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The Vordalyn 1

Page 20

by Michael T Payne

  “Tell us, good news, I hope?” She asked him, placing her hand on his armor-clad knee.

  “Very, in fact,” He smiled, his smile was truly warm to Queen Jenzenya, making her feel at ease, “You will never have to worry about the Priests of O’on again.” He sat up proudly, “You can actually call them friends now.” Dracon said with a nod.

  “How so?” Queen Jenzenya asked intrigued.

  “Well you’re looking at their new leader.” Dracon said sticking his chest out slightly, sitting tall in his seat. A man several yards away from where most of Dracon’s group once stood, cleared his throat. Queen Jenzenya did not notice his arrival with the group, although he dressed like them in color, but more like a priest.

  “Actually,” The man said having their full attention, “We serve her imperial majesty, Venalina, of the Vordalyn.” He nodded. Queen Jenzenya looked to Dracon, then to Venalina who stared back at her with a smile that was half a snarl. Queen Jenzenya was stunned quiet for a few moments.

  “They serve me and my king.” Venalina finally said, just above a whisper, her hands running up, and through, Dracon’s hair.

  “I see.” Queen Jenzenya looked back at Dracon, he could see the fear in her eyes. She had withdrawn her hand from his knee.

  Dracon chuckled, “Fear not, your majesty, we are and forever will be, allies. Take heart in that friendship we forged. Your freedom from war is at hand, rejoice.” He said raising his hands up.

  “We thank you, all of you.” She said looking up at Venalina as well, “Thank you.” Venalina softened and smiled, further relaxing Queen Jenzenya.

  The Frei feasted in their honor, making a point to honor Thikuf, as one of their own who helped make the end of the war possible. They were joyous, peace finally at hand, the darkness no longer had any power over them. During the celebrations, Dracon and Venalina sat with Queen Jenzenya in a place of honor. Dracon explained what they had learned about the Priests of O’on and the Ffrei. He told her of the spell that held the sun in the sky for thousands of years, over their land alone. He also told her of his confusion as to why his land saw day and night as nature intended it, but here saw only days. They spent days with the Ffrei, honored guests, yet again. Dracon’s men enjoyed the Ffrei hospitality, the Ffrei women. The Priest of O’on, Orist, who had joined their group and operated the portal device, was very uncomfortable around his brethren. Although he was a Ffrei himself, he felt very disconnected to them. He slinked about unnoticed, keeping his distance from everyone save her holiness, Venalina. He followed her like a dog, awaiting her every command. It pleased her, but annoyed Dracon. He was always quick to point out that the Priests of O’on served her, and her alone. When the celebrations began to wind down, Dracon called together his men and Satana.

  “It’s time we went home,” Dracon started, then pointed at the Priest of O’on, Orist, and the device, “We’ll say are goodbyes, and head home.” Dracon smiled, the rest of the group clapped and laughed, exuberant it was finally over. Venalina nodded to Orist, urging him to speak.

  “Lord Dracon, if I may, we cannot depart yet.” Orist informed him, much to the dismay of the group, who verbally let him know their opposition to his words, “It needs time to…” He looked at Venalina for the right words, her eyes urging him again, to get it right, “Recharge.” Venalina nodded slowly, then glanced at Dracon who was looking right at her.

  “How much time?” Dracon asked.

  “Six months?” He said like he was asking, then looked at Venalina, “Six months.” He said with more belief in his words.

  “You thought to tell us after we wasted our trip here, to Qinkas, instead of our home!” Velen yelled at him.

  “I only did as I was commanded.” Orist said stepping back from the group, behind Venalina. They all wanted to break his neck.

  “It’s ok, my lord, we can spend this time together, I can take you all over the lands. I can show you such things. It’s only six months.” Venalina walked to Dracon putting her hands around his neck and leaned tightly against him.

  “This is not right, Venalina.” Satana said, “You should have said something, you have all their knowledge, you’re saying this tiny detail slipped your attention?”

