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Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters

Page 5

by Nicky Fox

  “I’m not pouting. I’m pissed that Max Wolf can’t take a hint. I think I’m going to have to show him what happens when he comes around my mate.” Ben nods. He doesn’t seem surprised.

  “He’s been running through the woods a lot around your mate. I can pick up his scent. I would be pissed too. What is he thinking, poking a bear?” He shakes his head and lets out a big yawn. We bears get sleepy in the winter, hibernating and all, especially Ben since he’s constantly in bear form.

  “What am I going to do, Ben?” My arm covers my eyes from the sun.

  “Fight him I guess. If he can’t get it through his thick skull.” He mumbles the last part.

  “I’m talking about telling Scarlett I knew her when she was younger. She hasn’t made the connection yet. I don’t know what will happen when she finds out. Red will probably turn mad red.” Keeping my eyes closed, I think about the young Scarlett that I knew. She was so vivacious and happy when she came to see her grandmother. Her spirit was infectious. I wanted her so badly back then too. But I had to let her go. Her grandmother was right, we had a lot of growing up to do.

  “Remind me again what happened.” I know I’ve told him this story over a dozen times.

  “Her grandmother knew we were mates. I don’t know how she knew I was a shifter but she understood the gravity of mates and she believed Scarlett wasn’t ready for that. She threatened to expose me if I didn’t end it. My parents were alive at the time, and I couldn’t risk their lives or my brother’s. I didn’t have a choice really. Ending things with Scarlett was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I only hoped one day she’d come back and now that she has . . .”

  “Are you thinking of not telling her?” Ben asks. That thought has occurred to me but I’m an honest bear. She deserves to know, which is what I tell Ben. When I should tell her is the real question. Maybe after I win the lumberjack competition. I can take her back home afterward and tell her then. With my mind made up, I hop up from the grass, give Ben a pat on his fluffy back, and head back to the job site.

  It’s the day of the Lumberjack competition. I’m picking up Scarlett after her early shift at the store and we are heading straight to the tournament. I’ve been looking forward to it all week. The whole town of Bremen comes to watch the contestants battle it out and win the ax of glory and five thousand dollars. That could help fix Scarlett’s house. It’s what I plan on doing with my winnings.

  If that wolf decides to show up it’ll up the competition a bit but I know I can take him. Bear strength is more than wolf strength, not to mention I actually wield a chainsaw for a living. Wolves are fast though. This should be an interesting one. Being shifters, we have to conceal our powers from the town folks. It’ll be interesting to see how Max does with that. I’m up for the challenge.

  I shuffle into Scarlett’s place of work. Everything in here is so delicate, I’m afraid of bumping into some flowers and ruining them with my massive body. I’m like a bull in a china shop sometimes. Red hops up to the front where I wait and puts her arms around my neck, reaching up for a kiss. I don’t hesitate. I will never not give my Red a kiss. The heat turns up on the kiss rapidly. I haven’t seen her in a couple of days because of work. I’ve been by her house to make sure she’s safe and sound but we haven’t formally seen each other. It shows in this kiss.

  She tastes like the sweetest honey, a bear’s fantasy. Soft supple lips mesh with my rough mouth. Red’s soft little moans drive me harder, literally. I can feel the precum leaking in my pants. If we don’t stop soon, the patrons might see a bit more during their Christmas shopping.

  “Damn.” A woman’s voice from inside the store puts water on our fire. Red and I both jump away from each other.

  “Firn! You scared me.” Scarlett’s hand comes to her chest. Secretly, I wipe my mouth off with the sleeve of my shirt.

  “You are in public, Scarlett. That was so romantic.” She sighs at the register. That’s when I notice the romance book she has clutched in her grasp against her chest. I zero in on it to try to read the cover.

  “Her Honey Pot?” I ask.

  “Oh!” She turns the book around so I only see the back. Firn seems embarrassed. Sounds like an interesting read. I chuckle under my breath, covering my mouth so not to mortify her anymore.

  “Firn! You naughty girl. Here I thought you read sweet romance. Honey pot, eh? I just might have to borrow that.” I gulp, glancing back to Scarlett. She’s eyeing me appreciatively. I like this confident Scarlett. “Right, bear?” I almost fall to my knees at her admission. I know exactly what this naughty Scarlett is insinuating. I’m the bear and she’s my honey pot. Fuck.

