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Twelve Worlds, One Book

Page 10

by Buffy Hamilton

  Even though we think we care about our friends and families somewhere we underestimate the depth of situation or simple lack the true care required. When was the last time you asked your friend about his problems when he was depressed? The truth is life is not a bed of roses everyone at some point in life has to face a bad day or depressing events and the only way to get rid of it is to overcome the sorrow and move on for future. But some people does not possess very strong willed mind and tend to break in depression and sorrow which results committing suicide, that’s why in order to help them we have to first locate the signs.

  So to detect the risk of suicide signs are the major key, according to the website Risk Factors and Warning Signs - AFSP, “Most people who take their lives exhibit one or more warning signs, either through what they say or what they do.


  If a person talks about:

  ●Being a burden to others

  ●Feeling trapped

  ●Experiencing unbearable pain

  ●Having no reason to live

  ●Killing themselves


  Specific things to look out for include:

  ●Increased use of alcohol or drugs

  ●Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online for materials or means

  ●Acting recklessly

  ●Withdrawing from activities

  ●Isolating from family and friends

  ●Sleeping too much or too little

  ●Visiting or calling people to say goodbye

  ●Giving away prized possessions



  People who are considering suicide often display one or more of the following moods:


  ●Loss of interest





  this clearly shows that there are multiple ways to detect the signs of suicide. In most cases of teens “Warning signs of suicide may include preoccupation with death or suicide or a recent breakup of a relationship, it also may include alcohol or drug consumption” (“Suicidal Thoughts or Threats-Topic Overview”).

  After we point out the signs, actions are need to be taken as soon as possible there are many effective suicide prevention programs based on research and books. “Programs that work into people’s risk factors and promote interventions that are appropriate to specific groups of people” ("Suicide in America: Frequently Asked Questions 2015").

  For example according to the website Risk Factors and Warning Signs - AFSP, “Ninety percent of people who die by suicide have a mental disorder at the time of their deaths” which signifies that suicide can also be caused by mental disorders. There are two major types of treatment for suicide, these are “biological and psychological treatments that can help address the underlying health issues that put people at risk for suicide”.

  Psychological treatments or Psychotherapy called “Dialectical Behavior Therapy" (DBT) has been shown to reduce the rate of suicide among people with borderline personality disorder, a serious mental illness characterized by unstable moods, relationships, self- image, and behavior. A therapist trained in DBT helps a person recognize when his or her feelings or actions are disruptive or unhealthy and teaches the skills needed to deal better with upsetting situations. Another proven psychotherapies for suicide is Cognitive Behavior Therapy, his is for patients who already attempted suicide (CBT), clearly theses short term interactive therapies make a difference ("Risk Factors and Warning Signs - AFSP").

  We all have only one life to live just one is, ask yourself is it really worth loosing? The decisions we make daily is the opportunity to make our life better. So take the time to think through each decision and remember each second we live is a gift. Do not let go of your life and try to help others to value their time as human being. One way or another we all can get through hard times, this world is full of opportunities and suicide is not one of them.

  Works Cited

  "Risk Factors and Warning Signs - AFSP." AFSP. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.

  "Suicidal Thoughts or Threats-Topic Overview." WebMD. WebMD, 14 Nov. 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.

  "Suicide: Facts at a Glance." PsycEXTRA Dataset (n.d.): n. pag. Suicide. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.

  "Suicide in America: Frequently Asked Questions (2015)." NIMH RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.

  "Treatment - AFSP." AFSP. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.


  Time Management

  Alen Kiyanovski

  Have you ever asked yourself “why don’t I have enough time for homework?” or “why don’t I have enough time to sleep?” Probably the answer is yes. Most of the people can’t manage their time properly. They waste their time on things that are not important, such as watching TV and play video games. But then they don’t have time for their important daily duties. As written at the site MindTools, “People always waste their time on the TV or the computer and do not pay attention to the time, which moves fast. Mostly, teens have time management problems, they spend 22 hours a week next to the TV in average” ("10 Common Time Management Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls"). Twenty-two hours a week is a lot of time. People can utilize this time to more important things and their daily tasks.

  Teens do many activities after school, such as work, sports, watching TV and hanging out with their friends. Sometimes they don’t have time to study and do their homework. Another problem with teens is that they spend lots of time on their smartphones and social media. As written in CNN site, “On any given day, teens in the United States spend about nine hours using media for their enjoyment” (Wallace). Nine hours a day is a crazy amount of time which can be used for more important things.

