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Wanton Splendor

Page 21

by Bobbi Smith

  The knock at her bedroom door caused her to jump nervously.


  "Miz Jacqui? What you doin' up?" Mattie, her mammy, scolded as she came into her room.

  "I can't sleep."

  "Has somethin' upset my baby?"

  "Oh, Mattie!" Jacqui sobbed and flung herself into the other woman's arms. "I dont know what to do!"

  "Tell me, child. What's wrong?"

  "Everything... "shecried.

  "You sit down and tell of Mattie all `bout it, now," Mattie guided her young charge to the canopy bed. "Now what happened?"

  "Tonight," she sniffed. "At the Kingsfords."

  "Yes. You like dat young Mr. Mark, don't you?"

  "Oh, Mattie. I love him! But..."

  "But what, honey?"

  "He loves someone else."

  "How could he love any girl but my lamb?" Mattie hugged her. "Did he tell you that?"

  "No." Jacqui struggled to tell her what she'd witnessed. "He didn't have to tell me. I saw him."

  "Saw him do what?"

  "I saw him with the other woman!"

  "Lotsa men be with other women at a party but it don't mean nothin'," she tried to dismiss Jacqui's fears.

  "But Mattie.. .he was making love to her!"

  Mattie drew a sharp breath, "What did you see, chile?"

  "Mark was lying on top of her...Her dress was down and he was kissing her breasts." She blushed as she remembered the intimacy of Mark and Suzanne's embrace.

  "Lawsy, lawsy," Mattie groaned, hugging Jacqui. "Who was de woman?"

  "It was his aunt," Jacqui whispered.

  Mattie was shocked but not surprised... she had heard things about Suzanne Kingsford before.

  "What am I going to do, Mattie? I still love him!"

  Mattie thought long and hard. Miz Jacqui had never learned the realities of life. She had always been cosseted and protected. But Mattie supposed now was as good a time as any to tell her.

  "You love him, truly?"

  "I want him, Mattie. Or at least, I did until I saw him with her..." Jacqui made a face. "How could he make love to his own aunt?"

  "She's his uncle's wife. There's a difference."

  "I suppose. But Suzanne Kingsford is so old!"

  Mattie chuckled, "She ain't that old that she don't appreciate a good man, Jacqui."

  Jacqui blushed again.

  "Honey. Do you know anything `bout what a man does with a woman?"

  "No," she admitted hesitantly.

  "Well, when a man wants a woman, he can't stop till he gets her..."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Has Mark Kingsford kissed you yet?"

  "No. Do you suppose he finds me unattractive?" Jacqui worried.

  "No. He respects you. That's good..."

  "Sometimes, I think I'd rather not be quite so respected!" Jacqui pouted. "I want him. I would have let him kiss me if he'd tried."

  "Jacqui. Menfolk need more than a kiss. They got a power within 'em that don't give 'em no rest till it's eased."

  "What kind of power?"

  "When they find a woman who stirs 'em, they get all hot and hard..." Mattie was finding this conversation to be very awkward.

  "You mean like Papa's stallion?"

  "Right," she agreed happily. "And a man, well, when a woman gets him that way, then he has to have that woman."

  "You mean Mark is attracted to Suzanne that way, but not to me?"

  "Not necessarily. Miz Suzanne, well, she a woman. She knows what she wants and she gets it."

  "Suzanne Kingsford wanted Mark?"

  Mattie nodded.

  "But she's married."

  "Don't make no never mind to some folks. Some white folks no matter how rich they is, is still white trash."

  "I understand, Mattie."


  "I have to make Mark want me," Jacqui murmured to herself. Then to Mattie, she said, "What does it feel like? What does a man do? Suzanne sure looked like she was enjoying it..."

  Mattie smiled, "Ah'm sure that she was."

  "It's nice?"

  Nodding, she responded, "Don't you go gettin' any ideas now."

  "I want to know! Tell me, or I'll find out on my own!" Jacqui threatened.

  Mattie looked at Jacqui and realized that she meant what she said, "They like to touch you and when they get ready, they put themselves inside of you."

  "Like the horses?"


