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Reign: A Romance Anthology

Page 81

by Nina Levine

  “I bet you charge them extra.”

  Her mouth drops open in mock surprise. “How could you accuse me of such things? I mean, of course I charge them a little extra. I have to deal with years and years of baggage, some of which I was around and have first-hand experience.”

  “Gee, I don’t envy your job. I couldn’t deal with that. Give me staring at dicks all day.” We laugh. “Come on, let’s get a drink. At least, this time around, I can down as much alcohol as I want without getting busted by a teacher.” I hook my arm through hers, and we make our way toward the tables with snacks and glasses of wine.

  “Well, well, well…look who it is.” The familiar voice causes my spine to straighten and my hand to clench the glass in my hand a little too tightly.

  Spinning on my heel, I come face to face with a nightmare from my past.

  “Hello, Luke.”

  His dark suit is perfect for his dark soul. He’s still as good-looking as I remember, but now I see past it all. Blue eyes that will eat you up and a mouth that will spit you out when things don’t go the way he wants. I swallow hard, but the lump doesn’t budge. I don’t miss the sharp intake of Vivian’s breath when she turns only seconds after me. “Thought you’d be too busy to come to something like this,” I say, my words sharp like icicles.

  Luke cocks his head to the side, and I don’t miss the way his eyes rake up and down my body. He leans a little too close and reaches behind me for a glass. Vivian takes my arm and pulls me to the side.

  “I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to come, since I was in town and all. Seeing you is a bonus. How have you been?”

  “Fine.” I take a sip from my slightly trembling glass as a painful silence falls between us. The weight of his stare is like a boulder resting on my shoulders. The way my body itches feels like spiders crawling over it when he watches me. I shudder.

  “Anyway, we’ve got to keep moving. Good to see you. Glad not to officially meet you,” Vivian says as she takes my arm and goes to drag me off in a different direction.

  Luke’s hand whips out and takes my wrist.

  I stare down at it, horrified. “What are you doing? Let me go.” I attempt to yank myself free from his tight grasp, but his grip tightens.

  Vivian moves closer to get in his face. “If you don’t let her go, I’ll sue your ass for everything you’ve got. Then we’ll see how cocky you are when you have not a cent to your name.” There’s the familiar lawyer voice I only hear on special occasions. At least she can threaten him like that. He’d probably laugh in my face if I said it. His grip loosens, and I snatch my arm away.

  Luke raises his arms in defense. “No harm done. I just wanted to catch up with my old high-school sweetheart.” He flashes me a grin.

  Out of nowhere, an arm wraps around my waist. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Traffic was hell.” My body instantly relaxes as Cole pulls me tightly against him. His warm lips press against my cheek, which I relish. His cold stare then turns on Luke. “Sorry, was I interrupting something?” His eyes dart around the three of us.

  Luke has taken a step back, and Vivian is grinning widely.

  “No, no interruption. I was just chatting with an old friend,” Luke replies, his cockiness returning. He extends his hand to Cole who takes it. “I’m Luke.”

  “I’m Cole, Dylan’s boyfriend.”

  My chest squeezes at the title he offers himself.

  A part of me wants to make it a real title.

  Would he want the same thing?

  Luke nods his head. “Nice to meet you. I’ll leave you all to enjoy your evening.” He glares at all three of us as he turns and leaves.

  I face Cole. “Now it’s your turn to explain. I thought I’d told you not to worry about coming. How did you find out where it was?”

  “I’m just going to scope out the male talent around here while you two chat.” Vivian tips back the last of her wine and grabs another glass before walking away.

  Cole leans in and presses his lips to my aching ones. I missed his kisses. After a moment of getting reacquainted with his mouth, he says, “The morning I woke at your place, it had fallen out of your handbag, and I perused it. Sorry. And after getting your messages and being ignored half of the week, I really needed—no, I wanted to see you. I’ve missed you. Then, I saw him walk in, and I couldn’t take it anymore.” He takes a breath and sighs. “Seeing him handle you like he did… He’s lucky I didn’t lash out. See… I can contain myself around you.” His wicked grin gleams.

  I rest my hands on his firm chest. “Thank you for not listening to me,” I respond gently, and that’s when I soak in his appearance of gray slacks and a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves. I wish I could take this man to bed right now. He’ll be getting a massive thank you after this evening is over.

  Cole removes the glass from my hand and places it on the table nearby then pulls me against him and kisses my forehead. That’s when I hear it: the whispering. Turning my head around the room, I notice we’ve drawn attention to ourselves. It’s not like we were being obvious. What’s wrong with a few kisses?

  Then, it registers.

  “They’re staring at you,” I say. Even as I say it, Daphne struts over as though she’s on a catwalk.

  “Are you Cole Carter?”

  How is it that women recognize him? I didn’t. Though, I have been swallowed up by my work for a long time.

