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The Eyes of the Goddess

Page 6

by Kanu Crystal

  Irritated, Isia turned her back on them and looked at her princess. The beautiful dragon was staring at a diamond through the light of the late afternoon sky, smiling peacefully. She most likely had not even seen or heard anything that just happened and somehow, that blind confidence made Isia smile.

  They spent more time staring at gems, but Isia was less tense now. The brief fight and the submission from her brother seemed to have lightened the air around her. She wasn’t smiling at everyone, but she wasn’t snarling either. Himeko seemed to notice Isia's change, but every time Isia thought the princess was about to ask, she pointed at something that shined. This helped keep the princess distracted until the sun was leaving the sky.

  Once back in Himeko’s rooms, they took their dinner in the private sitting room with Oasis. The two princesses giggled and whisper together as Isia ate as quickly as possible. Once she was full, Isia stood and walked out into the hall. The guards that kept Oasis safe nodded to her, before turning back to look blank and spaced out.

  Once down the hall, she spotted two hall guards and ordered them to the princess's door. With the Princess safe, Isia headed down to the baths. For the last few days, she had gotten good at finding time to bathe alone, and out of the eyes of the princess.

  Once in the huge pool, Isia closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. It had been years since she had thought of her mother. Of the night she had awakened to Aisi's screams and the sight of both of her sisters trying to fight off their much bigger brother, both too enraged to even shift. Aisi and Siai had fought Tie with little training and very little strength. They didn’t stand a chance.

  Isia hadn’t even tried to fight him at first. Instead, she stood over her mother, blood pooling on the floor from where she had been cut from ear to ear. Her mouth was open, her dark brown skin losing color right before Isia eyes. She remembered Tac entering, his cold eyes as he looked at his own mother's dead body. Tac had punched Tie away, seconds before Father had run in.

  Tac killed their father. Their father was broken from grief and any honorable person would have submitted and then explained. If he had, the sisters would have back his claims. Instead he took advantage of their fathers rage and went for weak points. The only reason why he didn't land the final blow was due to the Betas running in. Yes, her father started the fight, but even a child knew that the death of a mate drove a kin into temporary madness. An honorable man would never challenge an alpha at such a time.

  Isia shook her head. The memory of Tie and Tac's short fight and the scream of rage from Tar as he looked at his dead wife, brought tears to Isia's eyes. In the wake of her father’s rage, Isia had found her own fury and attacked Tie as her father attacked Tac. She and her sisters had fought him with everything they had and in answer, been hurt badly. Nothing had been honorable that night, and she wondered if Tie could explain or even give a reason for destroying their family.

  Isia laid her head back on the cold marble. It had been six years since then, she was a pack-less, and had duties to get back to. She thought of Himeko, of red eyes full of passion and lips that made her forget everything.

  They were young enough to write it off as simple curiosity. And she would have to keep this week just that. Could she? Could she forget the taste of her lips or the feel of the Princess’s body close to her own. Could she ever forget the sparkle in the princess’s eyes right before she did something completely unseemly?

  The next time she returned, she would have her own sleeping quarters arranged and have guards posted. Wondering about the guards and if she would need to have some posted outside the princess’s balcony before she returned to the Silent Leaves, she stood and began to dry off.

  Dressed, Isia realized as she walked down that she might have spent more time in the baths than she planned. It was late out. Both moons were up and when she got to the doors, Oasis’ guards where gone, and night shift guards stood as replacements for the ones she had sent earlier to stand watch.

  The rooms were dark. Isia tried to be as quiet as possible as she moved through the sitting room into the bedroom. None of the candles were lit, but unlike her princess, she didn’t need them. On the bed was Himeko. She was in the middle of the huge bed, the covers up to her waist, sleeping peacefully. The shift she was wearing was red and thin. She looked so beautiful, so at peace, that Isia wondered if she should sleep on the sofa instead of risking waking up such a peaceful creature.

  She had no idea how long she stood staring at the princess, but she had moved closer to the bed and was almost hypnotized by the rhythm of Himeko's breaths. Turning away, Isia barely caught the whispered word. "Isia?"

