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Reign: A Romance Anthology

Page 80

by Nina Levine

  I put my plate on the coffee table and shuffle closer. Taking her plate, I put it next to mine, and I take her hands. “If someone says things like that to a friend when I’m around, they’re going to get it. I won’t allow my friends to be made to feel like trash.”

  I glide my thumbs over the backs of her hands, and she stares down at them. “I get that, and I think it’s really good of you for standing up for those you care about. But shouldn’t you have cared about your career? What if you weren’t allowed to race again?”

  I give her a small smile. “It was my first offense. I don’t do this all the time. But the woman is a good friend, as is her boyfriend, so we look out for each other. We’re family, and I take family seriously. I have no doubt that you’d go off at someone who was giving one of your sisters or your mom a hard time. Wouldn’t you?”

  “Yeah, true. If you’re coming with me this Friday, you better rein in the temper, though, especially if Luke is there. I don’t want you getting into trouble for me.”

  “If he keeps his mouth shut and keeps his distance, then we won’t have a problem.”

  I take Dylan in. It’s as though she’s projecting her thoughts through to me. Her face tells me everything I need to know.

  She takes a deep breath and then says, “Well, I don’t think you should come with me then. I won’t have that. I’m sorry. I’ll take Vivian with me.”

  I release her hands. “No. Don’t do that, Dylan. I’m not a violent man, but I will protect what I care about.”

  “I’m sorry, Cole. I can’t take that risk. Don’t worry about coming on Friday.”

  “Fine.” I stand and grab my jacket and slip it on. Turning to her, there are tears in her eyes. “Sorry you feel that way and can’t trust me to control myself. I guess this—whatever it is—is done.”

  “Wait, Cole! P-please don’t leave.” The pleading in her cracked voice makes me stop, but only briefly before I head to the door and exit.



  “He left?” I swipe tears from my cheeks as I hold my cell out and put it on speaker.

  Scarlett’s soft voice answers, “What happened?”

  I fill her in on the conversation that transpired between Cole and me. Watching him leave was heart-wrenching. I hardly know this man, so why do I feel so invested in him and how he feels. I wasn’t expecting feelings to develop so soon for him. He was simply helping me out of a pickle with my mom.

  Oh great. Mom.

  I’ll have to fill her in next week at dinner.

  That’s going to be fun.

  I thought perhaps Cole would join me again.

  “Why did you push him away like that? He’s obviously fiercely protective of those he cares about. Don’t hate me for saying this, but I honestly think you overreacted over something that isn’t a big deal.” Scarlett’s words solidify how stupid I was in talking to Cole the way I did. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. I don’t need him protecting me and perhaps punching Luke if he turns up on Friday. “But what if he causes a scene and loses his job defending me? I couldn’t stand that.”

  “I understand. I doubt he’d blame you. He’d look at it as though he was defending someone he cares about.” She pauses a moment. “How do you feel about him?”

  I don’t even hesitate. “I care about him. I like him. Is that stupid? I mean, I’ve only just met him. He’s met my family, and we’ve slept together. It almost seems unreal, like he doesn’t really exist. You know what I mean?”

  Scarlett laughs. “Yeah, I get it. Sometimes things happen and they’re instantly right. Maybe you were meant to meet Cole. He was meant to walk into your work, and you were supposed to take him to dinner. Things happen for a reason. You did something on impulse by taking him to your family, but I think your subconscious knew what he would eventually mean to you.”

  “I’m not one of your romance stories, Scarlett,” I say with a hint of humor.

  “Hey, don’t mock the books. Sometimes things in them can happen in real life. Hell, my story is one for the books. We both know that.”

  “Isn’t that the truth. So, what am I supposed to do about this mess I’ve made?”

  “Ring him. Apologize. Tell him you still want him to come with you.”

  Guilt ripples over me because of my stupidity. I could have been lying in bed with him right now, but instead, I chose to sabotage something good in my life. This time, it wasn’t my job. This time, it was simply me.