  I glance up at Cole, who grins at her. “Yes, that’s me.” He extends his hand, and she takes it with a giggle. Her eyes flick between us. “Is this your husband, Dylan?”

  “Uh, no. Just…” I pause, unsure how to address him.

  “Boyfriend,” Cole finishes for me.

  “Oh, Dylan, you have caught one of the good ones.”

  I’m stunned she knows about him. I’d expect a guy to be the first to come over to Cole and introduce himself. Maybe men don’t like fangirling. They would probably attempt the cool, calm, and collected introduction first.

  Within seconds, there’s a crowd gathered around Cole, and some of the mean girls have strutted over and are standing beside me, talking like we’re old friends.

  Viv slides in beside me and gives me an encouraging grin.

  Daphne has moved away from chatting with Cole and is now in the small circle around me. “So how long have you been together?”

  Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. I can’t remember what he told my mom.

  I swallow and reply with, “It’s only new.”

  Question after question fires at me, and I’m getting slightly overwhelmed.

  Vivian steps in. “Sorry, ladies, we’re not here to discuss Dylan and Cole’s personal life.” She grabs my arm and drags me away from the five women who now appear disappointed.

  “Thank you,” I breathe. We stop on the opposite side of the hall, away from the crowd and the food table. Though, I could do with something to eat.

  “I’m a good sidekick. Wing-woman.” She winks, and I laugh. “I’m going to gather a plate of food. I’ll be back. Do you want something?”

  I nod. “Yes, please. Can you grab me a plate of whatever it is you’re getting for yourself?”

  “Not a problem. Don’t get mauled by the jealous women while I’m away,” she teases.

  “Don’t worry, I have no intention of striking up a conversation with anyone. I’m all conversationed out.” She shakes her head and says, “Is that even a word?” with a wide smile on her face. She turns away and struts across the hall, her heels clicking on the wooden floor.

  I scan the room for Cole, who hasn’t moved. Photographs are being taken, and he’s signing things. He’s in his element.

  “He’s a bit of a show pony, isn’t he?”

  I freeze at the heated breath that hits the back of my neck and swallow. “He’s a good man.”

  His chuckle is like something from a horror movie. “You know, we could have been happy. Yet, you chose to leave me. We could have created a wonderful life together.”

  I step forward and tur
n to face Luke, my face deadpan. I won’t let this man attempt to have a say in how my life should have turned out. “Nothing with you would have worked. I can see you’re still not married. Or, wait, did she leave you, too? She saw you for who you are—a controlling man who only wanted her barefoot and pregnant at home with no friends.” I pause and tap my chin as though I’m thinking. “Now, let me see, yes, that all sounds so familiar. Doesn’t it?”

  Luke’s face turns a shade of red, but it’s not embarrassment. His eyes glaze over, and it’s a look I’m all too familiar with. It was ingrained in my head all those years ago. He’s angry. No, he’s furious.

  He takes half a step closer, but I stand my ground with my heart hammering. “How dare you,” he hisses. His hand lashes out, taking a firm grip on my upper arm, and he tugs me closer. His mouth opens to spew more vile words at me when an arm comes out of nowhere and connects with his jaw.

  It’s as though it all happens in slow motion.

  Then, Luke’s hand releases me as he stumbles back.

  “Keep your damn hands off her,” Cole growls as he stands over the man cupping the side of his face.

  “I’m going to sue your ass,” Luke roars.

  “Actually, you’re not. I witnessed the whole thing, and let’s just say, the way you were manhandling my friend here is classed as assault, and because she’s a well-respected surgeon, I have no doubt you’ll be the one paying,” Vivian finishes her speech. Then, she says, “I’m his lawyer, and I will eat you alive and clean my teeth with your bones.”

  I can’t do anything except stare at him.

  Damn, I’d hate to go up against her.

  Cole takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  I nod and turn to Vivian.

  Before I can say anything, she waves her hand. “Don’t worry about me. I’m here for the food.” She laughs, her face slightly flushed. “I’ll order an Uber and head home shortly. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  We say our goodbyes, and Cole leads me out of the hall. All the staring makes me slightly uncomfortable. I became good at being invisible in school and having those familiar eyes judge me, but right now, it’s causing me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  “Where are we going?” I ask. “Please tell me you don’t have your bike. I’m not getting on it in this dress.”

  Cole keeps walking, not saying anything. Finally, I catch a glimpse of his features under a streetlamp. Rigid jaw. Hard eyes. Mouth set in a line. He’s angry.

  I stop.

  So does he.

  “Look at me,” I say.

  He does.

  I move closer.

  He releases my hand, and I slide my fingers up his arms and secure them around the back of his neck. No words are needed. I lean in and press my mouth to his. He becomes hungry as his tongue dives into my mouth. Claiming it. Owning it.

  It’s as if the tension rolls off him with that one passionate kiss. We stop, our foreheads leaning against each other.

