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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 19

by Pwyll Duggan

  "I won't kill him. I promise. Unless he tries to kill me." Her head tilts and she sighs.

  "Earl Bradford, Jonathon Bradford." Looks like a little light break and entering is in store, maybe some broken bones and room ransacking. And I wanted other fun times tonight.

  "How much do you need?"

  "Paul, no. I can do this.”

  "Or I can and therefore make both of you safer. And you can adopt Gabby so she's not so... broken." Her eyebrows go up at that.

  "Fine. I need 5000 Imperials to start."

  "Fine too. 10 thousand in my room tomorrow - talk to the Duke about arranging it. Don't use Trade Guild people. And that’s done." The music changes to something slow and the floor starts to empty. Dancing is hard work and needs many a drink to keep going and embarrassing yourself like that.

  I kiss the back of her hand and walk to the wall, leaning against it and do a two-finger salute to her. I pretend an elevator starts and fly up the wall, hand resting on it until a balcony comes up. I mime walking to it, floating across as I do so and walk out the rear door. Time to do some good instead of some girl.

  Yeah, that doesn't sound right.

  I race to my rooms, quick salute to the guards and enter. Rooms unlit again, fire roaring and Sonya's in my bed. Except that's not Sonya's dress on the end of the bed.

  That's Sara's. Seriously what is wrong with these people? Okay, it's flattering and all, but even I like the odd relationship to be more than casual. I pick up the dress as I walk past, tossing it on Sara's head.

  "Sorry, can't stay. Room to burgle, Earl to intimidated and evidence to find. You can have fun without me." Sara bolts upright in the bed, showing me the rest of what I only glimpsed tonight. No tan lines are new for this land. Nope, sorry, Sara.

  I start getting in gear, taking off my dancing clothes first as Sara casually stands next to me, still naked.

  "So, is this a solo burglary or can anyone attend?"

  "Clothes are not optional."

  "You are no fun sometimes Mr Walsh." She puts the dress over her head and shimmies it down.

  "I'm ready, what's taking you so long?" I give her the look and put on my boots, pants and the silk shirt. I redo my standard buff spells and add the Stats boosts to Sara. She flexes and grins.

  "Might have to keep you around. If only for that."

  "Thanks, Dear, you're too kind."

  I walk past Princess and get Doll to pick her up, Sara watching on.

  "Okay girls, let’s go break something." And we walk out the door. The guard raises a hand to ask and I cut her off.

  "If I don't tell you, you won't need to lie." She nods but continues.

  "And if you are attacked Lord Shielder?"

  "You think they will want to piss off Sara here?"

  "Valid point my Lord. Have a good Night." And she returns to attention as we leave.

  Chapter 29

  Sara's rubbing her ear as we turn the corner and into the marble halls of the palace, leaving the wood theme behind. That sets my senses on alert, the movement foreign to her. I spot a maid and walk over all smiles.

  "Sorry to disturb you, but I have a meeting with Earl Bradford. And I forgot to ask what room." She smiles.

  "Of course, Lord Shielder, I'll show you."

  She leads us up to the third floor and to a far set of rooms. We thank her, and she leaves. Luckily, he has no guards and I try the door. No luck.

  "Okay Doll, you're up."

  "I'm not your Doll, Paul."

  "Not you. Her." Vines creep down and out of my shirt sleeve and cover the door handle, sliding into the lock and door frame. The frame splits, lock intact and swings out as we quickly step inside, closing the door and Doll heals it all, wood sliding back into place. I explain.

  "Lock never opens this way, so hopefully no alarms." Sara nods at me again, rubbing that same ear again.

  "If I was and evil Earl, where would I hide the evidence." I mumble, walking around the side of Sara looking about. I have Princess open her eye, watching Sara. There's a dull glint from behind her ear, the one she rubs. Dam it, thought so. Try the old bluffaroo next.

  "You've got it wrong. He's an Earl. He doesn't need to hide anything." Sara is pointing to the desk, papers on top, messenger bag to the side. Fresh paper is on the writing board, ink fresh in the well, Quill well used. Yup, no operational security here. I sit on the chair and start browsing. It's a nice read, a little dry, it being mostly just numbers, names and occasionally targeted items. I think it needs a few more action scenes until I notice troops numbers for his own realm.

