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Fembot Factory

Page 2

by Alyson Belle

  By the time that his wife came into sight, it appeared to be a pretty logical conclusion in the scheme of things. He had convinced himself that it all made sense. That was, until he saw Claire. Surely if the world had come to its gory end, she wouldn’t look exactly the same as she had the last time that he had seen her, which to his recollection was only the previous day.

  “Well, well, well,” she said. She was dressed immaculately; a pair of tailored jeans hugged her legs, a tank top flared out at the waist and highlighted her cleavage, and she wore a pair of expensive boots. It was the type of outfit that she wore when he took her on holidays – though that hadn’t happened for quite some time. “What do we have here?”

  “Claire? What is going on?” He bit back a sigh at hearing his voice again.

  Claire walked over to one of the computer monitors. She began keying something into the system. William couldn’t see what it was.

  “Claire?” He tried again. Maybe she didn’t realize that it was him. He didn’t look like himself, after all. “Something is wrong. I’m not a Fembot. I’m Will.”

  To his surprise, his wife laughed. It was colder than her usual laugh. Actually, it came out sounding more like a cackle than anything else. “Oh, I know who you are, my dear sweet husband.”

  Will felt his blood go cold. His heart started to race at the implication behind Claire’s words. “What is going on?” He asked again.

  “I was just thinking, since you think that it’s no big deal to simulate real people’s minds and stick them in robot bodies, you might like to see what it’s like for yourself.” Claire stepped away from the monitor and over to the glass containment unit. The door shifted open with a gentle buzzing sound and she stepped in. She walked in, her eyes roaming up and down his newly feminine form. “Yes, I’m quite happy with this outcome. What do you think?”

  “What do I think?” Will could hardly believe his ears. Had his wife lost her mind? “Is this some kind of joke?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a joke, Will,” Claire said. She looked him dead in the eye, her blue eyes flashing menacingly. “I’ve to say, I’m a bit sad that this isn’t quite like punishing you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, you are only a copy of Will. While my real husband slept, I downloaded his consciousness and made a copy of it. That, my dear, would be you.”

  It took a second for him to grasp what Claire was saying. His thoughts were racing. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice calm. “You did this? You put me in this android’s body?”

  The smirk that appeared on his wife’s face told Will everything that he needed to know. She was triumphant. “I mean, it’s not really you. I’ve to admit that part sucks. But the rest of it works pretty well, do not you think?”

  “Are you crazy?” Will snapped. “Why are you doing this?”

  Claire rolled her eyes. “I’ve already answered that question. I decided it was time that you had a taste of your own medicine. Do not worry though; I’ll be giving the real William a full report of all of your experiences when he gets back from China.”

  Will’s head was spinning. He thought about what she was saying. According to Claire, he wasn’t even the real Will. He wasn’thing more than a copy. He didn’t feel like a copy, though. He felt like the real Will. He had the same thoughts and feelings and memories as he had had his whole life. He didn’t feel like a simulated version of himself at all.

  Still, he had to admit that it all felt oddly real. The body that he was in and the things that it felt were very much real – despite the silicon skin and the silky smooth hair, both of which were softer than a real person’s could ever be. He had built the company. He knew all about the fact that his Fembots had self-lubricating attachments and huge, false robot breasts. That meant that he now had those features on his own body.

  Will could feel his anger starting to rise, like acrid bile coming from somewhere deep within him. “How dare you?!” He yelled at Claire.

  Unfortunately for Will, his usually foreboding and intimidating stance when he rose his voice was gone. He didn’t even have height on his side anymore. Claire stared at him for the longest moment before the corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she tried not to smile. She didn’t seem to be able to hold it back though. She burst out laughing.

  “Am I supposed to take you seriously with that voice?” She asked, still laughing. She wiped beneath her left eye where she had laughed so hard that it had started to water. “I mean, seriously?”

  William had never hit his wife before but he was filled with so much rage that he advanced towards her. He had closed the few steps between himself and Claire in moments. As he raised his hand, ready to strike her, Claire raised her eyebrows.

  “Stop,” she ordered. He froze in place. He furrowed his brows, confused, and tried to move forward. He found that he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried to. His hand was frozen in midair, ready to slap Claire across the face, and he tried to move it but he couldn’t. “Do not forget that the Fembots are programmed to obey my every order, William.”

  Claire closed that last step, her face inches from his. They were level now. He no longer towered over her small frame. They were practically equal. His wife proved that thought wrong almost as soon as he had thought it.

  “Now, you are going to sit in your room like a good little girl and do whatever I like. Do you understand?”

  His every thought was fighting but his body had ideas of its own. His arm lowered itself and, with his hands at his sides, he walked over to his bed. He sat down on the edge of it and folded his hands neatly over his lap. He waited there, looking up at Claire. Inside, he was simmering, but he no longer had any control over his physical actions. He could only do what he was told to do.

  “That’s much better. You will never raise your hand to me again, do you understand?” Claire smiled at him but her smile was devoid of any and all kindness. She didn’t wait for an answer – they both knew that Will had no choice in the matter. “I’ve decided that I want you to think of yourself as a woman from this moment onwards. What shall we call you?”

