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Wanton Splendor

Page 20

by Bobbi Smith

  "And I love you, Christopher." Her eyes were filled with love as he moved slowly away from her.

  "Never doubt me, love."

  "I won't," she breathed, trusting him completely. "Never again."

  Serenity restored, they embraced tenderly, cherishing what they'd just shared. Leaving the music room, they returned to the party hoping that they hadn't been missed.

  Dee finished putting the kitchen in order and was wiping her hands on her apron as she turned to Joel.

  "Who's this Katie? And what is she to Christopher?"

  "She's Isaac Kingsford's niece. She's staying with them at Kingsford House."

  "And?" Dee knew there was more to it than that.

  "And Christopher loves her.. .more than he's willing to admit."

  "But Andre wants her, too."

  Joel nodded.

  "Christopher best be careful. If Andre means to get her, he'll do anything."

  "I know."

  "How does she feel?"

  "She hates Andre."

  "That's good." Dee was thoughtfully quiet. "He's a mean man."

  "He's out of your life now, Dee."

  "Yes, Joel. Ah know." She went willingly into her husband's welcoming arms. "Ah'm fine now that you're wid me again."

  They held each other close, savoring their nearness and the beauty of their new life together.

  Suzanne drank deeply of her glass of champagne and smiled coquettishly at Mark.

  "Are you enjoying the ball?"

  "It's been a wonderful evening, Suzanne."

  "Good. I'm glad you're happy."

  Mark, aware that she was leading up to something, took the bait in order to lure her on. He had seen her hurried entrance into the ballroom and had sensed her eyes following him as he'd danced with Jacqui earlier.

  "Would you care to dance?" he invited.

  "Thank you," she accepted.

  As the music began, she moved as close to him as she could.

  "I was wrong, Mark," Suzanne said softly.

  "About what?" he asked, squiring her around the dance floor.

  "Everything... I can't go on this way. I've ignored the feelings I have for you enough.. .1 want you, Mark."

  Mark was mildly shocked by her sudden turnabout, but kept his expression carefully blank. He found it hard to believe that she was propositioning him in the middle of the ballroom, but he also found it very stimulating.

  "And I still want you," he admitted aching to show her just how much.

  Suzanne smiled at him seductively. "We'll have to do something about that."

  She had been humiliated by her scene with Katie and was determined to prove herself irresistible this night. She had watched Mark as he courted the simpering Jacqueline La Zear and her rage grew. How dare he spend time with another woman! It didn't matter that she had thrown him over. Mark had professed a great desire for her and she intended to take advantage of that weakness tonight.

  Stealing him away from the girl had been no problem, being his aunt gave her that privilege. The difficulty now was in finding a private place in this house crowded with friends and neighbors.

  The drugged throbbing in her loins urged her on and Suzanne felt much like a lioness at hunt as she gazed up at him from beneath heavy-lidded eyes.

  "I don't want to wait, Mark. I need to have you feel you inside me..."

  Her words were a seduction in themselves and Mark tensed in anticipation.

  "I'll meet you upstairs... the sewing room?" he suggested the little used room.

  "Five minutes?" she panted.

  "Five minutes," he agreed, releasing her as the music ended.

  Suzanne swept away from him and went directly upstairs. She attracted little attention as she disappeared into the small room, for the ladies lounge had been set up in the connecting chamber and there had been ladies going in and out all night. As she awaited his coming, she lit one small candle and placed it on the table next to the sofa. Her wait was not long as Mark slipped quietly in, closing the hall door behind him.

  Her gaze swept over him as he stood silently in the deep, half-shadows. He looked older to her now... more mature and Suzanne wondered at the cynical glint in his eyes. She didn't speak, but went to him, pulling his head down for a fiery kiss. Her hands took liberty with his body, exploring all of him without hesitation. She needed a man... now. The fact that she could so easily arouse him thrilled her and she gave a throaty laugh as her hand caressed his hardness through his clothes.

  "Can Jacqueline La Zear arouse you the way I do?" she taunted, thinking her power over him was absolute.