  Teens and students have problems with studying management. They make lots of mistakes. One mistake is not taking breaks. People can work for hours without taking break, but it’s not affective. Without breaks people’s brains start to work slowly and not effectively. As written in the site Fast Web, “studies show that breaks in your study routine can positively affect your attention abilities”. When you take a break for even 5 minutes, your brain refresh and you feel better. As written in the site FastWeb, “Taking breaks from studying every ninety minutes or so can improve both focus and attention. In addition to taking regular study breaks, what you do with each break can matter, too.” (Hoyt). Taking breaks can utilize your study time and make him more effective. Your brain takes a break and then works faster and better.

  Another problem with teen’s time management is multitasking. Lots of teens use their smartphones, watch TV and even play video games while studying. As written in The Problem with Multitasking site, Most of us using the phone, texting, eating or even playing video games. “I can’t count how many times I have burned my hand while cooking while trying to focus on something else, usually helping with homework” (Reus swig). Multitasking can hurt the effectiveness and quality of the both activities.

  Block distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media, unless you use these tools to generate business. As written in Fast Web site, “According to this latest research, people in the U.S. check their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts a staggering 17 times a day, meaning at least once every waking hour, if not more” (Chang). Blocking social media distraction will save you a lot of time and concentration while working.

  Take 5 minutes before every task to decide what you have to do and achieve. As written at the site Entrepreneur, “Take five minutes before every call and task to decide what result you want to attain. This will help you know what success looks like before you start. And it will also slow time down. Take five minutes after each call and activity to determine whether your desired result was achieved. If not, what was missing? “("How to Manage Time with 10 Tips That Work").

  Manage your day, “Take the first 30 minutes of every d
ay to plan your day. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time.” ("How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work"). It will help you to be organized and concentrate on your tasks.

  We need time, time is important for everything. We need time to work, to eat, to sleep, and to accomplish all the daily tasks. Instead of spending time watching useless television programs or horrible movies, you should use your time for meeting people, traveling or reading life-changing books.

  Take control of your time, be more organized. As written in the site N.P, “When you learn to take control of your time, you improve your ability to focus. And with increased focus comes enhanced efficiency, because you don’t lose momentum. You’ll start to breeze through tasks more quickly” ("Why Time Management Is Important"). If you will be able to control your time, it will help you to success in your career and school. As stated in the site N.P, “Time management is the key to success. It allows you to take control of your life rather than following the flow of others. As you accomplish more each day, make more sound decisions, and feel more in control, people notice. Leaders in your business will come to you when they need to get things done. And that increased exposure helps put you in line for advancement opportunities” ("Why Time Management Is Important").

  When you know how to spend your time properly you can save some time for resting and free time. “Everyone needs time to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, though, many of us don’t get enough of it. Between jobs, family responsibilities, errands, and upkeep on the house and the yard, most of us are hard-pressed to find even 10 minutes to sit and do nothing. Having good time management skills helps you find that time. When you’re busy, you’re getting more done. You accumulate extra time throughout your day that you can use later to relax, unwind, and prepare for a good night’s sleep” ("Why Time Management Is Important"). Managing your time properly will organize your day and will make you find more time for an actual rest and not spending time on nothing.

  Our time is limited. We have more time than we think. Saving of time can show you that. Do you really spend your time as you want to? How can you change that? Take time before every action you do to organize it. Take time before every day to organize it that will save you lots of time. Spend your time to enjoy your life, don’t waste it on social networks, go and meet your friends instead. Start taking control of your time, change your life and start developing properly. Concentrate your time on the important things in life and you will became happier person. If everyone will do the same, think about how much better our world will develop and evolve.


  Works Cited

  "10 Common Time Management Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls." MindTools. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

  Chang, Lulu. "Americans Spend an Alarming Amount of Time Checking Social Media on Their Phones." Digital Trends. N.p., 13 June 2015. Web. 09 Apr. 2016.

  "How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work." Entrepreneur. N.p., 01 May 2011. Web. 09 Apr. 2016.

  Hoyt, Elizabeth. "Energizing Study Break Ideas & What to Avoid." Fastweb. N.p., 02 Dec. 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.

  Reusswig, Liz. "The Problem with Multitasking by @LizReusswig." Spin Sucks. N.p., 04 Apr. 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

  Wallace, Kelly. "Teens Spend 9 Hours a Day Using Media, Report Says." CNN. Cable News Network, 3 Nov. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

  "Why Time Management Is Important." AppointmentPlus. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.


