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Twelve Worlds, One Book

Page 11

by Buffy Hamilton

  Unfortunately many parents do not realize this problem in time and do not take action on the matter, not knowing that they could end the lives of their children. Parents just think its common problems of teenagers. Because is easy confuse symptoms, for example don’t talk with the parents, obviously teens now want more privacy but sometimes is completely backwards. In some cases parents no have time for talk with their children's and teens feel like they do not care about them and lose importance with their-self. That’s why they are bad in the school because they feel empty and no accepted.

  If the Body Image calls Negative Body Image and that turns the ‘dissatisfied with themselves’ , so later want the ‘beautiful plastic surgery’ or could be the ‘ugly depression’ and here is when something horrible take place the ‘expected suicide’. “According to, a teen takes his or her own life every 100 minutes. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24. Approximately 20 percent of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood, and between 10 to 15 percent suffer from symptoms at any one time. Only 30 percent of depressed teens are being treated for it. Some teens are more at risk for teen depression and suicide than others.” (PsychCentral).

  Hopefully the percentage now is decreasing in a good time, we can see big difference:

  “In 2013, approximately 72 percent of youth with an MDE in the past year (8 percent of the population ages 12–17) reported that the MDE caused severe problems in at least one major role domain (home, school/work, family relationships, social life).

  The percentage of youth with an MDE in the past year receiving treatment for depression, defined as seeing or talking to a medical doctor or other professional about the depressive episode and/or using prescription medication for depression in the past year, declined from 40 percent in 2004 to 38 percent in 2013.” (ChildStad).

  Is going to be a big challenge change finish with the Negative Body Image because is now our culture and this have a strong connection with the Beauty Industry what is part of the economy. Lamentably who rules the world is the human and ones of the importance things in the world for the human is the money more than the love and peace. Economy is something important for the Government and for many countries the Beauty Companies are a big Industry what help the Economy. We have to change this and the next generation with a good education without prejudices and not just superficiality but honestly that change will be in a long time because we have to convince people who are willing to change and that will be a big change. This is not just about the Image this is about what we want hide what we really are.

  Works Cited

  "Teens and Negative Body Image." Teen health and wellness. N.p., n.d. Mon. 28 Mar. 2016.

  “Depression in teens” Mental Health America. N.p., n.d. Sun. 10 Apr. 2016

  “Teen concussions increase risk for depression” Science Daily. N.p., 9 Jan. 2014. Thur. 7 Apr. 2016.

  “Why Are So Many Teens Depressed?” Psych Central N.p., Sat. 16 Apr. 2016.

  “Adolescent Depression” Child Stats N.p., n.d. Mon. 18 Apr. 2016.

  Five Ways to Hack Your Life

  Sohel Ali

  Have you ever asked yourself “why don’t I have enough time for homework?” or “why don’t I have enough time to sleep?” Probably the answer is yes. Most of the people can’t manage their time properly. They waste their time on things that are not important, such as watching TV and play video games. But then they don’t have time for their important daily duties. As written at the site MindTools, “People always waste their time on the TV or the computer and do not pay attention to the time, which moves fast. Mostly, teens have time management problems, they spend 22 hours a week next to the TV in average” ("10 Common Time Management Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls"). Twenty-two hours a week is a lot of time. People can utilize this time to more important things and their daily tasks.

  Teens do many activities after school, such as work, sports, watching TV and hanging out with their friends. Sometimes they don’t have time to study and do their homework. Another problem with teens is that they spend lots of time on their smartphones and social media. As written in CNN site, “On any given day, teens in the United States spend about nine hours using media for their enjoyment” (Wallace). Nine hours a day is a crazy amount of time which can be used for more important things.

  Teens and students have problems with studying management. They make lots of mistakes. One mistake is not taking breaks. People can work for hours without taking break, but it’s not affective. Without breaks people’s brains start to work slowly and not effectively. As written in the site Fast Web, “studies show that breaks in your study routine can positively affect your attention abilities”. When you take a break for even 5 minutes, your brain refresh and you feel better. As written in the site FastWeb, “Taking breaks from studying every ninety minutes or so can improve both focus and attention. In addition to taking regular study breaks, what you do with each break can matter, too.” (Hoyt). Taking breaks can utilize your study time and make him more effective. Your brain takes a break and then works faster and better.