  Wondering if the princess was sleep talking, or better, dreaming of her again, Isia turned back to her only to see red eyes staring back. The princess stared at her for a second, and then stretched those long limbs before rolling onto her side away from Isia. She patted the spot behind her in invitation. Smiling, Isia crawled into bed and wrapped an arm around Himeko. Huffing a bit, Himeko grabbed the arm that wasn’t wrapped around her and pulled it free to use as a pillow. When she was happy with the placement, she dug her butt into Isia's pelvis until she was comfortable.

  "Most wolves would see that as an invitation,” Isia whisper the words into Isia’s ear.

  "You will always have an open invitation." the grin in Himeko’s voice made her smile. She kissed Himeko’s neck just to hear her gasps.

  "Female you pull at my fangs."

  Himeko turned her whole body around in Isia's arms to face her. Their eyes met when she settled, and Himeko reached up to place her hands on Isia's chest. The princess seemed to be searching for something in Isia's eyes. Becoming a bit on edge by the intensity of that look, Isia decided to take Himeko’s lips with her own. The kiss was short and almost innocent, but when she opened her eyes again, Himeko’s were still closed.

  Instead of opening her eyes, Himeko buried her face in Isia's chest. “Mara’s lips, you make me feel things, Isia. Things I shouldn’t feel.” When Himeko’s mumbled words reached her ears, her heart skipped a beat She wondered if Himeko could hear it.

  “Himeko?” It was a question she didn’t know how to ask. one she wasn’t sure how to answer herself.

  Himeko finally looked at her. She was searching for something in Isia’s eyes again. Isia was not sure what, but before she could ask, Himeko was kissing her again, this time much more deeply. It felt different, like they were both asking questions and giving answers at the same time. Himeko broke the kiss and returned to Isia’s chest.

  Isia ran her hands through Himeko’s hair and drifted off to sleep. Her last thought was of how that moment felt incomplete.

  Chapter 10

  "Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?" Himeko jumped in her skin at the voice behind her. She was standing in front of a full-length mirror, Oasis behind her with her head on her shoulder. They both looked stunning. The ball had already started and they, like the princesses they were, went all out.

  Oasis was in a blue gown that made her eyes look more blue than green and her curls were pinned up. The gown couldn’t truly be called a gown with her skirt coming just before the knees. There were so many layers to the skirt that it was impossible to count. Oasis had sworn that the calf-high boots where for her modesty, but Himeko feared it was just to give the princess six more inches.

  Himeko, on the other hand, was wearing a ball gown. It was red with purple and black roses stitched throughout. The only part that could be called daring was the back, it was low and stopped just high enough to keep her from mooning the world. Her hair was pinned up much like Oasis’s own hair was. Her horns had been polished, and fangs sharpened for the occasion.

  "I don’t know." Himeko turned from the mirror and grabbed a drink of wine. "Oasis, have you...never mind."

  Oasis wrapped her arms around Himeko from behind. "Have I ever had sex? Yes. She was nice, but her brother was better."

  Himeko covered her face with her hand and tried to hold back her la
ughter. "Of course, after I told her that her brother was better, she had to one-up him, so I insisted that I must help."

  "By the goddess, Oasis."

  "You sound like my Father, so bashful." Oasis let Himeko go and flopped down on the sofa. "Besides, after a summer of helping them one-up each other, I found that I am one of those few people that will never be able to decide by just gender alone. I’m thinking a trio marriage would be best for me."

  Fully laughing now, Himeko sat beside her friend. "How does your mother deal with you, you could drive the moons to insanity."

  "Nonsense, my mother adores me. She was so proud that I had managed it for a full summer. She even asked for details. So coy, my mother, and so wicked." Oasis grin made Himeko laugh again. "Besides, the way the beastkin makes love, mmmmm. That’s memories. Delicious ones."

  Himeko’s jaw dropped. "Siai?"

  "Oh aye." Oasis sounded dreamy. "I have no idea how she got in my room, but I’m thankful for it."

  Himeko hid her face behind her hand, hoping to mask her smile. "I told the guards to let the sisters come and go as they pleased. I have no idea why they keep climbing the walls."

