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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 17

by Pwyll Duggan

  I'm angry and my voice projects it.

  "Unless you move NOW, as in right now, to change things, YOU. HAVE. ALREADY. LOST! You have no idea who you can trust of all these 'high and mighty' Nobles. The Trade Guild does anything for money - including smuggle thieves and assassins - been there, done that, GOT THEIR STONE-DAMNED SOULS!" I start to pace, all eyes on me.

  "Do you know what a higher level Shielder can do? I can take people from Beyond and move them thru the Wall. Imagine you have charmed Shielders and she makes a deal with, say, the Lamia's. They supply her Shielder with souls, she then levels up and bang, moving monsters thru the Wall. How do I know this? I KILLED HER LATEST SHIELDER! Level 8 or 9 - that's about three hundred souls, give or take.”

  “The Night One leading this Cratertown." I point it out on the map. "Was supplying slaves, captured Shielders and had so many gobbers, snotlings, orcs and OGRES that I have personally killed over four fucking hundred of them. IN A WEEK!" The rooms deathly quiet now. James and Gerald are pale, pens silent in their in-action.

  "You have no clue what the Murdock’s are up to in the East. Who they have, what they have? And the western reaches have NO CLUE what's coming. Duke William has run around, getting rich off the Prince killing and raping for years. Who knows how many Nobles are with him, simply from threatening a Princely visit to a daughter or wife? What favours he has purchased or threatened to obtain. You need that money from him now, even if you have to do a show of force or seize assets and sell them off quick, like in the Capital." I look down at the map, "Wherever that is." I collapse into a chair.

  The rooms quiet again as I speak up.

  "NONE of this is proof. This is what I could do with what I know THEY have." One of the officers at the back speaks out,

  "They're not attacking now, so they must be waiting for next spring." James shakes his head.


  Gerald's nodding with him. James goes on.

  "If they take Williams lands during Winter, they have the forces to move on us in the spring. Using mercs means they care not for winter losses or damages. It's what they are paid for, leaving fresh troops for a two-pronged front in Spring. Us retaking William's lands and defending ours from the East." Gerald goes on.

  "And as Lord Walsh has demonstrated all by himself, small elite teams can do a lot of damage to our supply lines."

  The Duchess speaks up.

  "Whether or not any of this is true, it does prove one major thing. We are not as prepared as we need to be. And that changes now, and it needs to be done fast and quietly." She looks around the room, backed by her husband.

  "Only Captain St James and Shielder Walsh are not here all the time. What ideas do you have?" Rose looks at me.

  "Okay" I say. "My turn. Someone take notes."

  Gerald gets a new book out, sits then looks up.

  "I will start off with assuming you use the various traveling shows and plays for information gathering across the realm?" James nods at that.

  "In that case, spread rumours that the Murdock’s are looking to take William's land. Quiet rumours and since he likes little girls, rumours from those also. Another is in 2 or 3 weeks announce the Duchess' Games. Games for anyone based on military skills, with prize money. Have them in a few out-laying areas then the major one here in 6 months for that next Peerage meeting. Good recruitment tool and it gets a lot of people training their skills. Allow your troops to enter the major matches and give out decent prizes, land, things of that nature." I sit and go on.

  "The Duke has decided the realm needs him to pass on his skills in magic. Allow young casters to come and stay nearby, training them to be used with elite forces for fast response troops or heavy scouts - doing major damage with small forces."

  Both officers and the Duke look at me with that.

  "I had dinner with six girls of noble birth last night. They can all cast. Imagine having someone like Sara train them in combat. Add extra magical training and you have a group of young women that would be invited anywhere that could level forts for a laugh." The officers looked shocked and the Duchess smiles.

  "Anything else" she adds. I nod.

  "Stop giving the Trade Guild your work. Set up your own supply lines and trade lines. They tried to kill me twice now, or at least helped via bribes and assisting my attempted killers. Nothing they do or say can be trusted." I breathe deep.

