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Last Chance Diner

Page 1

by Rowan Thalia

  Last Chance Diner

  Rowan Thalia

  Copyright Notice

  Copyright © 2020 Rowan Thalia

  Cover Art by: Rainy Day Artwork

  Edited by: Sara Gonzales

  Formatting by: Inked Imagination Author Services

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except with brief quotations in book reviews.

  Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.



  1. Faith

  2. Faith

  3. Faith

  4. Faith

  5. Faith

  6. Faith

  7. Faith

  8. Faith

  9. Faith

  10. Faith

  11. Faith

  12. Faith

  13. Faith

  14. Faith

  15. Faith

  16. Faith

  17. Snow

  18. Faith

  19. Faith

  20. Faith

  21. Ranger

  22. Ranger

  23. Faith

  24. Faith

  25. Faith

  26. Faith


  Thank You

  About the Author

  Also by Rowan Thalia


  A huge thank you to my best author friends: Darcy Ray, Nicole Bopp, Suki Williams, and Jarica James. I appreciate your undying support and love. You pushed me to be a better writer and to get my book done.

  Sara, you are my alpha and my biggest support system. Thank you for always being available to listen to me. I’m also super grateful for my new beta team, I couldn’t have done this without you, my kinky bitches!

  Sweat beads on my forehead as I pace outside the Alpha's office. Thane has never called for me, so it's a surprise I'm being summoned now at twenty-four. The jitters make my already acute senses go into overdrive. Pine scented oil used to clean the dark wood paneling tickles my nose and the scruff of my neck itches. I'd like nothing more than to turn wolf now and run, but that isn't exactly advisable. Pack law states that you come when called by the Alpha. Instead, I clench my fists and breathe through my mouth.

  "Thane will see you now, Faith," Cade, his enforcer, gruffs. I've known this enforcer all my life. The colossal wolf has six fingers on each hand. He's the top enforcer and keeps everything in line. He's usually a little softer with me, which makes me even more nervous. What could the Alpha want with me?

  With a nod, I move past him and into the doorway. The smell of vanilla and wolf musk is strong in the office, and I sneeze. Cade mumbles under his breath about me being skittish, then shuts the door behind me. Trying not to tremble, I turn toward the Alpha and curtsy. Thane points to the chair across from his desk. As gracefully as I can, I cross the room, and I sit with my back rigid, a smile plastered to my face.

  "Faith, how are you?" Thane leans back in his chair and lights a cigar.

  "Good, Alpha. How are you?" I answer more calmly than I feel.

  "I'm good, thank you for asking. I've called you here to tell you of a decision I've made for the pack,” the Alpha blows out a circle of smoke. "As you know, I've been trying to make an alliance with the Little Rock Pack for some time now."

  "Yes, Alpha. That's what my father says," I bow my head slightly. "But what does that have to do with me?" I ask with a huff.

  He raises a brow at my obstinance. I duck, knowing I shouldn't have been so forward. Thane purposely rustles the sleeve of his starched shirt as he stares me down. His eyes are like golden globes of fury as he pushes his Alpha powers through them. With a shiver of obedience, I tuck my legs and steeple my hands. He lets out a shaming cluck and leans forward, his blonde hair surrounding his head like a halo.

  "You, Faith, are the key that will unlock everything. You are a strong Alpha female, daughter to my second in command. You will marry the Little Rock Pack Leader in two days, sealing our alliance," he flickers his powerful eyes on me once more. I gasp with the slight pain he's induced.

  "Yes, Alpha," I whisper obediently. In my mind, I'm shouting NOOO! The leader of the Little Rock Pack is notoriously abusive; there's no way I want to be his mate!

  "Good girl. The Luna will assist you in preparing for the mating," he waves his hand. I almost speak, but he immediately begins shuffling papers on his desk. Knowing I've been dismissed, I do my best to rise without making a sound.

  As if he were called, Cade opens the doors and ushers me out. I'm sure Thane used his mindlink to give Cade the orders. In our pack, only the Alpha uses mindlink outside of the family unit. To do otherwise is anathema. My father doesn't even use it with us. The only person I talk to in the intimate way of our kind is my mother.

  The enforcer moves to grab my arm. I avoid his six-fingered grip, arching my back and walking down the hall as quickly as I can in my pumps. My heels click against the wood floor as I make my way back toward the entrance of the Alpha's office building. There are security every few feet, dressed in suits and staring straight ahead. I've grown accustomed to having almost every step I take watched by one of his henchmen. Thane's regime has more of a gangster feel to it than any other pack I've visited.

  "Faith, Thane wants me to book you an appointment with the Luna," Mandy states from behind the front desk as I pass. My skin prickles, and I stop and turn to look at her.

  "Okay, can you book me for tomorrow evening?" I bite my lip, wanting to exit the building as quickly as possible.

  "Yes, please be at her residence at five p.m. promptly," she states as she clicks away on her keyboard.

  "Thank you," I flip my blonde hair over my shoulder before making a beeline for the door.