  William didn’t respond. Something weird had changed inside, though. Suddenly, she could no longer think of herself as a man. The programming of the Fembot had changed. Claire wanted her to think of herself as a woman and the Fembot had reprogrammed itself. Her memory banks had been edited.

  “How about Jasmine? You kind of have a princess vibe about you.” Claire walked towards him. She reached out and traced her thumb across the contours of the Fembot’s jaw and Will shuddered in response. The Fembot was still unable to move, bound by Claire’s orders to sit down like a good girl. “Yes. From now on, you are to think of yourself as a woman named Jasmine. William no longer exists.”

  This time, Jasmine felt the changes. It was almost as though a switch had been flicked on somewhere deep within her system. She was a woman named Jasmine.

  The part of her that still belonged to Will – basically her entire history – was trying to fight but she was unable to let him return to the forefront of her system. All she had now were the mere memories of what it was like to be a man. She was fuming where she sat and she could only wonder what exactly her wife had planned for her.

  “There, now. That’s better, isn’t it?” Claire asked. Her voice was far more condescending. Jasmine couldn’t believe that this was the same woman. “Answer me, Fembot. What is your name?”

  Through pursed lips, Jasmine spoke. She could hear the anger in her voice as it quivered. “My name is Jasmine.”

  “And what are you?”

  “I’m a woman.”

  Claire didn’t say anything more. She grinned and turned away from Jasmine. She made her way out of the glass unit and then out of the lab without glancing back, leaving Jasmine sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Chapter 3

  Jasmine didn’t know how long she sat there waiting for her wife to return. She tried to move a few times but found tha
t there didn’t seem to be any loophole around Claire’s orders. She had managed to sort through her thoughts though.

  The Fembot’s brain worked in a slightly different way from a human’s. Due to the fact that Jasmine was merely a simulated consciousness, transferred from a human into a robot, she was able to access her system in a way humans couldn’t. She was able to compartmentalize her thoughts. It was like an office of storage lockers. Each locker had files of the different parts of both her previous life as William the tech mogul and her current life as Jasmine the Fembot.

  One of the weirdest things about being able to do that was that he could find the switches for certain parts of his android body. It was like reading code, in a way. Jasmine wondered if all Fembots felt this way or if her history as their inventor was influencing her ability to sort through the files inside her brain.

  While she was going through them, trying to find a way to turn the commands off so that she could actually stand up, Claire returned to the lab. She heard her wife’s footsteps before she saw Claire.

  Jasmine’s eyes widened in surprise. Walking beside Claire was a man named John. Jasmine knew exactly who he was. He was one of her top employees in the company and he had the biggest smile on his face at the sight of her.

  “Is this the new model of a sex bot?” John asked. Jasmine could hear the excitement in his voice.

  “Indeed, it is,” Claire said. “John, I introduce you to one of the Playroom Fembots.”

  Jasmine realized with some horror that John didn’t even know that it was Will inside the android! Or was it Will? It was all so confusing.

  And there wasn’t a thing that she could do about it.

  “I want you to have fun with her,” Claire said. She caught Jasmine’s eye, smirking.

  Claire went over to the monitor and reopened the containment unit. John stepped into the room. It wasn’t until he crossed over the threshold that the room around Jasmine changed. It was no longer a simple room with the bare necessities. No, Claire had programmed it to look different.

  The simple bed had been replaced with a four poster double bed, complete with red covers, a dozen cushions, and red curtains to be drawn around the bed itself. The wardrobe had disappeared. The glass walls were no longer transparent. Instead, the room was lined with oak framed mirrors. The wardrobe was gone. The bed dominated the small room.

  Jasmine swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. Of course. That was the power of technology. The room was more or less a hologram of sorts. They could set it to look however they wanted.

  As John walked towards her, Jasmine’s heart started to beat faster. She was incredibly nervous but she couldn’t deny that she was more than a little bit curious. She had no control over what her body was feeling and the Fembot knew what was coming. This was what it had been programmed for.

  There was an internal battle going on inside Jasmine’s head, but her body had other ideas. Her nipples had gotten almost uncomfortably hard, brushing against the soft cups of her bra and shooting tiny sparks of sensation straight to her core. She had to admit that it felt pretty damn good.

  Jasmine bit down on her lower lip. She wondered if it would really be so bad to indulge in her curiosity. She was a Fembot. There was no changing that. Would it really be so wrong to give in to that, and make the best of the moment? Besides, if she really thought about it, she was only a copy of Will. Who cared what she did?

  “Let’s have some fun, shall we?” John said.

  He was wearing his business suit. He had probably just finished work. This was his way of winding down. Jasmine couldn’t blame him. She would have chosen the same method, given the choice. In her previous life, she had done so time and time again.

  Jasmine decided to take the dive. Hell, she might even be able to look at it as an experiment of sorts. She made her way through the files within and switched on her internal sex drive sensors, allowing her body to choose what it was going to do. She flipped a switch and kept on pushing until the drives had been turned up as high as they possibly could be.

