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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

Page 54

by Laura Acton

  Leaning into Nick’s embrace, the warmth of his heart, offered without reservation, shored her up. After a few minutes, Lexa wiped her eyes and regained control over her emotions. “Speaking of family, did you call Mrs. B?”

  “Yes. She’s worried, but I assured her Loki’s receiving the best care possible. Once we know when he and Dan will be transferred to Toronto, she’ll make plans to return from Montreal. She wants Dan to stay with her and Loki so she can nurse them both back to health.”

  “Taco lasagna is likely in our future.” Lexa grinned.

  “Enough to feed an entire army. Donata surely loves to cook.” Nick sighed. “Could go for some of her home-made bread right about now.” Shifting gears, Nick inquired, “Did you visit Dan?”

  “Not yet. Jon went in first, and Bram went for coffee. I came here after visiting Scott. Think Zach might be in with him now.”

  Nick nodded, gazing at Loki. “I don’t recall the doctor mentioning bruising around his neck.” He peered closer. “Are those finger marks?”

  Focusing on Loki’s neck, Lexa’s stomach turned but didn’t voice her suspicion. The discoloration appeared older than would be possible since Noah arrived. Dan had hallucinated, and perhaps he lashed out. Instead, she said, “They sorta look like fingers, but maybe it’s from the blast.”

  Meeting Lexa’s gaze, Nick read something else in her eyes. “Lexa?”

  Lexa puffed out air, which caused her bangs to flutter. “If he did, he didn’t mean to. Perhaps Loki startled him.”

  Comprehending who, Nick declared, “No, you’re right, he wouldn’t do it on purpose. Loki knows better than to startle him. But Dan will emotionally scourge himself if he finds out.”

  “Well, with any luck, the bruising will diminish before they are together. I doubt Loki will bring it to Dan’s attention, and none of us will.”

  Their conversation halted as a nurse entered the room and said, “I’m afraid two of you will need to leave. Only one visitor allowed at a time.”

  Turning to the nurse, Nick requested, “Can a cot be brought in here for Ray? He is too wiped out to make it downstairs.”

  Tori gave them a smile as she recalled the man who donated blood, which saved her patient’s life. “Yes. Least we can do for a hero. I’ll have an orderly help me move him, but I’m sorry you must leave.”

  Lexa squeezed Loki’s hand. “I’ll be back later. Sleep well.”

  Nick placed his hand over Loki’s heart. Speaking Italian, he said, “Son of my heart, I am so proud. You are strong, and you will come back to us. I will be with you every step of the way. Rest now, son.”

  As they made their way out, they spotted Zach and Jon in the hall.

  Hospital – Hallway – 8:15 a.m.

  Bram exited Dan’s room to find everyone except Ray congregating near Loki’s door. He hurried over, eager to peek in on Loki. “How is he?”

  “Pale, but resting peacefully. Ray’s sound asleep, and the nurse is going to arrange for one of the cots to be brought up for him, so he’s staying with Loki. She shooed us out because of the one visitor rule,” Lexa shared.

  “About time everyone follows Ray’s lead and grabs some shut-eye. When I spoke with Gambrill, he informed me he’s trying to shift schedules to cover our shifts. Bravo may be able to take half of tomorrow’s shift, but it is likely we will be heading back to Toronto later tonight or early tomorrow.”

  “Ray’s not going to want to go.” Jon leaned against the wall. In truth, none of them would want to leave, but in reality, there was nothing for them to do here, and the medical staff was top-notch.

  Nick agreed with a nod. “Not much we can do about it.”

  “Except pray the weather keeps us here until they are ready to be transported home,” Lexa chimed in.

  Adopting a more pragmatic approach to the Boss’ statement, Bram started for the stairwell. “I noted someone beginning to make breakfast when I got my coffee. I’m gonna grab a bite then hit the hay. Suggest you all do the same.”

  The others soon followed as all of them needed something to eat and sleep.

  Scott and Lily’s Home – 11:30 a.m.