  Another problem with teen’s time management is multitasking. Lots of teens use their smartphones, watch TV and even play video games while studying. As written in The Problem with Multitasking site, Most of us using the phone, texting, eating or even playing video games. “I can’t count how many times I have burned my hand while cooking while trying to focus on something else, usually helping with homework” (Reus swig). Multitasking can hurt the effectiveness and quality of the both activities.

  Block distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media, unless you use these tools to generate business. As written in Fast Web site, “According to this latest research, people in the U.S. check their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts a staggering 17 times a day, meaning at least once every waking hour, if not more” (Chang). Blocking social media distraction will save you a lot of time and concentration while working.

  Take 5 minutes before every task to decide what you have to do and achieve. As written at the site Entrepreneur, “Take five minutes before every call and task to decide what result you want to attain. This will help you know what success looks like before you start. And it will also slow time down. Take five minutes after each call and activity to determine whether your desired result was achieved. If not, what was missing? “("How to Manage Time with 10 Tips That Work").

  Manage your day, “Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time.” ("How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work"). It will help you to be organized and concentrate on your tasks.

  We need time, time is important for everything. We need time to work, to eat, to sleep, and to accomplish all the daily tasks. Instead of spending time watching useless television programs or horrible movies, you should use your time for meeting people, traveling or reading life-changing books.

  Take control of your time, be more organized. As written in the site N.P, “When you learn to take control of your time, you improve your ability to focus. And with increased focus comes enhanced efficiency, because you don’t lose momentum. You’ll start to breeze through tasks more quickly” ("Why Time Management Is Important"). If you will be able to control your time, it will help you to success in your career and school. As stated in the site N.P, “Time management is the key to success. It allows you to take control of your life rather than following the flow of others. As you accomplish more each day, make more sound decisions, and feel more in control, people notice. Leaders in your business will come to you when they need to get things done. And that increased exposure helps put you in line for advancement opportunities” ("Why Time Management Is Important").

  When you know how to spend your time properly you can save some time for resting and free time. “Everyone needs time to relax and unwind.
Unfortunately, though, many of us don’t get enough of it. Between jobs, family responsibilities, errands, and upkeep on the house and the yard, most of us are hard-pressed to find even 10 minutes to sit and do nothing. Having good time management skills helps you find that time. When you’re busy, you’re getting more done. You accumulate extra time throughout your day that you can use later to relax, unwind, and prepare for a good night’s sleep” ("Why Time Management Is Important"). Managing your time properly will organize your day and will make you find more time for an actual rest and not spending time on nothing.

  Our time is limited. We have more time than we think. Saving of time can show you that. Do you really spend your time as you want to? How can you change that? Take time before every action you do to organize it. Take time before every day to organize it that will save you lots of time. Spend your time to enjoy your life, don’t waste it on social networks, go and meet your friends instead. Start taking control of your time, change your life and start developing properly. Concentrate your time on the important things in life and you will became happier person. If everyone will do the same, think about how much better our world will develop and evolve.


  Works Cited

  "10 Common Time Management Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls." MindTools. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

  Chang, Lulu. "Americans Spend an Alarming Amount of Time Checking Social Media on Their Phones." Digital Trends. N.p., 13 June 2015. Web. 09 Apr. 2016.

  "How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work." Entrepreneur. N.p., 01 May 2011. Web. 09 Apr. 2016.

  Hoyt, Elizabeth. "Energizing Study Break Ideas & What to Avoid." Fastweb. N.p., 02 Dec. 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.

  Reusswig, Liz. "The Problem with Multitasking by @LizReusswig." Spin Sucks. N.p., 04 Apr. 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

  Wallace, Kelly. "Teens Spend 9 Hours a Day Using Media, Report Says." CNN. Cable News Network, 3 Nov. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

  "Why Time Management Is Important." AppointmentPlus. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.


  Five Ways to Apply for College

  Christ Frank

  1) Breathe deeply and start thinking about it. Take a deep breath and relax. According to The New York Times, “The college admission process is always stressful for college applicants but it should be a time for self-exploration looking forward to the future” (Cohen). These days college students find stressful this process because it is seem as a huge deal by them but they know this is the first step in order to start a new journey that will lead to different opportunities, experiences and ways to get into college where at the end of the day they will have to choose a path for themselves.

