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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

Page 53

by Laura Acton

  “How?” Jon questioned.

  Fiona blinked. “How what?”

  “The elevator isn’t working. How are you moving him to the second floor?”

  “Ah, yes. Well, Captain Lundgren brought another generator, and there is enough power to use the lift now, but only for moving patients and food trays. Everyone else still must take the stairs.”

  “What about Dan’s condition and Scott’s.” Zach peered at Fiona, extremely confident in her abilities. Uncle Erik told him when he called earlier that Fiona happened to be Jasper Pastore’s new daughter-in-law, and Jasper sang her praises as a skilled surgeon.

  Fiona smiled at Zach, fondly remembering her father-in-law’s continuing friendship with the young man’s uncle, and although she had never met General Broderick, she possessed an intense desire to do her best work for any of his kin. “We haven’t ruled out MRSA. The cultures take one to two days to return results. However, I believe based on where his initial injury occurred, we may be dealing with an aggressive strain of Staphylococcus aureus, which developed a resistant to the previously prescribed antibiotic.”

  A slight shiver ran down Lexa’s spine. “Will he lose his leg to infection?”

  Turning to Lexa, Fiona replied, “Dr. Chardin started Dan on Vancomycin when he arrived, which likely curbed the infection’s progress. If she hadn’t, Dan would’ve faced possible organ failure and death. Though Dr. Craig did a superb job in debriding the deep wound, I’m afraid the outcome is still undetermined.

  “A comparison of x-rays taken before and after the blast revealed Dan sustained a hairline fracture of his tibia in the explosion. That, along with the porous nature of bones, allows for the possibility for the infection to infiltrate. Fortunately, the latest films appear to be devoid of osteomyelitis.” Glancing at the confused faces, Fiona clarified, “Sorry, bone infection.”

  Receiving nods, she continued, “We’ll retest his blood in forty-eight hours and again in four days and the wound anytime we detect purulent drainage. Recovery of the organisms from either source will determine if the Staph is developing resistance to the current antibiotic regimen.

  “We will also do repeat x-rays and an MRI if Dan develops worsening symptoms. However, if the disease progression is not halted, Dan may still face amputation.” Fiona paused as she read their distress. She hated giving them this detail, but she wanted them to possess all the facts, so if the worst scenario occurred, it wouldn’t come as a surprise. “I’m keenly aware of Dan’s severe phobia of needles, so I plan to insert a PICC line tomorrow to facilitate potential long-term antibiotic therapy.”

  “How long are you talking about?” Nick resisted the desire to rub his face upon hearing the disturbing update on Dan.

  “Potentially six weeks, but as I said, we must wait for the test results, and will adjust treatment as necessary. One positive I can give you is his temperature is moving in the right direction, which gives me hope we selected an effective antibiotic. I ordered the sedative to be reduced, and he has also been moved to a room upstairs.”

  Lexa fought the dread building inside by focusing on the silver lining. Dan was receiving proper care, and he often beat the odds. He was too stubborn to allow an infection to win. “Can we visit Dan?”

  Fiona hesitated. “I fear he may become combative again when he wakes. Might be safer if you all wait until later.”

  Bram caught Lexa’s brief flash of disappointment. “Um, Dan feels safe with Lexa and me.” He flashed Lexa a grin. “She can calm him with only a soft word or touch. If she hadn’t been fixing the plumbing when he became upset earlier, you would’ve seen the miracle she can perform, and we wouldn’t have needed to manhandle him.”

  Reconsidering, Fiona nodded. “Alright, but for his safety and yours, only short visits, and you must wear gowns and masks. That will be the protocol for Scott and Loki as well.” She turned to Zach. “Scott is also upstairs. He, Loki, and Dan are in separate rooms to prevent cross infections since their immune systems are compromised.

  “The cultures taken from Scott’s wound require the same amount of time as Dan’s, so it will be tomorrow before we can confirm Dr. Craig’s diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. But he appears to be responding well to Ceftazidime. His chest x-ray indicates pneumonia in both lungs, but we are waiting for results to determine whether it is bacterial or viral.”

  “Did he develop that by going out in the blizzard?” Zach asked.