  I groan. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “Well, we all do silly things sometimes, but I have no doubt that all of this will work out in the end.”

  “I hope so. I do like him and would like to see where this goes. He’s the first guy who didn’t run off because of what I do.”

  “I know. He’s a keeper…I think.”

  We end our conversation, and I simply stare at my cell.

  Do I ring him?

  My heart pounds so loudly I can hear it in my ears. I hit his name and chew my bottom lip as I wait to see if he will pick up. Let’s face it, he’s probably angry at me, and I wouldn’t blame him.

  It goes to voicemail, so I leave a message.

  “Hey, Cole. Look…I’m sorry for what I said. I’d hate something to happen to your career because of me. It’s not who I am. Please, call me back.” I hope I don’t sound too desperate, but that’s how I feel right now.

  I sit in silence for what feels like hours. So much for my relaxing night in front of the television. Finally, I stop staring at my cell, waiting, willing it to ring, and take our plates to the sink and clean up. Instead of going to bed, I pull out a new bottle of wine and pour a large glass. My nerves are shattered. Hopefully, the wine will help me settle those down.

  Sitting, I grab the remote and turn on Netflix. It’s going to be a long night. Picking up my cell again, I type another text message.

  Dylan: Please forgive me, Cole. I guess I just overthought things and got worried. Please, I’d still like you to come with me on Friday.

  That’s it. I’ve done the reaching out. I’m not going to become one of those needy girls. He’ll see the message, and I have no doubt the voicemail as well, then the ball is in his court. A thought occurs to me, and instead of putting something on, I find myself staring down at Cole’s Instagram page.

  It’s full of supercross, and wow, seeing him in his riding gear has me wanting to just slip through the screen and into the picture. There’s a new one he’s just posted tonight—not that long ago, actually. I stare at it, and I’m sure I hear my heart shatter like a dropped wine glass. Tears well in my eyes. He’s at a pub or something—with another woman. Her arm is slung over his shoulder and kissing his cheek. He has a drink in his hand, and he’s laughing.

  I quickly shut it down. “Gosh, I’m so stupid.”

  Damn you, Scarlett, for letting me believe that romance books can sometimes become a reality.

  This is not one of those times.

  Instead, I want to hurt the man.

  Well, looks like Vivian will be coming with me.

  Should I even bother with going, though?

  Hell yes, I should go and flaunt my successful, rich ass to the people who made fun of me.

  As for Cole Carter? He’s nothing.

  Just the man I borrowed for twenty-four hours.

  Nothing more.



  My phone rings again for the hundredth time. Cole’s name lights up my screen, and once more, I ignore it.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Vivian asks as she helps me zip up my black knee-length dress.

  “Nope. I know I messed up, but he literally went from my place to a pub and got cozy with another woman. No, thank you. I think I’m going to buy some cats and become a successful cat lady.” I laugh.

  I smooth my hands down my dress then glance up at the mirror.

  Vivian’s reflection stares back at me with an unimpressed look on her face. “You are not becomin
g a cat lady. Hell no. I won’t let you, and I highly doubt Scarlett will let you either.”

  “Too bad you girls won’t get a say. I’m hurt, Vivian. He hurt me. I know I did the same to him, but I didn’t go get cozy with another man not even an hour after our argument.”

  “I understand.”

  The rock that’s been sitting in my stomach since seeing the image hasn’t budged. Instead, it’s become a permanent fixture. Ignoring him isn’t smart, but it’s my coping mechanism. This pain is something I’ve not experienced in a long time. Luke used to manipulate me when we were together and always turned around his errors and made it my fault. I won’t be subservient. I won’t be the one to fix this. Cole knows where I live.

  “Let’s have some wine. I think I’m going to need it to survive the night.”

  “Do you think Luke will show up?”

