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The Vordalyn 1

Page 21

by Michael T Payne

  “She is an incredible beauty.” Elyon said, causing Dracon to turn slowly with a look that said, ‘I dare you to say that again’. “I meant no disrespect.” The fear in Elyon’s eyes told Dracon his point was made.

  Dracon smiled at him, “Of course not.”

  “My Lord Dracon, may we speak with you on matters of concern to us?” Durlan asked, the other three seemed eager to hear his answer.

  “Of course,” Dracon said, “I am at your disposal.”

  “We understand you have a portal.” Tasar said coming right out with it. Dracon nodded.

  “What my blunt compatriot means is, should you return home, will we be seeing you again? And if so, would travel across the expanse to your lands and ours, be something that interests you, on a regular basis?”

  “I fear this portal,” Dracon answered, “is a bit of a mystery for the time being. It’s workings, we have yet to fully comprehend. But, I do indeed believe a long-term relationship between our two lands will benefit us both. The expanse is a mystery I would have solved, in one manner or another.”

  “And, make us all very rich.” The fourth man who had yet to be introduced, spoke up, “Castien Preswynn, my lord.” He introduced himself, “I manage all the trade between Qinkas and the Ffrei settlements, throughout Sumia. I’m proud to say we are in negotiations with the Dwarves of Gulgran to open routes between our two lands, as well.” He was very proud indeed.

  “Dwarves? Have you Elves as well?” Dracon asked. The four men looked at each other, waiting for someone else to answer.

  Tasar spoke up, “We don’t deal with elves.” he said then looked to his friends.

  “A bit of a misunderstanding, really,” Durlan started to explain.

  “They are murderous!” Tasar growled. Dracon wanted to hear more.

  “Yes,” Castien stepping between the others and Dracon, “May we talk?” he asked as he put his arm on Dracon’s arm to usher him away. Dracon nodded and went along with Castien, “That business with the elves was a long time ago. Tasar, I’m afraid is still a bit hostile.” Dracon caught a glimpse of Simon chatting up a Ffrei nobleman’s young daughter, it made him smile. He wondered where Satana was, and how she was faring with all the aristocracy fawning all over them. He hoped that at the very least, she hadn’t punched anyone yet. “I am glad that we are able to talk, for you see, I speak on behalf of the Merchant’s Council of Qinkas.”

  “Is that so?” Dracon said politely, pretending to be impressed.

  “As a token of our gratitude, so long as you are in Qinkas, whatever you need, or want, will be yours for the asking. Of course, that goes for your men as well.” Castien added.

  “That is very generous, my men can really put away the drink, not to mention their other appetites. For you to offer such a thing is dangerous to your purse.” Dracon smiled glancing around to see if any of his men were close to have overheard that offer.

  “It is worth any cost,” he said eagerly, “For friendship of one such as you. Tell me, your lands, what resources are they rich in?”

  “I cannot speak for all Ganlin, I must confess. I only became king amid the battle with Terrax. I haven’t been home to take an accurate accounting, as my father had. However,” Dracon said spotting Queen Jenzenya and Venalina, having a spirited conversation and smiling, seemingly enjoying each other’s company, “My lands personally are rich in platinum.”

  “Platinum?” Castien asked surprised, the other three men had been following them, listening the whole time. Dracon had no idea they were trailing him and Castien, until one of them gasped, surprised at the mention of platinum, “That is very rare indeed. May I ask, how rich?”

  “It’s everywhere, I hardly have to go looking for it. We use it for everything. Cups, plates, candelabra’s,” Dracon could go on but stopped.

  “Remarkable,” Castien looked behind them to the others, “Truly fortuitous is our meeting indeed, my Lord Dracon.”

  “Have you considered how you will trade with Qinkas, if indeed you wish to trade with Qinkas?” Durlan spoke from behind them. Dracon stopped walking, an attendant approached the men with drinks, which he took as he faced the four men.

  “I am going to negotiate that with Queen Jenzenya at our next opportunity.” Dracon said politely.

  “It would not be unheard of if we,” Castien motioned to the other Frei and himself, “Had a tentative agreement with his grace, maybe a discussion over dinner.”

