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Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters

Page 4

by Nicky Fox

  The next workday is tough even for a shifter. When you’re a faller in the logger industry, it can be dangerous. I’m part of a two-man team with Jacob. We cut down the trees marked by foresters. The rest of the crew operates away from us for safety reasons. It seemed nothing was going our way this morning. We had a couple of close calls of trees almost falling on us. I’m on the last cut. Making a V on the side of the trunk with my chainsaw, I move to the other side to do the same. After I’ve made all the cuts, I step back ten feet and wait for the tree to fall. Thankfully, it does so successfully and without incident.

  “Quitting time!” Jacob hollers. We both grab our chainsaws and give a hive five for a day still alive on the job. We’re both beat so we don’t mess with pleasantries today. Heading to my truck, I’m recharged with the notion I’m going to go see my mate. Then, I pick up a familiar scent, wolf. The hair on the back of my neck rises, and I’m on high alert. Searching around the perimeter I see no trace of a shifter or human. Everyone in my crew is already gone. No one likes to stay behind after dark in these woods. They don’t know them like I do.

  I follow the scent for as far as I can. Darkness is falling quickly but these are my woods. Another shifter doesn’t threaten me on my own turf. I know that’s exactly what that wolf wants to do. He’s trying to claim my mate, and that’s not going to fly. The trail goes cold. Where it goes cold makes my anger rise exponentially. It’s near Red’s house. I’m going to have to pay a visit to a lawyer it seems. He obviously doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. Either that or he has a death wish. Max Wolf has made it to number one on my shit list.

  Some shifters challenge each other for a mate and fight to the death. I would definitely fight to the death for Scarlett. She’s mine. She’s always been mine. I just got her back, I’m not about to lose her again.

  Chapter 7


  “So, he asked you out?” Rose jumps up and down excitedly. She’s like one of those little dogs that gets so excited when you get home. It’s sort of cute.

  “Well, he asked me to go to the Lumberjack competition with him. I’m not sure if it’s an actual date or not, Rose. He was probably just being friendly. I’m sort of new in town.” I set the tissue out for the bouquets as Rose observes.

  “Wait, I thought you used to come here during the summer when you were younger?” Rose pauses, while acting like she’s busy. She sure has taken an interest in my love life or lack thereof.

  “I did, but most of my time was just hanging out with Nan . . . and Junior.” I sigh. I haven’t thought about him in a long time. He was my first love, really my only love. Not to mention, he was also my first kiss. We had a passionate summer the last time I was here. We spent time in the meadow having romantic picnics, running through the woods between our two homes, and then at night sometimes he would sneak out and come to my window for a good night kiss.

  It was the most romantic summer of my life. I remember him so young and carefree. He was only seventeen but his body was built. He was so strong, he’d swing me over his shoulder and take me to the barn at his house. We’d roll around in the hay and make out. It never went beyond that. We were young, and I wasn’t ready. I don’t think he was either because he never pushed me to do anything more. Junior was so sweet and we could talk and talk for hours. I still think about him and the last thing he said to me . . . “We can’t be. Go home.” He broke my heart that day. I realized then he was with me because I was the only girl around that summer to keep him occupied. I was young and stupid, only fifteen. I never made a mistake like that again. Which is why I’m still a virgin.

  Relaying the story to Rose is entertaining. Of course, I leave out the virgin part. She doesn’t need to know that. “We’ve got to get you hooked up with Paul Hemlock. You need to forget about Junior and get with a real man.” I laugh at her comment but his name was deceiving. Junior was muscular and dreamy. I could never forget him; no one forgets their first love. “In fact, I’m taking you and Firn out tonight. Girls’ night!” she squeals. “You two need to get laid in the worst way. I’m so tired of this boring town. We need to liven it up a bit. Stir up some trouble and get us some men.” Rose gives me a wink and I can tell there’s no changing her mind.

  Maybe she’s right. I do need to get out. I’ve been worried about the house and this move has been a big transition. I need to let loose for a night and forget my troubles. “You’re on.” I hold up my hand for a high five but she just looks at my hand like it’s full of germs or something. I slowly move my hand down and out of sight.