  "Give Captain St James a promotion and command of the northern reaches. Build up a forward base, a fort, at the location near Kawaba. Put patrols on the water. Have 5 or 6 fast cavalry units to patrol the trade routes and lands around there. Ask all the Western Peerages for small specialized troops. Train them in wilderness and scouting skills. Send them out to patrol over the river highway system and all the lands not allied with you. Tell them it's a new Trade Police Force to stop the raiders that seem to be popping up. Or the King's Road Patrols. Mix the troops so various peerages work together, binding your allies."

  "And double the number of ground troops you would normally have in that fort, giving you an extra place to send troops out from. Randomly move troops from city to city, so spies won’t know where they all are. Make them guess and not be sure." As I stop some discussion starts and Rose is looking at me like I just ate her horse, so I shrug at her and sit back down, putting my feet up on a nearby table. The Duke sits down next to me, wine glass in hand, he takes a sip, looks at me, raises his glass and says,

  "Anything else?"

  "When I head back north, I am going to have the single biggest target in history painted on my back. I'll need help to get home and Beyond the Wall again. Who gets control of any lands I reclaim for the realm? Looks like my next target should be the Lamia's village, try and destroy it if possible or at least stop them producing for the coming war. If I'm going to be making trouble, it might as well be big trouble."

  Chapter 26

  Marylou exits the meeting with me, leaving the others to hash out all the details and other things I know nothing about. I have maps and books coming my way, and I smile at the piece of paper in my storage. Granting me a title of any lands I take North of the Wall. Looks like I am going Beyond and into trouble again. Need to raise my own Rapid Response Units among other things. Marylou sighs and stops me walking with a hand on my arm, breaking the spell.

  "I apologize for my actions. When Sonya said she was staying with you, I was angry and jealous she had chosen someone that was not... me."

  "Fine, accepted. What's next." I go to walk off and she grabs me again, anger in her voice.

  "That's it - I accept. No - okay I understand. Anything like that?"

  "Nope - your choice, your actions. Sonya chose me - fine. I have no idea what that means, so I don't care. All I know she wanted to stay with me, and I THOUGHT YOU ARRANGED THAT! You know - spymasters daughter and all. Wasn't until you stopped talking to me, I had a clue. And guess what. I don't care. Play your games. Have your fights. I have too much to worry about to add that." Her face as fallen into a frown, with a touch of anger.

  "Look. Take me to The Stone temple here. Talk to me. Ask what you want. Please just be normal for a little bit. Then I can go to my room, have lunch and see what the rest of the day tries to beat me to death with. Okay." One eyebrow goes up and her nose twitches. Please no 'I Dream of Jeannie' stuff with that nose. She's thinking, and I throw my arms up in the air and head for the closest guard.

  "Where's the Stone Temple."

  "Sunken Garden to the West Sir."


  I walk past her. "Wasn't that hard..." and turn, no longer looking at her, heading for the far stairs. Nothing stirs behind me. Whatever woman, your choice. Again.

  I glide thru the halls, dodging staff and guards alike, and once more returning a lot of greetings and smiles. Money well spent then. They lift my spirits. Striding outside I turn west on one of the paths and wander the gardens, figuring it will stand out. As soon as people try and stop me, I go superhero and float up, flying upright like Magn
eto. Feet pointed straight down makes a very imposing sight and they all decide it's best to leave me alone, because basically they can't keep up.

  I see the Sunken garden. Rings of steps go down, like a mini Colosseum, to a flat stone surface. The huge Stone is in the middle, doing nothing, not even hovering. I drop down past the chain barrier that stops people getting close and walk up to it. The seven-foot cube is half in the ground, not coming to life as I get near. I don't even feel the pull I normally do. Three robed figures are hastily coming my way, opening the chain link and then running to me. I don't recognize any of them, which is good for them.

  "You cannot be here. This is The Stone. You could corrupt it's Blessed Presence." I look him up and down, disbelieving what I am hearing.

  "You have no clue, right. Not a caster? What happen to the corrupt old dude, worked for Duke William and Prince Karloff? He needs to meet my fist, a few times, over and over." The go pale and back off. "None of you can see what I am? Shit, are you even priests?"

  "We, we are lay priests."

  "Fine." I wave a hand dismissively at them.