  Teens and Negative Body Image

  Lucia Rutherfurd

  Every time when you go to look you in the mirror you see an ugly, fat or unhappy is because you are suffer the consequence of a negative image body. People with a negative body image believe that don’t look good, or no are smart that means never are satisfied with satisfied that is why they are unhappy. In our society, body image is more important than we can thought. Body image now is like a mirror reflection of how you feel or what you have is a way for show what you got people with negative image body feels than they are less than other every time, that why is not just physical, they feel are not smart with other people’s so is in that point when start the problem calls ‘comparison’. They want to solve this problem in any way, like they start to think that if they fix their bodies, or changes their personality, all their problems will disappear. This could be dangerous , because too many people want to changes their physical appearance in the wrong way ,that make that them started to have an unhealthy relationship with the food , this leads to not eat or eat just little servings , do too many exercise during a lot time , because they have fear of gaining weight.

  Your body image is influenced by many different things like family, friends, culture, also the social environment. The most of the people have negative thoughts and feelings about their body at some point in the life. The problem with the people with negative body image is not what can though their self because the most of the persons have it, the problem here is how they solve it. This people try this problem in the wrong way. If someone who not eat, or do a lot exercises, and take care how their weight is because they’re suffer negative body image. This outlook causes people to believe that all their experience in life are affected by their appearance and body weight.


  The sudden change of not eat is really dangerous and if no one notices or take care of that , that can result in a eating disorder. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), more than eleven million people in the United States are suffering disorders such as bulimia nervosa , and other twenty five million are batting binge eating disorders.


  Nobody born with a Negative Body Image, it is something that you learn with time, caused by the influence from the society. Society makes ideas and stereotypes about the perfect deal of beauty or how you need be , that make what the people have trouble with their own, that affect their self and there.


  The problems about body image is harder for teens. Adolescence is the time when much teens suffer changes in their body, that make you may feel confused and disgusted because you are learning to adapt to your new body. That changes are natural, is part of grow up, some people take this to an extreme reaction, choices and bad decisions. As a result, can turn to unhealthy eating habits, which can lead to a serious eating disorders. And if it not treated the problem in time this problem could affect the physical and emotional health.

  All begins at puberty, is a phase when the body changes for let be a kit to turn an adult, which can be embarrassing or uncomfortable for many people. Also it depends the changes of the sexual gender. For the females during puberty they experience big changes like the first menstruation , ‘hips start to widen , breast begin to develop , and body fat increases’ (teen health and wellness) , this is part of turn a woman and is to a sing health. But in the same time this attracts the Negative Body Image, as girls are dissatisfied with themselves so they are going to start to try strict diets or use weight loss products that can be harmful to your health. Obviously the only ones beneficiary are the Companies Beauty. For males they also spend the same problematic stage with full of changes like growing, voice changes, body hair, acne and sometimes cases breast development.

  All is a part of grow up but many guys/boys take this like arborizing. And is like this how the adolescence turn like annoying , stressful and crazy phase in the life , it should be emphasized that it is different for each person since hormones are altered and that causes different reactions to it and generates different personalities.

  And here is when the Beauty Industry take place like comfort for then and with ‘them’ mean girls , but why girls. For long time ago is very well-known what the girl is who has be delicate and well-dressed and the men is strong and nothing can affect to him, and until today we can see the same idea more subtle, and the commercials for women’s are about beauty, clothes fashion, makeup, all kind of things abou
t be beautiful and for men's are about sports, sportswear, or the songs many video clips are about men's with money and ‘girls’. But what is the relation between the commercials and music with Negative Body actually this acts like an example for young teenagers.


  Like we know the stage of adolescence is really complicated for teens, they usually are very sensitive and irritable, that mean if we judged them or tell them what they have to do or not, or just forbidding party or go with friend, in short words take control of them that will make them feel angry or uncomfortable really easily and fast. But like they can be angry easily they can be sensitive if someone says something kind easily offended and hurt, what can make them take decisions drastic decisions that can changes their life irretrievably or end their own life just to be accepted.

  And is here when born the fearsome ‘depression’. “It’s not unusual for young people to experience "the blues" or feel "down in the dumps" occasionally. Adolescence is always an unsettling time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life.” (MentalHealthAmerica). But sometimes a only ‘feel bad’ could be depression and if is not treated in a right time could be really dangerous , the year what it was more neglected this aspect was 2004 , “The study used data from the 2007-2008 National Survey of Children's Health and included health information from over 36,000 adolescents ages 12 to 17. 2.7 percent of the sample had had a concussion and 3.4 percent had a current depression diagnosis.” (Science Daily).


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