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Sweet Nightfall

Page 12

by Kathryn Vegas

  “Remembering your hard naked body against me has got me typing with one hand… you can use your imagination for what I’m doing with the other.” Pink cheek face emoji at the end of her reply.

  Whoa. Yes. This woman!

  Adam contemplated his response chewing on his bottom lip. He felt more of his blood flowing south. His heart slowly thumping in his ears. He wanted to turn her on. Make her come imagining him fucking her.

  “You’re being so naughty right now, making me this hard when I’m all alone. I think I’ll be warming up those buns next time with a firm spanking, teach you a lesson. I’ll bend you over this couch and slowly fill you with this hard cock.” He hoped that was what she was hoping to hear.

  No emoji needed on that. Adam tapped send.

  Sara’s breathing hitched when she read the word spanking. Her fingers danced around her clit. Her pulse pumping in her ears.

  Oh, he’s good. Damn. That big dick. His chiseled chest. The vivid imagery caused the pressure to swell in her core.

  “I’ve been so bad. A hard cock with no one on their knees in front of it. No wet willing mouth to suck it… to lick the length of it, draw it in the warm depths of my throat. My fingers are soaking wet and I can barely breathe.”

  That sounds good! Who knew I had such sexting skills? Sara thought.

  She focused on sucking his dick last night and contracted her muscles holding her breath until she got lightheaded. She gasped and contracted her abs and kegel muscles even tighter as her fingers entered herself. She put the phone down on the bed beside her pillow and her other hand took over on the clit.

  Her phone chimed a notification. She turned her head to read it.

  “I’ll never forget your hot wet pussy pulsing as you came in my mouth. If you’d continued sucking my dick for a minute longer you would have had felt my cock explode the same way in yours.”

  Yes! Yes! Oh fuck that did it.

  Sara’s breath chopped out as each wave jerked through her body. She laid her head back on the pillow. Her heart seemed to be chugging on thick blood in her chest.

  “Whew.” She sighed and grabbed her phone.

  “That got it! God you’re good.” She tapped the high-five emoji a few too many times. Send.

  Adam was grinning ear to ear.

  “Glad to be of service, sweetheart. I hope you have a good day.” It seemed like the best note to end the conversation on, he tapped send and put his phone down.

  He was left with a raging hard on, which only took a minute to stroke into submission.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The hostess led Sara to an already occupied window table. The riverside bistro was a hotspot during the summer but in the winter it was a ghost town. This time of year only the die-hard regulars still came for the signature cocktails and river views. Shawn stood up when he saw her and initiated a slow clap that dumbfounded all the other patrons enjoying their lunches.

  Embarrassed, Sara picked up her pace, literally running to the table. “Quit it!” she said, her eyes big and her smile threatening to escape.

  “I bow to the Queen of Cougars. May she roar forever more!” Shawn drawled with a low bow.

  “Sit down!” Sara demanded taking her seat.

  Shawn chuckled and his eyes danced.

  “I heard you may have lost a dress last night. I didn’t believe it because I knew that dress was designer and you were wearing it the last time I saw you.”

  “Hazel’s such a gossip!”

  “She’s our daughter.”

  “That explains it.” Sara nodded.

  “So… How was your night?” Shawn steepled his fingers under his chin and waited.

  “Absolutely… Fucking… Amazing.” Sara stated shaking her head with a look of disbelief. “I don’t know how it happened. I mean I know how it happened, but how the fuck did that happen?”

  “From the top, what the fuck happened with Steve?”

  “Well, lucky for me he turned out to be married. The son of a bitch. Adam was at the same bar and I had waved him over to say hi which caught the eye of an older couple that just happened to be Steve’s in-laws. Obviously that joint is the place to be. We should totally go back there. The drink I ordered was fantastic.”

  “You digress. Continue.”

  “Adam swept me away from that embarrassing scene and out into the night. I asked him to share a drink with me.”


