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The Eyes of the Goddess

Page 7

by Kanu Crystal

  Isia found the whole thing boring. It was all compliments and ass kissing. Mostly, Isia just stood there and made sure no one got too close behind her Princess. When Himeko’s wine glass was empty, she handed it back to Isia. Isia took it and just stared at it for just a second then tossed it behind her with a snarl.

  When she looked back, the Alpha Himeko was talking to walked away, and her evil little minx was smiling at her, “I am not your maid.”

  “Then why did you take the glass?” Himeko took Isia’s arm, pulling them forward, making Isia’s tail flick back and forth.

  She had to think about it. “Reflex?”

  “Are you asking me or telling me, my Champion?” They stopped, Himeko turned to her, taking the time to fix Isia’s bowtie. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not my maid, but you just looked so bored.”

  “Sorry, it’s just that everyone is so full of themselves or their sons. It’s dull. Is there nothing else we can do?”

  “Why don’t you do that weird thing that you and your sisters do and climb out the window and down a wall? I will go with you.”

  Isia paused and looked confused. “Oh, you mean scaling. We learned that from an analysis, espionage and battle tactics teacher when we were 14.” They had all taken a few lessons with Isia when the instructors would let them. One of their favorites was the bear that taught them how to be stealthy. When the old man had entered the village of over 150 wolves, he had not been spotted until he knocked on the Alpha’s door. It had freaked out and impressed Alpha Cain so much that he paid for Siai and Aisi to take the course as well. It had been a hard and amazing winter.

  “I must read in detail all your training reports.” The grin Himeko gave her made her heart skip a beat. “Well, we can go out on the balcony, but I’m afraid people will just find me there or we can avoid talking altogether and dance?”

  At Isia’s groan, Himeko rolled her eyes. “You can’t tell me that you don’t know how. I know for a fact that dance lessons were included in your training. I picked out the teachers myself.”

  “Good, then hopefully they told you how bad I am at it. Besides, I cannot guard you and stare at my feet.”

  Himeko pouted those perfect lips, but before she could say anything, Oasis was there. “Then allowed me to cut in, Champion.” Seeing the excitement on Himeko’s face, Isia bowed and watched them run off to the dance floor. She walked closer to it, only to almost bump into both of her sisters.

  Siai was struggling and failing to hold onto Aisi’s arms. Aisi was growling low, and her eyes had shifted from human to canine. She was losing control and fast. Thinking fast, Isia took Aisi by the neck and pulled the skin there gently. She opened her mind link to them only to catch the tail end of what Siai was saying. “Representing the Silent Leaves, we cannot challenge him here.”

  “Challenge who? Aisi what do you need, sister?” Siai must have been too focused on Aisi because she looked surprised to see Isia.

  “Tac is here.” Aisi’s eyes finally shifted back and her growling had calmed some. “That dishonorable dog is here.”

  Siai pointed to one of the higher balconies, there stood Tac with another male in the ram skin of White Mountain pack. He was not looking at them but out on the dance floor. A moment later he was gone. She grabbed Aisi’s face with both of her hands, “Listen to me. Your heart is mine’s sister. Yet you are not a White Mountain wolf. You have an alpha that needs you to be his wolf tonight. Do not fail him.”

  Aisi visibly calmed. She took Isia’s hands and slowly removed them from her face. Her breathing was still just a bit uneven, but she had full control, so Isia let her go. Siai leaned her head on Aisi’s shoulder. “I know what happened to us still pains you Aisi, but we have a new life now. One that our father and our sister have sacrificed to make. Trying to kill Tac will only end with you in prison and pack-less or worse, your death. You must find something to replace this anger.”

  “You would have me forgive him? He all but killed our father. He is without honor, yet he wears our father’s colors! While we...” Aisi was staring down Siai, tears in her eyes. Siai just propped herself on Aisi’s shoulder like she always loved to do.

  Siai didn’t seem to see or care about their sister’s challenge. “Nay, but until more can be done, we must do nothing. So why not enjoy this party, sister? Or will you have him ruin our night?” Siai stepped away and held out her hands. “Come, my huge sister, dance with me.”