  "Well," Oasis bumped her shoulder on Himeko’s. "I’m grateful for it. Not to mention that she is my date for tonight. So, encore!"

  "By Mara’s hand! Oasis, you are a force of nature."

  "Why, as if you are not using that overly toned wolf in your bed each night."

  "I..." Himeko blushed and looked away.

  "Oh my! You are!" Oasis began bouncing around. "Well, tell me everything!"

  Himeko grabbed her friend’s arms to keep her calm. "Hush. It’s not like that. We kissed and that’s it."

  Oasis stopped for a moment, staring at Himeko long and hard. "But you want more."

  It was a statement, so Himeko just sighed. “She is dutiful and honorable, and all I want is for her to rip my clothes off and teach me about passion and...and..."

  "Love?" Himeko turned away from the sadly smiling human. "In my kingdom, no one can get in the way of love. Not even the king. If you are of age, then you are free to love as you please" Oasis gently took Himeko's face in her hands. "Yet, I understand where your laws come from. Your people only get the one ruling line. If my brother, goddess forbids, dies, I will unhappily take the throne, of course, only if I can’t find a cousin stupid enough to do it. What I’m trying to say is, this is not a fairytale. You have a duty, and so does she.

  But, if you didn’t have these things, I would tell you that love is a river, and a relationship is a house in the middle of that river. To build a house in water is hard enough. To build it in rushing rapids would be almost impossible. Yet, Himeko, when a house is built in such conditions. Just imagine how strong and beautiful it would have to be. These are the types of love stories that come from books. "

  Himeko stared at the blonde human for a moment, and then, because the people of Amara could be so poetic and confusing said, "Been waiting use that? Water houses?"

  Oasis sighed with relief and grinned, but before she could speak, there was a knock at the doors. Shaking her head, Oasis stood and helped Himeko onto her feet before they both called for the guest to enter.

  The door opened and Siai stood there in a very beautiful kilt. She wore a green vest instead of a shirt and was smiling from ear to ear at Oasis. She held out her hand and Oasis rushed to her, pressing her body on Siai's “Why do the beastkin people have so many styles and music? I mean, you look fantastic, but some of you look like something out of the pages of a history book while others look like future Amaras.”

  “Oh, you can blame all that on my great-grandmother.” Himeko smiled when Oasis raised one eyebrow at her. “When she was about 600, she left my grandmother in charge of the country. She flew all over the world, learning music, arts, and everything she could from places no one had ever even heard of on this continent. In fact, she wrote a book for each land and people she met. I’m sure you have heard of them, the collection is called The Thousand Islands. You know, the ones that tell about Islands where everyone looks like lizard people or people with half horse bodies?”

  “Bullshit, those are just fairy tales.”

  “Nay,” Siai pulled Oasis into her. “When Empress Akane returned, she refused the throne. Instead, she spent the next two hundred years teaching each pack, pride and clan. She taught us music, art and most importantly to her, style.”


  “Aye, she loved clothes,” Himeko cut in, looking at the doorway, waiting for her wolf to show. “She basically used the people of her kingdom as a fashion show. But everyone loved her, so when she disappeared, the people kept up with everything she taught them. Her books are really mass productions of her journals.”

  “Well, fuck me. I had no clue.”

  “Most don’t, but then again, most don’t believe this kingdom is run by dragons. So, are you ready to go dance to the music of the world princess Oasis?” Siai grinned down at Oasis and almost instantly, they were giggling their way off to the ball.

  Once gone, Isia stepped in. She wore an all-black suit with a purple and red shirt. Now she wasn’t looking up. Instead, she was trying to tie her red and purple bowtie. She still hadn’t looked up when she started to mumble. "They insist on dressing me but ran out in a hurry before tying the damn tie." she dropped her hand to her sides clearly give up. She looked up as she continued speaking. "Can you tie......?”

  Her words cut off. Now, Isia was just staring at Himeko, mouth slightly opened. The wolf was as still as stone and seemed to completely forget everything. Unable to stop her own blush, Himeko spoke in jest. "...You down to the bed?"

  "Yes." Both looked at each other in surprise. "I’m mean no. not... I mean I want..., but I mmm no wait what."