  “No. More likely, he was exposed to someone with the influenza virus or Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium sometime in the past week or so. However, his exertions in the frigid temperature may have exacerbated onset, and with his immune system fighting two infections, his health deteriorated rapidly.”

  Zach nodded and sighed.

  Lexa patted Zach’s arm. “Your cousins are strong. How about heading up to Scott’s room for a short visit while we visit Dan and Loki?”

  “I promised to provide Uncle Will with an update as soon as I found out anything. Will you peek in on Scott for me? I’m sure he would be happy to see you again. I’ll come to his room after I’m done.”

  Though she wanted to go to Dan first, Lexa agreed. “Sure. I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  When his team and Zach started to rise, Nick said, “I need to contact Gambrill, so I’ll be up in a little while. After your visits, find a cot and grab some much-needed shut-eye.”

  As everyone nodded and followed Dr. Pastore out of the café, Nick reached for the satellite phone. He also needed to speak with Captain Lundgren about grim business—arranging the transfer of the Bartons’ bodies to a morgue, and finding out his plans to search for Officer Bruno Ramsey. As he dialed Gambrill’s number, Nick allowed his pride of Loki’s actions to grow. The son of his heart did well, and he couldn’t wait to tell him so.

  Hospital – Dan’s Room

  Jon entered alone to visit Dan while Ray went to Loki’s room, Lexa to Scott’s, and Bram went to grab coffee. He stood a few steps inside, noting Dan’s leg had been elevated in something like they would use for traction.

  His eyes drifted to the bandage covering the lower leg as he recalled his words to Dan in the locker room only four days ago. Your leg could be hanging on by a gossamer thread, and you would say it will be alright. How close to reality his statement almost came scared him. Jon wanted to be mad at Dan, but Broderick followed the doctor’s instructions, and still, the wound became infected. Damn. Trouble finds Dan even when he tries to have a bit of fun.

  Dan wore no gown, but a light sheet covered him from hips to upper thighs for modesty sake. Jon assumed the fever caused Dan to perspire, and clothing would become damp and sticky in short order. The army nurse wiped Dan’s bruised and sweaty face with a washcloth, dipped the rag in a basin of water, wrung it out, and ran the fabric over his colorful chest and arms.

  Stacy glanced at Jon, having learned who he was when he helped hold Dan down earlier in the ER. “He’s still sedated. He won’t lash out now. It is safe to come closer.”

  Recalling Dan’s hallucinations and his cries for Brody to help him, pinched Jon’s heart. He inched forward as he quelled the anger brewing in his gut, a fury born out of the fact he had not captured the Bartons years ago.

  Halting at the bedside, Jon laid his hand over Dan’s, noting the heat radiating from him. His voice low and gravelly, Jon said, “Dano, both Bartons are dead, and their reign of terror is over. Everyone else is alive.

  “You, Loki, and Scott did good, and I’m proud of you all. Loki is going to be alright. He’s gonna need some time to heal, but he will make it back to the team. And I don’t know if you did it on purpose or not, but laying on top of Loki kept him from bleeding out. So, thank you. I’m uncertain if Ray or Boss would’ve recovered if the Lokster had died.”

  Squeezing Dan’s hand slightly, Jon sighed. “You rest now and heal too. When your leg is better, I’ll help you with rehab. We’ll have you back on the job in no time. If you work hard and follow all the doctor’s
instructions, I promise to minimize your light duty time.”

  Jon chuckled. “And if you’re really good, I’ll find something more to your liking than being stuck in the command truck or doing paperwork. Deal?” He didn’t expect a response now and would repeat his conditions later once they learned if Dan would be able to return to work.

  “Well, I’m gonna go now. The rest of the team wants to visit.” Jon released his hold and turned to leave, hoping the infection didn’t spread to Dan’s bone.

  Hospital – Scott’s Room

  Entering the room, Lexa spotted the humidified oxygen mask on Scott’s face as it fogged with slow, even exhales. He appeared to be resting peacefully, not hacking or struggling for every breath as he had in the stairwell. Whatever medication they gave him allowed him to breathe easier.

  Weary, she lowered herself into a chair near the bed, and images of Dan when he was in the hospital after being shot by Merrill came to mind. Waiting while he was in the coma had been so hard, but during those awful nights, she had built a friendship with Scott. Like all the Brodericks, he was a man who valued his family and would do whatever necessary to protect them.

