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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

Page 10

by Emma Shae

  After several seconds of complete silence, Damon said, “Say something, Sasha. I can understand if you’re angry with me or if you don’t ever want to see me again, but please don’t hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you, Damon, I could never hate you, and I’m not mad at you for anything. I know why Vanessa did what she did. I also understand why she chose you to father her grandchild. Vanessa is a very wise lady. She knew that the only way to return you to humanity was to use your family honor. Vanessa hoped to convince you to father a child, and then, hopefully, forcing you into fatherhood would also jolt you back to reality. Your grandmother did what she did because she loves you. I can’t possibly be angry with her for loving you and doing all that she could to save you. The only secret I can see that you have withheld from me is the fact that you love me. That is if I heard you right. I can’t possibly be angry with you for that. Finding out that you love me makes me the happiest person in the world.”

  Sasha inched across the back seat of the limo until she was able to reach Damon’s side. Once she was close enough, Sasha slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. Damon then pulled her even closer as he enfolded her within his embrace. They could feel each other’s heartbeat as they looked deep into each other's eyes. Then Damon bent low and kissed Sasha, a long, slow, lingering kiss. Sasha felt like every inch of her tingled as she responded to Damon’s caress. She had missed his touch, the smell of him, and every aspect of him. Sasha couldn’t take in all of the feelings that came flooding over her. Damon made her feel weak just touching her, while at the same time, strong enough to want to hold him in this embrace forever, never letting him go.

  Damon realized at that moment that he should have told Sasha how he felt about her much sooner. He should have never kept secrets from her about his true feelings for her. Damon had let too much time pass without telling Sasha that he loved her. Damon gathered Sasha closer, and then their lips met again. They savored each other as they kissed, gently, and with such passion. Just as they were about to become oblivious to their surroundings, Thomas spoke.

  “Mr. Lockheed, do we intend to make the dinner reservation, or should I return to the estate?”

  Both Sasha and Damon laughed. They had both been so engrossed in one another, they had all but forgotten about Thomas. They were happy just being together again.

  Sasha spoke first, saying, “I’m getting a little bit hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.”

  Then Damon smiled as he bent down and nibbled on her neck, saying, “I’m hungry too, but only for you.”

  Thomas cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him. Damon instantly responded, saying, “You can take us to the restaurant, Thomas, Sasha said that she needs sustenance.”

  Sasha snuggled closer to Damon while Thomas drove them to Steak and Ale. The passion would have to wait for now. Eat food first, and then they could devour each other later.



  All through dinner, Sasha and Damon couldn’t take their eyes off of one another. They were alone in a room full of people. No one else seemed to exist for them. They only had eyes for one another. They slowly ate as if they had all the time in the world. They were in no hurry to eat. They were able to enjoy each other once again, and they wanted to savor their time together.

  They were just finishing up their meal when staring straight into green eyes, Sasha said, “The answer is yes.”

  Damon knew what Sasha was answering, but he wanted her to say it. “Just what are you saying yes to? That you had a lovely evening, perhaps, or that you are saying yes, that you enjoyed my company. You could even be saying yes that the meal you just ate was delicious. So, my lady, could you possibly be more specific about what you’re saying yes to?”

  “I would love to marry you, Mr. Damon Lockheed, today, tomorrow, next week, next year, whenever you’re ready because I don’t want to rush you. I love you, and I will wait for you just as long as it takes.”

  “Wow, I think that is a reverse role, isn’t it? I think the man is supposed to be the one to say I’ll wait for you forever if it takes that long.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m saying it to the man I love and want to be with for the rest of my life. So, do you take this woman for your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I don’t need to wait any longer, Sasha, I’ve waited too long already. I should have been the one that you married in the first place, instead of my brother. If I would have been thinking straight, that is what would have happened. I just thank God that grams forced me into being a parent when she did. I could have lost you forever, and then I don’t know where I would be right now. Most likely, I would be passed out in some bar someplace, drinking my ass off or maybe even dead. You have brought me back to life, and for that, I not only love you, but I owe you everything, and I promise to work at thanking you for that for the rest of my life.”

  "I don't think that you owe me anything, Damon, but I will let you work at loving me any time you like.”

  “Maybe we could start on that part tonight unless, of course, you would like some dessert.”

  When Sasha smiled, her frisky dimple showed up, giving away her ultimate desire. “I’m completely stuffed, how about you?”

  Damon smiled back, and with a twinkle in his eye, he said, “The only sweet thing I desire tonight is you. How about I call Thomas and we get out of here.”

  “I think a hotel room is in order. Maybe I can serve your dessert to you there.”

  “That sounds like a great idea to me.

  The DECEIT Series Book 3

  The Ultimate DECEIT

  The Ultimate DECEIT


  Damon has finally confessed to Sasha, who he really is, and when he asks her to marry him, she readily agrees. However, a threat to Damon’s loved one's delays their plans for a future together.