  I’m speechless. Then, Scarlett and Firn begin giggling uncontrollably. I don’t know if she’s messing with me or being brash, but either way, I like it, a lot. I finally find my voice.

  “We should probably get going if I’m going to win the tournament,” I say, changing the subject. Firn’s face is beet red. Swinging the door to the shop open, I motion for Scarlett to go first. She side-eyes Firn before leaving and then I follow her out.

  “What was that about?” I ask her and grab her bike on the way to my truck to dump it in the back. Opening the door for her, I hold her hand to help her inside. She doesn’t answer my question until I’m in the car and driving toward the championship.

  “Just giving Firn a hard time. I’ll probably pay for it later. It’s fun to ruffle her feathers sometimes.” Her attention is out the window as mine is mostly on her.

  “No, I mean with the bear comment.” Her head swings my way. Now, Scarlett seems shy. I liked that confident Scarlett back at the store. She had my motor running.

  “I . . . don’t know. I was just feeling it from that kiss I guess. I let it get to my head.” Her shyness surprises me from the woman she was just moments ago. The electricity in this truck is not waning. I get that she’s nervous. Hopefully, she hasn’t had much experience since me either. I don’t even know if I want to know that. Leaving the conversation there, I get my head in the game for the championship. My truck is put in park. Turning off the ignition it’s quiet in the cab, just me and my Red.

  “Can I ask you something?” She finally looks over at me since the conversation we had about the bear comment. Her cheeks are still red. She’s gorgeous.

  “Sure.” Scarlett pulls a piece of hair behind her ear. My hands tremble as I slide closer to her on the bench.

  “Can I get a good luck kiss?” Scarlett rewards me with a bright smile. She says nothing, only moves her lips to mine. It’s such a privilege to be able to kiss this woman. She brings me to my knees every time with those plump lips. My hand rests on her thigh as her hands roam all over my chest, arms, and neck. I love it. When we come together it’s like a beautiful, passionate storm. I’m surprised we’re not fogging up the windows right now. This is one hell of a good luck kiss. I tell her as much as we pull apart. “Thank you,” I whisper against her neck.

  “You’re welcome. Now go win that golden ax.”

  “It’s ax of glory.” I laugh. Heading out of the truck I sense wolves, a lot of them. Damn it. I’m sure Ben is around too. He likes watching these events as well. If I need backup, he’ll be there for me. I wish my brother was in town right now. He moves around a lot with his job in construction. Wherever they need to build he’s there. He didn’t want to stay in Bremen after our parents died. Usually when one mate dies, the other follows quickly after. It was too much for him to handle so he took comfort in his work.

  I felt the opposite. I wanted to be closer to them. I moved into their house and fixed it up. People handle grief differently. My hope one day is that he’ll return and maybe we can build a business of our own. However, today, my brother is not here, and so, I’m relying on my friend Ben for backup.

  This many wolves in one space is never a good thing. They usually are in packs and because of that, they can be rowdy when they egg each other on. I’ll have to be super-focused during this as well as keep an ey
e on Scarlett. Damn. Maybe this was a bad idea, but it’s too late now.

  Signing in, I stretch and limber up. I notice my coworker, Jacob, has already signed in. I glance around and spot him stretching. I bop my head up to say “what’s up” and he shakes his head. I chuckle at his reaction.

  Red is waiting over by the first event. It’s the underhand block chop. I have to chop through a horizontal log until it’s severed. It’s one of my best events. Then, I see Max Wolf talking to my girl. I hurry at the registration table and stomp over to them. It’s time to make my presence known.

  Chapter 10


  I haven’t even set my bum down on a bench before Max Wolf is approaching me. Ugh. Will this guy get a clue that he weirds me out? Thankfully, Paul isn’t too far away. I’m looking forward to watching him in his element. There’s nothing sexier than a guy working his muscles out in the outdoors.

  “Hello, Scarlett.” My name off his tongue sounds dreadful.

  “Hello, Mr. Wolf.” I keep it professional. No need to think we’re comfortable with each other. Which reminds of me of something. “How did you know my last name?” He called me it the other night, and it just occurred to me, I never told him.