  Lexa spoke softly, needing to share her thoughts now, but comprehending she would need to repeat her words when he was awake. “Thank you, Scott. You risked your life to save Dan. Lily and your babies need you, and what you did was risky.”

  She lightly chuckled. “Although Jon would’ve classified your actions as unacceptable risk, your cousin would label them necessary and calculated.”

  Becoming serious again, Lexa added, “Regardless, it took guts to go out into a blizzard and ski twenty miles. You went above and beyond, and I am forever in your debt for risking your life for him. I’m glad you survived, and I’m sorry you got hurt. If you need anything, ever, you can call me.”

  A small smile crossed her face. “You’re going to be in so much trouble with your wife. If I’m not working, I’m willing to drive up and babysit when you take Lily out to apologize for downplaying your injuries.”

  Lexa rose and moved to the bed. “Lily is one lucky lady. I’m sure she’ll forgive you.” Without lowering her mask, she leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Thanks for saving Dan. I’m unsure what I would’ve done if he died.”

  Then she confessed to the sleeping man, “Dan still holds my heart. I’m trying to move on because I must. I’m genuinely sorry I hurt him. I hope he finds someone who will cherish and love him as much as I do.”

  She stepped back, unsure what compelled her to come clean to Scott. Perhaps it was because of the cousins’ twinness. She wanted to tell Dan she was sorry she broke his heart, but couldn’t have that conversation without wounding him again.

  Hospital – Hallway Outside Scott’s Room

  Lexa exited, and she smiled as Zach approached all suited up and eager to go in. “Scott’s sleeping. His breathing sounds less ragged than earlier.”

  Zach nodded. “That’s okay, just want to sit with him. Uncle Will’s almost to Ottawa. He’s gonna tell them everything once he arrives.”

  “How much trouble do you think Scott is in for not telling Lily the truth?”

  A burst of laughter came from Zach. “A lot. I fear for his life. He’s either very brave or foolish. I’m leaning towards stupid right about now. The CDS can make Scott’s life hell if Lily talks to her dad.”

  Grinning, Lexa’s tone was light and humorous. “I’m sure Scott will survive. Though he might not be allowed to go on vacation with Dan again.”

  Another chuckle came out before Zach said, “Probably not, unless they have a full security detail and medical staff. Oh, and satellite phones.”

  Lexa nodded. “I’ll let you go in now. I’m gonna check on Loki and Dan.”

  Zach entered and left Scott’s door ajar.

  Needing to recompose herself before visiting Loki or Dan, Lexa leaned on the wall to quell the tears which wanted to sprout when she thought about how she could’ve lost both of them … and nearly had. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Zach’s voice filtered out into the hall.

  “Hey, Cuz. Sheesh, you look like hell. You remind me of Dan when he was in the coma. Damned glad you’re alive. You’re one crazy fool for going out in that storm,” Zach uttered louder than necessary.

  Lexa froze at Scott’s reply. “Had to. Dan would’ve died. How is he?”

  Oh, crud! Scott is awake. Did he hear my confession? Lexa held still as she deliberately listened now.

  “Hey, you’re awake. Lexa said you were sleeping.”

  “You woke me. You forget how to use an inside voice?”

  Chuckling, Zach said, “Apparently. Too many hours in loud cockpits. Sorry, I woke you. I’ll shut up.”

  She relaxed a bit, knowing Scott had not overheard her. As Lexa started to move away, she froze again, something compelling her to stay put when Scott spoke.

  “No. How’s Dan?”

  “They sedated him ‘cause his delirium made him combative.” Zach pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat. “Although his fever is still high, it’s going down according to Dr. Pastore. She’s still not sure if it is MRSA, but is keeping him on the current antibiotic since it seems to be working.”

  Scott nodded. “The fever threw him for a loop. Lots of hallucinations. Some pleasant and funny, others terrifying, and some just sad. Dan kissed a nurse, thinking she was Lexa. I felt so bad for him.”


  Scott wheezed as he inhaled. “When she backed away, Dan begged her not to leave him again. What he said broke my heart. Lexa broke up with him. Dan never told me.” Coughs interrupted him again. “She ripped out his heart and stomped all over it. He was so confused and hurt when he pleaded with her to choose him this time.”