  Aisi rolled her eyes and took Siai’s hands, allowing the smaller sister to pull her out to the dance floor. They were soon spinning around the huge floor and laughing despite the near disaster. Siai had that effect on them. No matter how bad their moods, a couple of words and they had all but forgotten everything. Thankful for Siai’s ability to bring joy to even the surly Aisi, Isia began to look around for her charge.

  She spotted the two princesses on the other side of the dance floor. Oasis was looking for something behind them. When her eyes caught sight of Isia’s she looked relieved. Not understanding, but already moving toward the duo, she hurried up. Her heart began to pound in her chest when she saw Tac. He was coming up from what had to have been a bow and talking to Himeko with an unnerving smile on his face. His eyes looked wrong, crazed.

  As Isia approached, Oasis stepped away looking relieved and beginning to relax. When she stepped beside Himeko, the princess relaxed, almost sinking into her side. Himeko didn’t look at her, but she did seem to move close enough for their arms to touch. Preoccupied with the slight scent of honey and fire, she had missed all that Tac had said but got the gist of it when he held out his hand.

  “I must decline, again. As I said, Princess Oasis has stolen all my energy and worn me out.” Staring Tac down, Isia lifted her arm for Himeko to take. On cue, Himeko took it and smiled at her. Yet before they could leave, Tac grasped Himeko's other arm. "Alpha..."

  "Take your hand off her or we will take just that hand with us." Dark blue eyes met each other, one in rage, the other with insanity.

  The whole hall was quiet. The music had stopped, and everyone was looking at them. She wondered if Tac only let go of Himeko because of all the eyes on him. "Champion, the Princess is 18, surely you can see that she is now a woman that can make her own choices."

  Isia pulled Himeko behind her. "She is still 17 until the sunrise and by your words, has already said no. I believe that no was her choice. We are leaving princess"

  Tac looked around, that smile never leaving his face. He leaned over to look at Himeko before Isia sidestepped to block him. "I meant no disrespect, Princess. I only wish to dance with the most beautiful woman here."

  "Then ask a woman." Himeko turned from him. “As my champion has said, I am still a child till the first sun rays. Now, come my Champion. I have grown weary.”

  As she turned to leave, Tac spoke loud and clear for the whole hall to hear. “Then maybe you need a new Champion. Someone that wouldn’t dictate what you can and can’t do.” Himeko and Isia turned around to face Tac again. “A champion is supposed to stand quietly for their heir until needed, not tell the heir what to do. “

  Isia looked at Himeko and instinctively knew where this would go. Himeko’s face was cold, gone was her laughing friend and in her place, was the future monarch of the kingdom. She seemed taller, stronger, and unattainable. The change occurred in a blink of an eye. Tac didn’t seem to notice it. Maybe that’s why he kept talking. “Your Champion is old school. We are the most powerful people on the continent. You will be the most powerful person on this continent. Why hold yourself to the rules of old.”

  “And what would you have me do with all of my power Tac?” Himeko took a step toward him, holding her hand up to stop Isia’s protest.

  “Nothing. If you took me as consort, I could lead our armies to tame this land. I would bring you the heads of its leaders. The Humans, Elves, and even the Dwarves will bow to you, my Empress.”

  Isia looked over at the Emperor, he was staring at the happenings, but Oasis hand on
his chest kept him from interfering. She was whispering something in his ear. “So, you wish to bleed the world in my name? And what assurances do you have that this will work? Why would I even want it?”

  Tac bowed low before staring into Himeko’s eyes, most likely hearing only the curiosity in Himeko’s voice and not the threat. He was proposing this in front of everyone so that they would know it came from him. But why move so fast so early? Surely, he knew that apprehending the king would have given him better standing. Instead, he insults Isia and acts as if he knows without a doubt that Himeko would choose him. It didn’t make sense. “The ways of our parents is dead. This continent must be under one rule. I have been promised that you are the one that would lead. Our parents did a fine job of raising us, but our country’s growth is stagnant under the weight of their traditions and weak values. The old Gods are dead, the traditions barbaric. We could start our own. Make our own values, instead of adhering to the old ones.”