  “Yes indeed.” Sara continued. “After making sure he was unattached I might have had an out of body experience and indicated I was down to bone.”

  Shawn laughed out loud, catching the attention of a nearby table. He waved his hand at them dismissing their attention.

  “So… we went back to his place and fucked.”

  “So the sex was…?” Shawn prompted.

  “On another plane of existence.”

  “…and the dick was?”

  “Epic.” Sara emphasized using her hands to express herself.

  “Nice! I noticed you had a new friend on Facebook.”

  “He friended me! All I can guess is that he wants pussy on call? I’m as shocked as you are. We had a great time and we laughed a lot, but what is he doing? I don’t know.” She shrugged.

  Their waitress arrived with a tray holding two very smart cocktails. Shawn gestured that the first drink the waitress took off the tray belonged to Sara. She put the second in front of Shawn.

  “Hey guys! Nice to see you again! I’m assuming since you haven’t picked up the menus you’re going with your regulars?”

  “You know us too well.” Shawn replied.

  “Yes I do.” She grabbed the menus off the table and left.

  “As long as you don’t start making his car payments, I will assume the best. Like he enjoyed you as much as you did him.”

  “He seems to be taking care of himself just fine. I got no vibes that he was looking for a sugar mama. Although I did tell Hazel I half expected to be handed a bill in the morning.” Sara paused.

  “Which you would have gladly paid.”

  “That’s what I said! Ok I’m just going to spit this out… I invited him to Christmas Eve!” Sara closed her eyes and made a face that said ‘eeeek’.

  “What? Really?”

  “It just came out of my mouth. I don’t fucking know!” Sara put her head down on the table.

  “He said yes,” answering Shawn’s unasked question into the table.

  Shawn’s eyebrows shot up.

  Sara sat up and shook her head. “What the hell is going on?” She rushed to give him all the information. “His parents both died a couple years ago. He was an only child. I felt he needed a place to go.”

  “So you are a perverted mommy replacement?”

  “Shut up!”

  “I’m just thinking out loud,” Shawn said with a shrug.

  “Well, of course that’s already crossed my mind. I didn’t need you to say it.”

  “Sorry. That would be pretty gross to find out later, though.” Shawn pointed the orange peel swirl from his drink at her before dropping it to the table.

  “I know. That would be so embarrassing. I’d rather never know. Maybe after Christmas I’ll break off contact. I really don’t want to tarnish this whole thing with a realization like that. It was so magical.”

  “Yes, lets get back to the magical parts.” Shawn stated.

  Adam woke up to his phone ringing. He shook his head to clear the sleep from his brain. He fumbled around in his blankets and came up with the phone. It was a Facetime from Raphael.

  Ugh. Vampires and their love of talking face to face.

  It seemed to be a cultural thing. For the old ones, the novelty of technology bringing one face to face across oceans and continents was an amazing accomplishment. Especially to those that had lived through centuries before electricity. Adam tapped answer and was greeted with the face of his best friend.

  “Hello, brother! Why haven’t you called?” Raphael’s dark eyes were more
than a little hurt.

  “Sorry, man. I’ve meant to, but honestly I think I’ve been a little depressed up until very recently.”

  Raphael raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “It looks like you’re in your own bed. There’s only three days until Christmas. You’re not making it to the villa, I take it?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  Adam left it at that even though Raphael was a trusted friend. He wasn’t willing to risk Rebecca knowing anything about his personal life.

  “Damn. It’s definitely not going to be as fun without you. You’ve really brightened up the villa these past 15 years. I was looking forward to it. ”

  “Thanks. I’m sorry man. It’s been tough. I’ll miss seeing you and all the others too. I hope time can smooth this split and we can all go back to being the friends we were. You should really come to the States for a visit. It’s been too long. I can transfer those airline tickets Rebecca left me and we could have another epic weekend in Vegas.”

  Raphael’s eyes lit up. “Now that might be interesting. You know how much I’ve wanted to see Cher’s new show. I haven’t seen her live since ‘89.”

