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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 18

by Pwyll Duggan

Shield (10) each arm - charged

  Armour (10) chest - charged

  Resistance to poisons / toxins

  Antidote x3 (20)- charged

  Remove Toxins (20) - charged

  1720 Refined Spirita Aqua.

  Wonder how much trouble this will cause me. The new Priest is sitting at The Stone, hand on it, not stirring. I wave.

  "Ciao man." And walk to the Wall, dome thing and reach out. My hand passes thru, so I shrug to myself and go on thru.

  Chapter 27

  I forgot to check my clothes. They are shredded and hanging off me as I walk out to the crowd. Guards have formed a circle around the Dome, keeping people out and some facing it, unsure. I walk out, stumble on the grass and watch my jacket drop off in the light breeze, blowing away in four pieces. Guards point and look at me and I wave.

  "Stone now works! All’s good." Coughing as I do, dust falling off me in waves.

  I'm a bit more unsteady on my feet than I thought. I stumble to a bench and sit down. I grip the edge of it. If I don't think of it, my strength is mostly normal, then bang. When I do, I break the end off the bench with a single hand. I did just get a 50% increase.

  Marylou's racing along the grounds, running on all fours, leaping over people, on heads or helmets and keeps coming. I wave gingerly, forcing a smile, playing with my palm, trying to look cool - all at the same time. Like that sentence, it doesn't work.

  Mind you watching a lovely mature woman run on all fours gets the imagination going, especially when her 'tracts of land' are swing back and forth as she runs. I slap my forehead. Seriously, like I need more trouble.

  My palm is itchy, and I don't know how Stone can itch. It's just there - skin going to Stone, just like that. It would put a non-sci-fi fan off. All I have is transporter artefacts or Nanoparticles or biotech and rolling around my head, trying to explain what's happened to me. I flick it with my finger. Touch it and it's smooth and warm. I point my palm at the Dome, as M gets to me.

  "Repulsor blast."

  "Maser beam."


  "Twip Twip?"


  Damn it, no luck there. M's just looking at me weirdly.

  "What, they might work... can't I guy dream?" shaking her head clear she starts.

  "You okay? What did you do? Did you kill more people?" shaking my head 'no' to all of those I lay down on the bench. Much better.

  "Stones now on. All good. Just changed the game again. Got you a new Priest - don't scream when he looks at you. Gonna need guards. And a fort, guns in and out, to protect it." The sky's going in circles and I feel the blood in my feet going the opposite way. It's an awesome feeling.

  Like the soft pillow under my head, with the soft voices around me. There's a damp cloth on my forehead and my clothes have really gone now. Lucky the blanket covers everything; the voices are female.

  Welcome back Friend, Doll was worried. I was not, as I saw you at the Lake again.

  "Seriously Princess, not so loud."

  I am not, your head is stretched beyond it what it would normally do. You need relaxing.

  Another voice goes,

  "The Princess? She's not here."

  "He's talking about that huge sword."

  "Oh, is he asleep still, or waking?" A door opens, and I can hear Sonya.

  "He stirs Ladies. I do not think he will be up for things anytime soon." The first voice answers.

  "We have a few hours. I'll wait." Jane then answers.

  "Sure, waiting in anticipation."

  "Not fair Jane. He likes you. He doesn't even look at me. Have you seen these boots? I have to beat the guys off me and to him I'm not even in the room."

  "Hey Gabby. It's cool, don't worry."

  "By the Gods and The Stone. If I get pregnant, I can run away from home and live somewhere else, make decisions and not be someone’s...toy."

  I gasp thru a dry throat.

  "I like toys." And cough.

  I feel something at my lips and precious water comes in. And a thin tongue. Gabby goes.

  "That's so not fair." Sonya feeds me water again. It's nice even if I can't move much, my head getting jackhammered by my brain.

  "Thanks" is all I can get out.

  I feel sharp claws scratching up and down my scalp as I try and drift off. I trigger a healing and it takes the edge of, but that's all. The bed moves, and someone gets on and an arm wraps across my chest, head snuggling into my arm. The same happens to the other side, Gabby unsure of how to lay there. I reach around and hug her close, a quick groan of pain coming out.