  “I called the store, and they gave me your full name since you didn’t. Plus, when I decided our office needs fresh flowers every week I requested you since we already know each other.” I am the only delivery girl, but I don’t need to tell him that. It means a lot of business for Rose, so at least that’s something. I can deal with him fifteen minutes a week. I think. I look away from his calculating stare and search for my lumberjack. “I was wondering, after I win this tournament, if you’d like to go out to dinner tonight?” He licks his lips. Max is looking at me like I’m dinner. I cringe.

  “Sorry, wolf. She already has plans with the winner.” Paul comes from behind Max and pats him on the back hard. Mr. Wolf’s eyes close in pain every time Paul’s hand lands on him. I hope they don’t get into a fight. Why can’t this wolf guy just leave me alone?

  “Is that right? Well, we will just have to see who the victor will be. You may be a lumberjack, but I have talents of my own.” Max winks at me and removes his shirt to reveal a six-pack and lean muscles across his chest and arms. This guy must work out. I feel nothing for him, but now I’m a little worried that he could actually win. Paul watches me and lifts his T-shirt over his head as well.

  Oh, my Lord. This man is like a tank. He’s gotta have an eight-pack with muscles upon muscles. The V above his pants line makes me drool. His chest rises and falls rapidly with his breathing. My lumberjack is amped up and ready to go. I just want to run my hands all over him and take him home with me now. His arms resemble large ropes stretched to their limit and the veins rising from them emphasize it. When I glance back up to Paul’s face his has a knowing smile. Obviously, I’m sitting here checking him out and drooling all over myself.

  It’s not like my hands haven’t been on his chest or abs before, but it’s a whole other experience when they’re on display. Wow. If Mr. Wolf thought taking his shirt off in front of Paul was going to distract me or win me over to his side, he’s sadly mistaken.

  “Underhand block chop is the first event. Participants take your places,” the announcer roars over the crowd now gathered around the first obstacle. Paul flexes his arms slightly and hands me his shirt.

  “Could you hold on to this for me, honey?” Smiling at him, I nod my head. Max Wolf watches us and rolls his eyes. Everyone takes their places. They all stand on a log with it secured to the ground in front of them with prongs. Their axes rise and the announcer signals “go” and the men have at it. Their axes land down on the aspen wood logs like sledgehammers. Bark goes flying as the men heft the heavy blades. Some have a quick technique that seems to tire them easily. Others have a steady rhythm like Paul. Mr. Wolf is also very steady with his ax cutting. Soon, it’s neck and neck with the two men. When there’s a substantial wedge in the wood, they switch to the other side of their logs with a hop. The sound of a large crack of a log followed by a pronounced gap in the wood announces the winner. It’s Paul! Mr. Wolf soon finishes after. He doesn’t seem deterred by Paul’s win though.

  “Next up is the standing block chop.” Now, the log lays straight up like a tree would and it seems the lumberjacks have to cut the wood more with the swing of their body. With the two events in a row it’s supposed to test the men’s endurance. All participants are ready and then it’s go time. Muscles strain as all the men hack at the logs beside them. It’s mesmerizing watching Paul work. His body pushing to its limit, sweat dripping down his firm chest, all while yielding an ax. So damn sexy.

  About this time, Rose and Firn join me on the bench. They’re late and I’m sure it’s Firn’s fault, not wanting to come or something. They both smile though and seem in good spirits. “Damn. Look at these hot guys chopping at logs. I could watch this all day.” Rose fans herself. Even Firn seems intrigued. I guess she isn’t only interested in books. Of course, Firn and Rose have seen the competitions before. This is my first and I have to say, I won’t be missing the next one. The eye candy is off the charts. It reminds of the volleyball scene in Top Gun. I’m expecting a Kenny Loggins song to bust out at any moment. The men are focused on the task at hand and soon the top of a log clunks to the ground.

  “Mr. Hemlock is the winner for the standing block chop!” All of us girls clap, and Paul gives me a wink. Damn, I could faint at his feet right now if I wasn’t sitting.

