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Last Chance Diner

Page 2

by Rowan Thalia

  A soft nudge on my elbow awakens me. I look over into two deep, emerald eyes. "We've arrived in Moon Bay," my seatmate gestures to the people filing off.

  I can't believe I slept the entire last day of the trip. I rub my eyes and try to form a coherent response. "Thank you, Harvey. It's been nice riding with you."

  "You too, Faith. Good luck," he waves as he gathers his belongings.

  Harvey is the second seatmate I had throughout the trip. He wasn't as quiet as the first gentleman, but he smelled just as sweet, so I let it slide. Harvey's traveling to visit his family, I got the feeling that he wanted me to agree to a date - but no, thank you. With a wave, I exit the row and hope I don't see Harvey again while he's here. Nothing wrong with the guy, I'm just trying to lay low.

  Shuffling into the aisle, I make my way to the front of the bus and depart. The luggage is all stacked on the curb, I quickly grab my two bags and head away from the crowd. My nose itches and I wish I could run in the woods. I've been surrounded by humans for too many hours straight, and my nose is all stuffed up. As soon as I find a hotel, I need to get my bearings and find a place to go wolf.

  Figuring the best person to ask is the stationmaster, I walk up to the desk and ring the bell. A tiny old lady peeks from behind a door before coming out and settling on her chair. I can smell peppermint and tobacco as she opens the partition between us.

  "Can I help you?" Her voice is worn from years of living.

  "Hi, can you point me in the direction of a discreet, comfortable hotel that will rent me a room for a week?" I lean forward a bit, placing my mouth near the hole in the glass.

  "By that, I suppose you mean clean but not expensive?" She tilts her head to the side, pushing up her glasses.

  "Yes, ma'am. And maybe safe too?" I make eye contact and hold up my eyebrows, pleading with my expression.

  She nods her head. "Well, then you'll want to go to the Front Street Inn. Tell them Maybel sent you," she pats the counter until she finds a map. With her pen, she makes an X where the hotel is located. "You can walk from here if you like, there's a nice view of the ocean."

  "Thank you so much," I take the paper from the slot in the partition and bob my head.

  The bus station is quiet as I walk out the door and onto the main road, Front Street. Salty air whips through my scarf and washes over me like a cleansing bath. There's a calm vibe to this town. I guess you would call it one of those "sleepy" towns. Happy to be out, away from the sweat of humans, I start toward the hotel. Across the street, there are a few shops and a boat marina. Maybel wasn't' wrong; the view of the ocean is spectacular. On the opposite side, behind the few homes and other town buildings is an enormous forest, with trees taller than any I've ever seen before. The land here in town is flat, but beyond are the foothills of mountains. My wolf begs to be let out to explore, and I promise her that we will once night falls.

  The hotel looms ahead; its mural-covered front is adorned with large river rocks. It looks homey and clean when I push through the glass door and approach the front desk. An older man is sitting behind the counter in a navy suit, his face buried in the paper.

  "Hi, can I get a room for a week, please? Maybel at the bus station sent me here," I lean forward a bit so that my soft voice can be heard.

  The man looks at me over his paper. His eyes bulge for a moment before he folds it neatly and puts it to the side. He straightens his jacket and clears his throat before he stands, and a smile spreads across his generously wrinkled face.

  "Good evening, Miss. Maybel always sends me the best patron's. Let me look and see what I have open for you. Will you be expecting anyone?" The tag on his lapel says, Martin.

  "No, just me," I sigh. "I'm new in town."

  "So, you're thinking of staying on quite a while then?" I nod.

  "Well, if you need anything, you let me or the missus know. My name is Martin, which you can read and she's Clary. I have the perfect room for you. Number ten. It has a kitchenette in there so you can cook your food," Martin smiles. "Although across from the marina is the best seafood and breakfast restaurant you will ever find!"

  "Thank you," I laugh.

  "You're welcome. Since you're staying a week, I gave you a discount. That will be three hundred fifty dollars for seven days ... Miss?" His brow furrows when he realizes I haven't given him my name yet.

  "Babin. Faith Babin," I pull out my wallet and count out the cash. If I plan on staying here permanently, I'm going to need a job soon, or else I won't be able to afford to eat. "Thank you again."