  "If I can sleep, hopefully my regeneration can take care of this."

  "Holey Stones, is there anything you can't do..."

  "Sleep it seems."


  I hug her and drift off once more.

  I open my eyes to a finger tracing lines on my chest, blanket down to my waist. Gabby is the only person in the room. She smiles as my eyes open. She puts on a kiddie tone.

  "You're all mine. Mine. Mine. Mine."

  My heads finally clear and I look for the clock again.

  "I can stay for an hour." Although the voice is clear, the eyes are nervous. I take that hand and put it over my heart, holding it down before I let it go.

  "I can't promise you my heart. But I can try to get you away from your home." Her eyes are watering as she goes to sit up, reaching for her boots.

  "Oh no my little toy. Boots stay on. Will you be a toy for me?" a shy smile appears.

  "For you, yes. Only you." And with that I reach down and start playing, getting such wonderful music in return.

  At the hour mark she starts moving from the bed.

  "I thought you needed to take your clothes of for that." Gabby smiles, no longer panting. Or screaming. She's a screamer. Gave the guards an earful I bet.

  "Oh, my little toy, there are things an old man like me can teach you." Her head tilts leans in to kiss me.

  "See you at the dance Lord Shielder."

  Once she's out of the room, Sonya comes in from the servant’s quarters.

  "Massage and Bath my Lord?"

  "Sounds wonderful Sonya."

  I sit as Sonya gets changed into her birthday suit as I lie down on the massage table. She slowly starts, grooming as she goes.

  "I hear my Lord reactivated a dormant Stone. I knew you were special. The Spirits chose you." I get up on one elbow, looking at her.

  "You keep saying that. What does it really mean?" She pushes me back down and starts on my shoulders.

  "The Desert Lamia believe in Spirits, forces of nature like the Dryad and her tree that gave you their heartwood. We see them as guides and helpers, worthy of great respect and devotion. They can also select a strong member of the tribe to boost. Like the Stones do, they are made more powerful to help our people. With the realm's forces conquering the Southern and South Western reaches, the spirits are harder to find and our champions further apart, fewer in number. When Marylou took me from there, they were returning slowly. The King's eyes are on the South-west, heading to the Sea of Tears and the oceans beyond. He hasn't returned to the Capital in years, forgetting this Kingdom, looking only for the glory of his next conquest. And fighting the never-ending Portals down there."

  Her fingers are nice, and she seems to be working harder.

  "Did my Lord level up? Muscles seem to be thicker, harder."

  "Ahhhh, thanks. Yes, I did - level 20 Adventurer now and my Strength hit 12, unenhanced. So, more time being careful of me. And watch how you sleep. I need to know if I lash out in my sleep now. Don't like hurting people I love. Like. You know what I mean."

  "Yes, my Lord." I can never tell if she's dead serious or full sarcasm. Lamia's hey, what to do to them.

  She decides I can't wash myself again and cleans me. I make sure she behaves herself, getting a bad attempt of puppy dog eyes in return. I just hop in the very hot tub and she follows, soaking nicely opposite me. She uses her flotation devices to get my a
ttention, so I smile and shut my eyes.

  There's a knock on the door and Sonya's out, dry and dressed before I can get up. She returns a few minutes later.

  "Light Dinner and Baron Laird delivered some maps. He seems very anxious over tomorrow. I think it will be fun." And I have no choice on the fact she is coming with me. Okay.

  "Sonya, I need a few small favours. Can you shop for presents for me?" She's grinning.

  "Oh, you mean toys for the village kids, or the Grove. And clothes and trinkets. Maybe perhaps 'special' clothing for all your lady friends?" Why do I feel out maneuvered?

  "Um, yes?" She stands up proud.

  "Already done My Lord. I will need some money to pay for it all as it is being delivered tomorrow morning. I have arranged for the Guard Captain to inspect them and she is also going to pay on our behalf." Her hand goes out.

  "How much?"

  "Just 100 imperials My Lord."

  The cost of 10 or so farms, really cheap!