  "Stay out of my way and you get to live." The main guy and one other run off, leaving a third staring at me. He drops to one knee, head down.

  "Lord Shielder. May I watch?"

  "Sure kid, just stay back. This thing is broken or something."

  I reach out with a finger and quickly touch it and jump back. Nothing. I lay a finger on it, quickly at first, then for longer. Shit, a whole hand. Nothing. Percussive maintenance time and I whack it with an open hand on the side a few times. Still nothing. Placing both hands on the top corner I push, slowly at first then with all my strength, trying to rock this cube. Fucking nothing, this thing’s a pain. And then it is a pain as my hands are covered in Stone as they sink into the now liquid surface.

  My vision goes black and the green cursor starts up again, this time in this blackness. I'm struggling but my hands are held tight.

  /////// Shielder Container #58724 connecting...

  Use of Shielder Container Spirita Required for start-up.

  Operational Power at 00:000:00:59:59

  Shielder Container #57824 Present

  Soul Refinery #0008 Present, bond detected to #57824

  Heartwood Present, bond detected to #57824

  ID: Paul Walsh, System: Sol 00548, Sol III

  Current Level: 19, Battle Mage(S) Fighter(S)

  Harvested Spirita Aqua Detected.

  Prepare for Spirita Aqua Removal.........3...2...1

  Network not established.

  Establish new network connection? Yes or No?

  Spirita Aqua cost is 10 per node required.

  Harvesting unrefined Spirita Aqua Only.

  Like I have a choice - "Yes"


  Genus: Humanoid

  Human Blood Mercenary: 10 - total 10

  Bane 1 Achieved, boon granted

  Human Mage: 2 - total 2

  Human Champions, lesser. Redefining...

  Human Adventurers, Blood Mercenary: 4 - total 4

  Human Royalty... error, redefining...

  Genus: Daemon

  Daemon via sub-type:

  Corrupted Prince: 1, multiple souls present.

  Spirita Aqua Deposited Value: 1600

  Network connection cost: -310

  Boon granted, 500 deposit

  Boon granted, 1000 deposit

  Adjusting Shielder Container: Spirita Aqua Deposit: 1600xp

  Special: Night One Killed (1/1 Zone)...... ZONE CLEARED! 1000xp

  Total Adjustment: 2600 xp added 21955 xp total

  Shielder Container #57824 XP at 21955xp

  Level 20 reached - two power points one utility point, Prestige Option

  3 Boons boon tables generated for after power selection.

  1 Special Granted

  1720 Refined Spirita Aqua in storage

  Zone invasion stopped. Reward Selection possible.

  Portal Hub discovered. Constructor Selected.

  Establish Network Sharing? Yes or no?

  Oh no you don't, if I spread the power output the Wall could fall. If it takes power that is? Only one way to find out.

  "Does network sharing include power?"

  Power sharing unavailable at this time. Minimum power requirements not exceeded.

  "Yes, then."

  Sharing established. Name of network?

  "Walshing thru the Wall."

  Walshing thru the Wall created. If more connector Nodes are added to network, power sharing can be achieved.

  Shielder Container #58724 updating to Shielder Network Connector #00735.

  Leveling and Force Changing in 3…2...1...

  Wait, wait, force changing. And then my hands explode, and the sky looks blue and the back of my head is damp. Fuck this shit. Knocked out again! Who designs shit like this? Apple, I, no, it's got to be Oracle.

  The priest's head gently comes into view and I flinch. His eyes are all black stone now, blood dripping down his cheeks.

  "Shielder Walsh. Paul. You need to finish your leveling so that I can perform my new duties." I put a hand up to keep the sun out of my eyes, staring at him.

  "Are you alright?"

  "I am a Priest!" he says proudly, voice only cracking a few times. He is younger than I thought. I swipe my hand, pushing all this dust away. Where did that come from? He helps me to my feet, Stone working normally, even if it is covered in marble fragments. Marble? I steady myself on the Stone, looking out thru the rubble laying around us.

  All the stairs down into the Sunken garden are gone, blown away as a Black Dome covered the Garden.

