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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

Page 9

by Emma Shae

  “Well, Damon, I don’t see any reason in the world why Sasha would say, no. I know we’ve deceived her, and I don’t deny that it was all my fault, but I think that once she knows the whole truth, she will forgive you, especially if she loves you, and I think that Sasha loves you.”

  “I hope that you’re right, grams, I don’t know how I will handle it if she turns me down. I can’t blame her if she says no, but I sure hope that she can find a way to say yes, and let me spend the rest of my life, making it up to her.”



  I slowly opened my eyes as I felt soft kisses tickle my throat and then make their way around to my ear. Damon then began to kiss me with more urgency. His touch was no longer gentle and light, and his voice became husky and filled with desire as he said, “I need you.”

  Damon then slipped my negligee up over my head, filling me with a sudden rush of passion that was heated and uncontrollable. Damon’s breathing was throaty, and his nostrils gently flared, as he whispered in my ear, “You are so beautiful.”

  Damon then slid his hand down the center of my back and pulled me closer to him. I immediately felt his hot skin as it burned against mine. He continued to caress my shoulders as he slowly slipped my underwear down from over my hips, and I eagerly helped him shove them from my body. When our bodies met, Damon moaned softly, and my breathing became more intense, too, as I felt my heart racing.

  When Damon started to move inside of me, I felt as though I was floating on a sea of ecstasy, and I never wanted it to end. After several minutes of ultimate bliss, we climaxed together, and when I relaxed against Damon’s chest, I felt his heartbeat, and I could hear his breathing as it slowly returned to a steady pace once more.

  When I felt Damon shift slightly, I thought that he was getting up, and I started to rise too, but he only rolled on his side, pulling me with him. We were now both on our side, facing each other. Damon slowly drew back from me, and as he looked deeply into my eyes, he said, I love you more than life itself. Marry me and make me the happiest man alive.

  I smiled at him and was about to say yes, when I heard Trenton, whimpering softly.

  I woke then and quickly realized that I was only dreaming, again, but I recalled it so vividly. I smiled because I remembered every luscious second of it, even though it was only in my mind.

  “Okay, precious, I’m awake. I guess it’s time for me to change that diaper and feed you your breakfast. Next time, could you wait just five more minutes and let mommy finish her dream?”

  Sasha smiled as she remembered the special moments in her dream, which she had just spent in the arms of the man that she loved. She felt a hot rush of emotion almost take her breath away and smiled again.

  After Sasha had finished diapering Trenton, she sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of her room to nurse him. It had now been five weeks and five days since Sasha delivered Trenton. She had been anxiously counting the days during her healing process post-pregnancy.

  Sasha could hardly wait for her six weeks to be up so that she could physically be with Damon in every aspect.

  He had come to visit with her every single day since the day she had Trenton. Damon had been the ultimate gentleman, though, only allowing his lips to touch her forehead and his hands to touch her shoulders barely. It was evident to Sasha that he was fighting hard not to ravage her, as she was him.

  The two of them had spent several hours together, and during that time, they had gotten to know one another a lot better. They had shared many thoughts and ideas, and Sasha was convinced that Damon loved her. However, he still hadn’t said the words to her out loud.

  Sasha thought that he was keeping something from her, and it was something that bothered him deeply. She felt that he wanted to get it off his chest, but Damon just didn’t know how to tell Sasha.

  Sasha had tried several times to encourage Damon to let his feelings go, but so far, whatever was troubling him was still on his mind.

  “Only three more days, Trenton, and your Daddy, and I can be together again. Doctor Bland said that I would be completely well in six weeks, and that is only three days away. I feel like I’m 100% and I can’t wait to be in your daddy’s arms again. I’ve been dreaming about him a lot lately. I adore playing with that little curl on the side of his forehead that he hates so much, and I love looking into those deep green eyes and being swept away by them. You have that same little curl forming on your forehead too, little man, and I love it. I’m sure that you will hate it too when you get older, but I can assure you, the girls are just going to love it.”