  "Sara, where is Earl Bradford's land located?"

  "West of the Wall mountain districts. About 100 miles West from when the mountains stop."

  "So close to Sumner lands?"

  "Yes, just over the mountains." Oh crap. I keep reading.

  Figures for supplies after a heavy winter. A winter with lots of water run-off into the valleys around the mountains. Run-off that floods rivers that a new Tradeway would not worry about and keep those lands supplied and therefore reinforced. He'll go over the mountains and attack each Barony on their own, wiping them all out.

  What to do? I promised not to kill.

  "Sara, put the poker in the fire and get it roaring. Leave the poker in it." She does so, and I add.

  "And don't tell the Princess okay, she doesn't need to hear the report straight away from you. Wait ‘til later." Her head pops up, eyes wide. Yeah, it worked again. Hate it when we are right.

  "It's not wha..."

  "Don't. Later."

  I read more and sit in silence. I try Doll out at copying the writing, and it works. We copy a few maps first, then all the notes as the door finally opens, after an hour or so of silence.

  Earl Jon is not alone, some young noble on his arm. He's a rugged man, square jawed, no beard. Mostly shaved and slicked back hair in the current fashion. The girl is young, pretty and seemingly willing. I get the impression of favours or money, as the passion's not there. He turns on the crystal lights, so that’s how it's done, and rocks back surprised. I just put a finger to my lips, hand on Princess at my side. Sara just pushes the door closed behind them.

  "I could have you killed for this." He starts, steel in his voice.

  I stand and go to the fire, pulling out the now red-hot poker. I swing it back and forth, then twirl it in my hands. He steps back.

  "That won't work on me, I won't tell you anything." The steel is getting weaker in his voice. I slowly raise the poker, putting it near his hand. He pulls his hand back from the heat. I grab his hand and he panics, stopping when I put the poker's handle in his hands, my hand just on the end.

  I help him lift it, holding out my palm, letting him put it closer. My skin starts sizzling, Sara and the woman gasping. Pain is starting to be a good friend, so I continue. I push hard, pushing the tip into my hand. His eyes are wide, hand trying to let go, smell getting to him and he gags. I keep pushing, the red-hot poker exiting the back of my hand and the young lady throws up on the floor, retching away. The Earl is struggling now, trying to let go. I push the poker almost all the way thru, ripping it back and letting him go. He falls, looking up at me in shock.

  I spin, throwing the poker so it embeds in the chimney, going in 5 inches deep. I turn back, hand still sizzling, smell of burnt flesh flooding the room. I hold up my hand, look thru the hole and say. "Heal" and watch as it covers over, and I flex my fingers hand all better.

  "You will leave tonight. You will never return unless I allow it. I will assume you, or whomever replaces you will still attack my friends. Know you and all yours will die. I WILL NOT FEEL YOUR PASSING as I eat your souls. Do I make myself clear?"

  The front of the Earls pants are wet and another foul smell enters the room. I move forward, the Earl flinching, opening the door for the young lady to run out, hand covering her mouth, stifling a scream. Sara is still and unmoving, jaw low. I take her arm and lead her out, closing the door and summoning Princess back. I put h
er on my back and slowly start walking back to my room. Sara is very slowly coming up behind me, not speaking. I sent a message and didn't kill anyone.

  We turn a hallway corner, back thru the guards and into the wooden Lodge. I confront Sara.

  "Hand it over." She unhooks the object from her ear and passes it to me. I hook it over my own ear, like a hearing aid or cordless headphones and touch it.

  "Send Marylou to my room and have someone come for Sara. She's in no condition to be alone." Someone starts to answer, surprise in their voice but I just hand it back and keep walking. Sara blindly follows.

  I get to my hallway to see the Twins, Mish and Marylou running up the stairs, armed to the teeth, followed by Charlotte. They see Sara walking in shock, unharmed and sort of drop their weapons some. Guards heads are rocking back and forth at the two groups, unsure of what to do.

  "Inside." I state and go open my door and walk in. Leaving it open.