  Firn strolls in, completely oblivious to the torture she’s about to endure. I’m looking forward to watching her squirm a bit. She needs to get out more than any of us. There’s no way Rose is letting her get out of it. I sit back on my bar stool and wait for the drama to unfold. This is going to be good.

  “Firn, get your sexy panties on tonight. We’re going out!” Rose belts out in a singsong voice. Firn’s face is priceless. I almost laugh but I hold it in. I don’t want to feel her wrath again. Instead, I observe. She seems to get a handle on herself. Her posture changes to a stiff stance as she continues her path through the store.

  “I politely decline, sister.” Unfortunately, at that, I bust out laughing. Firn squints her eyes at me in an evil grimace.

  “Yeah, that is funny, sister. You’re going if you’re wearing panties or not. I’m dragging you out, and we are going to have a fun girls’ night. We all need this. We’ve been carrying on like a bunch of old maids. We will stand up and take what’s ours!” Firn and I both look at each other and back to Rose.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Firn replies, crossing her arms.

  “I don’t know. But it sounded good. After work, we fly!”

  “We’re not witches,” Firn corrects.

  “Hey, we need a catch phrase or something. Jeez, I’m the only one coming up with one. If you don’t like my suggestions then come up with something else.” With that, Rose turns and heads to her office in the back of the store.

  “I’m so not going,” Firn whispers. I’m not sure if she’s telling me or herself.

  “I didn’t even want to come,” Firn complains. Rose seems like she’s in her element. I’m still the observer until Rose pulls Firn and me out onto the dance floor. Some tech song I don’t know blasts over the static-ridden speakers. It’s hot inside this bar. The few bodies on the dance floor don’t make it any better. They’re all couples except for Rose, Firn, and me. All the single men litter the outskirts of the dance floor looking on.

  Firn complains quickly of getting hot and goes to sit down at our table. Suddenly, I feel hands around my waist from behind. Looking down, I see large hands. Pulling away from the figure behind me, I turn to see who’s put his hands on me. Although, I think I know. Mr. Wolf’s dark eyes pierce through me. His grin is haunting.

  “Mr. Wolf.” I don’t know what else to say that won’t cause a scene.

  “Max, please,” he replies as if we’re close and his hands were welcome on my body. Rose nudges me with her elbow. Glancing her way, she raises her eyebrows up and down to indicate I’ve caught a fish. If she only knew what a cod he was, more like a piranha. His white glistening teeth are as fake as his smile. Rose gives us a wide berth as she sidles up to some guy in a suit at the bar.

  Now, Mr. Wolf and I are left to ourselves. Even though I’m in a crowded room, I feel alone. I don’t feel safe with this man. I wish Paul were here. I shouldn’t have come. I can tell Max is loving this reaction from me. I’m like a trapped rabbit in a cage for him to toy with. That’s all I would be for this guy, a toy to play with. Maybe I’m the first girl that hasn’t shown any interest. Rose is a beautiful girl, why didn’t he hit on her instead?

  His hands go to my waist and we’re dancing. I don’t know what to do from here. I feel like it’s too late to say, no thank you. His office is a pretty big client for Rose, ordering an arrangement weekly for their reception area, and I don’t wa
nt to offend him. What’s one dance? He’s not doing anything inappropriate. I’m trying to convince myself that everything is okay, but my skin still crawls and my body shudders with every squeeze of his hands on my hips. They’re slowly sliding down with every step to my butt.

  I look around for an escape. Maybe I can say I don’t feel well and leave with Firn and Rose. Looking at them right now, Firn has her phone up which I’m sure she’s reading from. Rose is laying it on thick for the gentleman at the bar. Facing back to my dance partner, Max is studying me. I’m sure he can figure out I’m looking for an exit. His lips pull up into a smile, and his teeth appear bigger and more pronounced. When I begin to inspect them, he quickly closes his mouth, like he’s hiding something.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” That’s guy code for, do you want to go back to my place and have sex. No. Way. I’m never going to go back to Mr. Wolf’s place. In his dreams. Just about that time I feel another set of hands pulling me away by my shoulders. My neck cranes back and I see my savior.

