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The Vordalyn 1

Page 22

by Michael T Payne

  “What are you doing, Menina?” Renic asked.

  “Queen Menina!” Ohmbryn snapped at him.

  “There, there, Ohmbryn, we can forgive my brother a slight indiscretion.” She looked at Ohmbryn, then to Renic, “What’s on your mind, dear brother.”

  “This is all so unnecessary, it’s been more than a year, Menina. There has been no sign Dracon will return from the outer region, you are queen, unopposed. All you must do, is keep Dracon alive in the minds of the people. Even in the guise of holding his place for him. No one will dispute you any longer, everyone knows it is your place to sit on the throne until the king is returned. When you kill his memory then people will begin looking to the princes to rule.” Renic shifted in his seat, “You will cause more fighting and unrest the way you are going. You will never fully gain control of Ganlin this way.”

  “It is a sound plan, we must make the people love you again Queen Menina, we want them to choose you over Dracon or the prince’s.” Elmyra stood.

  “It will mean civil war!” Renic stood, “Very few will believe these lies about Dracon. People will rally if they think you are trying to take what is rightfully his.”

  “The throne rightfully belongs to Queen Menina.” Ohmbryn responded quickly. Renic ignored him.

  “All of this was unnecessary Menina, every little bit of it. All you had to do was be patient and you would have had the love of the people united, this whole time. But instead, you went on the attack tearing your own family apart!” He started to stand.

  “That’s enough for now.” Queen Menina pointed at his amulet and again in turned blue then faded along with Renic’s will to speak anymore, “I’ve always thought of you as the smart one, and yet when I hear you speak it diminishes those thoughts. For a strategist, my brother, you seem ignorant. It puzzles me you cannot see my ruse to draw out this imposter? We will continue as planned. How is the treaty with Alkwin and his fake Dracon?”

  “Tense, but no more attacks have come from them. They are allowing Elves to travel unharmed. Trade has boosted Urixis, and the people are once again happy.” Elmyra informed her.

  “Good, do as you see fit Elmyra, keep on with your plan.” Queen Menina smiled at her.

  “My queen,” Elmyra said, “The people have taken some time to find fear in the bodies, being they were elves. If a few humans were to also succumb to the myth of Dracon’s blood lust, they would not be so keen to ignore it.”

  “What do you mean?” Queen Menina asked.

  “Many outside Urixis hate elves as you know, because we stood with you against Dracon. So, dead elves did little, but make the people happy at first, if we want to push it to another level they should see humans among the dead.” Elmyra said.

  “Yes,” Queen Menina smiled at her, “You serve me well, Elmyra, you see Ohmbryn, she is clever.”

  “Indeed, my queen.” Ohmbryn agreed. Renic sat shaking his head.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Satana walked down the long wing of the palace where she and the others of Dracon’s followers resided. Queen Jenzenya was truly gracious to them. She treated them as friends. Each of them felt her sincerity. Satana had come to call upon Dracon and Venalina, she hadn’t seen either of them for a couple of days. She spotted Orist outside their door like a guard. It made Satana smile as she walked up on him.

  “Keeping forever vigil are you Orist?” Satana asked.

  Orist made a deep bow, “I forever serve her highness, Venalina of the Vordalyn.” Satana nodded as he spoke with a smile still across her lips.

  “Wow, that’s a title that really rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?” she asked, “So standing outside their door, listening to every conversation they have? Is that how you serve her highness?”

  “I would never!” he said appalled at her accusation. It made her laugh at him.

  “Calm down, Orist, take a break, go find someone else to pester. Better yet, go get something to eat, you are skin and bones, like a little street urchin.” She waved her hand down the hall from where she just came, “Besides, Lord Dracon would not be pleased to know you are sitting outside his door, little puppy.” Orist was visibly furious and embarrassed, his whole face was scrunched up. “I,” She said putting her hand to her chest, “Am going in to speak with them, he probably shouldn’t see you hanging around out here.” Orist considered her words a moment, remembering his beating, then walked off. Satana watched him as he left the wing. Then, she straightened up, rapped on the door three hard knocks, and walked in. She looked around the room and to her relief, they were not in bed. Satana walked in to the room more before she spotted Venalina facing the balcony area. She could hear Dracon talking angrily on the balcony but could not hear what he was saying. Satana could see Venalina had her arms folded over her chest, it was clear they were arguing about something.

