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Sweet Nightfall

Page 11

by Kathryn Vegas

  He glanced down at their hands, contemplating how he could win this woman’s heart without pushing too hard. He didn’t want to come off like a motherless boy needing a new mommy type. He knew she would assume his interest was only sexual or bordering on weird. He would have to work past those assumptions, somehow. Nothing was coming to mind to naturally keep the connection going.

  The longer they sat in silence the harder it was to come up with a conversation starter. Adam’s thoughts spiraled, imagining her disgust if she thought he was wanting her to mother him.

  That thought propelled him to the biggest problem. If he did convince her his intentions were pure, she would have to know he was a vampire sooner or later. After getting thoroughly attached she would reject him and leave. His chest constricted at the thought.

  Sara was already mourning the loss of him. She knew it was over. She swallowed hard. She’d be damned if she let herself cry.

  She tried to rally herself. Be satisfied with what you got. Be thankful for the night of your life.

  The desire to see him again soon was overwhelming, but what would it sound like if she tried to continue the connection. Would he see her as a desperate old woman? Would she be forcing him into an awkward situation that he would have to reject her? She couldn’t risk ruining the beautiful time they’d spent together by pushing for more.

  Adam finally broke the silence, “So, what do you have planned for Christmas?”

  “I always host Christmas Eve. Everyone gets all fancy. Shawn and his family come over. Several friends always pop by and my mom spends the night. I have the bar stocked and everyone brings food. Even though Hazel’s too old to believe, Santa still fills stockings and brings presents. We all get really drunk,” Sara gushed, relieved he broke the silence. Before she could stop herself the words tumbled out of her mouth, “If you’re not busy you should stop by.” She regretted it instantly.

  One moment of silence too long and Sara was nervously over explaining, “I’m sorry. I overstepped. I know, we don’t really know each other and you have been so nice. Oh my god, so nice to me. That was pushing it. I just had so much fun hanging out with you but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to be your sugar mama or something…” She trailed off mortified.

  Did I really just say, sugar mama?! Sara screamed in her head.

  Adam squeezed her hand and released it.

  “Sara,” He said as he made the turn into her neighborhood.

  He pressed his hand down onto his horn. She nearly hit her head on the roof of the Durango, she jumped so high. The sound was unexpected and incredibly loud on a quiet morning.

  His face cracked into the biggest smile as he picked his hand off the horn and started to put it back on. Sara’s face was incredulous until it finally dawned on her what he was doing.

  She squealed “NO!”

  Quickly she grabbed his hand before he could honk the horn again. She gasped for air, so surprised by his practical joke. The deep belly laugh coming from Adam was contagious. Sara bent over laughing, tears springing out of her eyes. It took her a minute or two before she could say something.

  “You devil!” She barked out between peels of laughter.

  “You said you wanted an awestruck audience.” Adam, still not under control, seemed pretty proud of his joke.

  “Seriously, you’re crazy!”

  She shook her head at him. Adam grinned back at her. His sparkling mischievous eyes took her breath away. She just stared.

  “Adam.” Sara began quietly.

  Before she could go on he interrupted her, “I would love to stop by Christmas Eve. Thank you for inviting me.”

  Adam pulled into her driveway and turned off the Durango. They sat contemplating each other.

  Sara finally broke the silence “I had a wonderful night and morning.”

  She reached for the door handle slowly not wanting to leave.

  “I did too.” Adam replied as he pushed back a lock of hair behind her ear.

  He reached out to her with both arms and hugged her. She reciprocated his embrace immediately. He drew back and placed his hands on each side of her face and slowly kissed her forehead. Sara sighed. He kissed her lips firmly. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers and said earnestly.

  “You’re a beautiful woman. Thank you for filling my night with joy.”

  Sara was speechless. The embrace, the kisses and his words were so heartfelt. He released her and she opened her car door.

  “Goodbye, I’ll see you soon?” She said.

  “Yes, you will.” He responded.