  As Sasha continued to rock, holding Trenton close to her breast, she said, “If I close my eyes, Trenton, I can even smell his cologne.”

  “Well, if you open your eyes, you can see him. That is if I am the one that you are referring to, and I hope that I'm right.”

  Damon was standing directly in front of Sasha when she opened her eyes, and he smiled down at her. Sasha immediately felt a hot rush fill her cheeks, as embarrassment threatened to overtake her. Damon had caught her thinking about him, out loud. Sasha then rushed to hide her breast because, for some reason, she felt that she needed to cover them, even though Damon had seen them many times.

  Damon saw the blush in Sasha’s cheeks, and his smile widened. Sasha could not help but smile back at Damon, and then her dimple in her chin, that Damon adored so much, became prominent. That dimple always appeared when Sasha was embarrassed or caught off guard for any reason.

  “I came by this morning to see how you were feeling, and if you were maybe up to going out. I thought that if you felt like it, we might go to the movies or out to eat.”

  “I feel good today, and I would love to go out with you, Damon. Whatever you would like to do is fine with me.”

  Sasha did not mention that her six weeks post-delivery were up today, but neither did Damon. She could tell from the sparkle in his eyes that Damon knew, and had been counting the days as well.

  “Good. I’ve already checked with Vita, and she said that she would love to watch Trenton for us, so we can take our time and enjoy our evening together.”

  Sasha immediately keyed in on the fact that Damon was ready to resume their relationship together. She couldn’t wait. Sasha had dreamed about this moment and anticipated their union for a long time. Sasha could feel her heart racing because she was ready to spend some intimate time with Damon. She had missed being with him and craved his touch again.

  “Great, that sounds good to me. I trust Vita completely. I’ll get a couple of bottles ready for her for later. Trenton usually eats every two hours. Two bottles should be enough to last until the morning feeding at 2:00 AM.”

  Sasha wanted to let Damon know that she was ready to be with him and couldn’t wait to have his lips on hers, and her body pressed against his.

  “I know that you haven’t been out since having the baby, so I took the liberty of picking up something for you to wear. I’ll have it brought over for you later. If it doesn’t fit right, or you would like something else, just let Vita know, and I’ll send something else.”

  Sasha was so excited. She was getting a new outfit, but most importantly, she was going to be with Damon again. Sasha couldn’t wait for their evening to begin.

  Damon bent and gave her his usual chaste kiss, then smiled and excused himself, saying, “I have a meeting that I have to attend that will last about three hours or so. It should be over by about 4:00. I’ll call you when it is over, so you’ll know when I’m heading back this way. Will that give you enough time to get ready?

  “Yes, sure, I’ll be ready to go when you get here.”

  Vita arrived with the outfit that Damon had chosen for her. The dress was gorgeous. It was a deep green color and cut rather low.

  Vita smiled as she placed the outfit on the end of Sasha’s bed, saying, “You are going to look splendid in this, Ms. Sasha. I’m sure that you will love it, but if it doesn’t fit right, just let me know, and I�
�ll tell Mr. Damon so that he can exchange it for something else. He also had some matching shoes sent over. I’ll just leave the shoes here on the floor at the end of your bed.”

  “Damon said that you could watch Trenton for us tonight. I hope that isn’t an inconvenience for you.”

  “Oh no, I’m happy to watch the little one. I love playing with the little man. I’ll take his bassinet into my room later, and then put him down for the night, so he can just stay with me overnight. You and Mr. Damon enjoy your night together and don’t worry about Trenton. You can trust me and enjoy your night together.”

  “I’ll extract enough milk for Trenton for the night and tomorrow morning so that you won’t run out. I’ll put it in the big refrigerator in the kitchen downstairs to make it more convenient for you. Again, thank you so much for watching him for me.”

  “I love that baby and would do anything for him.”

  “You’re so sweet for saying that, Vita.”