  “Good afternoon,” Satana said to alert them to her presence before something awkward was said. Venalina slowly glanced over her shoulder at Satana and smiled briefly, then returned to an unhappy scowl. She walked over to Satana.

  “He’s unhappy,” Venalina said in almost a whisper, “How are the others getting along?” Dracon walked in from the balcony angrily, then stopped after seeing Satana.

  “My lord,” Satana gave him a slight bow, “It’s been a few days.” Dracon looked back and forth between the two women, it was obvious he wasn’t done with whatever they were talking about. Dracon relaxed slightly.

  “Satana,” Venalina said continuing past her, Satana followed her with her eyes, turning to keep facing her as she went by her, “Lord Dracon doesn’t understand my reluctance to return to your home of Ganlin.” Venalina turned back around to face Satana and Dracon. Satana glanced at Dracon then back to Venalina.

  “I’ll be honest, Venalina, neither can I. You have nothing to fear there.” Satana said glancing at Dracon.

  “It’s more than just that.” Dracon said sourly, “She lied to us.”

  “What else?” Satana asked taking an expectant posture with her hands on her hips.

  “I didn’t lie!” Venalina hissed at him.

  “You play a dangerous game with my trust woman!” Dracon yelled. Satana put her hand on Dracon’s arm, as he started toward Venalina very angrily.

  “My lord.” Satana said settling him down.

  “It takes six months for the portal to recharge on its own, but what she didn’t tell us, was that she can charge it herself and use it at will!” Dracon finished pointing angrily at Venalina as he told Satana the news. Satana’s mouth dropped open in shock and she slowly turned to look at Venalina. She looked away from Satana, embarrassed by her response.

  “Why would you do that?” Satana walked the few steps that separated them. Venalina turned away and walked to the base of the large bed. Satana followed her and asked her again, “Why would you do that to us, Venalina?” she looked her over and could see something was different about her.

  “I was frightened!” Venalina yelled, looking at Dracon, “I don’t know where you come from, or your people. You see how these people in my own land treat me, what will they say of me when you tell them what I am. Your mother, the queen, what will she say when you tell her I am not a human? Will she allow you to marry me?” Venalina sat on the bed with tears in her eyes. Satana wanted to feel sorry for her, but all she could feel was anger, they could have been home already. “Where will I be then? I will die without you!” She said looking up at him.

  “You keep saying that, Venalina.” Dracon walked over to her, “You’re scared I will leave you and you will die. You lie to me in fear, and that will cause what you fear to happen. By your own doing! Not mine!” Dracon growled again. Venalina slid off the bed to her knees and wrapped her arms around his legs.

  “Please forgive me,” She pleaded, “I will do anything you ask.” She cried. Dracon looked at Satana and neither one of them believed the sincerity of her groveling.

  “Get up, Venalina,” Satana said, “You can stop the show, we aren’t
buying it this time,” She said folding her arms across her chest, “We haven’t given you any reason to believe we will treat you poorly, certainly not let you die. We’ve been good to you.” Satana knelt to help her stand, but Venalina would not let go of Dracon. He reached down and easily stood her up to face him.

  “I accepted you and all that you are. I love you,” Dracon said holding her by her upper arms, Satana was taken aback by his admission, “What can I do to make this deceit stop? What can I do to make you trust that I love you?”

  “Take me to the city of my people before we return to your lands.” She said almost before he finished asking his question. His face furrowed, confused, “The dead city that once was the capital of my people, take me there, let me see it, before I go to your lands.” She said again

  “Why?” Satana asked. Dracon’s face too, asked the question. “If I go to your lands with you, I may never get the chance. But if we go now, I can go and know that I have seen it, I will find peace in that, and go freely wherever you wish.” She put her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest. Dracon looked over at Satana.

