), 9 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5048.

  559. Horton (Smyrna) to SecState, 31 March 1920, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 6.

  560. Dodd to Bristol, 9 April 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418.

  561. Dodd to Peet, 14 April 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.

  562. Dodd to Barton, 25 March / 2 April 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.1, Vol. 1.

  563. Willson to Bristol, 16 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 422; and Willson to Bristol, 18 November 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.

  564. Joseph Bliss and Harold Buxton, Lord Mayor’s Fund, to Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 7 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5045.

  565. High commissioner, Cyprus, to FO, 23 June 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5051.

  Notes to Pages 362–365

  566. Robinson to under secretary of state FO, 11 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5046.

  567. By 1924 there were about 100,000 Armenians in the United States, most of them recent immigrants. Thereafter, Armenian immigration to the United States slowed substantially as a result of that year’s Immigration Act (see de Waal, Great Catastrophe, 104).

  568. Jackson to Bristol, 26 May 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  569. French report from Aleppo, 14 October 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 458.

  570. Bristol to Bayard Dodge, 14 November 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 444.

  571. Webb to Curzon, 18 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5046.

  572. Armenian Patriarchate, report from Constantinople, 15 October 1920, attached to Bristol to SecState, 6 November 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.00–860J.01, Roll 1.

  573. De Robeck to Curzon, 17 October 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5210.

  574. Greek Legation, London, to Curzon, 9 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 65558; and entry for 15 November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  575. For example, see Annie Davies to Miss Wallis, 13 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6560, for an incident in Adana.

  576. “Minutes of 78th [?] Meeting of the A.G.S. and Armenian and Greek Representatives,” 21 December 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 7933.

  577. Jackson to General de Lamothe, 17 November 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  578. Woodsmall, “Report on a Trip to Adana, December 1921,” undated, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 461.

  579. For Turkish description of these events, see Eken, Kapancızade Hamit Bey, 297–307.

  580. Report by G. Mackereth, acting vice- consul, Beirut, 16 December 1921, attached to Satow to Curzon, 17 December 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6561. The French estimated that a thousand refugees a day reached Mersin from the interior (Gouraud to War Ministry, 28 November 1921, SHD, GR N7, 4165).

  581. Jackson to Bristol, 9 November 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 440.

  582. Pakan Catiacos, Adana, to Pere Haroutune Yosayian, 10 November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers 36.

  583. Annie Davies to Miss Wallis, 13 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6560.

  584. Ralph Harlow, Smyrna, to Officers of the ABC, 1 December 1921, Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol. 51.

  585. “Minutes of the 77th Meeting of the A.G.S. and Armenian and Greek Representatives,” 7 December 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6549.

  586. “Memorandum by Mr. Oliphant,” 22 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6559; and Pere Tavouk-djian to Briand, undated but from November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers 36.

  587. Unsigned, “Report for [Aintab Central Turkey] College Year 1921–1922,” undated, Houghton ABC 16.9.1, A467, Reel 674; and James Morgan to Curzon, 7 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7872; and

  “Latest Aintab News,” January 1923, “What Has Happened at Aintab. Complete Evacuation of the City by the Armenians,” by John Merrill, Houghton ABC 16.9.1, A467, Reel 674.

  588. James Morgan, British Consulate, Aleppo, to Foreign Secretary, 10 December 1921, UKNA FO

  371 / 6561.

  589. Armenian National Union, Aleppo, to French High Commissioner for Syria and Lebanon, 2

  March 1922, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 459.

  590. Armenian notables to mutesarrif, 27 June 1922, attached to Rumbold to Curzon, 12 August 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7874.

  591. “Memorandum by Mr. Ryan,” undated but attached to Rumbold to Curzon, 12 August 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7874; and Morgan to Curzon, 7 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7872.

  592. Ruth Woodsmall, acting executive, YWCA Near East, “Report on a Trip to Adana, December 1921,” undated, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 461. On Dörtyol, see Satow to Curzon, 20 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7872.

  Notes to Pages 365–368

  593. Pakan Catiacos, Adana, to Pere Haroutune Yosayian, Aleppo, 10 November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers 36.

  594. Rumbold to Curzon, 20 December 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6561.

  595. Morgan, Aleppo, to Curzon, 8 April 1922
, UKNA FO 371 / 7874.

  596. Entry for 15 November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  597. Lt. Commander J. C. Cunningham, OC USS Williamson, to Bristol, “Visit of USS Williamson to Mersina Area,” diary, 18 November–11 December 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol.


  598. Entry for 22 November 1921, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  599. I. H. Mayfield, CO USS Childs, diary, entry for 11 December 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 464.

  600. Greek Legation, London, to Curzon, 9 November 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6558. The French estimated that a thousand left Mersin per day (Gouraud to War Ministry, 25 October 1921, SHD, GR N7, 4165).


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