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Fembot Factory

Page 3

by Alyson Belle

  She cried out as she felt it hit her. Her walls were squeezing his cock, her insides twitching as she came. She could feel her body’s attachments activating. She released all the control that she had, her orgasm hitting her. She watched in the mirrors as she unraveled, her face and the way that her mouth fell open with each gasp and whimper that escaped. Her android form was quite stunning, especially like that, with pouty pink lips and bright wide eyes. She looked like the perfect woman, but that was exactly what this company was selling.

  Every nerve was tingling and she shuddered and trembled beneath him. The movements of John’s hips became erratic and Jasmine could tell that he was close to his own orgasm. She moved her hands up to the back of his head, her fingertips curling in his hair and pulled him close once again. She pressed her lips against his neck and kissed him, flicking her tongue out against the warm flesh. She could practically feel his pulse with her tongue, that was how strong her feelings were at that moment. At the same time, Jasmine pressed the soles of her feet to John’s ass and pulled him in even deeper, holding him there.

  That was what it took to set him off. She could feel every single spurt of his cum as it sprayed against her insides and all that served to do was heightening her orgasm. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and he grunted from above her.

  Since he had stopped moving, Jasmine found her hips moving up against his crotch, her hips bucking up against him. He moaned in response, burying his head in her shoulder, his breath hot against her skin.

  They lay there for some time, spent. Jasmine’s pussy was still twitching around John’s cock, milking him of anything he might still have to give. The feeling seemed to be everywhere and Jasmine liked it. She was starting to think that being one of the Fembots might not be so bad. After all, she had no need to eat or sleep, the toilets were mostly for show, she had no bills or anything as exhausting to her name, and she could have sex all the time. It sounded pretty damn fantastic from that point of view.

  Maybe Claire did her a favor by copying her essence into a Fembot.

  Soon, John moved away from her. She felt him pull out and she gasped. She was feeling uncomfortably empty once he was gone. She could feel his cum running out of her. Without another word, John began to put his clothes on.

  It felt weird watching him get dressed without a second glance in her direction. To him, she was nohing more than a robot made for sexual pleasure. There was no need to treat her like she was a person because she wasn’t a person. Somehow, Jasmine found that she didn’t really mind this behavior.

  Once he was fully dressed, John turned back to Claire. Jasmine wondered if Claire had been there the whole time. Had Claire been watching her get fucked that whole time? There was no way for her to know.

  “Thank you,” John said. He was grinning from ear to ear.

  “You are very welcome,” Claire said.

  John left silently, walking past Claire and out of the room. He disappeared from Jasmine’s sight. Forcing herself to sit up, her limbs feeling incredibly shaky, Jasmine looked over at her wife.

  “That was fantastic, Claire. I think that you might have done me a favor by transferring my consciousness into this Fembot body.” She told her wife everything that she had been thinking.

  As soon as she had spoken, Jasmine could tell that that wasn’t what Claire had wanted to hear. Her otherwise pretty face, though aged, had turned into a sour expression at this piece of news. She pursed her lips, clearly displeased by Jasmine’s reaction to her first experience.

  “Maybe we need to get you a rougher owner.”

  “Owner?” Jasmine said, her voice faltering.

  “Well, you are a piece of property. And, since that’s the case, I could arrange for a few months with a rougher owner. I can rent you out.”

  “Wait,” Jasmine said. Her heart was already beating faster. It made no sense. She didn’t have a heart – she was an android for goodness’ sake! Jasmine was starting to understand Claire’s point about it being wrong. Making the androids so realistic, with real minds and simulations, meant that the person inside could feel everything that they normally would. The only difference was the foreign body that they were inside.

  Further than that, when Jasmine was still Will, she remembered thinking to herself that it was impossible to worry about what they felt. To her, the copy of a person was just a simulation. It was as fake as if they had invented it themselves, but that wasn’t the case. She still felt like she was Will, even if she was forced to think of herself as someone else.