  But she was soon terrified as Mark thrust her painfully away from him.

  "Don't ever compare yourself to Jacqui," he growled.

  "What?..." she was speechless.

  "Just shut up and lie down," he ordered.

  "Mark!" she was totally shocked as he pushed her down none too gently on the sofa.

  He stood above her for a moment, a massive, strongly built man. And Suzanne suddenly realized that she was not the one in control. Afraid, yet somehow oddly inflamed by his masterful manner, she did as she was told.

  Knowing that he was in command, he dropped to his knees beside her. Dipping within her bodice, he lifted her breasts from their restraint and pressed heated kisses to the lush mounds. Brushing her skirts aside his hand slid up her leg to explore the nest at the juncture of her thighs. He found it most amusing that she wore no underwear and he wondered if she had planned all of this. Positioning her legs, Mark rose above her and freeing himself from his pants, he plunged into her wet, willing heat.

  Jacqui entered the room quietly. She was flushed from dancing a polka with her father and had come upstairs to the room set aside for the ladies to rest for a moment. Fanning herself, she sat at the mirrored vanity to catch her breath.

  What an exciting evening! Her dreams were coming true! Mark Kingsford had been at her side most of the night. She sighed happily. It had been worth taking the chance to approach him. Not only had he been receptive but he'd given her every indication that he would be calling on her very soon.

  Staring into the mirror, Jacqui smoothed her hair back into place. Then, sure that she looked presentable, she rose to leave.

  A muffled sound drew her attention and she glanced about the empty room searching for the source. The noise came again, indistinct and blurred, from beyond the partially open connecting door. Hestitantly, Jacqui crossed the room and was about to push the door open when she caught sight of the reflection in a free standing mirror in the next room.

  She stood frozen, unable to move or speak as the mirrored images shattered all her hopes. It was Mark... and he was lying on the sofa with Suzanne. Suzanne's breasts were uncovered and Mark appeared to be kissing them, although, in all her innocence, she couldn't imagine why he would want to. She watched their figures in the mirror for only a few moments, but the vision of Mark moving restlessly against his aunt's partially nude body left her both shocked and sickened. Suzanne Kingsford was old and married. Why would Mark want to do those things with her?

  Shuddering, Jacqui backed away from the door, wishing that she'd never gone to investigate the strange sounds she'd heard. Pale and shaken, she hurried out onto the upstairs gallery, trying to regain her compo sure before rejoining the party.

  Suzanne lay limply on the sofa, too exhausted to move.

  "Mark, darling." She held out a hand to him as he stood above her buttoning his pants. "You were wonderful."

  Mark looked down at Suzanne and realized that the hold she had on him was still very potent. She was a very sensual creature and her surrender to him just now had increased the physical desire he had for her all the more.

  Suzanne watched Mark as he moved away from her, both physically and mentally. If she wanted to keep him enamored with her, she would have to convince him that she couldn't resist him.

  "Do you need help with your gown?" he asked casually.

  "No. But Mark... kiss me
once more," she invited.

  "No, Suzanne. We've been away too long as it is," he dismissed her brusquely. "If you don't need my help, I'll be going."

  As she lay stunned by his indifference, Mark left the room to return to the ball. When he had gone, she sat up slowly, trying to understand what had just occurred. She felt used... like a dockside trollop. Mark had whispered no endearments, had made no declarations... nothing. He had only used her and then left her and Suzanne definitely did not like the feeling.

  Mark shared a drink with his uncle in the men's gamingroom before returning to the ball to search for Jacqui. He was becoming more enchanted with her all the time and he was anxious to be with her again, hoping that her sweet freshness would erase the memory of Suzanne's heavy passion from his mind.

  "Katie, have you seen Jacqui La Zear?" he asked his sister when he found her on the gallery with Christopher.

  "I just saw her going down the front steps.. .She was alone. I guess she was going for a walk."

  "Thanks." He hurried off leaving Katie and Christopher smiling after him.