  "What did you buy?" She looks up and out of the corner of her eye. "Well six armoured trunks, 3 of clothes, 1 of special clothes, 2 full of lots of toys and an armoured carriage with minor enchantments. Oh, and the coachman, footman and the shield mage for the trip home. I really think they want full time work. And farms. Something about Tom's sister is nearby and Craig's family is next to Kawaba anyway. Jim just wants to get away from his x, whatever x is. Aren't they on treasure maps, usually the ones to traps or ambushes, right?" I look on amazed.

  "They'll be here all prepared tomorrow and Thomas, you know the stable boy, is checking over it all and making sure they are all ready. He said it will be hard not to have stowaways that want to work for you too, but I didn't believe him. Your mine and no-one else gets to work for you like that."

  "Um, that's probably not what he meant. Never mind. You did really well with that." She nods and beams with pride.

  "That way you couldn't get me to not come tomorrow." Her claws pop out as stretches, trying to get me to look again.

  "Planning is always good, Marylou says." Yeah, yeah, play the ditsy tanned beach bimbo all you like. I see right through you.

  "Now you get dressed, even better than yesterday and go and dance with Jane's mother. She would like that. So be good and come back when you are tired. I will sharpen blades and make a new bear. Maybe even with feet this time." I dry off and head to the main room, mind spinning at what she does and doesn't know.

  Dressed and ready I head out, guards escorting me again. Another night, another Captain. This one's talkative.

  "More trouble from you tonight?" she asks.

  "Nah, that's tomorrow. Night One to track and kill. Add to my total. That'll make five, because as fate would have, The Stone considered Prince Karloff a daemon and a night one. I mean who would have guess - being a full-time rapist and murderer."

  I wonder how long that takes to make the gossip rounds.

  Chapter 28

  Ten minutes. It only took ten minutes for that to be on everyone's lips. And then I am dodging more questions, glares and rumours. I find a nice chair to hid in at the VIP lounge and hunker down, waiting for everything to start. I jump as Marylou whispers in my ear.

  "Hiding, are we?" with a giggle.

  Mish and Sara wave from the Royal seat, Twins looking on amused and Charlotte just looking prim and proper this time. They are all done up in ball gowns this time, even if Sara's is scandalous and M's leaves nothing for the imagination. And neither of them remotely cares.

  Our young Presented arrive, rows of young noble women and men making their way into society. As they arrive, they are introduced and proceeded to the dance floor, separated into lines, male facing female, lord opposite lady. As the last name is called and the lines filled, the dance begins. Smooth and graceful, so better than what I am feeling. After ten minutes the dancers’ pair off, well some of them and the music changes and the various waltzes begin.

  I keep my head down, knowing full well eyes are upon me. A hand slams down on my arm.

  "You broke my arms, now I get to break your toes."

  Sara is standing next to me, other arm out to be hooked to take her to the dance floor.

  "Fine, be gentle. This is my first-time dancing with a woman." Gets me a shocked look and maybe, yes maybe, a thin smile. There's life in her yet.

  We take the position and she baulks, unsure of her movements as we start.

  "Relax, let me lead." She shoots back.

  "That's what I'm afraid of." I can't help but smile.

  "You are shooting them out tonight Lady Sara."

  "Sara, just Sara." I keep grinning and go on,

  "Well Just Sara." Daggers shoot from the look I get, and from that and an attempted finger crushing that she gives up on.

  "I have never seen you dressed up like this. You are stunning, Silver eyes light up your face, when you let them. I think it's those knife ears, matching your wit tonight." A quick stomp as we twirl, crunching down on some of my toes. I grunt in pain and that gets a smile from her.

  We finish one turn of the dance floor, so I try a different tack. I want to have some fun and I think I might be the only one who might pull it off.

  "On my world we have a lot of formal and more informal styles of dance. Some are really fast and are used for fighting. There's this Brazilian style, capoeira, that is all dance and fighting to music. Wished I studied it now that I am here. But I was thinking, you being you, we might try shaking up the stiffs here and cause some more trouble. You in?"

  She sneers, the nose crinkling around her break, eyes going bright.

  "I'll let you lead - so it'll be your fault."

  As we get near the orchestra, I turn us on the spot, getting the conductors attention.