  She was nervous. Claire walked towards her and Jasmine tried again, “Please, Claire –”

  Jasmine’s sentence was cut off. Her wife had already deactivated her android body. Everything went black, like he had fallen into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 4

  The next time that Jasmine woke up, it wasn’t a thing like the first time. It was immediate. She was alert instantly. She blinked in her surroundings.

  She supposed that the reason she was groggy and confused the first time around was because her consciousness was still being installed… or something like that. This time, however, she had been in the android body for some time. On top of that, she had experienced every sensation that could be experienced in her new body. At least that was what she thought.

  Turning around, Jasmine saw that she was standing outside a crate. It was about her size, slightly larger, and it was filled with sawdust and Styrofoam. She figured that it must have been the package that her android body was sent and delivered in. That was the only thing that made sense.

  It was where she and the crate were standing that shocked her. She was outside of a strip club. She could see the neon lights above the door of the place, flashing the name. It was called At Work.

  Jasmine had been about to make her way towards the door in the hopes that someone would tell her where she was and why when he appeared. He was a hulking man, built like a bodybuilder, muscle from head to toe. He wore his hair cropped close to the scalp, like a military man, but he was wearing a rather expensive business suit. It was tailored perfectly to his body. He was intimidating, even if Jasmine were not a woman.

  “Hi,” she started to say, but he cut her off.

  “Shut up.” Jasmine found that she couldn’t say anything after that even if she wanted to. Claire must have switched her ownership controls over. Her android system was forced to follow every command that this man gave her now. He made his way to the crate and began rummaging through the saw dust. While he dug, Jasmine couldn’t help but hear him muttering beneath his breath. “I do not have time for uppity fucking robots.”

  She stared at him indignantly but she still wasn’t allowed to speak. His command was active. Until he said otherwise, she was to shut up.

  He found what he was looking for quickly, while she is forced to stand there. Men were walking in and out of the club, looking nothing like gentlemen for a supposed gentlemen’s lounge. They were not shy about checking out the woman standing on the strip club’s front porch – a.k.a the sidewalk. Apparently her job was to stand around, keep quiet, and look pretty. She wondered what was next, knowing that from this moment on she was forced to obey the hulking man in front of her.

  He pulled out a piece of paper and with that, turned back towards Jasmine. “This right here is our contract. This is what grants me ownership of you.”

  Jasmine couldn’t respond. She merely looked at the paper in his hands. He moved it away before she was able to read any of the details.

  “Follow me. We’re going inside.”

  Jasmine’s feet started moving of their own accord. The man didn’t tell her who he was and he didn’t tell her where they were going. He simply turned away from her and walked into the strip club, right past the two bouncers in front of it. She couldn’t help but notice that he was the same size as one of them, and even bigger than the other. She felt a little terrified at the prospect of this being her new owner.

  The inside of the club was gent
ly lit. It wasn’t quite like most clubs. There was thumping music, definitely, but it wasn’t electric beats that made her thoughts seem like they were throbbing aches at the base of her skull. Rather, it was mostly bass that made the floors beneath feel like they were being thudded on from underneath the building. The lights were reds and pinks and purples, putting everyone that they passed in a smokey haze. That could have been the smoke machines though. She wasn’t sure if there were any. If there were, they were set to low settings.

  The man in front of her led her straight past the bar, where a few people were drinking despite the fact that it was still daylight outside, and past the lounging area. It was mostly empty but there were one or two men sitting in leather armchairs facing the stage in the center of the room. Jasmine didn’t need to see a girl on the stage to know what the pole, with a spotlight shining down on it from above, was for.

  They reached a hallway at the back of the club when the man opened one of the doors that lined the sides. It was a small lounge on its own. There was a desk in the room and he put the paper that he had pulled out of the case on top of it. Then he turned around to face Jasmine.