  "It was so beautiful. It just rolled up and over the Stone. It lets the Sun thru as if it is day. It's a Wall, just for a smaller area. If you could add some power, I may be able to cover the whole Palace." I cough out some marble dust.

  "Don't tell anyone but the Duke and Duchess that okay. NO one - got it."

  "Of course, Shielder Walsh. It's safer for all then. Please go make your choices." And he points at The Stone

  Level 20 - Ability Increase or Power Choice (x2)? Utility Point? Prestige Choice?

  "Ability, Strength. Ability, Strength. Utility, increase Healing Ability."

  Strength increased by 2

  Healing increased, 20% total health, 9/day

  Prestige Choice?


  And of course, no answer or typing across the Stone. Fucking typical. I need more information to choose. Or do I. It said portal hub. And there's the Wall and the Stone. Maybe it's a descriptor, you know like - He who hunts daemons, or Mage of the Nine, Lady of the Lake or The Dark Knight... I have no clue. Or just fighter, or mage again. Or I just wing it.

  "Prestige, Adventurer." Since that's pretty much what I do anyway.

  Prestige Selection complete - Adventurer - those that go forth and do the things others cannot.

  Strength increased by 2

  Agility increased by 2

  Constitution increased by 2.

  Skills Added: Cartography, Survival(S), Scout(S) and Speed +5%

  Power Choice: Block All (2 seconds), Final Night, Darkest Strike, Heartless Choice, Soul Eater.

  This decision is just what I have been doing all my time here. "Soul Eater."

  Soul Eater chosen.

  Modifying Shielder Network Connector in 3...2...1...

  And the pain shoots thru my whole body, I scream and feel myself falling.

  Disoriented I watch the clouds go by. Seriously, I hope I don't have brain damage from being rewritten and restarted...and it's rebuilding me every time. Shit. Maybe I'm just a copy. Fuck that, I'm the copy that's getting laid and is a superhero. Well officially an Adventurer now. I sit up.

  "Convert boon to charge." I pre-empt the Stone. And now for the Special. Again, I have no idea. Oh well, go with what I know.

  "Double the Strength of the Force Sphere ability."

  5 Boon(s) spent.

orce Shield, 6/day half sphere, boosted by Spirita, 20 Damage absorbed per Spirita, base 200. Resets midnight.

  Updating and resetting container.

  I barely feel the buzz, apart from the palms of my hands that really tickle. I look down and they are black Stone now, light reflecting at odd angles. Well I knew I wasn't human anymore, this just proves it more. Morer? Yeah, really zero fucks here now.

  Operational Power Now at 0:99:23:52:07, network "Walshing through the Wall"

  #00735 now at: Level 20, ADVENTURER

  Fighting 9 Strength 12 Agility 8 Constitution 8

  Intellect 3 Reason 3 Spirita 15 Leadership 4

  Abilities: Survival, all, (S)

  Scout, (S)

  Speed +10%

  Regeneration 0.1% per minute

  Archer (Fighting +1)

  Healing, 20% total health, 9/day

  Shatter (x20 power), touch, 1/day

  Arcana Spirita

  Increased Foci Use

  Increased Scroll Use

  Small Arms



  Staff Specialist. (Fighting +1)

  Enchantable Skeletal structure.

  Stones Blessing.

  3/day, limited based on object size or amount or a 10-foot radius.

  Power Strike, 12 second cooldown.

  Charge, 12 second cooldown.

  Force Shield, 6/day half sphere, boosted by Spirita, 10 Damage absorbed per Spirita, base 100. Resets midnight.

  Repair Items, 3/day resets at midnight.

  Spirita: Icy Sphere (40)

  Fly (30)

  Fireball (30)

  Tongue (20)

  Enhancement (20)

  Enhance Companion (20)

  Delay (20)

  Invisibility (20)

  Icebolt (10)

  Special: Level Advancement on non-shield container, charges 4.

  Permanent Tongues and Tongues(hidden) power

  Convert refined Spirita to Forced Level advancement on non-shield container. Now 0.2% chance per Refined Spirita Aqua.

  0 Boon(s) Stored

  Storage, 50 slots

  Storage Arm, 1 slot

  Storage Arm, 1 slot


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