  “Paul,” I say on a sigh. My body goes to jelly in his presence, not realizing how tense I was in Max’s arms. Paul’s front hits my back and I’m encased by him. I snuggle into him like he’s a big teddy bear. His touch is welcome. Max’s body is now rigid and his hands are balled into fists. The shoe seems to be on the other foot. Mr. Wolf is the uncomfortable one. Paul slowly moves me around and behind him. Uh oh. Please, no fighting. I just got to this town. I don’t want to cause any ruckus around me. I might not be able to come back to this bar if that happens. Although, that might not be such a bad thing.

  “Hemlock,” Max seethes.

  “Wolf,” Paul answers. The scrutiny in their gazes makes me step away. If these two massive males get in a fight, I don’t want to be in the middle of it. Noticing the situation escalating, Rose hops over and slaps both of them on their shoulders.

  “Hey, boys. Why don’t we all settle down and get a drink?” She doesn’t seem to be frightened by their behavior. It makes me wonder.

  “I’m taking Scarlett home. Come on, Red.” Paul reaches for my hand and tugs it along. I willingly go with him. I’d like to get out of here. Max’s jaw clenches. He’s furious.

  “This isn’t over, bear!” Paul lets out a huge growl and begins to charge toward Max. Mr. Wolf takes a defensive stance and waits for his attacker. I pull on Paul’s arm. Max is just trying to provoke him and I won’t let him.

  “Paul, please let’s go.” This seems to defuse the situation, and he allows me to lead him out.

  “I’ll see you at Ax of Glory.” Pointing at Paul, Max grins widely. Paul huffs and pushes the door of the bar open.

  Chapter 8


  “I don’t want you going there again without me, Red.” It’s not a question. I’m walking with my bike and Paul is on the other side of it. We’re headed back to my home down the road I take every day. Night has fallen and the moon shines above us, creating a romantic atmosphere. Or it would be romantic if this big oaf didn’t act like he owned me. I may have let him take me out of the bar but that doesn’t mean he has a say in anything I do. I humph and ignore him.

  “I’m serious, Red. That wolf is bad news.” He shakes his head. That statement reminds me of something.

  “Why did he call you bear?” There’s a slight jolt in his step but he quickly rights himself.

  “It’s just a nickname people call me sometimes.”

  “I didn’t know you were under nickname terms with Max. Have you known each other long? I thought he just opened up his firm.” Paul stares ahead not interested in this conversation.

  “It’s a small town. Max Wolf has been in the area before he opened up his business.” He doesn’t say more but I feel he’s hiding something.

  “So, why is your nickname bear?” Swiftly turning to face me he abruptly stops.

  “Can you just drop this? Please.” I don’t say another word about his nickname or Mr. Wolf. I guess it’s a sensitive subject for him. Paul’s acting very strange and seems on edge. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I just wish I knew what it was. Maybe I could help?

  The crunch of gravel under our shoes is loud as we walk the heavily wooded road. Every once in a while, there will be a hoot from a majestic owl, or a rustle of leaves, and the crickets chirping layout the soundtrack. Having taken this route many times, although not at night, Paul resonates an ease over me. Glancing to my right, I see he’s anything but at ease. His spine is rigid and he’s scanning the area left to right. He kind of looks like the Terminator when he acts like this, which is surprisingly hot.

  I finally take in his appearance. A white T-shirt is stretched across his firm, muscular chest. The red flannel shirt he’s wearing is open and his jeans are scuffed and rugged. He must’ve just come from work. Paul’s hair is a bit wild as if he was pulling at it or pushing his hands through it. He slows and looks over to me.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump on you. I just don’t like that guy. He’s untrustworthy. Please, try to stay away from him. I saw your face when he had his hands on you.” He growls the last part which makes me giggle. Growly Paul is super cute. He is like a teddy bear. Bear does suit him as a nickname. “I could tell you were uncomfortable. I always want you to feel safe, you know that. Don’t you?” If I didn’t have my bike, I’d jump and give him a hug right now. Instead, I stop walking.