  He wasted no time and got straight to the point. “Your job from now on is to dance for the club members. At Work is pretty much your home now. Tonight will be your first dance on the pole.”

  There was no room for questions. Besides that, Jasmine still wasn’t allowed to speak. She simply blinked her eyes at this piece of information.

  She had no choice. This was who her new owner was.

  Jasmine didn’t really know what would be worse between being a stripper or being this man’s sex slave. She guessed that she was about to find out. She was shocked.

  “If you leave this room, go across the hall and the first door you open will be the dressing room. Go in there and tell the other girls that you are new.” He said. He walked over to her before she could walk away. “They should help you dress for your performance. You better be as good as you were promised to be. You Playroom Fembots do not come cheap.”

  Jasmine felt like she had been slapped in the face. For a second, she thought that might be exactly what he was going to do. He didn’t stop until he was right in front of her. And then she gasped in surprise as his hands were on her. He was feeling her body up and Jasmine realized that it felt good. Her sex drive sensors were still revved up to their full potential from her interaction with John and it seemed like this man’s touch had set her off.

  She was pretty sure that he wasn’t doing it to be sexual. He ran his big hands up and down her sides. They were warm to the touch and her skin tingled. He then moved them underneath her shirt and she could feel his fingertips on her belly, tracing her skin on its way up. Eventually she could feel the meaty hands on her breasts, cupping and squeezing them. Was it the reaction of all men to automatically squeeze a pair of tits when he got to touch them? She couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, her nipples growing hard under his touch.

  Jasmine could feel the sensation shooting down to her core just like the last time. She could feel her body growing wetter, the moisture pooling between her legs. It took everything in her not to push her body against his. She wanted more but she was trying to keep from coming across as desperate.

  He moved his hand down between her legs. It slipped into her waistband easily, and then he was inside her panties. As he slipped his fingers between her lips, she couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure that escaped her mouth. She knew that he would find her wet and waiting. He pressed down on the incredibly sensitive button at her center and began stroking it in tiny circles. All too soon, he moved his fingers away from her clit and shoved two inside her. Jasmine whimpered at the feeling.

  She moved her hands to her new owner’s arms and held on for dear life. She was digging her nails into his skin as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of her snatch. To her surprise, he seemed to know exactly how to manipulate her pleasure settings. He curled his fingers inside her and began pressing down on a spot inside her that she didn’t know existed.

  They had installed a g-spot on the Fembots. And he was stroking that very spot. Jasmine found herself afraid that he was going to move away just when she needed him the most and she tried to hold onto him.

  “No,” he said. “You’ll get to have all the fun that you want later.”

  He pulled his fingers out of her, leaving her achingly empty. He pulled his hand out of her panties. He was smirking down at her and Jasmine realized why Claire picked this man for her new owner.

  “Now, go across the hall and find the other girls. Explain to them that you are new here. They do not need to know that you are a Fembot so do not bother telling them that.”

  Suddenly, Jasmine stood up straight and nodded her head. She turned away from her new owner, who had already started to walk around to the other side of the desk. He was sitting down by the time that she had reached the door. He spoke again, causing her to pause.

  “And from now on, you will call me sir. When I tell you to do something, you will say “yes, sir.” And if I ask you any questions, you are to answer them accordingly.”

  Jasmine’s response was out without even thinking about it, “Yes, sir.”

  “There’s a good girl,” he said.

  She felt dismissed. She opened the door and walked out of the office, crossing the hallway. There was a door on the other side and she opened it.

  All of her actions by that point felt automated. She was no longer in control. The Fembot was making each action on its own. It was programmed to follow orders and that was what it was going to do, regardless of her own thoughts and feelings.

  * * *

  The room across the hall was a dressing room of sorts. She opened it to find a room full of women. Most of them were half naked or skimpily dressed.

  “Hi,” Jasmine said awkwardly. All of the girls turned towards her. There were six other girls, three of which had bright and colorful wigs on. “I’m the new girl.”

