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Wanton Splendor

Page 19

by Bobbi Smith

  There were few safe options open to them. Christopher could forge passes for them or try to smuggle them out on a wagon bound for the city, but the prospect of hiding them in the canebrakes for a few days until the boat returned was far more appealing. It was a well-known fact that the negroes could easily elude the patrollers and their bloodhounds by hiding there. True, there were poisonous snakes in the canebrakes, but they posed less of a danger than the vicious patrollers who might catch them on the road.

  "We'll have to wait 'til dark to run them out there," Joel was saying.

  "I know." Christopher was aggravated. He had waited impatiently all week for tonight and now...

  "What's wrong?"

  "Tonight's Katie's party. I promised I'd be there."

  "It shouldn't take long. It'll be dark by eight."

  Christopher nodded and let the subject drop. He'd always known that there would come a time when his dedication to his work would conflict with his desire for Katie. And he knew that there was really no choice. It had been made a year ago. Katie would have to wait.

  The Ball

  The sounds of the lilting melody drifted softly from the festively lighted mansion. Drawn by the happy celebration, the slave children hid by the windows, enjoying the music and peeping in occasionally to watch the handsome gentlemen squire the beautiful ladies about the dance floor.

  Isaac stood in the front hall with Suzanne, gracefully welcoming a group of late arrivals.

  "Glad you could make it, Wade, Lavinia," Isaac greeted another neighbor warmly.

  "The house looks lovely, Suzanne," Lavinia told her, admiring the fresh cut, beribboned rose boughs that framed the ballroom's archway off the main hall.

  "Thank you."

  "We're just dying to meet this niece and nephew of yours. Where are they?"

  "Dancing, last time I saw them. Come on in and I'll introduce you." Isaac offered his arm to Lavinia and Wade followed them with Suzanne.

  "I understand your niece was quite the belle of the ball at the Fontaine's party."

  "I hadn't heard that, but I don't doubt it," Isaac chuckled. "She's quite special, my Katie," he led Lavinia to where Katie appeared to be holding court.

  Laughing merrily at some clever response from one of her ardent suitors, Katie glanced up to find Isaac approaching.

  "Uncle Isaac!" she smiled coming to kiss his cheek.

  "You're making new friends?" he inquired, a definite twinkle in his eye.

  "A few," she replied.

  "Katie, this is Lavinia Crawford and her husband Wade."

  "Nice to meet you."

  "Your gown is lovely." Lavinia admired the white flowing creation that set off the girl's attributes to the fullest.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Crawford. Suzanne helped me pick it out," Katie told her.

  "Your aunt does have the most marvelous taste in clothes," Lavinia complimented Suzanne.

  "Thank you," Suzanne accepted the accolade. "But wherever did you find your gown? It's stunning."

  Lavinia and Suzanne drifted away toward the refreshment table, followed by Wade and Isaac, leaving Katie once again surrounded by her admirers.

  "Suzanne, are you and Isaac going to the island for the season?" Lavinia asked as she took the glass of champagne that Wade offered her.

  "We're going the first of August," Wade told them. "We've already sent the servants ahead to prepare our cottage."

  "It sounds heavenly," Suzanne sighed.

  Isaac smiled indulgently at Suzanne's rapt expression. "I had planned to surprise you, but I may as well tell you now."

  "What?" Suzanne questioned eagerly.

  "I've made our reservations at the hotel..."

  "You have?" Suzanne interrupted, clearly delighted. "Thank you, darling. You know how this deep summer heat affects me. How soon do we leave?"

  "I've booked us for the entire month of August."

  "That's wonderful."

  "I'm sure Katie and Mark will enjoy it, too."

  "No doubt," Suzanne added, thinking of them only as an afterthought.

  Mark was standing near the hall doors watching Suzanne from afar. His emotions were still in a turmoil. He wanted her... the memory of her soft, naked body next to his was burned into his mind, giving him little rest.

  But he now knew what kind of woman she truly was. Her lies had proven that to him. Mark intended to have her again, and when he did it wouldn't be like the last time. He would gird himself against the desire he felt for her and use her as unemotionally as she had used him...