  “If I do this for you, I want you to send my men home immediately.” He pushed her back to make her look him in the face, “You will stop lying to me,” She slowly nodded her assent. Satana turned away, angry, and walked to the door, “Where are you going?” Dracon asked.

  “I can’t believe you’re even considering it, but since you are, I guess I’ll go gather the men. I’m assuming you’re going to have something to tell them?” She said as she reached the door.

  “Tell them nothing, let me.” Dracon ordered.

  “Yes, my lord.” She said sarcastically, “Of course, my lord.” Satana snarled on her way out the door. Dracon watched the door a moment then looked back at Venalina.

  “You’re losing trust quickly, Venalina.” He said.

  “I know,” She said looking down at the floor, “I’m sorry.”

  It wasn’t long before Satana had gathered their entire company, Orist included. They met for a private dinner. Midway through the meal Dracon made his announcement.

  “We are going to be able to send you all home after all.” He said. The men began to celebrate immediately. After a few minutes of celebration, Simon spoke up.

  “Your highness, you said sending us back, what about you? You are coming with us?” He asked with a smile, sure he misunderstood him.

  “No, I will not be coming with you, but you are all going home to return to your families.” Dracon said as he finished his meal. The men began to protest, Velen most of all. Dracon explained he had some things left to do in Qinkas and would be following them along directly. Dracon and Venalina left shortly after the dinner, but not before Dracon once again told them to pack for home. Velen was very disgruntled with Dracon’s decision to stay behind with Venalina. It was no surprise to anyone that he blamed Venalina. Simon, wanted to tell him to shut his mouth, but after Venalina got them stuck in Qinkas, he could hardly justify taking her side. He looked to Satana who also seemed to struggle with whether or not to silence Velen. It wasn’t until Velen started talking about Dracon leading the Priests of O’on, and drawing comparisons to Terrax, did Satana finally put an end to his tirade.

  The following morning Dracon informed Queen Jenzenya of his decision and his men’s departure. She was happy that Dracon was staying behind a little longer. She offered him an escort to the lands that once held the capital of the Vordalyn. Queen Jenzenya warned him of the dangers of visiting the dead city. Few returned from an adventure to the dead city, and those that did, spoke of horrors that reside in the city of the once powerful, Vordalyn. Thikuf wasted no time offering his service once again. Dracon considered his offer, letting him and Queen Jenzenya know they would speak again before he left. First, he was going to send his men home. Dracon met with his men outside the city of Qinkas, deep in the woods.

  “I’m sending you all as close to Urixis as possible, I want you to go see my mother and tell her what we’ve done here.” Dracon said to Satana.

  “No.” Satana said flatly.

  “What do you mean, ‘no’?” Dracon asked.

  “I’m not going back without you, Dracon,” Satana said, “If I leave you here alone, you might run into a dragon’s mouth screaming, ‘I can take it alone!’” she said imitating Dracon in an exaggerated manner, making the men chuckle.

  “I too am staying, sire.” Simon spoke up, “Terrax killed my whole family, I have nothing left to return to. I want to see this adventure to its finale.”

  “And I,” Danyll said stepping up from around a couple of the men. Followed by Fowlin.

  “And I,” Fowlin said echoing Danyll then shoved him into Simon, “Who’ll keep an eye on these two, while they watch the horses?” Dracon looked at the men with a smirk and a nod.

  “I want you to go see Queen Ayana, without haste,” He said to Velen, “Tell her what we’ve done here. Tell her of the world we discovered. Our new alliances,” He said looking at Venalina with a smile, “The new trade routes we will return with. There is a whole world out beyond the outer region, I want her to know we have secured the safety of Ganlin, and have made friends.”

  “And of the Kina?” Velen asked.

  “Still Velen? She is Venalina, she will be my queen. It’s time you accepted that.” Dracon said.

  “Yes, my lord.” Velen said looking down.