  Jasmine had never been in a room where a bunch of girls were changing outfits. She knew that it was a normal thing that she did but she had never been in the midst of so many naked girls. And it was just a natural thing for them to get dressed in front of one another.

  It didn’t hurt that all of the girls were extremely attractive, but she supposed that they all had to be for the line of work that they were in. These girls were all strippers. They all went out there and danced on the poles for the club members.

  “What is your name, sweetie?” One of the girls asked. She was a petite little thing with a bright pink wig on. It was tied up into pigtails, making her look even cuter. She was wearing a pink thong and a matching bra that pushed her small breasts outwards.

  “It’s Jasmine.”

  “Ohhh, your name is perfect. We’ll call you the flower when we introduce you. I’m Bunny.”

  Jasmine knew that that was just a stage name but technically she hadn’t shared her real name either. Although she had been rewired in such a way that Jasmine had become her real name.

  “Did they tell you when you were going to be going on stage?” Another girl asked. This one had long, black hair. She had a Gothic look about her. She was wearing black lingerie with a pair of fishnet stockings and a pair of ankle boots with heels so sharp they looked like they could be murder weapons. “And I’m Vyxsin.”

  The name suited her, Jasmine thought. It was sultry and dark all in one. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl to smile often.

  “Tonight is my first night on the stage.”

  Bunny gasped. “What? They’re sending you out tonight and it’s only your first night? Do you have any experience as a stripper?”

  “Uhhh,” Jasmine murmured. She started searching her memory banks while she was standing there. She couldn’t remember if her model had pole dancing as a protocol.

  Most of the Playroom Fembots had every aspect of being a slut installed into their systems – from lap dancing to bondage. All it took was
the owner. Hell, you could even download specific settings if you wanted to. They made extra packages available to purchase for the people who had fetishes. That way people who wanted a Dominatrix Fembot could simply pay to add that package to their new android.

  “I do not have any experience in a club but I know how to dance.” Jasmine finally answered. She had a stripper dance protocol installed. Claire must have thought ahead before shipping her away to her new owner. “I’ve experience as a pole dancer.”

  Vyxsin, the Goth girl, was watching her skeptically. She supposed she couldn’t blame the girl. All of the women in that room had probably been trained or had practice out there on the stage. She got the feeling that this Vyxsin girl wasn’t particularly keen on having a new girl around but she could have been wrong.

  “Okay,” Bunny said. “I suppose we better start getting you ready then because it’s nearly time for you to go out there.”

  With that, Bunny walked over to Jasmine and took her hand. Jasmine looked around the room properly then. On one side of the room, the wall was lined with a dressing table. There was makeup strewn all over it, along with a hair iron and hair dryer. The other side of the room had a wardrobe as well as two separate racks of clothing hanging on them. There were several mirrors hanging here and there. It looked like a haphazard bedroom – or a dumping ground for every teenage girl who ever decided to switch her room up.

  Jasmine caught sight of herself in the mirror. Claire had either dressed her or had someone else dress her after her encounter with John. She was wearing a pair of tight booty shorts but they were practically a belt around her legs; they were the shortest shorts she had seen. She turned slightly and glanced at her ass in the mirror. The bottoms of her ass cheeks were visible beneath the cut-off denim. Her long legs were tanned and toned and mostly visible. She may as well be wearing a pair of panties for all that her shorts covered. She was wearing a white crop shirt that was practically transparent, both her flat belly revealed to her sight and her lace brassiere. Her breasts were pushed upwards and she was reminded of how huge they were. They looked like they wanted nothing more than to be set free from her shirt. Her shoes were encased in a cute pair of wedges. Her skin, in the many places that it was visible, was tanned and she knew from the encounter with John that she had no tan lines. That made sense. Her android body couldn’t be tanned because she didn’t have melanin and it would just be weird to build a robot with inbuilt tan lines for no apparent reason.


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