  Martin grins from ear to ear, takes my money, and hands me a key. I fill out the ledger he passes over and listen as he shows me where the room is on the hotel map. With a small wave, I grab my bags and walk around the outside of the building to my room. It's the last room on the bottom floor of the building. Even from here, I can see the gold number ten shimmer in the sunlight. I finger the metal key as I make my way to the door.

  I like how old fashioned this place is, not having to give over my ID and be tracked through a digital system brings more relief than I could have imagined. I'll have to send Maybel a thank you card. She was listening when I talked to her, which is rare these days. The room Martin assigned me to is on the corner and has a great view of the ocean. My heart flutters. I open the door and place my bags on the table next to the window. The door closes behind me, and I turn to lock it. With a bounce, I cross the room and plop on the bed.

  "I made it!" I practically howl.

  The room isn't bad. It has a queen bed on one wall and a long counter with white cupboards, a sink, and a refrigerator on the other. There are two cute lounge chairs between the two and a small catch-all table by the window. A small bathroom is toward the back — basically, the usual hotel style. There are a tub and toilet inside of the door. To the left is a long mirror with a sink just beside it. Everything is decked out in shades of mauve or brown. Not too shabby for now. Opening my bag, I rummaged around for a few toiletry items and hit the sink to freshen up. I might as well scope out what the town has to offer and start looking for gainful employment. Even if I don't stay here, having an income will allow me to make whatever choices I want for my future.

  Spreading my makeup out, I choose a red lipstick and powder my face. The cat-eye makeup I put on this morning in one of the bus stations seems to be holding up, so that's a plus. Taking a brush and running it through my locks, I blow a kiss before walking back into the room to pick a fresh outfit.

  "Okay, here goes nothing," I mumble as I grab my purse and head out.

  At the corner, something draws me to take a left, so I turn and walk away from the central part of town. The pink and orange of the sunset make the clouds look painted in the sky. I take a deep breath of the salty air as I follow the road away from the beach. It's incredible how quickly the open shore of the main road turns to thick forest, and the sky darkens around me. My wolf perks her ears, and I sniff the air — Pine, salt, deer, and wolf. There are wolves nearby, and not of the strictly four-legged variety.

  "If I'm in someone else's pack land, I need to introduce myself," I speak into the air. "It's bad enough I'm on the run. I don't want to get beat up for being on someone else's turf uninvited."

  My pace increases as a neon sign peeks from around the next corner: Last Chance Diner. The building looks like a throwback to the 50s, and it calls to me. Yellow and pink words burst through the darkness like a beacon of hope, and my heart begins to race. The closer I get, the thicker the scent of wolf becomes - not just any wolves, males. Letting my wolf take over more, we probe deeper before getting any closer to the diner.

  'There's around three. All are lower-ranking,' She chuffs.

  'Well, let's meet them, shall we? If I've scented them, they've scented me. Best to get this over with. I don't need another pack chasing me.'

  'Be nice. Ask for sanctuary.'

  'Yes, that could work.'

  The gravel of the parking lot crunches under my feet as I reach for the door. A b
last of air-conditioning washes over me, and the tinkle of a bell announces my arrival. The inside of the diner is packed; everyone stops and stares as the door slams shut behind me. I almost whine as I scent an Alpha male nearby.

  'You've got some explaining to do!'

  My bitch just chuffs. Seriously?

  Scanning the room, I'm eager to take my sneaky other half's advice and ask for asylum. If I'm honest with myself, I'm excited that I won't be a lone wolf. I've never been away from my pack, and the last three days have taken their toll.

  "Good evening, seat yourself," the perky waitress greets me. Definitely human. She's Latino with long black hair and Erica embroidered on her blue uniform. Her outfit is a throwback to the 50s, as is the rest of the diner.

  Catching myself before I look like a fool, I nod and step forward. The line of chairs at the counter is empty, so I drop my ass down. The lanky guy flipping burgers with a white tee shirt and apron turns toward me and sniffs. Wolf. Our eyes meet, and his lip turns up at the corner. I can feel his Omega powers trying to soothe me as he walks over.

  "You must be new in town," his voice is smooth as butter.

  "I am, I'd like to speak with your boss if I may," I throw a little Alpha sizzle into my words.