  “Values?” Himeko seemed to stand very still and stare into his eyes. She was quiet before turning to her father, then to Isia. “Like honor? Loyalty?”

  “I do honor you and am loyal to both you and the kingdom. I meant other values.” He looked around the Great Hall and whatever he saw there seemed to give him more courage. “Choose me as your consort and I will have the whole of the world at your feet.”

  “You have such passion for this. You truly believe in this.” Himeko turned and stared at Isia for a second before she started back to the thrones. She spoke as she walked, the room of onlookers parting for her. Even as she left Isia’s side, the champion did not move from her place in front of Tac. “You are not loyal to this kingdom. You have no loyalty to my father or his people. Honor is as far from you as the sun from the moons. Loyalty is a joke to you. So, no, I won’t be your little puppet Heir. No, I will never be your mate, and no, I will not dance with you. you make my skin crawl.”

  Tac looked taken aback like he couldn’t understand or hadn’t imagined that Himeko would say no. In disbelief maybe or shock or insanity, he pointed at Himeko where she now sat on her throne. “You can’t say no. He already promised me you! You belong to me. You crave power and I am the only one that can give it to you”

  Himeko looked confused. “Why would I crave what I already have?” She looked at her father, who was now looking at Tac like he was the shit of a mouse. She lifted her hand as if to silence him before he could speak. “Forget it. Just leave. I have already declined your invitation as consort and find your courtly manners lacking. So go, and don't return.”

  Hearing enough, Isia moved to block the thrones and Himeko from Tac’s view. Though she was a good foot shorter than he was, he turned his focus to Isia. “Leave.”

  Tac leaned down, his voice so low, she doubted anyone, even the closer shifters could hear it. “Think I cannot smell your scent so strongly on her sister. Think I don’t know what revolting little things you and your princess do, it’s evil and I won’t let some degenerate have what is mine.”

  Unharmed by his statement, Isia spoke through a snarl. “I will not repeat myself.”

  “Ok Champion, I’m leaving, but remember, she was promised.”


  By the time her father had returned to his throne, Isia was back and her anger near absent. The party was back in full swing, but there remained more glances at the thrones and even more whispering. Isia seemed to be on edge, her stares forcing even the servants away. When the emperor sat, he was not in any better mood.

  “I will have him killed tonight.” Emperor Dorvo curled his lip at the doors Tac had left threw.

  Himeko looked over the guests, her body outwardly tranquil. “The whole kingdom will think either Isia or I did it. We cannot.”

  “Fuck child, do you not see that that wolf is moving into insanity? You were ‘promised’ to him by whom?”

  Himeko wanted to know that as well. Tac seemed to have it in his head that Himeko should be all over him. That his declaration of war would somehow endear him to her, instead of repulse her as it did. “I do not know.”

  “No, you don’t, because this is an Alpha with a mental disorder. Wolves don’t act like this! Demeaning, inconsiderate, dishonorable. It’s not their people’s way. In six thousand years, no wolf has ever even come close to treason. Yet this one all but marks you a day before you can begin looking at possible mates.”

  Himeko looked up at where Isia was standing like a statue. She was watching every move the guests made like she was a hawk shifter watching its prey. “Father I understand, and we can take care of this later, but to kill him now makes Isia and I look shady. You know this and it’s just your molting. Please, he is no threat to me while my wolf stands guard.”

  “She did nothing! He grabbed you and she threatened him! She should have taken his arm. No one would have faulted her for that. Maybe we should get…”

  “Do not speak ill of her father.” Her coldness had returned. Her whole body felt numb in her instant rage. She could almost feel her back getting straighter, her face settling in a mask that hid everything from the world. This was her defense, her shield to the world. “She is a teenager. And I gave no order. She did the right thing.”

  “Oh, so she would kill for you but only by order? She is a wolf, not a dog to be trained.” Her father’s voice seemed cold, trained, as unfeeling as her own in this state.