  “Paul is totally showing off for you, Scarlett. He’s so into you. Oh, I’m so excited.” Rose bounces in her seat. Firn nods her head and looks happy too. I’m glad I have friends like them that will root me on and be happy when I find a special man in my life.

  There’s a brief break in the championship so Paul comes over to say hi. He drinks a large bottle of water as he speaks with us. Damn. He’s a tall drink of water if I do say so myself. “What do you think of the tournament so far, Red?”

  “Aww, he has a nickname for you and everything,” Rose whispers under her breath, causing me to blush.

  “It’s so exciting to watch you at work. I’m so proud of you, Paul. You’re doing a great job.” Fanning myself with my hand, I try not to fawn all over him or act like a teenager at a heartthrob’s concert. Then, he leans down in front of everyone and kisses me right on the lips. My lumberjack smells like pine and the outdoors. My core tightens being this close to a shirtless Paul. I love the scruff of his beard against my skin. Trying not to just jump his bones right here and now, I fist my hands in my lap like a good girl.

  “It’s the good luck kiss from earlier, I’m sure of it.” He smiles against my lips. Heading over to another event, Paul sets up for the springboard chop. I hear Rose and Firn squeal next to me.

  “Oh, my gosh. That was so romantic. “Who knew Paul had it in him?” Firn remarks.

  “You’re going to have such cute babies!” Rose gushes.

  These two are too much. I’m sure my face is a wonderful shade of scarlet now. This is new and no need to put the cart before the horse as they say. I’m enjoying my time with Paul but we’re not even official. Does this even count as a date? Throughout the week he’s come over to chop wood for my fire. It gets pretty chilly at night. He’s very thoughtful in that way. Rose and Firn said he’s never dated anyone before. Hearing that makes me feel special, like he was waiting for me to come along. I shake my head of all these serious thoughts and decide just to enjoy my time right now watching Paul shirtless. Although, Rose is right. We would have pretty cute babies.

  The next event looks even more exciting since they have to make a notch in the standing wood log, then slide a board into the notch in order to stand on to scale the tree, making the final chop at the top. It’s sound exhausting.

  Max Wolf looks ready to kill someone. He’s eyeing Paul with apparent distaste and then peeks at me. His whole demeanor changes and the wolf turns into a sheep. I’m not buying his sudden change in
mood. Wolf flexes his arms and smiles at me. Ugh. I decide not to encourage his advances and look elsewhere.

  “I’m just imagining all them naked,” Rose blurts out. I look over my shoulder at her. “Except Paul. He’s all yours.” She pats me on the back and I laugh. She’s a riot. Now that I look around the event, there is quite an abundance of women in the crowd. This is sort of like a Victoria Secret’s Fashion show for men. Except us women get to see the men in action, with big axes and a lot of wood.

  “Firn, you’re drooling.” Rose giggles.

  “Am not!” Firn not so secretly wipes her mouth with her sleeve. Never a dull moment with these two.

  The event commences, and it’s just as exhilarating as I thought it would be. Before I know it, Paul and Max are on wood planks teetering at the top of the log trying to chop off the top. Unfortunately, Max wins this round with a grunt at the final chop. He roars to the crowd in victory and hops down strutting over toward me. I hope he’s not coming over to gloat. Peeking around Max’s body, I see a disappointed Paul. His facial expression looks like he’s thinking this is war. Determined, Paul advances to the next event to get ready.

  “I won that event for you, Scarlett.” I don’t think I could tell him to drop dead so I demurely smile and hope he moves along. My lumberjack looks agitated that Max is talking to me. I give him a thumbs-up and it seems to lift Paul’s spirits a bit. It goes on like this for most of the tournament. Paul wins one and then Max does. Mr. Wolf wins all the logrolling competitions since he’s light on his feet. Paul clunks around but is surprisingly fast, just not fast enough. Now it’s time for the ninety-foot speed climb. It’s an even playing field right up until the last event. This has been a real nail-biter.

  I blow Paul a kiss for good luck. He acts like he grabs it in his palm and I laugh. We’re so cheesy. This is seriously relationship goals though. Mr. Wolf is not deterred. His scowl is fixed on his face and he’s all serious as he grabs the rope straps with both hands in order to climb up the tree. I cross my fingers and hold my breath as Paul gets into position. His face shows sheer will.


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