  Erik yawned as he shuffled to the front door in response to knocking. The sleepless night left all the adults in less than stellar condition. Frigid wind and snow blew into the foyer along with William, and he closed the door quickly. Smiling at his snow-covered brother, Erik said, “I’m surprised you’re here. I thought for sure the storm would divert your plane. Come in. Quiet though, Lily and the twins are laying down for a nap.”

  William shrugged out of his jacket, handed it to his brother, and made a beeline to the living room. The need to hold Yvonne at the forefront of his mind for the last, ungodly long and unbearable, fourteen hours. Embracing her tightly, tucking her head into the crook of his shoulder, the icy dread encasing him ever since he received the satellite call from Scott began to melt. I’m finally here for her and she for me. It never gets easier when Daniel is hurt.

  After several minutes, William relinquished the love of his life, and when Yvonne lifted her gaze to his, he leaned down to kiss her. Neither worried about expressing their love in front of Erik, Ann, Connie, and Kimberly.

  As Yvonne and William released one another, Kim held out a steaming mug of coffee as she said, “Looks like you need a cup. I spiked it with a little Bailey’s Irish Cream too.”

  William smiled. “All the Broderick women are wonders. Thanks, Kim. I come bearing news, not all good.” As they sat, William took a moment to savor a few sips of much-needed coffee. His call with Walter had been rough. He took one more sip and then set the cup down.

  Lily wandered into the room, yawning. Although she laid down with her children, she had not been able to fall asleep and came downstairs to find out who braved the weather since the storm which plagued the Blue Mountain area had arrived in Ottawa but with much less force.

  William turned and spotted Lily. He patted the couch next to him and said, “Please, come sit with me.” When she lowered herself beside him, William put an arm around her. “The news is mixed, but all three are being treated by competent medical staff.”

  “Three?” Ann asked.

  William nodded. “Yes, three. Well, more than three, but let me tell you about Daniel, Scott, and Loki first.”

  Ann took a deep breath and held Erik’s hand. How does Yvonne stay so calm? She answered her own question. Practice. Yvonne’s been through situations like this way too many times. This is my first and, hopefully, only time dealing with something of this nature with one of my sons.

  “I spoke with Walter and Zach. They apprised me of the full situation. Scott pulled a Daniel and downplayed his injuries significantly.”

  The general’s words confirmed the sense of foreboding Lily had ever since yesterday. She steeled herself to find out what happened. As William spoke, providing all the details, Lily ran through a gambit of emotions, concern, amusement, worry again, pride, terror, sadness, gratitude, relief, back to trepidation. A dose of anger crept in too, both at the situation and at Scott for believing her to be some fragile flower not capable of handling the truth. She would need to set him straight on that account once he came home.

  When his brother finished, Erik blew out a breath. “Christ, what a trip. Perhaps those three shouldn’t be allowed to vacation together.”

  William chuckled in spite of the seriousness. “Perhaps, but sure sounds like each of them went the distance to protect each other and everyone in the hospital. From what I gather, all three are to be commended for how they handled the unexpected circumstances. All the hostages are singing their praises.” He stopped a moment and shook his head as he said, “What are the odds of the Barton brothers showing up in the same hospital?”

  Ann sighed. “With Scott and Dan, pretty high. Those two always attract trouble. Doubly so when they’re together.”

  Everyone nodded, and Erik said, “Not sad to find out the Bartons are dead. But the explosion, what do you know about it? Wh
at happened to the unit you sent? I thought they would arrive before the TRF team.”

  William shared details relayed to him by Corporal Hinder since only he and Welch escaped concussions because they were upstairs. Everyone silently digested the news after William finished, until Yvonne asked, “So when and where will they be evacuating our boys?”

  Taking a sip of his coffee first, William answered, “Scott, Dan, and Loki are in excellent hands, and Fiona believes transporting them will be arduous. When I spoke with Zach, he estimates it will be at least twenty-four hours until the storm abates enough to be safe for him to fly, but Jasper’s daughter-in-law and the weather will be the deciding factor as to when they will be moved. Zach will call tomorrow to provide an update.”

  Connie’s heart lurched learning Zach had flown in blizzard conditions, but pride in her youngest son’s accomplishments also warmed her heart. “I’m pleased Zach is using his head and not willing to take undue risks.”