  Mark searched the lawns for Jacqui and finally caught sight of her in the garden at the rear of the house.

  "Jacqui? I've been looking all over for you," he told her as he came to her.

  "You have?" she asked dully, wondering how he could face her so calmly after having just been with Suzanne.

  "What's wrong?" He was worried. Jacqui's face was pinched and pale and her eyes looked up at him with little emotion.

  "There's nothing wrong, Mark. Please, leave me alone." She turned away.

  "But why?"

  Jacqui took a deep breath as she tried to decide what to do. Her experience with men was limited. She knew by rumor that men were not virgins when they married, but until tonight that had meant nothing to her. Now, it did. Jacqui had seen the man she loved with another woman and she didn't know how to handle it. Honesty? Jacqui knew she wouldn't be able to enjoy his company ever again. And Suzanne Kingsford? Well, the woman obviously was a slut.

  "Jacqui?" Mark took her by the shoulders and turned her to him.

  "Don't touch me, Mark Kingsford!" she hissed. "I saw you!"

  "Saw me?"

  "Just a little while ago..." she said brokenly.

  "You saw me?" Mark swallowed nervously.

  "Upstairs... with your own aunt! She was naked and you were ...Mark! How could you?" Jacqui was sobbing hysterically. "I loved you..."

  "I love you, Jacqui!"

  An anguished cry tore from her. "Please... leave me alone. Just go away."

  "Darling," he tried to take her in his arms but she pulled away and slapped him.

  "Leave me alone!" her voice was chilling.

  Mark backed away, stunned by the consequences of his actions. How would he ever convince her that Suzanne meant nothing to him?

  Suzanne took the champagne Andre brought her and sipped it slowly.

  "How did you fare with Katie?"

  "Better, although once Fletcher arrived I couldn't get near her." Andre paused to take a drink. "I thought you were going to do something about him."

  "I tried, but Katie interrupted me just as I was getting started," Suzanne said flatly.

  "Then where were you? I was looking for you for over an hour."

  "If it's any of your business, I was with Mark."

  "Second choice, was he?" he asked smugly.

  "In the dark..." she began, not wanting to let Andre know what really had happened.

  "I know..." Andre laughed. "Isn't he courting the LaZeargirl?"

  "He was..."

  "You should let him. That way no one would ever suspect that you two were lovers."

  "No one suspects now. And besides, I don't like sharing the men I sleep with."

  "You're sharing Isaac," Andre pointed out cruelly.

  "And I'm not sleeping with Isaac either!" she returned hotly.

  Andre shrugged, "Suzanne there's no need to get angry. I was just trying to help."

  "Why don't you worry about your own problems Katie."

  "Katie's not a problem," he stated arrogantly. "We've already danced tonight."

  "Well, when Katie caught me with Fletcher she accused me of pushing you on her just so I could have him."

  "So, she's clever enough to figure out the truth..." Andre was thoughtful. "I'm surprised. She struck me as being too naive..."

  "Obviously, she's learning very quickly." Suzanne's response was tart with dislike.

  "I suppose our only real hope is to discredit Fletcher in some way. I'll have to start checking..."

  "Has Suzanne told you about the trip we've planned?" Isaac asked as Katie and Christopher joined Mark and himself.


  "I'm sure you'll enjoy this, Katie. I've made reservations for us for the month of August at the hotel on Last Island."

  "Last Island?"

  "It's an island resort in the Gulf. Suzanne and I have gone every summer for the past three years. It's wonderful. There's riding and hunting and dancing.. .a little something for everyone."

  "When are we leaving?"

  "The first of August," Isaac informed them. Then including Christopher, he added, "Look into it, Christopher. August is no time to stay in the country. The yellow fever..."

  "I will sir," Christopher replied.

  "Good. A few years ago it was very primitive, but now it's quite the place to be. A number of families have built their own summerhouses there. The hotel is relatively new, too. If you have any trouble getting reservations just let me know."

  Christopher found the prospect of a few weeks on the Gulf relieving, for the heat was already oppressive and he knew August would be even worse.