  “You’re going home Velen, a hero. Cheer up.” Dracon smiled at him, “Prepare the way for my return. When you’re done at the capital, return to my home, get it ready for me.” Dracon grabbed Velen by his shoulders, “Tell the men of our adventures, and our victory.” Velen smiled.

  “I will, my lord.” Velen perked up.

  “You men all have families, first and foremost, assure them of the peace to come.” Dracon smiled. With that, Venalina walked to the side of the group and pointed her hands at the woods around them and began hissing, speaking her sinister language of magic. She began to swirl her hands before her and the world in front of her also began to swirl in a circle that became increasingly larger. Then, she pulled her arms apart and a tear ripped the world open, on the other side of the portal was a road. Dracon recognized it, it was the main road to Urixis. “Velen,” Dracon stood side by side with him, “When you return to my home, I want you to start turning all our platinum to coins, all of it. First, visit your family, kiss your wife and children, my friend.” Dracon smiled then gave Velen a shove to head into the portal.

  “Can I convince you to come with me, my lord?” Velen asked one last time. Dracon chuckled and shook his head no. Then Velen stepped through the portal tentatively. Each of the men followed Velen, until all had gone through the portal. Once through they all looked back at the comrades they were leaving behind and waved, the portal closed. Dracon turned around to the four who stayed behind with him. Satana was overcome with emotion, she turned away from them all, trying not to cry in front of the others. She wanted so badly to return home after seeing it again. It renewed her anger at Venalina. No one seemed to notice that Orist and the device were nowhere to be seen. Venalina opened the portal, unassisted. The remaining group walked back to Qinkas quietly, all feeling the sting of seeing home for a brief moment and saying goodbye to their comrades. Satana lagged behind the group, watching those ahead of her, searching among them for Orist. She didn’t remember him coming with them. She searched more intently, looking behind her to see if he were walking even more slowly than she was. He wasn’t with them at all. Satana quickened her pace, catching up to Venalina who walked just behind Dracon’s left shoulder, so close she could whisper in his ear. Satana grabbed the back of Venalina’s gown and tugged it slightly to get her attention. She looked back at Satana then stopped walking, letting the others go ahead of them some distance.

  “You did that without Orist and the device.” Satana said with her hands on her hips.

  “Yes. I’m getting more powerful.” Venalina said smiling. Satana cocked her he
ad curiously.

  “You lied again?” Satana said with a growl, again she noticed Venalina looked different, “What’s going on? Since we’ve returned you look different, you act different, and I am having a hard time wondering if everything you ever said was a lie?” Satana asked, Venalina slowly started to walk again. Satana started to walk with her.

  “I am different, Satana,” She said glancing at her as she spoke, “When Dracon and I finally…”

  “Yeah, I get what you’re saying, what about it?” She asked and folded her arms over her chest, still angry.

  “A lot has changed in me, magic is flooding my thoughts and shaking my core from our union. Then, with the knowledge absorbed from the priest’s books, I am confused and overwhelmed, learning what happened to my people. It has spurred a level of paranoia and irrational fear I can’t control. I am suddenly without warning scared for my life, and other times I feel invincible to the world. As hard as I struggle I can’t control it yet. All that knowledge I was to absorb from the priest’s is slowly leaving me, I am confused almost all the time, Satana and scared.” She said Satana began to relax, feeling sorry for her, “I woke up this morning and I forgot where I was, I forgot Dracon. I almost ran away to find my cave a gain.” She started to cry.

  “Ok,” Satana grabbed her wrists and shook her gently, “It’s ok, calm down.”

  “I don’t want anything to make you distrust me, but I am changing somehow, and I don’t know why. It makes me lie to you like I don’t even know you. To protect myself for no reason!” Venalina said looking intently into Satana’s eyes. Satana softened and exhaled a long sigh, not knowing what to do or how to help her.

  “Have you spoken to Orist about this?” she finally asked.

  “No,” Venalina said looking down, “I don’t know who I can trust.”


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