  Sonya is there in her PJs, in a blanket by the fire. She bolts upright as more people enter, dashing for her quarters. I lay Princess on the wall by the door again and sit in chair. I wait as they all pile in, weapons away.

  I wave them to seats and couches, Sonya coming out mostly dressed, with cool drinks. Sara sits and the bed, Marylou's arm around her. She then glares at me.

  "What did you do." Marylou starts to scream at me and Sara grabs her leg, stopping her.

  "He used torture." All eyes shoot to me. Sara continues.

  "He used torture on himself and made the Earl watch." They all freeze, eyes all on me, shock and disgust in equal amounts.

  "It hurt a little, it was only a fire poker. And I healed it after they shat themselves and threw up. It got the point across." I pick up my drink, cold just like how I feel. Like anyone here could do it. Maybe I did go too far. No harm no foul, I could take it and heal. Still got 6 or so left for the next few hours. I bring my thoughts back to the topic on hand, looking at all the faces around me.

  Sonya is the only one to speak, little concern in her voice.

  "And you're fine right?" I hold up my hand, no sign of injury. I even hold up the other, just to make sure they get the point. My voice is way colder than it needs to be, but it's how I feel.

  "I've been stabbed, eaten, drowned, stomach ripped open, back flayed, dropped thru a building, run over by dead and had an amorphous being try to swallow me. That's without a daemon prince trying to skewer me with a rapier, more greenskins than you can count try and slice and dice me. Ogres pound me into the dirt. Without the slavery threats or fucking nobles dismissing me because I'm a commoner. And that’s all in the last week or so." They all remain quiet, so I continue.

  "This is getting old. I was brought here against my will. And I will do ANYTHING to keep my friends alive. Because frankly, that seems to be all I have left." I get up and go to Sara, kneeling before her.

  "I'm sorry you saw that. I'm sorry it affected you. You need to know. I'm a monster that fights monsters. I am sorry." I get up and go into the bathing room, shutting the door behind me.

  I strip off and wash down. Then climb into the constantly hot tub and lean back, away from the door. I try to doze but it doesn't work. Neither does letting my mind wander the cosmos, it keeps coming back to what I need to do. Fine, list it and get it done. Tomorrow Night Ones. Next day head Home, three days or so with the carriage. Activate the network near Kawaba, then check out the Lamia Village, using Sonya now, and find out what's going on. Build the fort, get the villages trained. And when winter falls, go hard on Earl Bradford's lands, kicking arse, taking names and seeing the Gaggle again. Not much of a plan, but it's a plan.

  That seems to put my mind more at rest and does make me feel better. Winter is going to be madly busy, but I can get things Beyond The Wall done and the Grove properly up and running, maybe see what can go up into the branches above the lake. I like the thought of that. I hear the door open.

  "A pitcher of drink would be great Sonya. Thanks again." The footfalls are wrong, too quiet.

  "If you need to talk, get in the tub. Otherwise, good night." I care not who it is, I'm not getting out of the tub.

  A tanned foot pokes the water and then Sara lowers herself in. She's still not looking well, but I guess she has a few questions. I lean back again and close my eyes. I feel her sit down and let the waters wave a little back and forth. She sits, the ripples die down and stop. Finally, she asks.


  "Because I can. Because it won't hurt others if I hurt myself. Because someone has to, and it might as well be me. And because I'm the monster of my own story."

  All I hear is her breathing.

  "I gave up everything to be who I am, but I am no match for you. I'm no longer worthy."

  With venom I go "Fuck that. Just get stronger." And open my eyes "You made yourself this amazing. Just get stronger."

  "I need to be 'upped' for that. And by Imperial Law I am already too powerful. Only nobles get to go beyond 10. So, I cannot be 'upped'."

  I open my eyes, look at her and grin evilly. She watches me careful as I lean forward and reach out with a finger, touching her forehead.

  "Oh dear, I just broke the law. Whatever shall we do?" as the hot tub glows white as the charge leaves my body, going into her.

  I can make monsters too.

  Chapter 30

  Breaking the law really get the blood pumping, as well as getting a great smile from Sara. She's looking at her hands with new light.