  “You insult her then protect her?”

  “Ok, I can kind of see what is happening, so you know, sorry. Still, Tac must be dealt with.”

  Himeko relaxed slightly, and with it, she could see her wolf relax. She had no idea the girl had reacted to her mood like that. She was unsure when Isia had become more diligent, but she knew it had to be the moment that Himeko became that colder protected version of herself. “When you send Tac to apprehend Tie, maybe then he can meet with a fatal accident.”

  Dorvo looked at her only to roll his eyes. “You sound like my mother when she plotted. Just say we should kill him in the woods.” He turned back to the party and called for a servant. “I can’t have him dealt with that way. I forbid Tac from going.”


  “During our meeting yesterday. I saw the madness then, felt fishy, so I declined him and sent out a platoon of my fastest. Tracking him will take some time, and taking him alive is the goal, so they tell me six to eight weeks.” The servant brought him a glass of wine and a tray of different foods.

  “Thank you, it will mean a lot to Isia.”

  He took the tray and wine before telling the servant to go and enjoy the party. “In their eyes, you will be an adult soon, for me, it will be another 1000 years before I can think so. You’re my only hatchling.”


  He chewed on some food as he stared at Isia. “I just want you to be happy, so if you want to take the wolf to bed then do so.”


  “But remember your duties.” He stared into her eyes, and she knew, she could not lie to him. He pointed a stick with meat on it at her as he spoke through mind link. “And remember that daddy loves his baby. But we are dragons. I wish I could give you more, but until an heir can be born, you belong to the kingdom. I am sorry for this, even more, so that by the time you do have one, she would be long gone from this world. So, take her to bed, it will give you great memories of her. But I will say this last thing and hope you hear it, it would be better if you didn’t, it will only hurt more when you lose her.”

  Himeko broke his glance and looked down at her lap. She could feel Isia looking at her. Knew that if she looked up, those cobalt eyes would have so much concern and care in them, that any hope of hiding how she felt would flee. Isia knew her better than anyone. Altogether, they had spent less than three weeks together in the six years they knew each other existed, yet Himeko felt like it had been years at each other’s side. She wanted to tell her father that. She instead, closed her mental shields down tight and tried to sit back up straight.

  She c
omprehended what her father was saying. Empress Akane lived for almost 2000 years before she disappeared. Her journals, the real ones, were in the castle library. 2000 years of living and the dragon fell in love repeatedly all over the world. Yet in every one of those books, she had an entry about SR. One entry where she would speak about how every day felt dull without this mysterious person. No one knew who it was, but the desperation of wanting SR back moved everyone so much, that there was a book with copies of every entry she made for SR. It was one of her favorites to read in school, The Fading Love in Years. Himeko never thought the title fit, Akane’s love for SR never faded.

  Himeko knew she was young and had no idea what love looked like between lovers from anything but books, yet she knew that 200 years would never be enough. Sadly, it was all she had, so fuck tradition. She would live and love Isia. She would not have the regrets of her great-grandmother. But first, she would have to find a way for the wolf to survive loving Himeko without the kingdom trying to kill her. And she had no clue where to start.

  After an hour and a half, all in which Himeko had danced with her father, Aisi, Siai, and Oasis again, Himeko was ready to leave. Many of the guests had, including the Emperor. Nothing but the slower types of songs were playing. Isia had not said more than three words to her since Tac left.

  Listening to only the piano play, Himeko knew that there was one more thing she had to do before she left. She walked out to the dance floor, knowing that Isia would follow. Once she had a good spot, she turned to Isia and waited.

  After a few seconds of them staring at each other, Isia lifted an eyebrow. “I won’t leave here without a dance from you Isia.”

  There was a moment where Isia’s right lip twitched up before she bowed and held out her hand. Himeko took it and was promptly wrapped in Isia’s embrace. They moved in sync and slow. Just happy to be in her arms, Himeko laid her head on Isia’s shoulder. Isia was wrong, she was a perfect dancer. When the dance was over, Isia bowed. When she was looking at Himeko again, the princess whispered, “Thank you.”


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