  “Don’t worry about the baby Ms. Sasha. I’ll take good care of baby Trenton. You and Mr. Damon go out and have a wonderful time.”

  Sasha smiled and said, “I fully intend to, Vita. Thank you for everything.”



  As Sasha dressed in the lovely green dress that Damon had bought for her, she took her time, paying attention to the little details. She wanted to look her best for their first night back together.

  The dress fit her perfectly. It was almost as if Damon had measured every inch of her body and gotten everything just right.

  Sasha had been diligent in her efforts to watch her weight while she was pregnant. She was now confident that she had regained most of her previous shape back, and she was proud of all of her hard work.

  Sasha knew that she still had a little of her baby weight, but the outfit that Damon had chosen for her hid all of the small flaws that she thought she had.

  Sasha slipped on the green high heeled shoes with the shiny glow that Damon had chosen for her, and then she matched up a necklace and earrings from her jewelry box.

  After arranging her hair long blonde hair on top of her head, Sasha patted her cheeks with a light pink blush, applied mascara to her eyelashes, and chose a clear shiny lip gloss. Sasha was a naturally beautiful woman and usually did not bother with makeup at all, but she wanted to make her first night out with Damon, a special one.

  After she finished dressing, fixing her hair, and applying her makeup, Sasha stood in front of the full-length mirror that was in her room and nodded her head. Sasha felt that she had accomplished the look that she was aiming for and smiled.

  Sasha looked at the clock on her nightstand and realized that it was time to let Vita know that she was dressed and ready to go on her date with Damon.

  As Sasha walked downstairs, she was a little surprised to see that Damon was sitting in the living room having coffee with Vanessa.

  “Are you early, or am I late?”

  “Well, I am a little early. The meeting did not take as long as I assumed that it would. You look splendid.”

  Once Sasha was at the bottom of the stairs, she turned, showing Damon the outfit that he had chosen for her.

  Damon’s eyes widened as he assessed how lovely Sasha looked. Having a baby had only accented her attributes. Sasha was now even more beautiful, more…..womanly than she was before. Damon couldn’t wait for their evening to begin.

  Sasha smiled as she saw the approving look on Damon's face. She knew that he was pleased with his choice of outfits, as well as his choice of companions for the evening.

  “Our reservation isn’t until 7:00,” he said, “but I thought that we could take in a few sights to kill the extra time if that is alright by you.”

  “That sounds great. I just need to let Vita know that Trenton is asleep in his bed upstairs, and then I’ll be ready to go.”

  Vanessa then spoke up, saying, “You two go ahead. I’ll let Vita know that you’re leaving, and that Trenton is asleep upstairs. I’ll be checking in on him myself too. Don’t worry about Trenton. Between Vita and me, Trenton will probably get more attention that he wants.”

  Sasha laughed.

  Vanessa then said, “Damon is always early. You’ll learn with time that is a fetish of his.”

  Sasha smiled, hearing Vanessa say the words, ‘with time.’ She hoped that meant that Damon intended to spend more time with Sasha, which made her incredibly happy.

  Damon looked down at his watch and said, “Well, Vanessa, I guess we’ll go ahead and head out. I’ll just tell Thomas to drive slowly.”

  Vanessa said, “You two have a great time together, and don’t worry about Trenton. He will be fine. Between Vita and I, I’m sure that we can entertain him until tomorrow.”

  Vanessa then gave Sasha a wink, which gave her the impression that Vanessa was giving her approval for them to stay out as long as they desired. Sasha was glad that Vanessa and Damon were getting along so well. Sasha considered Vanessa an excellent judge of character, and she had always seemed to like Damon. Now seeing that wink fortified her feeling that she was right.

  Damon escorted Sasha to the limo and waited while she climbed inside. Damon then walked around to the driver’s side of the car and whispered to Thomas, “Drive slowly. Our reservations are at Steak N Ale for seven o: clock.”

  Thomas smiled and then nodded his head that he understood. After Damon climbed in the back seat with Sasha, Thomas slowly drove away from the mansion.