  “You work out the details and I’ll meet you there.”

  “That’s a deal.” Raphael nodded. “Now I’m excited, but I feel terrible you’re spending Christmas alone though. Are you sure you don’t want me to take a red eye. I could rent us a cabin. We could spend Christmas roughing it by a lake or something.”

  Adam smiled, Raphael really would be willing to drop everything for him. “No, man you can’t leave everybody hanging like that.” Adam knew his friend might not take no for an answer. He decided to confide a small tidbit of current information in hopes of keeping Raphael in Italy. “Seriously, things are really looking up for me.”

  Adam raised his eyebrows and nodded his head, conveying to his friend that he wasn’t going to be as alone as Raphael was assuming.

  Raphael slowly smiled, “I see. I’m happy to hear that. You’ve been worrying me.”

  “Tell everyone hi for me and if anyone’s in the area don’t forget about me.” Adam said.

  “Will do. See you later, brother.”

  “Thanks for calling. Later.” Adam tapped end call and laid back down in his bed.

  Vegas with Raphael, that’ll be cool. Things are looking up all around.

  He had been afraid that once he broke up with Rebecca he would lose all of his friendships. She had introduced him into her circle and all these years they were the only family he had. They were an eclectic lot of vampires. They came from all over the world and any given century.

  Adam turned his head to look at the side of the bed that Sara occupied last night. A soft wafting of her scent reached his nose. How wonderful it would be to wake up and not be alone. He had slept the day away. It was time to get up and get ready for a night of Ubering.

  He opened his Facebook app to check out if Sara had posted anything new while he had slept the day away. She had been tagged by Shawn in a picture of them smiling at lunch with delicious looking cocktails in hand. Sara looked happy, her beautiful hair pulled over one shoulder. The caption read, “Nothing better than cocktails and juicy gossip!” Adam smirked.

  I bet they had a lot to talk about. He tapped the love reaction.

  Adam’s throat ached. He was thirsty. The old familiar feeling in the back of his throat reminding him that he wasn’t human. The feeling used to disgust him but over the years he’d just accepted it. The desire for blood stirred memories of last night. Picturing Sara under him, being inside her while tasting the hot liquid… He tried to cancel his dark daydream, his body already responding. He knew of the ecstasy a vampire could feel when their fangs sank into silky, smooth skin. He needed to shut down his brain.

  “Stop your psycho thoughts and get fed.” He mumbled to himself throwing off the covers and getting out of bed.

  He opened the door and walked into a bedroom where his blood supply was stashed. Half of the room was stacked floor to ceiling with various sizes and shapes of cardboard moving boxes. Everything that remained of his parent’s life was in this room. He hadn’t opened them since he’d packed up their home sixteen years ago.

  Adam opened the closet door. It had a deep freeze and mini fridge hidden inside. He opened the fridge. There were about twenty blood donor bags stacked inside. He took out three.

  He opened his deep freeze, “Fuck. I’m running low. This is going to suck.” It was almost empty but he took three frozen bags and put those into the fridge to defrost.

  Adam took the thawed bags over to a towel warmer plugged into the wall nearby. It had several towels folded next to it. He wrapped the towels around the bags and put them into the unit. He set the timer for ten minutes. He’d learned this little trick from a friend. It’s not like you can put a blood bag in the microwave. One thing being they were plastic bags, and the other was that it just ruined blood to be reheated that way. A few minutes in a towel warmer and voila, perfect temp.

  Adam turned around and looked at the boxes. They had been in storage at his and Rebecca’s house. He never had to walk by them. They were out of sight, out of mind.

  Here, he saw them every day and it filled him with sadness every time. He had been human when he spent that week alone packing up their home. He didn’t want anyone’s help doing it, but now he realized how utterly alone that had made him. He wished he’d taken his friends up on their offers to help, but you can’t go back in time and be less stubborn.