  "Indeed, come to the back with me please," He cocks his head and starts walking around the counter. "My name is Ty, by the way."

  "Faith. Pleased to meet you," I answer.

  Ty grins, throws a towel over his shoulder, and pushes through the swinging doors. "Team meeting in the office!" He yells.

  I follow him through the doors, going along a twisted path through kitchen racks with food and utensil storage, and up to a wooden door. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle when the door opens, and a musky scent envelops me like a cloud. A handsome man with black hair turns his head; his eyes bore into me as if he can see all of my secrets. I'm so caught off guard; I almost fall over.

  'Alpha. Mate.'

  'Your count was off, bitch.'

  "Ranger … sorry to bother you," Ty bows his head and ducks into the office.

  "Ty? Who the fuck is this?" he snarls over the cigarette poking out of his lips.

  "Uh, her name is Faith." He shrugs and steps to the side so that I can enter.

  Before I can say anything, two more wolves push into the small room. The Alpha at the desk growls before he stands and slams the door closed. He stares down Ty as he leans his ass on the desk and smashes out his cigarette in an ashtray. I'm mad, flustered, desperate, and hungry for him all at once. What the fuck is happening?

  "Well, new girl … tell me why you're in our territory," He demands with a snarl.

  "Ranger? As much as I hate to ask, I need asylum with your pack. Maybe a job too ... if you want me gone sooner than later," I say as nicely as I can manage. Inside I'm seething. I know he can tell I'm Alpha too.

  "We're not a pack, Petit Louve. We're all lone wolves with a similar goal - staying out of packs and everything their hierarchy brings with them," he folds his arms. "It sounds like you might have some pack drama at your heels. Tell us what it is or no dice."

  Did this fucker just call me' little wolf'? Hell naw. "My name isn't Petit Louve, it's Faith … and my wolf is probably bigger than yours. I'm no weakling, Ranger. I left my pack because the Alpha ordered me to mate with the abusive Alpha of another pack for an alliance. I won't be sold. I'll work and do my part here, just let me stay with your Not-a-Pack for now. I can't act human again right now. Please, I've traveled a long way to get here," I clench my teeth and push a little Alpha into my words. If I'm lucky, I'll be stronger than him. Or maybe he's feeling the same pull that I am.

  'Mate,' my wolf insists.

  'Fuck that," I growl.

  "Did you just growl at me?" Ranger chuckles and leans back on the desk. His nostrils flare as he stares me down. Suddenly, I feel naked.

  "I was growling at my wolf. Can I stay or not?" I fold my arms lifting my chin.

  "Not my decision. I am an Alpha, but I'm not THE ALPHA here … we're Not-a-pack," he smirks as he uses my term. "You've met Ty. That's Lewis and Brandon. Guys, what do you think?" He leans back and waits for them to answer.

  A rumble of agreement rolls through the three wolves beside me. Ranger looks at them, his eyebrows raised and throws up his hands. "Fine. You can waitress here. We need another pair of hands, and humans never last long here anyway, not with these assholes sniffing them constantly. BUT this is temporary!" Ranger chides. His voice says he means it, but his face tells another story. Mate magic at its finest.

  "Thank you," I smile and turn to Ty, who's grinning from ear to ear.

  There’s an edge to Ranger as he looks me up and down. His Alpha powers are poking and prodding at me, trying to get in my head. Sweat beads on my forehead as I brace to keep him out. He points a finger to Ty, barks an order for him to show me the ropes, and stomps out of the office. When he leaves, part of me aches to follow, the other is pissed that I want him. I don’t need a fucking mate, especially not now. Great timing, Goddess.

  ‘Truemates cannot be discarded,’ my wolf snarls.

  ‘I don’t see him making a move, hush,’ I snap back.

  The Not-A-Pack files out, leaving me alone with Ty. Neither of us speaks. My nostrils flare as I attempt to calm myself. Ty leans against the wall, patiently waiting. I can’t help but notice his mop of curly brown hair and jade eyes that spear me. Fuck, he’s kind of delicious now that I can adequately see his tall, lean form. The pulse of his Omega vibes is steady as fuck too, trying to soothe the angst I’ve got building. Taking a deep breath, I cock an eyebrow at him.