  "Monsieur Kingsford?" Jacqui La Zear touched his arm with her fan as she gazed up at him.

  She had waited over an hour for Mark to notice her and finally had given up and decided to approach him herself.

  "Miss La Zear." Mark was startled from his thoughts of Suzanne. "You look lovely tonight."

  "Thank you," she smiled. "I was hoping you'd notice."

  Jacqui shocked herself with her own brazenness, but she had decided after the Fontaine ball that she wanted to marry him and Jacqueline La Zear always got what she wanted.

  Mark, used to Katie's open uninhibited ways, was unaffected by Jacqui's direct interest.

  "Would you like to dance?" he invited.

  "I'd love to." She moved easily into his arms, eager to be close to him.

  Katie was dancing with another of the young men of the parish, trying to be charming and witty when all she wanted to do was cry. Where was Christopher? She had waited all week to hear something further from him but no word had come. Now the ball was almost half over and he still had not made an appearance. Katie was glad when the dance ended and her partner escorted her from the floor. She had no desire to be in another man's arms if and when Christopher finally did arrive.

  "Katie." The hated voice greeted her.

  "Andre. How nice that you could come," she responded politely.

  "I wouldn't have missed a chance to be with you," he told her intimately. "Would you care for some punch?"

  "Please," Katie knew there was no dismissing Andre in front of all these guests. Taking the cup from him when he returned, she thanked him.

  "It seems you're most popular this evening," he complimented her.

  "I have made a few new friends," she answered distractedly, her eyes still searching the crowd for Christopher.

  "Your gown is most becoming. It suits your virginal beauty," Andre stated boldly and Katie blushed for more than one reason.

  "Andre..." she began threateningly, glad that the decolletage on this gown was not was revealing as the one she'd worn to the Fontaine's.

  This gown was white with puff sleeves and a full skirt that was draped in scallops over a pale yellow underskirt. Yellow ribbons and a sprig of fresh yellow rosebuds adorned her hair which Lottie had artfully arranged in a cascade of tawny curls.

  "Will you dance with me this evening, Katie?"

  His tone was so undemanding that Katie found herself agreeing. After all, there was no way she could avoid it without causing more hard feelings and she didn't want to cause Isaac and Suzanne any trouble tonight.

  "Of course," she consented.

  Andre could hardly believe his luck. Maybe Suzanne's prompting had helped after all. As if on cue, the musicians began a waltz and offering her his arm, Andre led Katie onto the dance floor.

  Christopher hurried down the stairs at Greenwood, tying his cravat as he went.

  "Joel!" he bellowed. "Did T.C. bring my horse up from the stables yet?"

  Joel emerged from the back of the house.

  "He's tied up out in front."

  "Good. I'm leaving." He paused in front of the mirror in the hall to check his handiwork.

  Dee joined them in the hall. "This is the first chance I've had to tell you..."

  "Tell me what?" With the way the day had been going Christopher was sure that the news Dee had to impart was horrendous.

  "Katie Kingsford came by earlier this week to see you."

  "She did?" Christopher sm
iled at the thought.

  "Christopher?" Dee began, having been encouraged to use his first name. "Is she the Katie...?"

  "Yes," he answered flatly, his expression turning thunderous at the thought of Andre possibly holding Katie even now. "I've got to go. You know where I'll be if you need me."

  And with that he hurried from the house, eager to be with Katie.

  Isaac watched with enjoyment as Katie and Mark danced together for the first time that evening. How he wished that his brother George could be here to see them. But Isaac knew that George would balk at any suggested return to civilization.

  Since the death of his wife all those years ago, George Kingsford had made only one trip to Louisiana. Isaac recalled how painful it had been for his brother to see the places where he had courted the beautiful Geraldine McKenna before he'd married her. And while George had sent his children back to Louisiana to learn something of the more cultivated lifestyle, for himself he had chosen to continue on with the railroad, avoiding all contact with society.