  She got out of the car. The brisk winter breeze blew right up the bottom of her shirt to her bare backside. She shivered and jogged for her front door. She heard the Durango crank up behind her as the front door swung open in front of her.

  Hazel, hair disheveled, rubbed her eyes, “Mom!” Hazel looked her up and down.

  Sara ran past her into the warm house. Hazel shut the front door and followed her.

  “Mom?!” Hazel questioned.

  Sara turned around and took Hazel’s hands and started to spin her around in a happy dance. Hazel half participated.

  “Oh Hazel.” Sara sighed loudly. “It was the most magical night of my life.”

  “Tell us more, Ms. Hartford!” A boy’s voice called out from the couch.

  One of Hazel’s friends had awakened. Sara smiled in his direction. The living room was strewn with what looked like every blanket and pillow in the house. Two other sleeping lumps of teenager could be seen on the floor. Aside from a few open chips bags and cans of pop on every surface, the house had survived the unsupervised sleepover.

  The teenage boy continued, “Hazel showed us the selfie and might I say, mmmm honey he looked delicious.”

  Sara plopped down beside her daughter’s friend Conner on the couch and Hazel followed suit. Conner eyed her morning-after ensemble with a raised eyebrow and pursed lips.

  “What?” Sara asked innocently.

  “I may not have seen you leave the house last night, Ms. Hartford, but I know you didn’t leave in that.” Conner giggled. He was loving this.

  “Yeah, Mom. Explain yourself.” Hazel chimed in.

  “It’s not my fault.” Sara did her best teenage voice. “I like lost my dress.”

  “Young lady, how did you lose your dress?!” Conner and Hazel said in unison.

  The two sleeping teenage lumps on the floor both turned over, yawned with eyes half open listening in on the conversation.

  “Hey, I’m a grown-ass-woman and grown-ass-woman-things happened. Forget about the dress. There’s no more dress.” Sara made a sad face. “I really loved that dress too. What did you guys do last night? I hope you didn’t need me for anything.”

  “Every single parent popped by.” Hazel said in an annoyed voice. “Seriously all their mom’s dropped by as if they orchestrated the drop in’s by the hour. We weren’t planning anything weird so hopefully next time you sleep over at a hot guy’s place we can be truly unsupervised.”

  “Ms. Hartford, let’s get back to the subject at hand.” Conner took control of the conversation. He had decided a year ago he was going to call Sara, Ms. Hartford because he thought it was a quirky thing to do and he never stopped. “I think we still, need to know… What happened to Steve? Also does this new guy have a younger brother cause damn!”

  “Adam’s an only child and Steve ended up being married.” The room made a collective gasp.

  “Damn and Dastardly.” Conner whispered.

  “Yes indeed.” Hazel seconded.

  “..but then kismet happened. Adam was at the same bar and I desperately needed a ride out of there...”

  “That’s not the only kind of ride she needed.” One of the teenage lumps on the floor quipped.

  Sara made a fake disapproving face in its direction while the other teens laughed at her expense. “You shush.” She smiled and shook her head. “Adam was the perfect gentleman. If only he were 15 years older…”
She trailed off.

  Conner patted Sara’s leg knowingly. “You’re a strong independent woman, Ms. Hartford. Don’t let society tell you who you can be with.”

  “Thanks honey, but you did see him right? It’s not just society that wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand how I got the one night. I half expected him to hand me a bill this morning.” The teenagers chuckled. “Which I would have gladly paid!” That made them crack up.

  “Mom!” Hazel exclaimed.

  “OK” Sara said and stood up. “I haven’t even dared to check my phone. I bet I have a lot of notifications and replies to make. I’m sure you guys can sleep another few hours. I’m going to go snuggle in my bed and catch up on my scrolling.” She left the kids to go back to sleep.

  Sara shut the door behind her and climbed into her bed. Through her window she could see the sky beginning to lighten with the impending sunrise. She grabbed her phone out of her purse and checked through the texts. She smiled at the responses from Shawn and Hazel to her selfie with Adam. It was still early, only around seven, but she figured Shawn wouldn’t mind the wake up if it included some juicy gossip.