  William nodded. “Your boy is a smart one, Connie. If he ever has a mind to it, when he reaches the age and service requirements, I’d love to have someone with his skills in Special Forces. Zach can fly almost anything in any weather.”

  The smile faded from Connie’s face. Zach in SF? Yvonne went through hell with Dan. Could I handle my son being in jeopardy so often? Though she was not privy to details, the scars on Dan’s body spoke loudly of what he endured, and she never wanted either of her sons to suffer the same.

  Connie took a deep breath and steadied herself. I married a Broderick. My sons are Brodericks. I came into this marriage, this family, fully aware of their dedication to the military. If Zach chooses to go for Special Forces, I will support his choice, regardless of what it might cost me.

  Kimberly squeezed Connie’s hand, recognizing the wheels turning in Connie’s head. They likely mirrored one she had when her only son Jeff announced he would join Special Forces. Luckily, his role entailed training the soldiers rather than going on missions. “How about you come help me make lunch?”

  “Sure.” Connie smiled at Kim. They were always there to support one another. She stood and headed into the kitchen with Kimberly. For now, their focus needed to be on Lily, Ann, and Yvonne … and to a lesser extent, Erik and William.

  Yvonne peered at her husband, her face softening. “You meant well, and I’m proud of Zach too, but you just scared the living daylights out of Connie with your comment about Zach and Special Forces. I don’t believe she is ready to think of her baby boy in that capacity yet.”

  William’s eyes followed Connie. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry her. I’ll keep my thoughts to myself in that regard from now on.”

  Sighing, Erik leaned back in the soft chair. “With recent events … it appears nowhere is safe. I mean … who could’ve predicted a trip for a few fun days on the slopes would’ve gone so wrong?”

  A wry smile came to William’s face. “Not me. This certainly turned into the ski trip from hell.”

  Hospital – Café – 1:30 p.m.

  “The sandwiches are quite tasty.” Nick held out one and a bottled water to Jon as he resumed his seat. Neither of them slept well in the last five hours, but Bram and Lexa continued to snooze on their cots, and Ray was still sleeping in Loki’s room when he checked a short time ago.

  “Thanks,” Jon replied automatically, his mind elsewhere. When he couldn’t sleep, he had roamed the hospital and ended up outside the destroyed surgery room, where he sat against a wall mulling over everything.

  “I know that look, Jon. Want to tell me what’s on your mind?” Nick unwrapped his turkey sandwich and took a bite.

  Jon contemplated his answer as he chewed and swallowed a mouthful of his sandwich. “I’m concerned about Dan’s overall health, not just the current infection. He’s too cavalier. If things continue this way, someday we won’t be able to rehab him. He’ll push too far, deflect and downplay too much, and we’ll lose him. I can’t figure out how to fix him, and it makes me angry.”

  Eyeing Jon, Nick softly said, “There is nothing to fix. Dan is Dan, and he’s one heck of a guy exactly as he is. Would you change anything about Loki? Bram? Ray? Lexa? Me? You?” When Jon remained silent, he added, “I believe your real problem is you see in Dan a reflection of your younger self.”


  “Are you so sure?”

  “Yes. We’re nothing alike. He takes unprecedented risks. Runs headlong into danger … lives for the excitement. Ignores his health, and puts everyone’s welfare before his own. Believes everything is his fault. Dan’s …” Jon trailed off as his internal mirror showed him some qualities found within. But I’m no adrenaline junkie! Jon paused as he considered Dan’s past actions and conceded one point. Neither is Broderick, but Dan still takes unnecessary risks, and that’s gotta stop, or he’ll end up dead.

  Nick smiled. “Uh-huh.”

  Jon left his lunch on the table as he stood and strode out of the café. He needed to visit Dan once again. He must figure out how to handle himself before he did or said something he would regret. Jon still carried enough remorse for laying into Dan over dating Lexa … an error in judgment he vowed never to repeat.

  Releasing a sigh, Nick watched Jon go. Once Jon accepted their youngest member and he were cut from similar cloth, he would learn how to deal with Dan without flying off the handle. In a few years, with Jon’s continued mentorship, Dan would become one hell of a tactical lead.