  Lexa cringed at Scott’s words and wished she had left moments earlier, so she didn’t overhear this. Pain lanced through her heart. Part of her wanted to curl up right here and cry for the agony she caused Dan. But she couldn’t give up the team. Neither could Dan. This was the way it had to be.

  Zach’s voice reflected his surprise, “Lexa and Dan were dating, and she dumped him? Why?”

  Scott realized he broke Dan’s confidence. His mental and physical state contributed to his lapse. Scott quickly said, “You can’t tell anyone about this. Dan confided his secret relationship with Lexa to me in private … I shouldn’t have told you. They were breaking the rules. It’s over now, so don’t say anything, or there might be repercussions.” Scott dissolved into another coughing fit.

  “No more talking, Scott. You’re not doing well, and you need your rest. I’ll keep this to myself. You can talk to Dan about it later,” Zach stated.

  Lexa swiftly headed for Loki’s room, unsure she could handle visiting Dan yet with her emotions too raw and unstable.

  No Greater Love


  November 25

  Hospital – Loki’s Room – 7:50 a.m.

  As Jon went in Dan’s room and Lexa in Scott’s, Ray quietly entered Loki’s. The first thing he registered was a constant and reassuring beep of the heart monitor. Moving closer to Loki, Ray peered down at his best friend, noting his dark hair was plastered to his head. His usual healthy tanned complexion seemed so pale, almost the color of the white sheets.

  “Thank God we’re the same blood type, brother. Don’t you ever scare me like this again.” Releasing a long sigh, Ray clasped Loki’s limp hand, studying his brother’s face and fighting emotions dredged up at the thought of losing him. His eyes drifted to Loki’s neck and leaned forward to examine finger-shaped bruises turning from deep red to blue and purple.

  He wondered when Noah choked Loki, not recalling anyone mentioning Noah laying hands on Loki, but he must’ve at some point. Raw anger surged forth. “I’m glad the Bartons are dead, or I would’ve killed them for trying to strangle you.”

  A wave of dizziness overtook Ray, and he reached for the chair, pulling it closer and sinking into it. He placed his elbow on the bed and supported his head on his
palm. “Rest now, Loki. You’re going to be alright. I’m proud of what you did. You kept so many safe, including Dan. Appears he returned the favor too. You saved each other.”

  Fatigued, Ray’s lashes lowered, and when he started to fall forward, he jerked upward and opened his eyes. Realizing he wouldn’t make it downstairs, Ray rested his arm on the mattress and settled his head on his forearm. “I’m not gonna let you go on vacation with Dan without me. Too much weird shit happens to Dan. Trouble always seems to find him. Not fair, but it does.” A few moments later, Ray dozed off, still holding Loki’s hand.

  Lexa pushed open Loki’s door, peeking in to check if Ray had finished his visit, not wanting to interrupt. A soft smile came to her face as she spied Ray sleeping. Though the two friends possessed quite different personalities, they forged an unbreakable bond … one Lexa believed similar to what Dan must’ve shared with Brody.

  With quiet steps, Lexa ambled to the foot of the bed and picked up the extra blanket. She unfurled the thin fabric and covered Ray’s shoulders. Footfalls made her turn and put a finger up to her lips as she spotted Boss entering. She whispered, “Appears we are ignoring the one-person rule.”

  Nick stopped on the opposite side of Loki’s bed, and a bit of tension eased upon seeing him. “Well, as long as we aren’t caught. Ray appears to be worn out. I should’ve made him lie down on a cot a long time ago.”

  “He would’ve defied you if you made it an order. He needed to see Loki, and I doubt anyone could’ve stopped him.” Lexa moved to the other side and stood beside Nick. She reached out to touch Loki’s hand as tears she fought for so long began to fall. “What would we do without him? Loki is the one who brings humor and lightheartedness, which keeps us all sane.”

  Nick’s arm went around Lexa’s shoulders, and he pulled her close, giving and seeking comfort. “We won’t be finding out. We’re going to do everything in our power to help him recover and return to the team. Just as we did for you and Dan. Like we always do for our family.”


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