  Damon had planned this night around the fact that tonight was the night that he was going to confess to Sasha who he was. Damon was going to tell her not only who he was, but about his family as well. He couldn’t put it off any longer. Damon was going to swear to Sasha that he would never keep another secret from her again, and he hoped that she would be able to understand why Vanessa had asked him to go along with her deception.

  Vanessa had begged Damon to keep the family secret, and he had done as she asked. Now, with the change of their family dynamic, Vanessa had agreed with him that it was finally time to let Sasha know the truth and end all the deceit.

  Damon was happy to discontinue the secrets because he had never enjoyed keeping Sasha in the dark about his heritage or anything else.

  As Thomas slowly drove the couple around town, looking at all of the scenic sights, taking in all of the scenery and lights around them, Damon drew a deep breath and began to speak.

  “Sasha, I have something that I need to say to you. It’s something that I’ve put off telling you far too long.”

  Before Damon was able to explain himself, Sasha placed a finger over his lips, silencing him.

  Then Sasha said, “Before you make your confession to me, Damon, I would like to share something with you first, and I need to say it while I’m brave enough to get it off my chest. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this, and I’ve given it a great deal of thought. I need you to know that I care for you deeply, and I hope that you feel the same way about me. I’ve tried to convince myself that the reason why I’m attracted to you is because of our baby, but I know now, that isn’t true. Being away from you has made me realize how much I have missed you. Just being around you again has awakened that fire in me that faded while we were apart. No one else has ever brought me to life, the way that you did, and I’ve not desired to be with anyone else since you last held me in your arms. While I was pregnant, you were the only thing that I had on my mind. I could see your beautiful green eyes staring at me, and I could feel your hands on my body. I longed for your touch, and I needed to feel your lips on mine. I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same way about me that I feel about you, but I needed you to know. If you don’t have feelings for me, please tell me, and I’ll not embarrass either one of us any further.”

  Sasha then fell silent, and after several silent seconds, Damon began to smile, “Sasha, I have to say, you have overwhelmed me with your openness, but I’m so glad that you told me how you feel about me. I care a lot about you,
too, more than I have cared for any woman for a very long time.”

  Damon then hesitated for a few seconds before continuing. After clearing his throat, he said, “I lost someone very precious to me several years ago, and it has taken me this long to get over the heartbreak of that loss. I was married to a beautiful woman that I loved with all of my heart. We had only been married for two years when she became pregnant with our first child. We took a sea cruise to celebrate our happy news, and while we were at sea, a freak accident took my wife and my unborn child from me. I didn’t think that I would ever get over that loss. I went into a deep depression after that, and I shut myself off from everything and everyone. I descended to the point of not caring if I lived or died. Vanessa could see me falling deeper into darkness, and she felt that she had to draw me away from that dark place. She gave me back my desire to live again when she introduced me to you. It was not an accident that we met. Vanessa chose you to be with me in the hopes that you could revive my desire to live, and you did just that for me. Not only did my desire to live return to me, my desire to love returned as well. I love you, Sasha, and I’m so happy that you love me too. I have had plenty of time to see that we need to be together, and I want you to be my wife, but there is a secret about me that I have to share with you. If you can find it in your heart to forgive my dishonesty and we can work through the lies, maybe you will say yes to my marriage proposal. Vanessa and I have been keeping a secret from you since the first day I met you. She originally made me promise not to tell you, and I kept my promise to her, though it was hard to carry out. We have since discussed it at length, and both of us have agreed that it's time to be honest and stop keeping secrets from you. Sasha, you need to know that Vanessa is much more than just a friend to me. We have a strong family connection. Vanessa is my grandmother, and Emry was my brother.”

  Sasha was surprised hearing that Damon and Emry were brothers because they were nothing alike. She now understood, though, why Vanessa had seemed so motherly toward Damon. She had always appeared to have some type of personal interest in him, and now it all made sense.


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