  "Mattie, does it really feel good?"

  "Yes, darlin'."

  "I want Mark Kingsford and I intend to get him."

  "Den be a lady," Mattie ordered as she left the room, closing the door soundly behind her.

  Jacqui curled up on the bed, recalling again Mark's body thrusting on Suzanne's. Oh, how she wished it had been her and not Suzanne. She had been a lady this long and it had gotten her nowhere. If that was what Mark wanted in a woman, then that was what she was going to give him. She wondered how it would feel to have him touch her so intimately. Touching her breast, a thrill of forbidden pleasure shot through her. She was going to have Mark Kingsford and after she did, she would make sure that he never wanted another woman again!

  Though the single lamp did little to pierce the darkness of the study, Christopher made no effort to light another. Alone in the peaceful quiet of the house, he sat staring into the shadows of the now-familiar room. No longer could he deny the truth of his need for Katie. The time he'd spent with her at Kingsford House tonight had only served to emphasize to him how empty his life was without her. Christopher was no longer satisfied with just a few hours of Katie's company. He wanted her with him, always.

  The decision to propose was not a hard one. He loved her and marriage was the perfect solution. The difficulty came from trying to decide whether or not to tell her about his involvement with the Underground Railroad. He knew it would be virtually impossible to keep the secret from her once they had married and she was living with him. But how would she react to the news? Somehow, he knew he had to find out, but he wasn't quite sure how to go about it without giving away their entire operation. Extinguishing the light, Christopher made his way up to his solitary bed, determined to find a way to have Katie with him as soon as possible.

  The Plot Thickens

  It was with great frustration two days later that Christopher read the letter from his business advisor up North informing him of some major problems they were having and requesting that he return to Philadelphia to handle things personally. There was no doubt in his mind that he had to go; what worried him was leaving Joel alone to deal with the fugitives.

  "Dee said that you wanted to see me." Joel drew Christopher's attention as he entered the room.

  Tossing the letter across the desk to his friend, he said, "Bad news."

  Joel read it quickly and looked up expectantly. "You're going?"

  "I have to. But I'm worried about things here. Can you take care of everything by yourself?"

  "With T.C.'s help, I should be able to handle it."

  Christopher still looked worried. "Maybe I should contact Robert..."

  "No." Joel was emphatic. "We'll do it. You know what might happen if we don't."

  "All right, but I could be gone as long as a month..."

  "I'll be fine. And if worse comes to worse, I know these swamps and canebrakes better than anyone else." Joel smiled trying to relieve his fears.

  "That's all I need... to come back and find the place overrun with patrollers and you and Dee hiding out with the snakes in the swamps!"

  "It'll never happen. Go and take care of your business."

  "I have to," he replied heavily.

  Joel nodded. "Will you get back in time for your trip to the Gulf?"

  "I hope so." Christopher smiled. "If I don't I know a female who is going to be very angry with me," he paused thoughtfully. "Speaking of whom, I'd better let her know that I'm leaving. Have somebody start packing for me, I'm going to ride over to see Katie."

tch out for her aunt," Joel teased.

  "Don't worry, I will!"

  Katie was delighted when Lottie came to tell her that she had a visitor. Anxious to see who had come to call, Katie hurried downstairs.

  "Christopher!" she cried happily as she saw him at the foot of the stairs.

  "Good afternoon, Katie," he greeted as she flew into his arms and kissed him.

  "I am so glad you've come. I was missing you already," her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. "Let's go in the parlor and talk for a while."

  "Is it safe?" he whispered melodramatically.

  Katie laughed, "Very. Suzanne's gone over to the Crawford's for the day."

  "Good. Where's Mark?"

  "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since breakfast, but he's probably out riding the fields with Uncle Isaac."

  "Katie," he began after she'd led him into the parlor. "There's something I have to tell you that..."

  "Oh, oh. This sounds ominous."

  "No, it's not that bad." He grinned, sitting down next to her on the sofa.

  "Thank heaven," she sighed exaggeratedly. "Well, you might as well tell me and get it over with. What's wrong?"