  Nick’s thoughts shifted to Dan’s conduct since joining TRF and disagreed with Jon on why Dan put himself in hazardous situations. He is driven to protect others … as is Loki. Their actions in the surgery proved each one would willingly make the ultimate sacrifice to save a brother. Nick smiled as a verse from the Bible came to mind, which applied to everyone on his team. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

  Between Hearts


  November 25

  Hospital – Dan’s Room – 7:20 p.m.

  Peeking into the room, Lexa brightened, finding Dan alone as she had hoped. She pushed open the door only enough to slip in and left it ajar. Though part of her still worried about visiting him, another part would no longer be denied, and of course, Bram and Ray would be suspicious if she didn’t come, especially Bram, since Ray’s focus remained centered on Loki.

  Aware from the doctor’s last update Dan had not woken from the sedation, although Dr. Pastore stopped it in the wee hours of the morning, Lexa figured his body needed the rest. Luckily, one of the test results came back, and he didn’t have MRSA, but the aggressive Staph infection might still migrate to his bones. Only time and treatment would tell.

  Taking one nervous step after another, Lexa shuffled closer to the man who captured and held her heart. She fought the tears as she studied him. The fresh bruising on his cheek and jaw came from his scuffle with Noah, while the darker blue and purple on the side of his head was the result of hitting the tree. Lexa moved to Dan’s left since a sling held his right arm, and he always responded favorably when someone touched his left bicep.

  She recalled from one of their many conversations while dating why the simple gesture calmed him. It was the only place where his brothers could touch him without causing significant pain after rescuing him from terrorists who tortured him for three months.

  Peering down at him, Lexa’s heart lurched. Viewing him in this condition was bad enough, and she didn’t think she could ever handle what he must’ve looked like when his unit brothers saved him. The telltale faded scars in their raw form would’ve shattered her. Feather-light, her fingertips traced one of the more significant ones.

  When Dan twitched in his sleep, a slight moan escaping, Lexa noted the REM movement behind his eyelids and recognized the signs indicating a nightmare. In their time together, he had them often enough that she learned a few tricks to help him relax and return to a restful sleep without waking panicked, sweating, and gasping for air. Trailing her fingers upward across his stubb
ly jawline and to his golden locks, she began a gentle massage.

  She wouldn’t dare do this if he was awake, at least not now. It would be too cruel and give him false hope, but she needed to offer him comfort and help stop the night terror. Her intonation soft and lilting, Lexa began to croon When You Say Nothing at All by Alison Krauss, knowing her voice would soothe Dan though he slept. She chose a song that spoke to her with a message she wanted to believe.

  His sapphire eyes intrigued her from the first time she spotted them blinking Morse code in Central Bank. Those eyes and his smile drew her in the night she met him the bar at Grand Citadel and ended up in his hotel room before realizing they were teammates. Lexa resisted his allure for so long, but after the gang war and Merrill shooting him at Arron’s funeral, she lowered her defenses and allowed him in.

  Their ability to communicate without words and the truth in his eyes made her believe for one brief moment she might have it all … he’d never let her fall or leave her. Reality dashed those dreams, and she was the one to push him off the edge. She hurt him and in doing so, hurt herself too. Damned protocol!

  As she sang and tears dripped from her eyes, Dan calmed and rolled his head into her touch. She recognized what love was now, but theirs was not to be … neither prepared to make the sacrifice of leaving the team. Correction, she was unwilling while Dan’s heart and soul were still so fragile after killing Brody … he still needed what the team provided.

  After finishing the melody, Lexa wiped at her eyes, sniffled, and spoke the words she wanted to say for months. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I wish our situation could’ve been different. Just between our hearts … you are the only one for me. You are my turtle dove, but I must set you free. You deserve someone who won’t crush your heart as I did.”

  Her hand moved to the scar on her abdomen as her doctor’s words invaded her mind. The damage to your uterus means you’re unlikely to bear children. A pang of loss shot through her, and fresh tears ran down her cheeks. “Someone who will give you children. Someday there needs to be a little Danny running around in the world with those sapphire eyes and WOW smile.


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