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Dangerous Connections (Aegis Group Book 9)

Page 29

by Sidney Bristol

  “You got this,” Paxton said softly.

  She glanced up at him and smiled. No, he wasn’t Silas, but he was the next best thing to have there with her. A friend, someone who understood the burden she carried because he’d seen their struggle.

  Shawn showed them in. There was a brief pause with security while Paxton unloaded the small arsenal on his person before they proceeded into the warren of halls to a small chamber.

  “He can’t go in, sorry,” Shawn said apologetically to Paxton.

  “I’ll wait.” He stood against the far wall, hands in front of him, still as a statue.

  Ekko took a deep breath.

  The doors opened and a woman leaned out. “Is this her?”

  “Yes, madam—”

  “Sweet Jesus, look at you. Get in here.” The woman took Ekko by the arm and dragged her inside. There were lights and rows of very serious people. The men had their jackets off and sleeves rolled up. Not a few of the women had that look, the one from running hands through hair too much.

  Their focus centered on her as the woman escorted her to a small table with a microphone.

  “You will have ten minutes say what you want before they ask questions. There are a lot of questions,” the woman warned.

  “What’s this about? What’s going on?” Ekko slowed her step.

  This couldn’t still be about the UN recognizing Dauria and giving them a seat at the table, could it?

  The woman blinked up at her. “They’re deciding what their stance is. Do they act, or do they sit back and do nothing?”

  Ekko swallowed.

  She walked to the table in a daze and sat down. The woman nudged a glass of water toward her and she took it, taking a long drink before looking out at those people studying her. What a sight she had to be. Bloodied. Travel worn. Bruised. It was the face of her people who were no doubt getting a lot worse right now than her.

  “Hello,” she said into the microphone. “My name is Ekko Kaur, and I want to tell you about my brother.”

  THURSDAY. NEW YORK Hospital, New York.

  It felt like the weight Silas had been carrying around in his gut had now attached itself to his eyelids. He floated in darkness, no longer asleep but not yet awake. Someone had called this twilight once, though he couldn’t recall who. Something wouldn’t let him go back to sleep. There was something he needed to do. It was urgent.

  What the hell was it?

  That nagging question hounded him as he ever so slowly gathered his strength.

  He wasn’t aware of time or how long it took to wrestle one eyelid open, but at long last he peered out of his darkness into...more darkness.

  Well that was just dandy. What the fuck?

  He blinked that one eye again, letting his vision adjust. He was in a room and there was a light on, it just didn’t do much.

  Machines beeped and whirled around him.

  That was a sound he could never mistake and it told him the first piece of his puzzle. From there the others fell into place, one after another.

  He was still in the hospital.

  He’d been hurt.

  There was a fight.


  Her name brought with it a spike in adrenaline.

  He opened both eyes.

  The last he’d seen of her, she was getting into a car with Paxton. Did she know? Had she seen the news? Was she safe? Had she seen a doctor?

  A pinprick of brightness to his right made him turn his head.

  Dark hair glinted blue in the light of a cell phone screen illuminating the most beautiful face in all the world.


  She was there, with him and okay.

  She glanced up and stared at him for a second, lips parted, eyes wide.

  The blood was gone from her face. She’d cleaned up. And she was there.

  “You asshole,” she growled and pushed to her feet.

  The hospital gown fell around her, clothing her from knee to shoulders in a shapeless bag.

  She stalked the short distance to his bedside.

  “I’ll be fine? It’s just a scratch?” She leaned on the side of the bed. “If you hadn’t just come out of surgery, I’d punch you.”

  “Nice to see you, too.” He took her hand and despite the anger rolling off her, she let him pull it to his chest and hold it there, just over his heart.

  Her chest heaved as she sucked down air. “You had a huge hole in your liver and gallbladder. And you were running around like that?”

  “I had a lot on my mind.” Was that what had happened? It had hurt like a bitch, though he hadn’t let himself think about it at the time.

  “Silas, they—”

  “I’m okay.” He took a deep breath though there was soreness with that movement and ran his fingers over her knuckles. “You do what you need to?”

  “Yeah, I went to the UN?”


  She shook her head. “I still feel raw from that.”

  “What did they do?” As the adrenaline dispelled words became more cumbersome. Forming sentences was hard work.

  “Nothing. Well, they asked a bunch of questions. Silas, the Daurian government took the UN team hostage. They’re saying it’s for the team’s safety, but they aren’t letting them leave. Then there’s the riots...”

  “You saw the news then?”

  She quirked a brow at him. “And you did?”

  “I called Zain in the ambulance. He gave me the rundown.” Silas had a very vague memory of that. And yelling. Zain had yelled a lot. “Any word on Chayan?”

  “He’s in better condition than you are, though he did lose more blood.” She stared down at him. “I want to kick your ass so bad.”

  Silas shifted then winced. “Maybe give me a week to recover?”

  She chuckled and lightly smacked his good shoulder. “I’ll add it to my calendar.”

  He lifted his hand and wrapped a lock of her hair around it. She’d showered. There was still a bit of moisture clinging to the strands. He tugged and she lowered her head, kissing him softly.