  Venalina continued to smile, looking up into Dracon’s eyes. His face turned to a snarl, “Leave us!” He growled. Venalina’s smile left her. Everyone left them alone, except for Orist, who went to the door like he was leaving, but shut it behind the others, then turned to watch Dracon and Venalina.

  “Don’t be angry.” Venalina said as Dracon pushed her back from him, he turned to face the balcony and took a couple steps away from her. Venalina watched him, anxiously.

  “What aren’t you telling me Venalina?” Dracon asked looking out in to the night, he could see the moon fully from where he stood, it was beautiful and supernaturally larger than it should have been. He cocked his head slightly confused by its size.

  “I’m telling you everything my lord.” She said.

  “Just conveniently too late to act on,” Dracon said through clenched teeth, “Had I known the truth of the thing, I would have walked Thikuf home, instead of delaying our return another six months!” he ended in a shout. Venalina walked to the bed and sat on the edge, leaning back on her arms, trying to look enticing for when he finally turned around, she bit her bottom lip and said nothing while she waited. Dracon still looked out at the moon, “With this gift,” He said sliding the sleeves of his Drow jacket up, “I could walk across the expanse unharmed,” He said extending his arms out, “With my armor, and my sword, I could get my men home,” He snarled, “The fear of me alone, would keep those creatures at bay, I could do this without your portal, or you!” he turned back to face her. He was angry. Venalina’s face went pale with fear. Fear he was going to leave her and make good on his threat. She sat up no longer trying to entice him.

  “My lord, please, don’t speak like that, it frightens me.” she said looking down, avoiding his angry stare.

  “Fear not my lady, I am here with you.” Orist spoke from the door. Dracon snapped his head up, looking at him. Neither one of them had any idea he was still in the room. Dracon marched over to him while Venalina watched, unsure what he was about to do, at first, but then it was clear to her his intent. Venalina ran after Dracon, she could see his rage. Orist was barely able to raise an arm for protection, before Dracon grabbed him by his neck and punched him twice in the mouth. Venalina wrapped herself around his arm stopping his assault, but Dracon was not done yet, and started to push Venalina off. Orist screamed like a yipping dog, fearful Dracon was going to kill him, and that was truly his intent.

  Venalina screamed, “You’re mad at me!” she continued entwining herself around Dracon, keeping him from hitting Orist anymore. She grabbed Dracon’s hand that held Orist by his neck, giving him a jolt of electricity, making his hand release Orist, dropping him to the ground, where he quickly backed away whimpering and cowering behind Venalina’s legs. It made Dracon more enraged to see that, and her protecting him, “Stop!” she put both hands on Dracon’s chest and a blast of force shoved him back several feet. It did not knock him down, he just slid across the floor, away from them, “You’re mad at me!” Venalina pointed at him, “How will it look if you kill one of your own in the Ffrei queen’s palace?” She panted, Orist hiding behind her legs for protection. His face was a bloody mess, several teeth were on the floor around them. The bald, whimpering priest, disgusted Dracon. “Get out, Orist!” Venalina said still pointing at Dracon, who looked ready to charge over and kill the priest. Orist did as he was told, quickly crawling to the door, leaving the room. They looked at each other in silence for a long time. Eventually, Venalina started toward him slowly, still maintaining her gaze into his eyes, a slight smirk started to appear across her lips. Dracon, still angry, turned away from her, walking to the balcony. She stuck her right hand out, fingers curled like a claw, halting him magically. Dracon could feel her stopping him exactly like a large hand grabbed him
from behind. He growled, trying to continue with all his might. Venalina started to slide with him as he slowly began to pull away from her. It made her laugh, the strength he possessed. Dracon too, started to break, and a smile came across his face as he continued to growl, struggling to the balcony. Venalina whipped her other hand at him and they both became a wisp of black smoke, reappearing on the bed, Dracon on his back, Venalina straddling him, with her hands on his chest. She made his shirt disintegrate and fall away like sand, then started rubbing her hands on his chest. “You are my powerful Dracon,” she hissed sticking her hands straight out to either side of her, controlling Dracon to do the same, involuntarily. She pinned him on the bed, unable to move. Dracon started to speak, but Venalina shot down quickly, her mouth to his ear, whispering, “Relax, my king.” He was instantly unable to speak, nor did he wish to. She cast a spell to soothe his anger and make him more pliable to her. He was utterly relaxed, every muscle in his body stopped tensing. Venalina stripped him naked with a wave of her hand, then, with a snap of her fingers, her clothes changed to a sheer, black, partially see-through, night gown. She rubbed his chest and stomach with her open palms, then began massaging Dracon. For hours, she rubbed every muscle in his body, not only for pleasure, but for power, casting her magic on him, making him stronger than he already was. She whispered to him, all the while, telling his sleepy, half-awake mind, how much she loved, and served him, her king. His only true ally.