  “Truly the most magnificent sexual encounter of my life. Also just got home. Jealous?” She tapped send.

  She scrolled up and gazed at the selfie she’d sent him last night. Adam’s sexually charged grin made her sigh.

  Sara pulled her fluffy comforter up to her chin and snuggled deeper into her bed. Delicious visions of her night and morning flooded her brain. Another sigh escaped her lips. She shook her head to herself.

  Her phone chimed. Shawn’s text back, “Meet me at noon. Cocktails and lunch at Beaches.”

  Sara smiled, he was serious about his gossip. Lunch out with drinks was going to be fun. Having the gossip she had to deliver was going to be even better.

  Nothing was going to wipe the smile off her face today. Sara opened her Facebook app. She wished she had the balls to post that selfie with Adam to everyone. She decided a few private messages to her best friends would have to do. At least a few people would know just how lucky she got last night. She had several Facebook friends on the East Coast that she knew were well into their mornings and would love to dish.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Adam walked into his house just before sunrise. Sara’s scent still lingered throughout. It was comforting to smell her. He wished she was still here. The place had finally felt like a home when she was inside of it. After so many months living alone, he now realized how missing the feeling of companionship was eating him alive. The house’s emptiness now seemed magnified.

  He checked his phone on the way to the living room. It was going to be a long day. The night and morning kept replaying through his mind. He definitely wasn’t ready to go to sleep just yet. Opening the Facebook app he clicked Sara’s name under recent searches. Waffling for a moment he decided to go for it and just clicked, friend . He questioned his decision immediately.


  Whatever. I’m not going to try to play any games. I want her to know I’m in.

  Adam stretched out on the sofa and got comfortable. His phone chimed a notification.

  That was quick.

  Sara had confirmed their online friendship. Adam switched over to messenger and wrote. “I figured a night together was enough connection to friend you on social media. I just wanted to say that I had an amazing night with you.”

  He paused to think. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing. He wanted to be charming, to lay the groundwork for continuing their relationship.

  “I’ve never met anyone that I’ve laughed so much with.” He decided short and sweet was the way to go. He ended the message with an emoji heart and clicked send.

  Messenger beeped. She’d seen it.

  He held his breath waiting. Every second felt like a minute. Would it be a dismissive response? Does she regret inviting him to Christmas? Self-doubt was rearing its ugly head.

  What am I, sixteen? Why am I so fucking nervous?

  Because yeah... so what, you showed her a good time and that’s all she was looking for. She’d never consider a serious relationship with a twenty-four-year-old. He grappled with himself as he waited for her to finish typing.

  I’m not twenty-four! Adam yelled in his head.

  The dots moved letting him know she was writing back.

  Sara wracked her brain for a response. His message didn’t really have a question in it to respond to. Her stomach hummed with butterflies.

  What do I say?!

  Best sex ever thanks?

  Oh my god! No.

  “HAZEL!!!!!” She screamed.

  Sara heard Hazel fall off of the couch and hit the floor, followed by thundering footsteps. Her bedroom door flew open.

  “WHAT? Are you okay?!”

  “He friended me and he messaged me! He knows I’ve seen it. I have to respond now!”

  “Oh my god.” Hazel’s eyes were big.

  “What do I say?”

  “I don’t know! CONNER!!”

  He was already in the doorway; he covered his ears dramatically and briefly side-eyed Hazel for blasting his eardrums.

  “Ms. Hartford, you must have really left an impression on the boy.”

  “Shut up and help me.” Sara read them what Adam had written.

  “Whoa.” Hazel said. “Mom, he really likes you.”

  “What? No. I’m too old for him. There’s no way a man like that would give up twenty-something models for an almost forty-year-old woman. Seriously. Obviously, it’s like a booty call thing. A fun night in his back pocket.” Sara was surprised how a twinge of sadness crept in as she said that.