  Vanessa reveals secrets that she regrettably must expose to protect her family, but what does one do when an unlimited supply of money isn’t enough to sate an insatiable desire for more? How do you protect the ones you love? Betrayal, passion, lies and DECEIT ensues......














  After Damon and Sasha enjoyed a relaxing meal at Sasha’s favorite restaurant, they were both ready for some intimate time together.

  It had now been six weeks since Sasha gave birth to Trenton, and her doctor had cleared her for sexual intercourse. She couldn’t wait to be in Damon’s arms again.

  Damon called Thomas, their Limo driver, to let him know that they were ready to leave. Thomas was waiting for them when they stepped outside, and Damon instructed him, "Take us to The Elegante Hotel, Thomas. We have reservations there for tonight."

  Sasha smiled when she heard Damon say the name of the hotel that he had chosen for them. The Elegante wasn't just any hotel. It was the hotel where Sasha had conceived their son, Trenton.

  After Damon slide into the back seat of the Limo beside Sasha, he smiled, making it evident to her that he felt the same way about the hotel, and had intentionally made their reservation there for that reason.

  After arriving at their hotel, Damon grabbed a small suitcase from the trunk of the Limo and told Sasha, "We have room #222. I have the card key already so we can go on up."

  Damon had even reserved the same room from their intimate rendezvous meeting. How special that he had not only remembered the hotel, but he had remembered the room number too. An even bigger smile crossed Sasha's face.

  Once they were in their room, Damon opened the suitcase that
he had brought with him. Inside, there was a lovely vintage bottle of wine, two wine glasses, and a beautiful red negligee.

  "Well, I'll bet that you will look lovely in that little red number you have there. I'll just have the wine, thank you," Sasha said as she slowly held her wine glass up for Damon to fill for her.

  Damon obliged Sasha by pouring her a glass full, and then he poured one for himself as well, laughing as he said, “Perhaps, but I think that it would look much nicer on you.”

  Sasha laughed as she savored a few sips of her wine then said, "You might be right about that. Besides, I prefer you naked anyway."

  Sasha turned and sat down on the edge of the bed. She took another sip from her wine glass, and then she slowly placed it on the nightstand beside the bed. Sasha then gracefully slipped her green high-heeled shoes off, looking just too sexy for words. Damon couldn't take her teasing any longer, or her pouting lips daring him to possess them, so he obliged.

  Damon placed his wine glass beside Sasha’s and sat down on the bed beside her. Then he slowly guided her backward onto the bed.

  Huskily Damon whispered into Sasha’s ear, "Are you sure that you're well enough for this. I know the doctor said to wait six weeks after having the baby, but that was just his estimate. If you're not ready, you know I can wait."

  "I don't want to wait any longer, Damon. I’m ready now, and I need you to make love to me. "

  Damon’s lips then gently parted Sasha’s, pulling her further into the intimacy that he offered. Sasha had craved the taste of Damon's lips and his hands on her body for so long. Now, even clothed, Damon was able to uncoil the deep heat that Sasha had pent up inside. She wanted to feel Damon's manhood inside of her. Sasha needed it.

  She needed to feel his flesh next to hers, so Sasha scrambled to get her dress off and couldn't throw it on the floor fast enough. Sasha then unbuttoned Damon's shirt so that she could feel his skin, warm and firm. Damon swiftly released Sasha's bra, and then he flung it to the floor. Now Sasha could feel his flesh next to hers, and it was tantalizing. The smell of his manliness was intoxicating to her. Sasha quickly unbuckled Damon's belt, and then he helped her to remove his shirt, and he tossed them onto the floor as well.

  Damon stood only long enough to remove his pants and briefs, giving Sasha time to discard her panties. When Damon returned to Sasha, he rolled on top of her, being cautious with his movements, but Sasha didn't want that. She needed his driving desire to overtake him. Sasha wanted to be ravaged by Damon with unbridled passion.

  Damon could feel Sasha's desire and answered her need with his own. As Damon began to fill her, Sasha felt more pleasure than she could have ever imagined. When Damon started to move inside of her, Sasha was not prepared for the satisfaction that it brought her. Damon was thrusting deeply into her, and it carried Sasha over the edge into the most sublime ecstasy she had ever experienced. Damon felt a most pleasing sensation as well that continued to flow through him until he received his own fulfillment several moments later.

  Months of pent up emotions exploded between the two of them as they satisfied one another's needs repeatedly. When they were both completely sated, exhaustion began to overtake them.

  Wrapped in one another's arms, they watched as the early morning hours started to creep in, then they both slowly drifted off to sleep.



  Sasha and Damon had been living under a misconception for almost a year when Damon confessed to Sasha that his name was Damon Lockheed, and Vanessa was his grandmother. After Sasha was finally able to sort through all of the confusion and deception, she found that she still loved Damon. With the truth out in the open, Damon felt he could ask Sasha to marry him, and when he did, she said yes.