  “Could you come here?” Paul seems confused but shuffles over to me. My bike is between us and we’re almost at the house but this couldn’t be a more perfect moment. I tilt my head up to his and stare at his lips. Hopefully, he’ll get the hint. His eyebrows raise up to his hairline and then Paul’s massive hands cup my jaw gently as he leans in.

  Fireworks! Our lips touch and our breath becomes one. His soft lips command mine as his beard rubs against my chin. It’s the sweetest of kisses but I want more. I angle my head to the side to give him more of my mouth and then he’s ravenous. His tongue knocks against my mouth and I immediately open for him. Then we go down the rabbit hole of lust, hands clenched, bodies crushed, and on bated breath. If this is a dream never wake me.

  I’ve had a few kisses from other boys since Junior but he was the best. This one knocks every other kiss out of the stratosphere. If stars knew of kisses like this, they would shine no more from their envy. I hope every woman gets a smooch like this in her lifetime. Right now, this man’s lips are mine.

  “Paul,” I moan. I’m pleading with him to never stop. My hands grab on to his neck and run through the hair on the back of his head. If there was a bed nearby, I would be falling on it. Paul clutches my hips and then one hand slides up to back to press me against him even more. Nothing could fit between us, except this stupid bike which the seat of is now pushing against my pelvis. It doesn’t feel good. I want my lumberjack there.

  “Red, I needed this kiss.” Paul’s lips trail down my neck as his hand cups the back of my head. His hands are so gentle yet his grasp is so firm. “I’ve been waiting to kiss you for so long.” He says nothing more. We kiss until I can no longer feel my lips. The skin around my mouth is irritated by his beard but I don’t care. That was magnificent. The only thing running through my mind is why didn’t we do that sooner?

  Eventually, we stop to look into each other’s eyes. His forehead rests against mine as we catch our breath. All I want to do is float off on a cloud. I’m in a dreamlike state and I never want to end this slumber. If I could hibernate all winter, I would.

  “Would you like to come in for some hot cocoa?” I laugh at myself. It sounds like I’m offering myself but I really just want to spend more time with him.

  “I’ll walk you to your door like a gentleman, and then I should leave. If I step inside your house, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself.” Pushing his shoulder in jest, I straighten my bike and we move up the bend to my house.

  Chapter 9


  I’m lying on the forest floor and feeling ten feet tall. She k
issed me. Or, I kissed her. We kissed each other. It doesn’t matter. It was hot. I can hardly keep one thought before another pops in my mind and the next thought usually has to do with Scarlett’s lips. I could feel my eyes changing color with the passion coursing through my veins. I could feel my bear more than ever before. I was so afraid if I went into her house I would shift and in a confined space that could cause problems.

  Before, I always trusted my bear. I feel in my gut that my bear would never harm our mate but I can’t escape the feeling that since he’s been dormant he might be more feral than he was before. I just can’t take that chance with Scarlett. I sigh in the grass. She’s the reason I breathe. This thing with us is progressing better than I thought possible. I haven’t been with any other woman. When I found my mate at seventeen, there was no need. No other could hold a candle to my Red.

  Now, she’s back and I’m in the dating game. When I was seventeen, nothing else mattered than what I was feeling. I concentrated on that. Now, there are other factors in play and I need to keep my wits about me. Fucking Max Wolf is trying to steal my mate. I caught his scent close to her house and I’ve been camping outside there every evening since then. I won’t let him lay another hand on her.

  He gets off on her being scared of him, sick shifter. Wolf likes the chase. I’ll give him a hell of a chase if he ever comes around her again.

  “Why are you pouting on the ground?” Ben ambles over toward me and lies out under the winter sun. The ground is cool but the warm sun feels good on the skin.


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