  I shrug as I walk out of my bedroom, and Vivian follows. “I hope he doesn’t, but knowing him, I’m sure he will go. He was the star of high school, and if he’s not successful now, I’m sure he has some white lie ready to let go, and people will believe him. That’s how gullible people are.”

  “He really is a piece of work, isn’t he?”

  “You have no idea. You might see for yourself tonight.” I wish Cole was coming with me. Somehow, he manages to settle my nerves.

  “So, how long are you planning to ignore Cole? You haven’t spoken to him since Wednesday. Have you responded to any of his calls or texts?”

  I pop the top off the wine and shake my head. “Nope,” I answer as I grab two glasses from the cupboard. Glancing over to her, I’m met with raised eyebrows and pursed lips. I can totally see my mother doing something similar when I tell her about Cole. Next Monday, I plan to come clean to Mom about him. I can already hear her scolding me.

  “Don’t give me that look.”

  “You’re being pretty childish,” she states and takes a glass from the counter.

  I shrug. “I don’t care. If he showed up here once, he can do it again. I rang him, I apologized, and I messaged him. He didn’t answer me until the next day. He was probably nursing a hangover or that woman’s breasts. Who knows? So, don’t look at me like that.”

  Vivian raises her free hand in defense. “Okay. Okay. I’ll leave it alone. I still think you should answer his call and tell him what you saw.”

  I furrow my brows. “If he can’t figure it out, then he must be stupid. It’s not rocket science.” I lower my voice. “I know I have no right to be this petty because it’s not like we were officially together…it was one night.”

  “Obviously, it meant something to you.” Her words slam into me as hard as a brick wall. She’s right. The short time I had with Cole meant something to me.

  I go back into my room and pick up my phone, then I stare down at the messages I haven’t even opened or read. With trembling fingers, I open his long list of unopened texts he’s sent me over the last couple of days, starting with the first one.

  Cole: Sorry I missed your call. I’d love to take you. I understand where you were coming from, and I appreciate you caring enough about my career to take a stand.

  I could have responded to that one and told him not to bother.

  Cole: Are you there? Are you talking to me?

  Cole: Have I done something?

  Cole: Dylan, please tell me what I’ve done.

  And the list goes on like this. Finally, I get to one he sent today while I was out of the room.

  Cole: I’m guessing this could be about the photo on my Instagram since I noticed you liked it. Not sure if you did that on purpose or not. I didn’t even realize it was posted. It’s an old photo. I’m guessing one of my friends posted it as I went and saw them after I left your place the other night.

  My stomach clenches as I read his words, and then I read them out to Vivian.

  “Do you believe him?” she asks.

  “I have no idea. I mean, his friend did book him an appointment with me as a joke. Maybe it was the same friend. What should I do?”

  “That’s a decision only you can make. Did you really like the photo?”

  “I have no idea. It’s possible, because I was so caught up in seeing the actual image that my finger could have accidentally double-tapped. I don’t know.” I shrug.

  I want to believe him.

  Would he lie to me?

  “You could message and tell him that you were busy these last couple of days. Tell him not to worry about tonight.” She chews her bright-red lip.

  “I don’t really want to talk to him about it yet. What if it’s his ex?”

  “Did you check if the photo was still there?” she asks, picking her cell up from the bed. Her fingers glide over the screen. “Well, it’s not there anymore,” she states.

  “Are you serious?” I rush to her side and stare at her cell—the image is gone.

  “Well, now don’t I feel like a downright bitch.” I swallow the large lump in my throat.

  “Sometimes we get things wrong. Message him.”

  Finally, I listen and do exactly what she suggests with my heart in my throat.

  Will I be forgiven for acting so stupid?



  I pace the carpet of my living room. Why hasn’t she returned any of my calls or messages? It has to be about the photo. Damn Deacon and his stupidity. I swear that man is a big child and will get what’s coming to him soon enough.