  Himeko laughed at how flustered Isia was. She walked over, only for the wolf to take a step back. "Calm down wolf, let me do your tie." as she tied the bow, she could feel Isia staring at her. She wanted to pat herself on the back for telling all the maids that Isia needed to learn how to tie a tie on her own, so no one should help her. It gave her moments like this, with all Isia's attention on her.

  When she was done, she smoothed down Isia's suit. Isia grinned and moved her hands slowly through her own white hair. The act was so simply beautiful to Himeko that she had to take a step back or she risked pulling her into a kiss.

  "Will you escort me to the ball, my Champion?"

  Isia cleared her throat than step aside. "Of course, my Princess." They locked arms, but before they took a step, Isia reached into her pocket. "I almost forgot. Here."

  She handed Himeko a small box. Himeko opened it and gasped at the beautiful necklace. On a silver chain stood a black dragon with little ruby eyes. The dragon was made from clear black glass and each scale could be seen in perfection. "It’s magnificent. Thank you."

  "It’s nothing, just a birthday gift. You will have so many tonight and tomorrow."

  Himeko huffed and handed the necklace to her champion before turning around. "It will be my favorite." The necklace was placed on her gently and she turned back towards her wolf. She leaned forward and kissed Isia gently. "I love it. It’s perfect."

  Isia looked at Himeko the same way she had last night when she thought Himeko was asleep, with utter emotion. And just like last night, it was gone so fast. "Aye, shall we, my Princess?"

  Chapter 11

  "Princess Himeko Luna Drakus, Heir to the Skythone, Daughter of the Goddess, Flower of Skylight City and her Champion, Isia Wolf." Isia tried not to snarl at the announcer as she escorted Himeko into the Grand Hall. The use of the last name Wolf was to inform everyone that she was pack-less and was not the announcer’s fault. She was pack-less and, though it hurt to hear it, she would have to live with that.

  As they walked toward the thrones, the room got quiet and everyone bowed low as they passed. There were so many colors, so many styles and scents, she was surprised that she even spotted Aisi. Her sister was decked out in the same ou
tfit as Siai and was giving Isia one of her rare smiles.

  As they passed, her link to Aisi flared. She opened it. "I’m so proud of you, sister." Hearing the tears over the link, Isia desperately wanted to turn around, but didn’t. With so many eyes on her, she could not.

  "Thank you, you look awesome tonight." In return, a snort of laughter cut through the link. She wanted to laugh, but she was already near the throne. Himeko and Isia bowed before the Emperor before Isia lead Himeko to her throne. Isia took her place beside Himeko, standing at attention.

  The Emperor lifted his hand and the music began to play again. On cue, the hall erupted into dance and conversations, both loud and whispered. As the merriment resumed, Himeko leaned over. Without thinking, Isia leaned toward her. "Remind me to complete a mind link with you. I forgot how dull these things could be."

  Isia smiled and nodded before standing straight again. Not a minute later, Oasis was on the dais in front of the thrones. She bowed low to the Emperor before speaking. "My good dragon, may I have this dance." her voice was deep, trying and failing to mimic a male’s tone.

  To her horror, the Emperor giggled like a teenage girl before standing and tossing his long black hair back. Isia's horror only increased when the Emperor of Marain spoke in a horrible girly voice. "Why, I would be honored, but only if you are ever so gentle with me.” Oasis took his hand and kissed it before spinning him out to the dance floor.

  Himeko was shaking in her chair, one delicate hand over her mouth. Isia almost lost the battle of laughter herself when the tango music started up. Oasis took the lead, having the much bigger Emperor do dips and trying to twirl him around. At this point, Himeko was laughing outright as well as clapping. Most of the other guest also laughed and clapped along.

  As the music changed, so did the Emperor's dance partners. So many different types of music and dances circled through the next hour of festivities. Himeko left her throne to mingle with the party guests. Isia stood next to or behind her as she laughed and talked with Alphas from all over the country. She did it with such poise and confidence that she seemed far older than her seventeen years. Though, most of the conversations dealt with their sons more than being about themselves.


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