  Sighing, Isaac also wished that Cherie could share these moments with him. Her gentle, abiding love was the sunshine of his existence and he begrudged every minute that he had to spend away from her.

  Isaac had taken care of one important need this past week which had set his mind to rest. He'd set up a liberal trust fund for Denis and had made certain that all the investments he'd made over the years for Cherie were safely in her own name. Not that he expected anything to happen, but one couldn't be too careful. Knowing Suzanne as he did.. .Isaac was glad that he'd had his will restructured. The changes he'd made were few, but they would have a lasting impact on the future of his holdings should he die any time soon.

  Dismissing his practical, yet morbid, thoughts, Isaac turned to start out into the hall and found that Christopher was just arriving.

  "Fletcher. So glad you could come."

  "Mr. Kingsford. Sorry I'm so late, but I was delayed by plantation business. I'm sure you're familiar with the demands."

  "Of course. And you're still learning." They shook hands. "Would you care for a drink?"

  "A bourbon would go nicely. Thank you."

  Isaac signalled one of the waiters and Christopher was quickly served his drink.

  "Have you met everyone?"

  "I believe so. I recognize most of your guests from the Fontaine Ball."

  Isaac nodded. "Good. Ah, here's my wife now. Suzanne, darling, Mr. Fletcher has arrived."

  "Mr. Fletcher," Suzanne extended her hand to him and thrilled at the touch of his lips on her skin.

  "I'd be honored if you would call me Christopher," he invited Suzanne and Isaac.

  "Christopher," Suzanne breathed his name, his eyes twinkling as they played out their charade. "I'm Suzanne."

  "And I'm Isaac. Darling, I'm off to see Wade for a moment. Will you see to Christopher for me?"

  "I'd love to," Suzanne smiled up at Christopher. "I'm so glad you've come. I've been watching for you all evening."

  He couldn't believe the open invitation she was giving him. "I'm surprised you had time..."

  "For you, I'd make time." As she spoke, she leaned closer, pressing her breasts against his arm in what looked to be a totally innocent gesture.

  Christopher glanced quickly about the room, hop ing to catch sight of Katie, but Suzanne was too fast for him.

  "I'll take you up on that drink you offered the other day.

  "What would you like?"

  "Some brandy, I believe. There's some in the music room..." Taking his arm, she led him from the ballroom, down the hall to the back of the house.

  Christopher's mind was racing. He felt ironically like a lamb being led to the slaughter. He had to put a stop to this before Suzanne compromised them both in her own house.

  And where was Katie? He had come to see her, not Suzanne. But then, how did a gentleman tell his hostess that he wasn't interested in having an affair with her? Somehow, he instinctively knew that Suzanne Kingsford wouldn't handle rejection well. Christopher followed her into the deserted, candle-lit music room.

  "The brandy is on the table." She indicated the small bar set up with crystal decanters, tumblers and snifters.

  As Christopher went to pour her a drink, Suzanne shut the door behind them. At last, she was alone with him. She could hardly wait to be in his arms. Approaching slowly, her skirts swaying in a sensual rhythm, Suzanne was ready. And when Christopher turned to bring her her snifter, he was surprised to find her seated on the small loveseat awaiting him.

  "Don't you think we should rejoin the others?" Christopher had been approached by other lovely, sophisticated women, but none had been as forward as Suzanne.

  "In a moment. I'm in need of a little... rest." Her lips curved in a soft smile and she wet them seductively with the tip of her tongue.

  Christopher handed her her drink but remained standing.

  "Sit down." She shifted her full skirts to one side to give him room to join her. When he didn't immediately sit beside her, she leaned toward him, thrusting her breasts out so they swelled dangerously over the top edge of the extremely low-cut bodice of her gown.

  Christopher had to force back a grin as he expected her to pop out of the dress at any moment. "I prefer to stand."

  Suzanne hid her annoyance. This was going to be more difficult than she had expected.

  "You must tell me about yourself, Christopher," she continued. "Where are you from?"

  "Philadelphia, originally. But I haven't lived there for quite a few years."