  I only want to be able to explain about the photograph in person or at least over the phone, because text messages can be read the wrong way. Just as I’m about to turn and head back in the same direction I’ve been walking for the past hour, I feel my phone ping, alerting me to a message.

  Dylan: Hey, Cole, I just want to say sorry for how I’ve acted. Yes, after seeing the photo, I became a stupid, jealous woman—which isn’t me at all. I had no right to act how I did because we aren’t really anything. You were my rent-a-boyfriend. LOL. I hope you can forgive me. Don’t worry about tonight. I have organized for my friend, Vivian, to come with me, so you’re off the hook. Again, I’m sorry. Maybe we can catch up this weekend and talk about it.

  A surge of annoyance pounds in my veins. My hand clenches around my cell, and I simply stare at the words. What the hell? I stare down at my attire. I am dressed and ready to pick Dylan up to take her. I can’t deal with this emotional yo-yoing. I’m not taking no for an answer, so I grab my keys off the table, then I walk out the door.

  Thankfully, I’d perused the invitation while she slept the following morning after our night together. I park in the school parking area and wait. I haven’t seen her pull in, but she could easily already be inside. I watch everyone walk in. Their happy greetings of laughter and high-pitched voices reach me even in the car.

  Will she be angry that I’m here?

  Maybe I should leave.

  Urgh, this woman infuriates and brings out a side of me I’ve not seen since my ex, and look at how that turned out. Dylan is the opposite of her, though. Dylan is honest, ruthless, and has a career of her own. She has self-made success. She thinks she’s the only one who has done some Googling? Think again. She is one of the top doctors in her profession, which is a massive achievement, even if I say so myself.

  I have to admit, I’ve missed her the last couple of days. I wanted to go around to her place again and beg her to talk to me, but I doubt that would have been the smartest thing to do.

  I shouldn’t have left the other night. Things might have turned out differently if I’d kept my mouth shut about my suspension until after escorting her to the reunion.

  Taking my cell from my pants pocket, I type Dylan another message.

  Cole: There’s nothing to be forgiven. I should have come to you when you didn’t respond after that first day. I still want to be your rent-a-boyfriend. Can I meet you at the reunion? I want to be there for you. I can tell that this Luke character is someone who causes you discomfort, and I want to be your support. Someone to lean

  Her response is instant.

  Dylan: He’s not here. Those I’ve spoken to have said that he didn’t RSVP, so maybe you’re all good. Thanks for the offer, though. You have no idea how much it means to me.

  A breath rushes from me when I read her words. At least the prick isn’t there.

  As I glance up, a bright-red sports car pulls in and parks, and with it, a prickling sensation crawls up my spine. A well-kept man in a crisp black suit and light-blue shirt climbs from the low car.

  His walk tells me absolutely everything I need to know.

  This is Luke.



  “He’s so sweet,” Vivian says as we stand to the side of the hall that brings all my anxieties right back to the surface. I swallow in an attempt to coat my dry throat.

  “He is.” I smile. “A part of me wishes he were here, though. I know you’ve got my back, but honestly, right now, I want to run from the room and never return. All these familiar faces, especially the ones that brought me so much pain, don’t fill me with confidence. I wasn’t the girl who had a heap of friends. I was lucky for the two I had. Even though I was dating Luke, I know it kept all those cool kids at bay. I knew them for what they were, and if Luke wasn’t around, they would have been into me in two seconds.”

  Vivian bumps my shoulder. “Hey, not all cool kids turn out bad.” I turn to face her and raise an eyebrow.

  “You were one of them?”

  She gives a little curtsy, and I laugh.

  “Yeah, I was a mean girl. Can’t say I’m proud of it, though. But let me just say this…the other girls in my group were ten times worse than me. I can be ruthless when I need to be, and they were ruthless all the damn time. I’ve had three of them come to me for their divorces, and it’s their high-school sweethearts they’re divorcing. I’m good at what I do, of course, so they come to one of their BFFs who will look after them.”


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