  “Mm, more of that, please?” he said as she straightened.

  She just glared at him. “I’m very mad at you.”

  His head was clearing somewhat. “This is part of my job.”

  “You could have taken care of yourself.”

  “And leave you there with that man? No.” Just thinking about Igney made his blood run hot. Silas pressed her hand to his chest until he could feel the outline of each finger. “Ekko, this is what I do. This is my job.”

  If she couldn’t accept that, then she couldn’t accept him. It was a simple truth. What he did was dangerous.

  “I know.” She huffed and propped her elbows on the edge of the bed. “I don’t always have to like it. I’m entitled to not liking it when you’re hurt, okay? You don’t get to be mad about that. You have to put up with it. It’s kind of a deal breaker.”

  That sounded a lot like acceptance. Or at least an early stage. Besides, if she cared about him getting hurt then she had to care about the rest of him, right?

  He smiled and let himself relax into the mattress.

  “How are you? How’s your head?” He lifted his free hand and brushed her hair back.

  Three or four stitches made a neat little row toward her hairline. He’d known the gash was bad, but stitches?

  “Concussion. I’m technically here overnight for observation. I harassed my nurse into letting me come sit in here.”

  He hated that she’d gotten hurt, and he would have a chat with Brett about how he’d fucked up. What mattered right now was that they were alive. Chayan was here. People were talking.

  “What’s the news? Any developments?”

  Ekko took a deep breath. “Dauria is in open revolution. It’s hard to piece together the news since it’s all cellphone videos at the moment. I heard from two of the news teams that were with us and they’re trying to get in to start reporting, but there’s obviously safety concerns. Several milita
ry depots in the south-western part of the country have been taken over. Three border check points.”

  “Is it just kids?”

  “No. No, it’s everyone. I guess all that mandatory military time is biting them in the ass.”

  She’d started this. Her and others like her. They’d been a voice and now people like her had passed the torch. Only time would tell if change happened. He hoped it did. What little he’d learned listening to Ekko and Chayan made him want better for those people. Much better.

  “Zain started a website and posted every video we had. And he’s copied over a lot of the new ones, just in case.” She chuckled. “I guess my spreadsheet categorizing everything was useful after all.”

  “Zain’s good like that.”

  “Andrea called. I think she’s mad at me.”

  “Do you blame her?” Silas chuckled.

  Ekko dipped her chin and winced. “No. I think I owe her an apology and a massive thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Just remember that next time you want to start something, okay?”

  She nodded. “Check with Silas first, got it.”

  Ekko lifted her free hand and hid a yawn.

  “Don’t start that.” He shook his head, resisting the urge to yawn himself.

  “Can’t help it. Sorry.” She blinked a few times. “Andrea also said something about sending Paxton or someone to my house to look at security. I guess they’re worried.”

  “Pax?” Silas frowned. “What am I, chopped liver?”

  “Not funny.”

  “I can take care of your place.” The air seemed to get heavy and Ekko’s fingers stilled against his chest for a moment.

  Was it time to talk about them? Was it too soon?

  “I think you’re on the injured roster,” she said.

  “It’s a scratch.”

  “That could have killed you.”

  “It didn’t. I’m stubborn like that.”

  “I think Paxton said something similar.”

  “He’d know.”

  They remained like that for several moments looking at each other.

  He saw her now. The real her. Not the one she put on camera, but the woman under it all. And he loved her. It was funny to think about considering that a week ago he’d been looking for creative ways not to say he hated her.

  “How long am I in here for? Do you know?” he asked.

  “No idea.”

  “When I get out, want me to take a look at your place?”


  “That was easy. Wow. I thought I’d have to convince you a little.”

  “How do you know I’m not planning to keep you there once I have you?” She prodded his ribs. “I get the feeling the only way you’re going to actually give yourself time to heal is if you’re being watched.”

  “Let me see, fly across the country and spend weeks laid with the occasional companionship of four smelly guys. Or, take a short drive and hang out with a beautiful woman. That’s a tough choice.” But it was a good sign.

  He ran his thumb over her knuckles and studied her face. She wasn’t looking directly at him, but her smile said enough. She wanted him there. He knew it.


  “Hm?” She finally looked at him again.

  She should know what she was getting into. No more secrets. He didn’t want to hold anything back.

  “I love you. I think you should know that.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened. “Are you still drugged?”

  “Probably a little.” He smiled and wiggled his toes. It took some effort, but he could do it. “It didn’t seem right to say that before, should know. If I’m coming to visit you, I mean.”

  She opened and closed her mouth, eyes wide.

  “If you want to keep me locked up it seems unfair for you to not know I wouldn’t exactly mind the fuzzy handcuffs. No secrets, right?”

  Ekko laughed and shook her head. “You’re...”


  “Oh shut up.” She leaned over and kissed him again, only this time the kiss wasn’t gentle. It was hot.

  “Well that’s a start, he mumbled against her mouth.”

  Ekko grinned. Her hair fell around them, sealing them in this private moment. She traced his mouth with a finger. “At least I didn’t say it first.”