  “So what? Why don’t you put him in your back pocket too?” Conner rationalized.

  “Yeah, Mom. You looked happy this morning. Who cares? You’re a modern woman.”

  “Ms. Hartford.” Conner grabbed Sara’s shoulders. “Seize your inner sex goddess and put this boy toy in YOUR back pocket.” Conner nodded and released her shoulders. “You’re in charge here!”

  Sara took a deep breath. Who knew teenagers could be such good council.

  “You’re right. I had the night of my life and why not have that on standby. He’s very fun and sweet. The body of a God! A major step up from Clark.”

  “MOM!” Hazel was dismayed.

  “Oh, Honey. Not even in the same ballpark.” Conner shook his head. His face looked like he just ate a lemon. “Not even on the same planet. Not even the same galaxy. Not even the-”

  “OK. OK. I get it.” Sara interrupted him.

  Sara started typing. “You really know how to show a girl a good time. I’m so happy that bastard Steve ended up being married.” She added a laughing face emoji and three hearts.

  “Is that good you guys?” Sara hesitated before hitting send.

  “Perfect.” The teens said.

  Sara tapped send.

  Adam let out a sigh of relief. He was happy Steve was a bastard, too.

  “Steve’s loss was my gain.” Adam spoke as he typed. “I should send him a thank you note. Dear Bastard, Thanks for being such a bastard. She gave one hell of a blow job.” Adam paused “I went too far…” He smiled as he backspaced over that last sentence. He ended his fake letter to Steve, “Sincerely, The guy who really got lucky.”

  He tapped send.

  The dots moved immediately. Adam waited anxiously. Her response was quick. “LOL! We should send that to him with the picture I took of us last night. Really rub his nose in it.”

  Adam quickly responded. “We can send a piece of your green dress with it.” He remembered tearing it off her and his jeans got tighter. He tapped send.

  “Buahaha! My poor dress. Rest in pieces my lovely girl.” Sara replied.

  Conner and Hazel stared at Sara with raised eyebrows and smirks on their faces.

  “Get! I have this under control now. Thank you. Bye!!” She dismissed them from her room with a flourish of hand waving.

  They giggled as they
left, closing the door behind them. Sara returned her attention to her phone screen, waiting impatiently for what he would say next. Giddy, she snuggled back down into her comforter.

  “She made the ultimate sacrifice for us. I’ll never forget her or her comrade in arms Private Panties.” Adam’s message appeared on her screen.

  Sara laughed out loud. Her belly tightening thinking of that moment this morning. Sex with Adam could become addicting.

  “The glacial breeze on my bare undercarriage gave me quite the wake up this morning. My poor frozen biscuits.” Sara tapped send.

  “It would be my pleasure to warm those biscuits if you need me to, anytime.” Adam responded with a winking emoji at the end.

  The room definitely felt warmer to Sara. She kicked a leg out from under her comforter. She was having fun. It was like being a teenager again, flirting with a boy.

  “They’re heating up just thinking about it.” Sara added a volcano and a heart eyes emoji. Her breathing shallowed. She bit her lip.

  Damn it! If there weren’t teenagers in my living room that might hear my vibrator crank up... I could definitely get off right now. It might take a bit, but fingers it is…

  Sara put her hand under the comforter and under Adam’s soft flannel shirt.

  Easy access with Private Panties missing in action. She smiled and softly swept her fingers over herself as she waited for his reply.

  Adam took a deep breath. His blood heated and thickened his cock. He considered his reply carefully. He wanted strong, sexy and tantalizing. Not too aggressive. Got to keep it light and safe. He didn’t want to throw out any weird vibes.

  “Remembering you naked and bent over, searching for those panties this morning is getting my blood warm right now.” He tapped the fire emoji and send.

  Waiting for her reply was tortuous. He didn’t know how each message would be taken and hoped they were both on the same page.

  The dots animated. He held his breath waiting for her reply.


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