  After Sasha’s father, John Mason, lost his wife, Elise, only six months earlier, he started drinking heavily. Sasha knew that her father couldn’t take another personal hit and feared that he would step off the deep end if that happened. With his business failing, John continued to sink lower, and his drinking worsened. Sasha was afraid that she was about to lose her father forever.

  Sasha decided to drop out of college, even though she would lose her full scholarship. Her father needed her help, so she got a job to help out her dad. However, waitressing at a local burger joint didn’t earn enough money to pay their bills. When Sasha saw Vanessa’s ad in their local newspaper, she jumped on it.

  Vanessa had advertised for an inhome hospice care no experience required, and the pay was exceptional. Sasha answered the ad, thinking that it was for a job to care for an elderly person. After meeting Vanessa, though, she was shocked to learn that Vanessa was looking for not only a person to care for Emry, who was not elderly but her thirty-five-year-old grandson dying of cancer. Vanessa was also looking for him a wife.

  With Emry dying, he was physically unable to provide an heir. Vanessa feared the Lockheed family lineage would disappear with Emry since the only other male family member was Damon, Emry’s younger brother.

  However, Damon’s current state of mind rendered him out as a possibility. Vanessa knew that Damon would probably never remarry and most definitely not want a child.

  Vanessa planned to deceive Damon into stepping up and fathering the child. To carry out her plan, though, she had to make Damon believe that Emry’s deathbed wish was to have a child of Lockheed lineage. The only person that could fulfill that wish was Damon.

  Emry explained to Damon that he would claim the child as his own, alleviating Damon’s fears of becoming a father and facing the concerns of that position.

  Vanessa had promised Emry that if he married Sasha, she would give him his full inheritance and relocate him to an undisclosed island where he planned to live out his last days.

  That would leave Sasha and her infant alone, for which Vanessa had faith that Damon would step up once again, if not for love, perhaps for the sake of the family and marry Sasha, making the baby legally a Lockheed.

  However, Vanessa never trusted Emry to follow through, so she arranged for a fake preacher to perform the wedding ceremony, bedside. Then she never had the documents legalized. That way, Emry would have no claim to the baby.

  Vanessa knew that she was taking a big chance that Damon would do the right thing, but she had faith in Damon.

  All along, Vanessa wanted Damon’s name on the birth certificate, but to do that, she had to get Damon to marry Sasha.

  Vanessa had handpicked Sasha as a mate for Damon, hoping that Damon would fall in love with her. Vanessa loved Sasha and felt that if Damon would only allow himself time to get to know her, he would love her too.

  Damon told his brother that he would father a child for him, so Vanessa arranged for their first intimate meeting. Thankfully their first sexual session together went well, and Damon told Vanessa that he was not averse to seeing Sasha again. However, Damon’s enthusiasm level was not where Vanessa had hoped that it would be.

  When Damon arranged for the sea cruise, though, things began to look up. Vanessa’s hopes began to heighten. Damon hadn’t been on the yacht since the accident that took his wife, Carma, and their unborn child from him. The fact that Damon wanted to take Sasha out to sea gave Vanessa hope that he was healing, and maybe the two of them could have a possible future together.

  From the start of their relationship, Vanessa had allowed Damon to believe that once he fathered the child, he would be free to go his separate way. While the couple was away on their cruise, Sasha found out that she was pregnant. However, that news only succeeded in pushing Damon away entirely. Vanessa did not realize that Damon was trying to be respectful of his brother. After all, Sasha was his brother’s wife.

  For several weeks after Sasha’s announcement that she was pregnant, Damon did not see or speak to Sasha. Sadly, those weeks turned into months.

  Sasha understood that the sexual relationship that she had enjoyed with Damon was only temporary. She was under contract with Vanessa to stay away from the Lockheed family once she
became pregnant. Sasha believed that Damon had feelings for her, though, and hoped that he would attempt to contact her, but sadly, he did not.

  After Emry left with his money to the island, Damon still did not try to contact Sasha. So, when she received word from Emry’s lawyer that Emry had passed away and Damon still did not contact her, Sasha gave up. Sasha believed that Damon had forgotten about her and wanted nothing more to do with her. Thinking Damon had forgotten about her hurt Sasha more than she realized because she had fallen in love with him.

  In her last weeks of pregnancy, Sasha had a fainting spell. Her blood sugar had bottomed out, and she passed out. After calling the ambulance, Vanessa called Damon, and he came to Sasha’s aid. Sasha was out, though, and never knew that he was by her side during her time of crisis.

  Sasha went into early labor from the incident and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

  Vanessa was unaware that Sasha had not contacted Damon because she had no way of communicating with him, except through her. Vanessa had been the one that had set up all of their liaisons, and Damon had never told Sasha his information. Sasha never even knew Damon’s last name as long as they had seen one another.

  Sasha felt that since Damon had not contacted her after Vanessa voided their contract and Emry passed away, then he must not feel the same way about her that she felt about him. Sasha hesitated to ask Vanessa for Damon’s contact information after that because she did not want to appear wanton.


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