  The knock at Katie's bedroom door startled her and she sat up quickly in her bed.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's me, Katie. May I come in?" Mark's voice was muffled through the door.

  Getting up, she pulled on a robe and unlocked the door to let her brother in.

  "What time is it?" she asked lighting the lamp by her bed.

  "Almost four," he told her. "I couldn't sleep."

  "Obviously," she responded drily. "Sit down."

  Katie climbed back into bed while Mark pulled up a chair.

  "What's wrong, Mark? Something's been bothering you for quite a while now, hasn't it?"

  Mark nodded, his mood despondent. "I thought I could handle it...But I think I've ruined everything."

  "Ruined what?"

  "My relationship with Jacqui La Zear."


  "I love her, Katie."

  "Mark, I am so glad! She's very nice and..."

  "But she doesn't want to see me any more, Katie."


  "You're not going to like this..."

  "How will I know if you never tell me?" She was getting irritated.

  "This is the hardest thing I've ever had to tell you, but I've-uh - I've been having an affair with Suzanne," he blurted out the painful truth.

  "Suzanne?" Katie was incredulous.

  "Suzanne," Mark confirmed.

  Thinking that Katie was about to lose her temper with him, Mark hastened to explain.

  "Right after we got here... she came into my room in the middle of the night..."

  But Katie wasn't listening to Mark's embarrassing confession. "The woman is a damn vulture."

  Mark looked at her in surprise. "I know that... now...

  Katie glanced at Mark as if for the first time, "She was after Christopher all this time, too. I caught her with him tonight in the music room."

  "What time was that?" Mark was stunned.

  "About ten, I guess... Why?"

  "It was right after that that she came after me..."


  Mark nodded.

  "Where, for God's sake?"

  "In the sewing room."

  "But that's right next to the room the ladies were using to freshen up in."

  "I know," Mark sounded
defeated. "Jacqui saw us."

  "Not while you were..."

  "Yes, in the act."

  "No wonder she's finished with you. Why the girl is hardly more than a child and to watch you.. .with Suzanne..." Katie shook her head in disgust. "Poor Jacqui..."

  "What can I do, Katie?" Mark was upset. "I didn't realize until it was too late that I really cared for Jacqui."

  Katie thought for a long moment, "Why did you really go with Suzanne?"

  "I was angry."

  "About what?"

  "Suzanne had told me that she was feeling guilty about our lovemaking and that she didn't want to continue..."

  "I wouldn't have expected..."

  "She was lying. I found out from Isaac that she's had numerous lovers in the past."

  "And he doesn't care?" Katie was indignant.

  "No. In fact, he's glad."

  "How can he be happy about his own wife committing adultery?"

  "Because he's got a mistress."

  "Uncle Isaac?"

  Mark nodded. "He keeps her on Rampart Street. They've even got a son."

  "Mark ...this is..." Katie stammered, trying to understand everything he'd just revealed to her.

  "I know. That's why I got mad. Suzanne had been using me. She only fed me that line about feeling guilty to make me feel guilty. That's why when she offered tonight, I took her up on it...just to give her a taste of what it felt like to be used."

  "But she's turned the tables on you again ...I mean if she went after Christopher first and then approached you..."

  Mark sighed. "I still don't know what to do about Jacqui."

  "Right now, nothing. She's probably shocked, disgusted and very disillusioned," Katie told him honestly. "How much did she see, anyway?"

  "Enough." his voice was emotionless.

  "Time is your best bet. Maybe she'll forgive you...

  "Do you really think so?" Mark cheered considerably at the thought and he sounded like a small hopeful boy.

  "The truth?"


  "I doubt it. These Southern girls are different, Mark."

  He looked disheartened. "I think you're right."

  Jacqui paced her bedroom torn between anger and despair. It seemed that all of her dreams had been shattered that night. Images of Mark taunted her-their dances, the strength of his arms, the comfort of his embrace.. .How she loved him. Unbidden, came the remembrance of Suzanne and Mark sharing a lover's embrace. It hurt to think of them so...


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