  It took everything in her not to moan. She was losing her mind. Her nipples were hard and sensitive and she could feel herself growing wetter. Deep within, she could feel desire beginning to burn. The heat was intense and all-consuming.

  As a matter of fact, it was so consuming that she suddenly felt like she could move. She practically threw herself at John. Her Fembot body wanted him. She was dying to get fucked.

  Jasmine wrapped her arms around John’s neck and pulled him close to her. She stands up on her tip toes. Even though the heels help, he still towers over her. She started to kiss his neck, pressing soft open-mouthed kisses to his warm skin.

  The sensations racing through her were crazy and new. She barely had a chance to consider how strange and dirty they were. All she wanted was for John to take her, right there and then. She wanted a man to drive into her over and over again. And there was one right here, waiting to do exactly that. She was overwhelmed by how badly she wanted that.

  John chuckled. To Jasmine’s surprise, he asked, “Can I fuck you?”

  “Yes,” Jasmine said eagerly. Both she and John turned towards the voice at the door. Claire had consented at the same time.

  John needed no further encouragement. He pulled his belt off and his shirt and shoes were quick to follow. Jasmine’s body was buzzing with anticipation. A part of her wanted to simply tear his clothes off. She settled for removing her own instead.

  “No, no, no,” John said.

  Jasmine looked up to see that he was finally naked. If John was going to be who took her female virginity, so to speak, she couldn’t really complain. He was muscular and broad-shouldered. He had charming, boyish good looks and nice eyes. The best part was that he was pretty well-endowed. From her perspective, and from a normal straight female’s, it looked like it was fun to play with.

  He reached out for her, caught her around her tiny waist, and pulled her into him. She could feel his hard-on pressing against her belly even through her clothing. Thankfully, John didn’t leave her for long. He wasn’t particularly interested in making this romantic.

  His hands pushed her waistband down and the skirt slipped down her outer thighs, landing in a heap around her feet. John gripped the hem of her shirt next, lifting it up and off of her body while Jasmine held her arms up. Once she was in nothing but the lingerie and her stilettos, John stood back to admire her.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” he murmured as he leered at the android body. He waited only a moment before he cupped her breasts and began to squeeze and massage them roughly.

  Before she knew it, he was reaching around her back to unclip her bra. It slipped off of her slender arms and landed on the ground in front of her. John leaned forward and took one nipple into his mouth, nipping it between his teeth until she moaned before letting go of it and moving on to do the same thing to the other. He switched back and forth for a while, making her moan again and again for him. Each time it seemed to go directly to her center. She could swear John would bring her to orgasm with just plain nipple play at this rate.

  Jasmine had no idea that the Fembots had such sensitive nipples when their sex drives were revved up so high. John finally stopped and pulled away from her, only to hook his thumbs into the waistband of her thong and tug that down too. Every touch set her nerve-endings on fire.

  Without removing her shoes, John pushed her onto the bed. Her legs fell open and she didn’t bother to close them as she landed on the bed. He was on top of her in seconds.

  John didn’t bother with the foreplay. His nipple play of a few moments before was enough anyway. She was dripping wet and she wanted him to fill her now. Not that she needed to because she felt like it was pretty damn clear, Jasmine spread her legs as wide as she could. John reached between their bodies and guided himself into her slick hole.

  That first feeling of being penetrated was the best. She could feel every inch of him, every veiny ridge, as his girth stretched he
r out. She groaned, long and low, as he pushed more and more of himself into her. She could feel her inner walls convulsing around his length in the most pleasurable way. Her body definitely didn’t feel that fake at that particular moment in time.

  He didn’t seem to be one to savor the moment as John began to pull back. He moved until he was almost completely out of her before thrusting forwards again. She groaned as he filled her, allowing her to feel just how big his cock really was.

  Jasmine gave in to the sensations, losing herself to her Fembot’s pleasure. She shut her eyes as John started to take her. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, her toes curling as the pleasure overtook her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him for dear life, her perfectly manicured nails digging into his muscular shoulders.

  John grabbed Jasmine’s calves suddenly and raised them up, placing her ankles on his shoulders. It made him feel even deeper than before and Jasmine threw her head back, crying out at the piercing feeling of this new position. John pulled back and slammed into her harder and faster than before. She could hear the slick noises of her pussy, the pressure inside building and building. She was close to breaking point.

  “Cum,” John suddenly said. “Cum for me, you android slut.”

  Oh, Jasmine realized. He wants to be the man who can make a robot orgasm.

  Wow, that was so hot. Jasmine opened her eyes to look at the man driving his cock into her. If she turned her head in any directions, she could see the reflection of them on the bed. She could watch him fuck her from the outside. The way that he was thrusting into her was maddening. As if he could see the way that she was watching the mirrors, John made the scene hotter. She wasn’t sure if he was doing it on purpose or now.

  John put his hands on her breasts, squeezing the supple, artificial flesh that was manufactured to near-human perfection. They were so huge in his hands! She could feel them and they weren’t plain silicon. Jasmine knew for a fact now, from having personally experienced it, that the realistic sensory drives that they installed on the androids really did make them feel every tingling touch and sensation. It was like she had a real, live nervous system.


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