  Orist returned, entering the room. Venalina looked over as he opened the door and entered. He stood just inside watching her as she straddled Dracon, who was now face down in the bed, while she rubbed his back. She leaned down, still eyeing Orist, and kissed Dracon between his shoulder blades. She climbed off her king to the floor. Orist looked away, her current attire left very little to the imagination. “You must learn, Orist.” She said walking around to the bottom of the bed, “Not to anger my king.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” He said with a lisp, making Venalina glance at him. His face was swollen, and both eyes were black, she chuckled.

  “The next time I may just let him kill you for your own stupidity.” Venalina walked out on to the balcony and looked out, over the city of the Ffrei, “You’ll also need to learn your boundaries, Orist.”

  “I must attend you my lady,” He said, making her chuckle again, at his lisp, he sounded pathetic. Venalina whispered a healing spell, looking over her shoulder at him, then blew at him slowly, like she was blowing a kiss. His face healed while she blew at him. When she was finished he was completely healed, teeth and all, “Thank you, exalted one.” He said bowing.

  “I should have left you toothless as a reminder of your foolishness.” Venalina said with a smile, turning back to look at the lively city of the Ffrei. It was beautiful, lit up in the darkness, under the moon light. Orist stood watching her from behind as the moon shone upon her, he could see through her gown, the way she stood. He felt desire for her, her long black hair, her pale white skin. In the land of the never-ending sun, she was one of the few creatures pure and untouched from its constant, golden kiss. As if she could feel his eyes desiring her body, she looked back over her shoulder at him. He looked down quickly. “You can leave Orist.”

  “Yes, my lady.” He said then turned to leave.

  “Orist,” She said stopping him.

  “My lady?” he turned back quickly to hear her.

  “When he and I are alone, you must never come in here again. If the others are not with us, then neither shall you, am I clear?” She said.

  “Yes, my lady.” Orist turned again to leave. Dracon began to stir with a groan, quickening Orist’s pace. Venalina slowly walked in from the balcony, licking her lips, admiring her naked king. She dropped her gown on her way, and climbed in to bed with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  They stayed in Qinkas until the moon waned and the sun shone again in the sky. The queen invited Dracon and his men to a brunch in her garden, it was a very lavish affair, her top advisors were all in attendance, and many of the noble Ffrei hierarchy as well. They all wanted to meet with the heroes before they left. Some of the family’s sent daughters to represent them, in search of a potential husband among Dracon’s warriors. It disgusted Satana, the aristocracy, she wanted nothing more than to be out on the road, away from the city and such events as these. It reminded her of home, and her parents, trying to marry her off. The garden was filled with music and people roaming around, drinking, eating, talking.

  “I’m sorry to hear that your return home has been delayed, however, I feel it is my great fortune to spend more time with you.” Queen Jenzenya said as she walked through the garden with Dracon, Venalina at his side.

  “It is unfortunate, but I too, see the bright side. You have truly been most welcoming, and this,” He raised his glass around the garden to the party around him, “Is truly generous, and most unnecessary.”

  “Ah, Dracon, to you it is overly indulgent I’m sure, but to me, it kills two birds.” She said taking his arm as they walked, “The nobles wish to meet the great King Dracon from across the expanse, I’m sure talk of trade will find its way in to your ear from more than one of them,” She nodded to a group of men having a discussion, “You are valuable to me, as you see I am a woman.”