  “Seeing him hold you like that…my blood boiled. I wanted to hurt him so much more.”

  I rest my hands on his cheeks. “Thank you for being there for me.”

  “I have this need to protect you. Dylan, I know it’s only been days, but I’d really like to see where this goes. I don’t want to be the rent-a-boyfriend anymore. I want to be the boyfriend. In these last couple of days, not hearing from you has sent me crazy.”

  I laugh as he shakes his head and leans back, and I stare into those beautiful shining eyes.

  “Do you think you could give me a chance, and we can see where this goes?”

  Butterflies swarm in my stomach. “I’d like to see where this goes as well. I mean, for all you know, I could easily be some crazy girlfriend.” I cock an eyebrow.

  Cole chuckles. “I’m okay with crazy.” His arms wrap around me tightly, and he lifts me off the ground.

  Our lips begin dancing again, and this time, it somehow feels different. There’s nothing pretend about the way he claims me as his.

  His kisses were great before, but this kiss is explosive.


  “Take me home, Cole. My real boyfriend,” I say between heated breaths.

  If you loved Queen of the V, you’ll love Something Old, where you’ll meet Scarlett and Lachlan.

  Grab your copy HERE.

  Other Books By Liz Lovelock:

  My Guy Series

  Lost Series

  The Jilted Series

  Letters in Blood

  Audacious Fiancé: A Hero Club Novel

  Connect with Liz:




  Liz is from bright, sunny Queensland, Australia. She has always been a reader. When she was little, she would be up late, reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When she hit high school, she read Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden, and from there, her love of books continued to grow. She always has a book to read beside her bed, along with a notebook for when inspiration hits at those crazy hours.

  She is a stationery and one-click addict. She loves everything books, authors, and of course, has chocolate and lollies to keep her going.


  The Boss Girl Series Book 1

  Reign: A Romance Anthology

  Liz Lovelock

  Copyright 2021 Liz Lovelock

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations, or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Editing and Proofreading by Swish Design & Editing

  Proofread by Jenn Lockwood Editing

  All Rights Reserved

  King’s Gambit

  Emma James

  The author’s imagination of Old Town Chicago set in 2040 is without skyscrapers and tree-lined quiet streets nestle among small businesses and residential homes with the 19th-century architecture not swallowed up among modernization.

  Queenie’s building is wholly imagined.



  The streets of Chicago are never a safe place to be alone at well after three in the morning on a Saturday. I know this, but still, I walk out the back door of Queenie’s Tavern, carrying a trash bag in each hand, with the moon helping to illuminate the way toward the familiar dumpster at the end of the long, dimly lit alley. Something I have done a hundred times, at least over the years.

  I ignore the frosty air rapidly cooling my bare skin along the back of my neck where my thick, long, box-dyed silver-gray hair (my pride and joy) styled in a clever mermaid’s tail ropes down my back. However, it is now more of a bedraggled mermaid’s tail.

  I swapped trash duty with the relatively new bartender, Layken. A stunning, leggy, raven-haired beauty with cerulean eyes. She originally had the job for tonight, being the new kid on the block, so that I could take off early to hook up with the hot guy who flirted up a storm with me. I didn’t want all his efforts to go to waste.

  We close at 2 a.m., but we are usually pretty empty an hour beforehand. Layken and Hans would’ve shooed any stragglers out the door probably by half one, locking up the front doors, leaving with the security guys: Jerome and Roadtrip (yes, that is the guy’s nickname).

  I am taking my time, giving the guy upstairs in my bed the chance to high-tail it out of my room without any awkward conve
rsation. I’ve left the security system off so he can use the smart locking system. The door will unlock when he approaches it and lock when he leaves.

  No awkward small-talk to finish off the night is necessary.

  Have a nice life and all that jazz.

  He didn’t blend with the usual crowd propped up on a barstool at Queenie’s. He does well for himself from his fashion sense. Hottie looked like he had come straight from his day job, swapping out his suit pants for jeans and unbuttoning the top few buttons on his crisp business shirt before walking into Queenie’s. I saw the telltale folded burnt-orange silk tie poking out of his inside suit jacket pocket when he fished his wallet out to pay for his drinks. But that is all based on my assumptions because he was tight-lipped about any personal details.

  He told me his name was Blake, but I could tell he was lying. I didn’t mind, so I told him my name was Daisy Duke. From the mega-watt grin he blinded me with, he knew I was lying too—even Stevens. Blake flirted up a storm, and I flirted right on back. He was funny and generous with buying me shots while I worked.

  I didn’t have time for dating, working the number of hours I did, and sleeping with a customer isn’t something I do, but I made an exception this one time. What can I say? He’s pretty in all the good ways. Tall, dark, and handsome with model/movie star chiseled looks. Naturally full lips I would soon be kissing.


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