  "Do you have family?"


  "Pity." She sipped her brandy. "You must get lonesome."

  "I keep myself busy," Christopher moved away from the tempting view she was offering of her bosom and went to stand near the hearth. "Family ties can be very restraining."

  "I've found that on occasion," she agreed. Setting her glass aside with great care, she went to Christopher. "But I've also discovered that if one is discreet enough... one can do almost anything without attracting attention."

  "True," he answered, thinking of his own situation.

  "Would you..." Suzanne was about to make the most blatant overture of her life when the door flew open and Katie walked in.

  "Christopher? Uncle Isaac said you were here..." She stopped in stunned surprise at the intimate scene before her. Suzanne and Christopher together, alone, in a candle-lit room! "You are really hard to believe, Suzanne!" Katie shut the door behind her and advanced on her aunt menacingly. "You had the unmitigated gall to criticize me for spending too much time with Christopher at the Fontaine Ball. And you chastised me again for visiting with him unchaperoned last week! And yet here you are in your own husband's house hidden away in a dark corner with the very same man!"

  "I am a married woman! I do not require a chaperone," Suzanne defended herself.

  "It looks to me like you need a keeper!" Katie declared, her eyes glinting with fury. "You have a house full of company and you sneak off with a very eligible bachelor?" She threw Christopher a cursory look. "Did you want him for yourself? Is that why you condemned my friendship with him at every opportunity? And is that why you've done nothing but push the idea of matrimony to Andre Montard at me every waking minute?"

  Suzanne didn't answer.

  "Well, is it?" Katie stepped toward her threateningly.

  "Your suggestions are disgusting. If you'll excuse me..."

  "Oh, I'll excuse you all right, but you'd better stay away from me in the future, Suzanne."

  "It will be my pleasure." Suzanne stormed from the room.

  Katie folded her arms across her chest and laughed derisively at her aunt's hasty retreat. When she heard Christopher's chuckle, she turned her fury to him.

  "What's so funny?" she demanded.

  "You were wonderful. You defended my honor... "He was openly laughing now.

  "Don't you dare laugh at me, you hyena!"

  "You saved me, darling. I was wondering how to gracefully extract
myself from your aunt's `overwhelming' presence when you walked in," Christopher opened his arms to her but Katie turned her back on him and stalked away.

  "I'll bet. You expect me to believe that?"

  His hand snaked out to take her arm, stopping her exit and she faced him again, even more angry.

  "I've never lied to you, Katie," he began, but her fury ruled her.

  "Let go of me, you-" she hissed at him.

  Christopher wasn't about to let Suzanne's little games damage their relationship. Pulling her forcefully to him, he kissed her, his mouth devouring hers in a possession designed to punish her for doubting his faithfulness.

  Squirming in his arms, Katie struggled against his domination. How dare he! But as his hand sought her breast her anger turned to passion. Vaguely, she wondered if his touch would always have this power over her... the ability to make her forget everything but him and the desire of the moment...

  Aware of the change in Katie, Christopher didn't release her but pulled her down with him onto the loveseat. Wanting her submission to him to be complete, he sought to arouse her fully. Seeking out her most erogenous zones he explored them with bold caresses, teasing her to a fever of ecstasy. Katie, pliant to his will in her frenzy of need, welcomed his body upon hers as he pushed aside her skirts and entered her roughly. Her orgasm shook her at once as he moved excitedly within her. Clasping him tightly to her, she eagerly met his driving body, wanting to prolong the tempestuous thrill of her climax. Katie's provocative rhythm was so stimulating that Christopher could not hold back. With one final, frenzied thrust, he gained his release and collapsed, sated, on top of her.

  Katie, the conquered and the conqueror, lay beneath him amazed by what had just transpired. Never had their passion seemed so sweet... so satisfying. He had subdued her with his love and she had enjoyed it. Smiling softly, she pressed a gentle kiss to his throat as he rested above her.

  Christopher opened his eyes to stare down at her.

  "Katie," he spoke, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I can't imagine being with anyone but you. I love you."


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