  "Make me proud my little monster." She looks over at me and her smile turns predatory. Before she can pounce, I block with both hands out.

  "Friends first, maybe that later okay. I need to rest and get my mind around everything. Okay?"

  "Really? A man giving up on sex."

  "True as that is, I need friends more. So, I know you're happy and you offered, but maybe later please. My minds not there."

  "Fine then, but I am not leaving."

  "Didn't say that."

  "Good because this hot tub is good."

  We both lean back and relax. After a while I get out and dry off, one of Sara's eyes following me. I leave the room as dripping water starts as she leaves the tub also. My rooms are empty again, Sonya nodding off on the bed. She stirs.

  "Gave Marylou the notes. Come to bed and keep me warm Chosen."

  "Make room then."


  And she rolls over, hugging a new teddy bear. That's me in armour, wood and green on my back with a little Princess poking over the back. She might have attachment issues. I crawl in as a naked dry Sara walks out and hops straight in as I do. She turns away from me and I snuggle to her, putting her as the small spoon, hands hugging but nothing else. I can feel her muscles relax and so do mine.

  I awake early as always, mind starts firing away as I wake. So, a level 10 limit apart from royal favourites. So normally no-one can level up people to make them a huge threat, like I am. Also, the favourites are tied to the crown, or whomever is in power. Shit. More problems and limits. Limits the bad guys in this case will not follow. Which of course means anyone level 10 will be after me, for sex or brains. Fun and games again.

  A normal, hehe normal, person needs 20k xp to get to level 20. 2k kills for them. From what I can remember is 4 or 5k for level ten. Still that’s 450 normal monsters. That's really a lot. I think the highest singular kill count in World War 2 was 200. That’s going to take some time to do without getting killed. By those odds maybe there are not so many of those. Maybe. Yeah, not with my luck and a war going on down south.

  The next problem is how to get out of bed. Sonya is draped over one side and Sara has wrapped her arms around mine on the other side. Decisions, decisions. Do I disturb the girl in PJs or the naked one? Yup. No choice there. I lean over and blow in Sara's ear. One eye pops open and she whispers.

  "You're mean."

  "Yup and getting out of bed. Move it." I roll over her, making sure not to hurt anything and head into the bathing room.

Washing up and splashing water on my face I look up into the mirror. Young me looks back, face smooth and soft. Apart from the eyes. Those brown eyes are now darker, deeper, showing my age. A smile creeps across my face. Save people and live my life Paul, I say to myself. My favourite quote from They Live scrolls thru my brain. 'I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick arse. And I'm all out of bubble gum.' Time to help some people.

  Armoured up and ready I stroll out to Sara in her dress, doing stretches and Sonya in her mail, checking her kukri's. I pass them by and wave a hand over at the wall, depositing 6 chests on the ground. 12k is good. That’s 13 spots free of extra coinage now, giving me 16 spots left in storage. Doll has my helm and Princess is on my back as the girls walk up behind me.

  "Time to go." I utter, and we leave.

  Outside sits the cavalry, Captain St James inspecting them, herself ready for war. I count 15 horseman and 5 fully armoured Centaurs. Being armoured I can only guess at their genders, the same with the mounted knights. This is a war party and it shows. No banners, no fancy shiny armour, laden packs and barding for all the mounts. Looking around I don't spot a spare horse. Rose looks down at me from on top of Rosie.

  "Not today Shielder, you get carriage duty." Pointing behind me. A bulky carriage pulls up, drawn by four large horses.

  Sara doesn't even hesitate and jumps onto the foot plate near the door, waiting for it to swing open. As it does, I see Marylou's head pop out, all decked in leather.

  "Your carriage awaits sir!" she says, Sara crawling in behind her, being received by a round of giggles and 'morning'. Sonya has already jumped up next to Marylou.

  "Seriously Captain." I get cut off.

  "Commander, Lord Shielder. It's Commander St James." My ideas are coming back to haunt me now. "

  Your ORDERS are to protect the Princess. DO I make myself clear?" she gets a two-finger salute.

  "Yes, ma'am. Can I gag them all for the trip?" gets me a few snickers from the troops, who get a glare from Rose. Most are patting the necks of their horses, pretending to calm them.


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