  “That I love you.”

  “I’ll take that bullet for you.”

  “Not funny.” She smacked his shoulder, only this time it was his bad one.

  Silas groaned and squeezed his eyes shut.

  “Shit! Shit, shit, shit. I’m sorry.” She pulled away from him, or tried to. He grasped her hand and kept it there, just over his heart.

  “It’s okay,” he said through his teeth. “I’ll just make you pay for that later.”


  She loved him.

  He peered up at her. “Hey, babe?”

  The strain in her arm and hand relaxed and she gave in, letting him keep her where he wanted. “What?”

  He grinned. “Remember that one time you hit me—”

  Her eyes bulged and her mouth hung open. “I take it back. I don’t love you. I hate you.”

  Silas laughed and shoved at the railing, forcing it down then pulled Ekko to him. She came willingly, curling up on the edge of the bed next to him. They both ignored the bed sounding an alarm as he kissed her. Really kissed her.

  He hadn’t been looking for love or a woman to fix him, and she’d done both. If that wasn’t worth protecting with his life, then nothing was. He just wouldn’t tell her that. At least not until he’d finished healing. She did have a good punch.


  Two months later. Ekko’s Apartment, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  Ekko stared at the table with the spread of food laid out.

  Was there enough? Did she need more? Would Coco and Paxton like it?

  She reached out and adjusted the tray of cheese so it was at more of an angle instead of perfectly aligned to everything else.

  It looked too neat.

  “Stop.” Silas took her hand and spun her toward him, capturing her against his chest with strong arms around her waist.

  “It looks like I’m trying too hard.” She smoothed her hands up and over his shoulders.

  “Stop. It’s just Paxton and Coco.”

  “Your best friend and his fiancé, who I haven’t met yet.”

  “What?” Silas’ face scrunched up. “You’ve talked to her dozens of times.”

  “In the background of you and Paxton talking. That doesn’t count.” She pulled away from him and proceeded to turn dishes a little this way and that.

  “You do realize Coco spends most days digging in elephant shit and stuff, right?”

  “Silas.” She scowled at him.

  “What?” He grinned and held up his hands.

  “Just—stop.” She blew out a breath and kept nudging plates this way and that.

  The couple had arrived earlier that afternoon while Ekko had been streaming. Since it was an official partnership stream that coincided with a Drudge game announcement, she hadn’t been able to get out of it. Silas had been happy to escape the apartment, pick up the couple and take them to the hotel around the corner where they’d be staying.

  It still felt weird that Ekko hadn’t met Coco yet, though it had only been two months since she’d brought Silas home to her apartment. Ekko hadn’t realized that being in a relationship with Silas meant she would be gaining all these new people in her life. And amazingly, she liked them.

  Coco especially intrigued her, and she desperately wanted to make a good impression on the woman that had already won over all of Silas’ family. Watching Silas and Paxton’s close friendship made Ekko want that for herself.

  But first she had to meet the woman.

  A sharp knock made her freeze.

  “They’re here,” Silas announced and reached for the door.
br />   “Wait,” Ekko said turning in a panic to see if she’d missed anything.

  Silas didn’t wait for her. He whisked the door open and spread his arms. “Nerd.”

  “Hey, asshole. Longtime no see.” Paxton slapped Silas’ hand away and stepped aside, making way for an elegant black woman wearing a zebra print wrap dress.

  God, her pictures did not do her justice.

  “Hey, Bat Girl.” Paxton folded her in a gentle hug.

  One of the markers of making it in this circle was gaining some sort of nickname. Since her streamer fans called themselves the Bat Brigade on account of her first name, being labeled Bat Girl wasn’t all that bad. As least her name wasn’t asshole.

  Paxton stepped back and gestured at Coco clinging to her purse with both hands. “Ekko, this is Coco.”

  “Hi.” Ekko meant to hold out one hand, but for some reason she lifted both.

  At the same time Coco extended one hand then seemed to forget her purse and dropped it on the linoleum floor.

  Paxton ducked and grabbed the bag while Coco froze, which made Ekko freeze.

  “Just come here,” she said with a laugh.

  Coco grinned and stepped into Ekko’s embrace, hugging her tightly.

  “Aw, there they go. Pax, come here.” Silas slapped his friend on the shoulder and led him a short way into the living room.

  “I’m not good at this meeting people stuff,” Coco said for Ekko’s ears alone.

  “I won’t tell anyone,” Ekko whispered back.

  They let go of each other.

  “It’s really nice to meet you finally,” Coco said.

  “Yeah.” Ekko clasped her hands in front of her.

  “It feels like this should have happened.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” She chuckled, glad she wasn’t the only one that felt this way.

  Coco just stared at her for a moment. “Wow. Can I just say you’re so much prettier than these pictures Silas sends?”

  Ekko opened and closed her mouth. The world could be pretty darn funny.

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” she said. Why not take a chance? “I’m so nervous right now I’m about to make myself sick.”

  Coco held out her hands, as if she could stop her. “Don’t do that.”

  “I can’t help it.” Ekko laughed.


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