  "My business agent in Philadelphia has requested that I return home. They've got problems that they need my help with..."

  "You're going?"

  "I leave tomorrow."

  "How soon will you be back?"

  "Hopefully in time for the trip to Last Island."

  "Good. I'm looking forward to that."

  "I am too, Katie." He lifted her hand to his lips. "We don't get to spend enough time together."

  "I know," her breath caught as he pulled her closer.

  "We'll have to see what we can do about that when I return," he said softly just before his lips found hers.

  His kiss was devastating and when Christopher released her, she moved away.

  "Katie?" He had no idea where she was going.

  Katie walked straight to the door and closed and locked it, giving him a smile with just a hint of wickedness.

  "I'm going to miss you," she said coming back to him.

  Her eyes were alight with anticipation as she stopped before Christopher and slowly began to unbutton her blouse.

  "I haven't gone yet," he smiled, standing to help her with the buttons.

  "I know," she smiled invitingly.

  Kissing her passionately, he parted the soft material and explored the softness of her breast.

  Held tightly to him, Katie could feel his arousal and she boldly caressed the strength of him. Christopher started at her unexpected touch and a low moan escaped him.

  Clinging together feverishly, aware that at any moment they could be discovered, Katie and Christopher moved back to the sofa. Pressing full length against each other, their need to be one overwhelmed them. Slipping her riding skirt down, Christopher lowered himself over her as Katie unbuttoned his pants and guided him to the heat of her.

  Their joining was rapturous as they moved together as one, sharing and saving all their love so that their memories would help to keep their time apart from seeming so desolate.

  Climaxing simultaneously, they lay on the sofa spent and yet elated by the joy of their union.

  "Do you have to go?" she murmured wanting to hold him a prisoner of her love.

  With a protesting groan, Christopherrose and buttoned his clothes.

  "You know I don't want to, but the sooner I do, the sooner I'll get back," he told her as he helped her to dress. "Miss me, Katie?"

  "I will, Christopher. You know I will."

  And watching him ride away, she felt a wave of loneliness wash over her. How was she going to last through the whole month of July without him?

  "Frankly, William, you've been doing an excellent job."

  "Thank you, Christopher. I can't say it's been easy, but I do try my best."

  "I'll see that you're well rewarded," he assured his agent.

  "I did worry about asking you to come..."

  "You did the right thing, so don't let that bother you. Besides, I had other business that I needed to take care of while I was here."

  "Well, thanks for your support. And if I can be of any further service while you're in town..."

  "I'll be sure to call on you." He rose and shook hands with William. "Goodbye."

  "Goodbye, Christopher."

  Christopher left the business offices feeling relaxed and confident. His trip had been more than successful. Not only had he taken care of his family's business affairs, but he'd made important contacts with a group of abolitionists who had direct dealings with William Still, head of the Philadelphia anti-slavery office. Christopher's numerous meetings with them over the last few weeks had given him added insight into the problems that he dealt with at Greenwood. It was with a renewed determination to succeed that he now prepared to return to Louisiana.

  The Bird of Paradise Gaming-house was doing a brisk business on this hot evening in mid-July. Andre Montard had been winning steadily at the tables since late afternoon and was more than a little disappointed when the game broke up. As he headed for the bar, he caught sight of Edward Courtois and James Williams and went to join them.

  "Good evening, Edward... James," he greeted them as he ordered a drink.

  "How'd you do in the game?" James asked.

  "Very well," Andre smiled confidently. "It seems that my luck is finally changing."

  "Your luck was always good." Edward replied, grinning. "I still remember last summer when Monique picked you over me!"

  "Ali, Edward, my friend. You're not still holding a grudge over the sweet Monique, are you?" Andre chuckled as he recalled the incident. Confidingly, he added, "She was not worth your concern."

  "How are things with you? We had heard the news of Greenwood."

  "Yes, well, we are living in town right now, while repairs are being completed at Fairwinds."

  "Fairwinds is a beautiful plantation."

  "Yes, it is," Andre's reply was short and James and Edward knew that the wound from losing-his home had not yet healed.

  "Well, what are your plans for the rest of the summer? James and I are leaving for Newport next week."