  “I was thinking maybe, your highness could join us at my manor, you can bring your queen? You can sample some Ffrei hospitality on a level more suited to your tastes my lord, no expense too great for the mighty Dracon and his queen.” Elyon asked ahead of his cohorts. They did not seem pleased he usurped the invitation and made it at his home.

  “We, will have everyone worth knowing in attendance.” Durlan added.

  “I will consider it, seriously.” Dracon nodded and sipped his wine. He really wanted to drink it all at once, but he remembered what his mother used to tell him, ‘No matter how much of a fierce warrior you are Dracon, here, you will act like the civilized child I raised’. “Now, if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, you’ve given me much to consider. I wish to mingle, you will hear from me.”

  “Of course, my lord, enjoy.” Castien said with a bow.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  In the back room of Dark Hawks tavern, Dark Hawk sat at a table examining various pieces of jewelry. Tani, one of the women who worked his tavern, was giving him a back massage while he did his work. He had a lantern on the table to light each piece as he examined them closely, with a monocle he had on his left eye. Tani was topless, as she rubbed his back, hoping he would make some of the pieces on the table hers, if she pleased him. Tani was his favorite girl. No one was usually allowed in the room with him when he was counting his money and pricing his jewelry, she was the exception. She knew how to push all the right buttons with Dark Hawk. He was not one who parted easily with his treasures, but he let pieces flow into her possession regularly. Quid pro quo. He could tell which pieces she favored by the change of intensity of her massage as he picked up each piece. Tani was not a bright girl, not conscious of what she did, making Dark Hawk seem like a mind reader when he gave her a favored piece, which in turn made her show him extreme appreciation. She was definitely his favorite.

  A knock came at the door, making Tani stop her work on Dark Hawk and lift her dress back up over her shoulders to cover herself. She walked away to a door in the back of the room and hid behind it. Dark Hawk waited until he heard the door to his bedroom shut behind him, before he said, “What?” he sat back in his seat and looked across the table at the door to the tavern. Ramus opened the door and poked his head in, “Come in, Ramus.” He said. Ramus entered and stood across the table from Dark Hawk.

  “Sevum has returned.” Ramus informed, “He flush with loot.” Dark Hawk smiled and nodded.

  “How full are we tonight?” Dark Hawk asked he could hear the tavern was busier than usual, but hadn’t come out yet that night.

  “Very. Only seat’s open are at the bar.” Ramus smiled, that news pleased him. Good business news always pleased him, “Some skulls are asking for Tani.”

  “Skulls, how many of them are here?” Dark Hawk asked slightly concerned.

  “Just a couple.” Ramus said unconcerned, shaking his head, “What do you want me to say?”

  “She’s not on the menu tonight. Keep an eye on them, let me know if more show up. Let Sevum spend some of his loot, then bring him back to me.” Dark Hawk ordered.

  “Yes sir.” Ramus said then left. Dark Hawk could hear the door behind him creak open. He turned his attention back to the table of jewels.

  “I’m not working tonight?” Tani asked as she returned to her spot behind Dark Hawk with her hands on his neck, “If I can’t pay for my room, I’ll be thrown out of Darlia’s, I’ll end up like those girls on Copse Avenue.” Dark Hawk knew that wasn’t true, she had plenty of money to pay for her room at D
arlia’s. It made him smirk, she was trying to hustle him.

  “Oh, you’re working tonight, just not out there.” Dark Hawk chuckled.

  “Really?” She asked crouching down to put her lips to his ear, then whispered “I hear its full, I could make a lot of money out there, with many men. But back here, I’ll make only one man’s money.” She licked just below his ear, then asked, “What’s it worth to keep me all to yourself?” she kissed his ear. Dark Hawk leaned back a little, he considered stopping his work and taking her right there, then decided yes, he would. He took her hand from his shoulder and walked her around to his side, then pulled her into his lap. She slid her dress off her shoulders and pulled his head into her breast, straddling him in his chair. Dark Hawk laid her back on the table, keeping his head in her breasts. A knock came again at the door. Tani sighed, unhappy for the interruption, “Tell them to bugger off!” she said holding his head tightly and wrapping her legs around his rib cage with a squeeze. Dark Hawk ignored the knock, but a moment later as he slid her dress up her legs to her hips, the knock came again. Tani ignored it and began working at Dark Hawks belt. He grabbed her hands, stopping her, then nodded over his shoulder back to his bedroom. She gave him a scowl then growled as she slid off the table fixing her dress. He waited until she left, she slammed the door making him wince.