  My heart is beating too fast, and my damp skin is giving me a chill even though it's warm out. The click of my heels against the marble feels like a death toll. I need to make it out of the doors before one of the enforcers catches the fear in my scent. If they smell how bad I want out of order to marry, I'll be culled, second's daughter or not. Anyone who goes against Thane's rule loses their life; he's an iron fist kind of Alpha. How did I not see this coming? The door slides open, and the thick southern heat hits me like a ton of bricks.

  "What the fuck am I going to do?" I hiss to myself as I move away from the door.

  Holding my head high, I walk briskly to my red, white, and gold Monte Carlo. Not sensing anyone around, I let the pent-up air out of my lungs and lean against the door. Spinning my keys in my hand, I blow a stray hair out of my face and try to stop my thoughts from spinning out of control. My body is tense, and the muscles on the side of my eye are twitching. I need to get out of here. Now.

  A decision clicks into place, and I jump behind the wheel. The rev of the engine brings a smile to my lips, I love this car. Thrilled to be out of danger, I burn rubber out of the steamy parking lot. With the radio and air conditioning blasting, I take a deep breath and focus on the next steps in my day. First, get home and pack a bag. Second, run!

  The Gulf Pack is the second biggest in the United States. With the addition of the Little Rock Pack, it will be the largest. I know why Thane wants to align us, but I can't submit to an abusive leader. I won't. Thankfully my parents allowed me to get my place last year when my mom birthed two more pups, and they needed the space. I should be able to slip out without anyone noticing I'm gone until I don't show for my appointment with Thane's wife, the Luna, tomorrow.

  The drive to my duplex seems like it
takes forever, but it's only a few minutes from the pack headquarters. My dad insisted I be nearby, for safety, of course. Hilarious since apparently, I'm just a commodity to be traded for alliances. Fuck you, Daddy. Male wolves really can be the worst. It may be the twentieth century, but feminism isn't a thing in our world. The narrow driveway to my home finally appears. I pull in and shut off the engine, hands clenching the wheel. The good news is that my neighbor's car is gone, one less hassle for me. Miss Janet is kind enough, but she's a busybody.

  The heart-shaped pavers leading to my door suddenly seem like a sign of impending doom. I count all ten of them before I reach the porch, slide my key into the lock, and open the door. The dark of my living room gives me the shivers. Usually, I leave a light on - I must have forgotten. Crossing the space as quickly as I can, I head to my bedroom. In the closet, I grab my overnight case and stuff it as full as I can. I'm thankful almost everything I have is easily mixed and matched. I need to move fast, and I have to travel light. Throwing my cellphone on the bed, I sigh. I can't take anything with me that will allow them to track me.

  "There's no way I'm going to be a pawn in the pack's alliance. Thane can go fuck himself!" I growl.

  Within minutes, I have two small bags packed. I throw a few snacks in another small bag and make haste out the door. My mom will be coming by soon to see if I want to go over for dinner, and I can't have her stopping me from leaving. Not today, Mama! It makes me a little sad when I look back around my small place and think that I might never see it again, but I have no choice.

  Before I can change my mind, I exit the small house. My wolf wants to howl with regret, but I lock her down, load up the car, and get in. As afraid as I am to leave, there's also a tingle of adventure with the highway calling me, I gun the engine and take off like a bat out of hell. As soon as I pull onto the tremendous black expanse of road, I roll the window down and let the wind whip through my golden locks. I swear I can taste freedom in the air. Goddess, please let there be a better place for me.

  The highway seems to go on forever. I drive until I run low on gas and then pull into the most prominent city I can find. There's no way Thane is going to let me go without sending his enforcers after me, so I need to ditch my car and mingle my scent with others as much as I can. There's a used car lot just inside the city limits, so I park in the parking lot, hop out, and begin sniffing the air to find the least corrupted salesman. I spot a younger-looking dude and head his way; maybe I can work his age to my favor.

  "Excuse me, sir, I'd like to sell my car for cash," I walk over to him.

  "Well, I can help you with that," he looks me up and down before eyeing the Monte Carlo.

  "Great, how much will you give me?"

  "She looks cherry; that model just came out last year. Let's have a peek at the engine and interior, and I'll give you an offer," he walks over and leans into the window. With my permission, he opens the door and sits in the driver's seat.

  The salesman peeks around, then slides back out and makes a big show of whistling and walking around my car. He pops the hood, and I swear he almost came in his pants. Guys and cars, I tell you. I watch him, my arms folded under my ample breasts, and my red pump tapping the ground. He's been stealing peeks at my body, and I'm hoping that will help me, not hurt me. I'm sure he's wondering why I want to sell my car so fast. I can practically feel the questions rolling around in his mind.

  "Okay, Miss. I can offer you ten thousand dollars on the spot," he rubs his hands together.

  "I'll take eleven thousand ... please," I pout my lips and bat my eyelashes.

  He looks at me, then back to the car. With a long swipe of his thick hair, he nods and gestures to me to follow him to the office. My hackles rise a little, but I follow, sniffing him for any ill intentions. Happy that he smells somewhat normal, for a human, I release the tension in my shoulders and enter the office with him.