  "Something fast, four four beat with a lot of bass. Pretty please let’s shake this place up." He turns to the grins of his players and they start.

  "Okay, let’s try this. We've trying to 'tap'. Using our heals and the front of the foot. Tap them down hard for noise. Heel and toe, heel and toe. We do that then one hand in each and swing around, just go from there. I guess we would call that swinging. We'll go from there."

  I start slow, heel and toe. She watches and follows as I raise my hand to hers. We use each other for balance and the rhythm flows, finally catching up to the beat.

  "Now behind with toe, and spin.' And I spin her. At the third spin she's flowing, and we add waltz holding to the wilder feet movements.

  "Sparing at speed." she whispers and we're off, around the floor, and swings and flourishes as we see fit.

  "You lead." I go, and she stops, jumps on the spot to the beat and starts spinning and stomping around me. I put a hand up and she uses it to pivot around me. I start bouncing from side to side. Then I grab both her hands and we try swing dancing, flaring side to side.

  Other couples start free-styling and the floor is off, kids going wild. It's a sight to see, not much of it good. But oh, the smiles and laughter. I'm at a party and people are having fun. I channel as much Parov Stelar as I can (look it up kids) and swing around the dance floor, not even caring if it's right or good. It's just fun.

  I tap two guys and their girls.

  "Guys next to me, girls there."

  Sara is bouncing on the balls of her feet, I do the same, one leg at a time. The guys mirror me.

  "Girls. Use those hips."

  Sara is unsure and the girl next to her starts swaying them, then adds going up and down on her legs. They all smile and do the same.

  "Throw your arm out and wrap her in." I throw my arm at Sara, grab her hand and roll her into me, her feet spinning. As I clutch her to my chest, I lean down and whisper.

  "Away you go." And spin her back out.

  There's a tap on my shoulder and a smouldering Gabby is there, eyes wild. I turn to Sara, who does a little wave and cartwheels backwards off the floor, dodging all the other dancers. Wow, she's flexible. Gabby takes my hand, and I grab her by the small of the back, pulling in tight a
nd talking in her ear.

  "Hands high, knees together and twist and turn until you get the feel of the music - then let it all out my toy." Her eyes snap to mine and her hands ever so slowly go up, lifting her assets. Seeing what happens she traces her dress with her hands, and I'm gone. I find Jane at the edge of the floor and swing her to Gabby, back to back.

  "Do what she's doing." And I twirl and step around them.

  We get ourselves a crowd until the rest of the gaggle arrive and I'm not even been looked at. The girls dance without a care in the world and it shows in the joy on their faces. Soon the whole area is doing it and I slide away, light on my feet, shoulders bouncing. I exit the dance floor, still doing the sliding, bouncing and stepping towards my target.

  I sweep around the back of Baroness Tessa as she's talking to the rest of the Gaggles parents, all prim and serious. I grab the small of her back, spin into the waltz position as I grab her other hand and turn my head to the nobles.

  "Butting in, she needs a really good... dance."

  And I lead her out fast and into the scandalized crowd into a fast waltz. She stumbling as I pull her close.

  "I can't dance Paul."

  "Bullshit. Heels on my toes, feet down on my foot, balance with my hand in your back and HOLD ON." I wink and we're off, as she desperately tries and gets that all done. Her dress covers our feet, hair whipping around as we hit the dance floor.

  I take us around the outside of the floor, going mildly slower, just in time with the beat as her breathing catches up. We pass the Duke and Duchess dancing. The Royal party is nowhere to be seen. Her breathe catches up and she slaps me, almost losing her balance.

  "I was trying to get funding for a Tradeway road you idiot."

  "Did it work?"

  "Won't now." Her head hangs down. "Probably never with Duke William against it. Or more to the point he will if I hand over Jane - as per his representative here." Her eyes show fear as I almost squash her as anger crosses my face.

  "Sorry." I say. "I'm sorry." She nods, and we dance in the silence between us.

  "So, who's his rep?" She shakes her head.

  "I am not sending him his death." She firmly believes I'll kill him.

  "Even if it's a stern talking too. Maybe a spanking for being bad." I get her smiling.


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