  "And that's not a minute too soon as far as I'm concerned," James said. "The heat this year has been horrible."

  "I'd like to get away, but we're tied up with this move."

  Michel Bardeleau, the owner of a plantation north of Greenwood stopped to speak with them.

  "Andre! I was hoping to run into you."

  "Good to see you, Michel. Join us for a drink."

  "I have something serious to discuss with you. Do you mind if we take a table?"

  "Not at all."

  James and Edward exchanged questioning glances and followed the two other men to the secluded table in the corner.

  "Is there something wrong?" Andre asked as soon as they were seated.

  "`Yes, there is definitely something wrong. I've been losing slaves."

  "The fever?"

  "No." Michel's answer was tinged with disgust. "Runaways. They disappear in the night..."

  "What about the patrollers?"

  "They've seen nothing on the roads. Although... and this is why I wanted to speak with you...I've heard rumors that there was a lot of activity in the back canebrakes at Greenwood."

  "Greenwood?" Andre was puzzled. "We lost two ourselves in early June, but..."

  "No, no," Michael continued. "This has been just recently... the last three weeks or so."

  "I'm afraid I can't help you there. You see, we no longer own Greenwood."

  "What?" Michel was shocked by the news.

  "It has changed hands. A Christopher Fletcher of Philadelphia now owns it. In fact," Andre insinuated. "He took control a little over a month ago."

  Edward and James bristled at the inference. "Suh. We are both well acquainted with Christopher Fletcher and resent your implying that he would be involved in such a dastardly plot!"

  "He is a Yankee," Andre sh

  "But he is also a slave-owner," James defended. "Besides, he's intelligent enough to know how foolhardy it would be to try to run slaves out of the South."

  Andre looked at James and Edward, his expression clearly doubtful. "Maybe. I only mentioned it for what it's worth, Michel."

  "Of course. Well, I'm sorry to have bothered you with this."

  "Not at all. If you ever find out anything, please let me know."

  "I will. Gentlemen." Michel left them at the table.

  Andre's eyes were gleaming as he, too, excused himself and left. He was anxious to get home so he could speak with his father. Perhaps he had just discovered the key to Christopher Fletcher's downfall.

  "You say Bardeleau thinks there's some connection between the increasing number of runaways and Greenwood?"

  "He only mentioned that there appeared to be activity in the marshes around Greenwood... and that the patrollers were having little success on the roads."

  Emil was pensive. "Perhaps this is what we've been waiting for. Where did you say Fletcher was from originally?"

  "Philadelphia. I believe."

  "We'll start there," Emil told him, determined to find out all that he could about Christopher Fletcher's activities. If what they suspected was true, the Montards would have their revenge at last!

  The Island

  The only thing that had gotten Katie through the rigors of the July, social season had been the promise of a sojourn by the sea with Christopher in August. She supposed that the continuing round of parties and barbeques wouldn't have been so boring if Christopher had been there. But with him away all month in Philadelphia, the days had dragged by on leaden feet. She knew that she loved him, but she hadn't realized how much until he had gone. Any doubt that she might have had about her feelings for him had been laid to rest. She wished now that she hadn't told him of her aversion to getting married, for there was nothing she'd rather do than spend the rest of her life with him.

  Standing with Mark at the rail of the island-bound steamer, she watched excitedly as Last Island came into view.

  "Oh, Mark!" she exclaimed as she saw its primitive subtropical beauty for the first time. "Isn't it gorgeous?"

  Last Island-or Derniere Island as it was known to the Creoles-had derived its name from its location in the Gulf. The westernmost of a chain of barrier islands that rimmed the Louisiana coast, it was situated ten miles out from the mainland and was only accessible by water. Blessed by nature and as yet unspoiled by man, it was a virtual paradise. Endless miles of smooth, white beaches framed its lush greenery and entranced all who came to visit. Walkers and riders alike eagerly explored the shores while those more prone to sport took to the gentle, shallow waters of Caillou Bay to either swim or fish. Unsurpassed in natural beauty, Last Island won the hearts of all who enjoyed vacationing by the sea.


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