  “A very lovely woman indeed, your majesty,” Dracon said smiling. Venalina pinched him.

  “Oh, such things you say, an ally like you, dear Dracon, will keep the wolves at bay.” She glanced again at the men who were now looking in their direction, Queen Jenzenya nodded and raised her glass to the group, then turned her direction to walk Dracon over to meet them, “If only you wore that terrifying armor of yours for this, I dare say the day would end perfectly.” Dracon laughed. The four men bowed as they approached.

  “Your majesty,” the closest man said still bowing, he took Queen Jenzenya’s hand and kissed it.

  “Lord Dracon, may I introduce to you, the Factor of the Northern Quarter, Elyon Virfiel.” He released Queen Jenzenya’s hand and bowed again to Dracon.

  “Your Grace, it is an honor.” Elyon said as he rose, the men behind him anxiously awaited their turn. Elyon was about to say more, to monopolize Dracon’s attention, but Queen Jenzenya knew him well, and interrupted to continue with the introductions.

  “Durlan Olana,” She motioned to a man just behind Elyon’s right, who immediately pushed ahead of him, bowing awkwardly walking to Dracon.

  “It is an honor to meet you my Lord Dracon, you are a true hero of the ages, we could not be more fortunate than to have met with such a great and wise king, such as you.” Durlan’s words were spilling all over, it made Venalina giggle. Queen Jenzenya smirked as well.

  “Tasar Wynkian, Factor of the Southern Quarter,” another man stepped forward. He was a little more reserved than the other two and did not smile, but he did bow.

  “Your Grace,” he said, expressionless and without another word, glancing at Venalina, looking her up and down with his eyes very quickly, then back at Dracon.

  “My queen,” Dracon said suddenly very serious, still eye to eye with Tasar, “Venalina.”

  “A vision of pure loveliness,” Elyon took Venalina’s hand and kissed it. Venalina smiled and nodded at him, he held her hand a little longer than he should have, smiling at her. Venalina looked down at her hand and he let go standing back up, “Excuse me,” he said.

  “You are the Kina, are you not?” Tasar asked.

  “And this is…” Queen Jenzenya started then stopped after hearing Tasar’s question. Dracon watched Tasar closely, the other three men backed away very subtly, sensing the tension suddenly brought on by that question.

  “She is no Kina,” Orist said walking from out of nowhere, approaching the group from the side, “She is a Vordalyn.” He informed them as he stuffed his mouth with a piece of cake. The group was suddenly very curious. The queen stepped around Dracon to see the Priest of O’on, who spoke.

  “A Vordalyn?” Tasar asked.

��A Vordalyn,” Orist affirmed, looking around at each person in the group, then took another bite of his cake, “You should all be familiar with that name, after all, the Priests of O’on were assembled to exterminate them on your behalf. Maybe hundreds, maybe a thousand years ago?” Tasar looked at Queen Jenzenya, then Dracon, with an expression of curiosity.

  “Madam, whatever thy name, beauty is the translation,” Elyon said trying to ease the tension, making Venalina giggle.

  “I beg your pardon, my lady.” Tasar offered a slight bow.

  “It’s a common mistake,” Orist began to speak, “It’s a shame you do not know your own history, it intertwines with hers.”

  “That’s enough, Orist.” Dracon said.

  “The term Kina, is a derogatory term for a second-generation half breed Vordalyn, whose mother mated with one outside their race.” Orist continued to explain despite Dracon’s command, “Both her majesties parents, were pure Vordalyn.”

  “Orist.” Dracon growled.

  “Fascinating, I was under the impression the Vordalyn were extinct?” Queen Jenzenya said looking at Venalina, stepping closer to her and looking deep into her eyes, “Walk with me? I wish to know more. Besides, these men want to talk business,” She pulled Venalina from Dracon’s arm. Venalina looked at Dracon who nodded, and the two walked away from the men, Orist followed. Dracon watched them go.


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