  "Have a seat, Miss?" He looks up, realizing he doesn't have my name.

  "Candy," I smile and press my skirt to my bottom before lowering to the plastic chair. I don't know why I'm lying; I've got to give him my papers eventually. I guess I just can't stand the thought of hearing this man say my name. I need to feel invisible.

  "Great. Candy, I'm George. My boss is going to rip me for this, but I'm going to offer you the eleven thousand. Providing you do me a favor," he wipes his brow with a handkerchief and leans back in his seat, legs open — George's smell changes. My wolf senses his arousal, and a knot forms in my stomach. George is a well-built guy, but he's ugly as sin. I bet he has a hard time with the girls. Explains the creepy salesman gig.

  "I'd appreciate it, George. I need to travel to see my sick mother, you see," I say softly.

  "I do see. I'm sure you can be on your way real quick," his lips turn up in a menacing smile.

  Dread settles over me, but I stomp down fear. Heaven knows I'm not a virgin, and sex is currency. There are no two ways about it. I need to get the fuck out of here. If it means sucking a little cock, fine, I can be Candy, not Faith. Being a wolf means I don't have to worry about human diseases or pregnancy unless I'm in heat, so I've got nothing to lose besides my pride. I growl inwardly and decide to take the offer. With the grace of my wolf, I slink out of the chair and slide my hands up his thighs. His muscles tense, and he breathes out.

  "We do this, and you give me the cash, no fucking around," I growl and let my eyes shift a bit. George gasps and nods his head. "I want to see the money. Get it and lay it on the table. For two hundred more, you can even touch my tits."

  George grunts, leans over, and opens the safe behind him. I watch him count out the bills, clenching his thigh as he does. His eyes rove over my tits one more time, and he lays two hundred extra down. With a satisfied grin, I rip down the zipper of his pants and pull out his dick. It's hard as a fucking rock already, and he's panting as if I've previously worked it ... so this should be easy as cake.

  For an ugly guy, he has an excellent package, so I've got that going for me. Before he can say anything, I seal my lips over the crown and start jerking him off. Rumbles of pleasure roll through his chest. Wanting it over quickly, I apply pressure with my tongue and suck, bobbing my head. It takes him about five seconds to shatter, when his dick pulses in my hand, I jerk my head back and let his wad shoot all over his shirt. He wrinkles his nose, but I grab his hands and press them to my breasts before he protests. With a wink, I grab the cash, scratch my name on the bill of sale he has on the desk, and run.

  "Hey, your name isn't Candy," I hear him groan as I slam the door behind me.

  "No, the fuck it isn't, George," I wipe my mouth on tissue from my purse and head toward the bus stop on the corner.

  Before I leave the parking lot, I grab my bags from the car and stow the cash in my purse. I leave the keys dangling and look back at the office once more before I go. George is just opening the door when I walk away. We exchange nods, and I clatter down the walk to the corner. By the grace of the Goddess, I don't have to wait long before the first bus arrives. The clink of my coins in the slot feels like winning the lottery. I smile at the middle-aged driver and take the front seat. I don't care where the bus is going. I just need to leave.

  The bus takes me to the central bus station. From there, I peruse the listings and find the one with the farthest location and the most transfers. Hopefully, I've already moved through human scents enough that the enforcers won't be able to track me. None of them should be familiar enough with me to be able to sniff me out over the sweat and piss of this place, except maybe Cade. Closing my eyes, I pray Thane doesn't send him. I can't risk being found. Four more buses, and seventy-two hours from now, I will be scot-free.

  "Excuse me, do you know anything about this town?" I ask as I count my money.

  "Moon Bay? It's a small town on the coast of California, that's about all I know," the ticket lady smiles.

  "You had me at Coast and California," I laugh.

  "Well, throw a rock in the ocean for me. Have
a safe trip," She passes me the ticket, and we share another smile.

  The five minutes of waiting for the bus feels like five hours. I can't stop watching the entrances and jumping whenever someone passes too close. It's only a matter of time before Thane sends his enforcers after me. When the bus number is finally announced, I grab my bags and hurry to the line. A bus employee is grabbing all the baggage and stowing it underneath the bus. I drop mine in a pile and move toward the door of the vehicle. Scanning the people around me, I shuffle until I'm behind an older gentleman that smells faintly of cinnamon. Generally, older ladies talk too much, I'm hoping for a quiet ride, and as a bonus, I don't mind his scent at all. We take the three steps up to the bus, and I follow him to the middle seats.

  "Is this seat taken?" I ask, pointing to the one next to him.

  His salt and pepper mustache crinkles with a smile. "Seems it is now," he rumbles with a deep gravelly voice.

  "Thank you," I say softly as I plop into the cushioned seat.

  The other passengers board and take their places. I dig around in my purse, wishing I had a book or something to occupy myself. Making a mental note to purchase reading material at the next transfer, I settle in my seat and close my eyes. The bus lets out a whoosh as the door closes, the engine starts, and we are off. Before long, the motion of the bus and the stress of the day take their toll, I fall asleep hoping that I have had enough of a head start to escape.


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