  “What?” Dark Hawk said angrily.

  Ramus popped his head again, “Sevum, he needs to see you.” Dark Hawk thought for a minute then nodded his assent. Dark Hawk cleared his loot from the table, shortly after, Sevum came in the room. Mani followed Sevum in, with a pitcher and two mugs. Sevum stood across from Dark Hawk who was again sitting. Mani poured a mug for Dark Hawk putting it on the table in front of him.

  Sevum was agitated and did not sit, initially ignoring the drink, which was a surprise to Dark Hawk. Ramus stood behind the twitchy and paranoid Sevum, “Give me my money.” Sevum demanded.

  “Have a drink Sevum, sit.” Dark Hawk offered, “You’ve been gone a long time.”

  “I just want my money, Dark Hawk, and I want to be done with it!” Sevum was extremely unnerved. He sat and took the mug, just as Mani set it down for him. His hands were shaky, spilling some of his drink. He drank it all at once then looked at Mani with his mug extended for another one. Dark Hawk stood, amused at him, then went to where he stowed his loot. He took out a bag of coins meant for Sevum, from Darius. Payment for a job. “You know what the condition those bodies were in?” Sevum started to ask as Dark Hawk dropped the bag on the table for Sevum.

  “Stop talking Sevum, that is not my business. I do not want to hear one word about it. Is that clear?” Dark Hawk said looking at Ramus. He snatched Sevum by the scruff of his neck, lifting him from his chair, then dragged him from the room. Dark Hawk could tell he was about to say more than he wanted to know. Ramus took Sevum and escorted him from behind the busy bar where the door to Dark Hawks back room was. After sending Sevum out into the tavern, Ramus’s attention was grabbed by the front door to the tavern, where six men came in very aggressively. They wore full plate armor, bearing the colors of King Dracon, with weapons drawn. Patrons stood pulling daggers and swords of their own backing away from the front door. The six soldiers made a line preventing anyone from leaving. One of the patrons from the other side of the tavern threw a mug of ale across the room, hitting one of the soldiers in the helmet dousing him in the ale. The tavern was about to erupt in battle, the patrons, all cutthroats, were drunk and ready for a good brawl. Ramus ran back alerting Dark Hawk. Who returned with him behind the bar. Dark Hawk brought with him his long sword.

  “Get our men armed and between then and our customers.” Dark Hawk ordered. His men were well trained and were already in position without having to hear the orders. Dark Hawks men stood between the patrons and the six soldiers who barged in looking for a fight. Dark Hawk came out from behind the bar and stood in front of the six soldiers, then pointed his sword at them and said, “If you’ve come looking for trouble, then you’ve come to the right facking place!” the tavern roared in support of Dark Hawk. The six soldiers raised their shields before them protectively.

  “That’s a coward’s voice I hear,” Said Alkwin as he entered the tavern behind his men, two other soldiers followed him in. Dark Hawk looked at him a long time, sizing him up and his now, eight men. “It’s odd seeing you hold a sword, since last I saw you, you were dropping one, then turning tail to run.”

  “You have better brought an army, Alkwin, or I will kill you here and now.” Dark Hawk said through clenched teeth.

  “Oh, I have, my old comrade.” Alkwin laughed walking in front of his soldiers. Suddenly in the darkness outside the tavern, torches started to light up the night through every window. There was indeed an army surrounding the tavern. The patrons quieted, and weapons began to clang to the floor as they surrendered.

  “You here to settle a score?” Dark Hawk asked still holding his sword, “Then let us settle it, you and I alone.”

  “Tempting.” Alkwin said, “But, no.” Alkwin walked past Dark Hawk to the bar then looked around at all the patrons forced to one side of the building. “Sevum Glosk, of Midvalley, come forward.” No one moved or a said a word.

  “There is no one here by that name.” Dark Hawk said still holding his sword.

  Alkwin chuckled, “You’re a coward and a liar.” Dark Hawk spun on Alkwin who had his back to him.

  “Say that again!” Dark Hawk growled. Alkwin walked away from him, behind the bar then poured himself a drink.