  Automatically reading the labels on the boxes, he saw one of his mother’s. It read, “Mom’s jewelry making supplies.” Adam’s mother had been an artist. She made the most beautifully intricate stamped and carved leather. She would make elaborate jewelry or art pieces with the leather.

  Adam remembered spending time with her in her workshop growing up. She’d give him strips of leather and he would try to make his own designs. He spent so much time with her that way, both intensely focusing on their own art. Of course, after puberty hit, Adam spent less and less time crafting with his mom and more time out with friends trying to talk to girls.

  Adam stepped toward the box before he realized what he was doing. He shook his head. “No.” He whispered. His mind wasn’t ready to open this box but his heart pulled him another step closer.

  Before he knew it he was impulsively ripping it open. The smell of leather hit him like a ton of bricks.

  “Mom,” he said, the breath knocked out of him.

  He picked up the closest unfinished piece with an ornate filigree design embossed on buttery light brown leather. Adam brought it to his nose and inhaled the familiar aroma. The box was filled with supplies and tools along with her unfinished pieces. He dug around, inspecting each item. There was a square fabric covered box underneath a container of stone beads. He lifted it out for a better view. Adam set the box on the nearest surface and opened it.

  “Wow,” he smiled.

  It was filled with his amateur attempts at leather crafting. The first strip of well-worn black leather he pulled out had “I Love You Mom” in his cursive. It was embossed unevenly with a childlike depiction of a dragon’s head breathing fire. She had helped him make it into a bracelet and she’d worn the thing proudly for years.

  His heart hurt as he lifted up kid made disaster after disaster. Only a mother could love this awful looking stuff. Adam shook his head and laughed to himself.

  “Sorry, I sucked at this. I had no idea.”

  He went back to the large box and under his cringe-worthy childhood craft projects was a beautifully carved wooden display box. He remembered it was for her finished projects. She’d take it to street fairs and handmade artisan events. Adam carefully lifted it out and set it down. He opened it to find fifteen finished and priced one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry.

  These are so amazing, Mom. You were so gifted.

  He picked up a wide leather cuff bracelet and put it around his wrist. A Viking inspired Celtic knot pattern was intricately carved around a
fierce wolf. It fit perfectly. He sighed. He could feel the energy and work she’d put into the piece. He turned his wrist back and forth in front of his face, examining it.

  The next piece to catch his eye was feminine and had precious gemstones sewn into the delicate design. It made him think of Sara. He would love to give her this for Christmas.

  Could I make something beautiful now? He wondered.

  The timer chimed on the towel warmer. He had totally forgotten about his thirst. He grabbed the now very warm towel wrapped blood bags. He drank from one, enjoying the life giving sustenance. It glided down his throat warming his entire body, giving him strength. His mind was alive with memories and new thoughts. He wanted to make a bracelet especially for Sara and his brain bounced back and forth through ideas.

  “What would be perfectly her?”

  Adam continued to drink and think.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Mom, you’re making me nervous.”

  Sara stopped herself from biting another fingernail off. She lowered her hand from her mouth.

  “Sorry. I’m just not sure what the hell I was thinking.”

  I’m questioning the choice of impulsively inviting my new 24-year-old lover to our family Christmas! Sara exclaimed in her mind.

  Hazel shrugged. “I don’t know, Mom. You had a good time with him. You’ve been chatting on Messenger for the past couple days. You obviously like him. He seems to like you…”

  “I wonder why, though?”

  “Shut up. Everyone likes you, Mom! You’re a charmer and you know it. So what if you’re older than him.”

  “Have you forgotten what he looks like?” Sara asked.

  “We’ve all seen each other, Mom.” Hazel loudly rolled her eyes. “You’re not a hideous monster because you’re thirty-nine. Jesus.”

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll shut up.” Sara’s silence only lasted a few seconds. “Why is he coming though? Seriously.” Sara put her fingernail back between her teeth. Hazel swatted the hand away.


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