  “You can stop your calming magic, I’m not going to wig out,” I grunt.

  “Says you, stop projecting your Alpha forces, and I’ll stop mine,” his grin is lopsided and fucking adorable.

  I hadn’t even realized I was sending power, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes to calm that effect. My wolf chuffs, spins around in a circle, and goes to sleep. With her in the background, I’m able to rein in my powers and settle. Ty’s face softens when I open my eyes again, and he motions me out the door. In the backroom, he pulls an apron off the wall and hands it to me.

  “We’ll order you a uniform, but for today you can wear the dress you have on. Have you ever worked as a waitress?” He asks as we push through the double doors and wind our way behind the counter.

  “Uh. No, I worked at a department store back home,” I release a heavy breath.

  “Okay, well, it’s easy enough, I guess. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the menu, smile, and be friendly. Erica will help you, she’s pretty great,” He waves her over. “Erica, this is Faith. Ranger hired her to wait tables with you. Show her around, will ya?”

  Erica wipes her hands on her apron, her brown eyes sparkle, and her lips widen in a huge smile, “Hi, Faith. I’m so glad to meet you! Welcome to Last Chance Diner - the last 50s style diner in the area!! Come on, let’s grab a menu and run through it,” she pops her gum and grabs my hand.

  Ty laughs, snaps his towel on his shoulder, and ambles back to the grill. Erica’s excitement is contagious, and before long, I find myself smiling as I follow her around the restaurant learning where things go and being introduced to the regulars that fill the benches. None of the patrons are wolves, but I get the feeling that a few of them are other types of super-naturals.

  “So, you see, it’s easy here. The menu is simple, and most of the regulars order the same thing. I’m sure you’re gonna love it here,” Erica gushes after the quick tour.

  I can’t tell if she really likes me or if she’s just one of those people who loves everyone. Either way, she’s kind of fun to be around, so I think she might be right. It would be better if I couldn’t feel where Ranger was at all times, but I’ll learn to ignore that. The bell jangles as a strikingly handsome guy walks in. I sniff the air and smell only freshly cut wood, so I grab the pad Erica gave me and walk over.

  “Hi, choose any seat you like, and I’ll be ri
ght over,” I perk as I grab a menu.

  “Haven’t seen a new waitress here in a bit,” he grins. “I’m Giancarlo, you’ll recognize me next time. That booth over there is where I sit,” he points as he strides over.

  I can’t help but stare at his assured walk, and that body! He’s just shy of six-foot, lean but muscular with a butt fit for the Goddess. He sits and leans back with more swagger than I’ve seen on a man - ever. His dark hair and light eyes are a crazy contrast to his angular jawline and casual smirk. He’s hot, and he knows it.

  “He’s a timber faller, hot as hell and single,” Erica whispers in my ear. From behind her, a low growl fills the air, and I turn to see Ranger pacing behind the counter, looking like a beast. His leather jacket bunches as he folds his arms, stops his pacing, and raises his lip at me. I pucker my mouth, cock my chin, and sashay over to the lumberjack.

  “Giancarlo, I’m sure you already know what I can get for ya’, so what’ll it be?” I say as sweetly as I can.

  He looks at me, winks and licks his lips. “What’s your name, new girl? Maybe your number?”

  The door to the back slams, and I snicker as I sway my hip to the side. Ranger must be feeling the mate pull too. At least I’m not alone in this mind fuck. “I’m Faith. How about we start with your order?”

  “Sure, Faith. I like that. I’ll have my usual, a double burger, hold the onion with fries and a whiskey and coke,” he leans back and flexes a bit.

  “You betcha,” I scribble on the pad as I walk away. I can feel Ranger’s Alpha powers pushing at me, and I’m about to go nuclear on his ass. We just met, so he better calm the fuck down. I’m not about to tie myself to some wolf just because of a magical mate bond. He’s gonna have to work for it. My fingers curl around the pad, I walk over to the grill and hang the ticket like Erica showed me. Ty raises an eyebrow at me, but I just shrug.

  “What’s up with Ranger?” Lewis asks as he brings in a crate of clean glasses from the back. Lewis is short and stocky with blond hair. I’m getting beta vibes from him. Ty eyeballs me but just shakes his head at the other wolf.


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