  “Which part? That you’re a coward or liar?” Alkwin drank the drink as Dark Hawk rounded the bar and swung his sword at Alkwin, who pulled his own sword parrying Dark Hawks blow easily, without spilling a drop. He threw the mug at Dark Hawk, who blocked it with his sword, then Alkwin drove his shoulder into the sword that was up, back into Dark Hawk making him drop it. Dark Hawk fell to the floor from the charge. Alkwin looked down at him smiling, then extended his hand to help him up. Dark Hawk refused his hand then started to stand, Alkwin punched him in the face just as he stood, sending him back against the bar dazed. Alkwin grabbed him by his shirt then punched him again with his gauntlet covered fist, “Sevum!” He called out as he punched Dark Hawk a second time, sending a spray of blood on a patron on the other side of the bar, “Come forward!” He commanded and punched Dark Hawk again, sending more blood in the air, men winced and looked away. Alkwin had Dark Hawk bent backwards over the bar. He took his forearm and brought it down on Dark Hawks chest, more blood sprayed as his breath was forced from his lungs. He slid to the floor, Alkwin looked around at the patrons and Dark Hawks men, then started to kick Dark Hawk in the ribs, repeatedly. Every gasp and thud coming from the floor of the bar seemed to echo for all to hear. Wincing with every blow, trying to look away, the crowd was in fear. Alkwin stopped, walked away from Dark Hawk, then poured himself another drink. He looked over at Dark Hawk on the floor gurgling, then finished his drink. Dark Hawk tried to get up rolling to his belly, trying to bring his legs under him. “Help him up.” Alkwin said to his soldiers, but two of Dark Hawks men acted first, to help him up. Alkwin let them. A door behind the bar opened and Tani stepped out and screamed when she saw Dark Hawks face. Alkwin was surprised by her, realized she was no threat very quickly and did nothing. He smiled, “Are you working back there, my lady?” Alkwin asked then grabbed her by her hair, jerking her closer to him. He smelled her hair in his hand, as she writhed trying to free her hair from his gauntlets grip.

  “Let her go.” Dark Hawk said looking around for his sword on the floor. Alkwin let go of her, he wasn’t interested in torturing her, too much. He walked from behind the bar, stopping next to Dark Hawk.

  “It was good to see you little brother.” Alkwin whispered.

  Alkwin and his men left Dead Hallow, after searching every home in the city. Dark Hawk was taken to his bedroom. His ribs were broken, his face was unrecognizable, his men put him in his bed, and plied his wounds with bandages and very good d
rugs. After they tended their boss, they got Sevum out of town, delivering him to Darius and informing the bandit king what happened.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Queen Menina held council in private. In attendance were Ohmbryn, Elmyra, Renic and Arlen Krislee, another of her generals. The elves were all very attentive to every word that came out of Queen Menina’s mouth. Renic was very relaxed and partially uninterested in most of the meeting.

  “Tell us, Elmyra, how is our plan coming along?” Queen Menina asked.

  “My queen,” Elmyra stood, “The rumors were met with great difficulty at first, however after the body placements, they started to take hold. People have been returning to Urixis, since you allowed it, fearful that the rumors are true.” Elmyra smiled, “There has been several moments of unrest in the lands of Dracon, many demanding he answer the accusations and rumors, further causing the people to leave his lands. Those in the major city, however are undeterred and do not believe the rumors, Dragons Claw still flourish’s.”

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn stood, “It will only be a matter of time, if we continue to place bodies, strategically people will want justice and hold Dracon accountable. They are starting to believe he is in league with Terrax and is hiding in his home.”

  “And the other rumor?” Queen Menina asked.

  “Well, my queen, no one believes Dracon killed King Treska, I think that was reaching, too many men witnessed the truth of that, it is best we let that one fade.” Ohmbryn bowed, “They are believing he returned after making a deal with Terrax, the dark power rumor and dead bodies are doing the trick.” Renic chuckled, causing everyone to look at him.

  “You have something to say?” Queen Menina asked, Ohmbryn and Elmyra sat. Renic smirked and lifted the chain of his amulet painfully, he couldn’t speak his mind with it. Queen Menina held her hand up, aiming it at him. The amulet glowed blue then faded. She nodded at him to speak.


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