  2) Be early and organized. When submit your application with all the documents and materials from the colleges you are passionate about, you know the early you do it the better it will be and it also will show interest from your part. A suggestion from “12 tips for getting into the College of Your Choice, “Get organized and stay focused during the process. Make a file folder for each college that interest you and put relevant information inside of it keeping focused on your ultimate goal: Getting into the college of your choice” (12 tips for getting into the College of Your Choice). This statement help us understand the importance of being organized and stay focused during a stressful and long process that applying to college could be.

  3) Find your passion. Search for the things you love doing them. So really think about what you are going to write as an essay (if your college requires one) and create a good that really describes who you are in different aspects of your life. A tip from The Daily Beast, “There are so many essays written about the winning goal, world peace, loving parents, reaching the top of the mountain, etc. It is important to think out of the box and really write about something that you know and have passion for” (Kingsburg). You will have to work a little bit hard and put some endeavor on your resume and essay in order to show an original and unique work of who you really are.

  4) Take the ACT/SAT. Another treat that high school students have to take during their junior or senior year as a requirement for any college or university you want to apply. According to 5 Things I would Do Differently If I were Applying to College Today, “One of the greatest sources of high school anxiety is preparing for the SAT or the ACT” (Nguyen). Most students struggle at this point because they know it is most of the important things in order to get accepted by a college depending in the score that you need to get. So this step it could be a little stressful for some students and not a big deal for others.

  5) Focus on grades. Keep working hard getting good grades during all the admission process because you have to stay concentrate in your last year of high school while you are doing the application process. According to What the people Who read Your College Application Really Think, “The variety of ways that colleges look at and analyze your grades, GPA, and more can have a major effect on your application process and what school you desire to get into” (Carapezza). So just stay focused and study a little be harder to have a great GPA at the end of your high school that will help you to demonstrate your dedication.


  Five Ways to Travel on a Budget

  Alexandra Silva

  1.Chose the perfect time. To get a cheaper and comfortable flight it is important to know that you need to fly when no one wants to do it. “Plan to fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday” ("26 Secrets to Save on Travel"). These days are not frequently, many people wait to fly on weekends or the first or last days of the week. Also travel on early morning and late night are also a perfect time because no one wants to travel. Travel on these times like on the day of “Thanksgiving and the eves and days of Christmas and New Year’s” ("26 Secrets to Save on Travel"). This website has the best offers to buy flies; you could find a really good discounts for the cheapest price. To travel to Europe and have the cheapest flies is “through October and April” (Steves). Many airlines have the best discounts during these months.

  2.Take the best offers. Some airlines offer you to have a stop on route to the destination. They call stopover that “Allows you to stay in a connection city” ("What Is a Stopover and How to Take Advantage"). That means that your fly is going to stay a couple hours that can be convenient for you because you can visit this city as free. And sometimes in this case the airline offer you a free hotel if you are going to expend the night there. Otherwise, consider in buying a vacation package if you are going to buy at last minute. Is important to ask always for discounts, all kind of discounts that can help you for everything like hotels, museums, flies, visits, etc. More if you are a student, senior or if you have any disability.

  3.Plan your tour. Before the trip it is recommended to plan your days because is going to save your time and money. And you can chose with specific visits you want to do it. Also, you can use a guide book that is going to help you a lot. If you don’t like have something in hand like maps, you can use your internet. Many libraries, hotels, restaurants, etc offers free Wi-Fi, so you can find your destination if you are loose.

  4.Eat the best and cheap food. It’s a good idea to “Eat with the season” (Steves). This can help you to try the typical food and the best ones. Also eat the season food could be less expensive. If you travel to Europe many hotels gives you a free breakfast if you ask for it; in addition, in some restaurants “The local specialties gets you the best quality and service for the best price” (Steves). Otherwise, picnics help you to save money and time more if you are with a partner. For my experience if you go to Europe, I recommend you to take breakfast at the hotel, do a picnic for lunch and for dinner try something special and typical.

  5.Obtain the ideal transport. If you want to rent a car I recommend you to don’t do it in Europe but for big cities “The automobile transportation makes it easy to see local culture” (Mammadov). Sometimes take a bus is a good way to save money because it is cheaper to transport
but the bad thing is that they are slower. On the other hand, the trains are really common in many cities, they are fast and cheaper if you buy a card for many days. For use the train as transportation is important to know “Throughout Europe first class tickets cost about 50 percent more than the second class, but the difference is comfort is usually minimal” (Steves). Don’t travel in first class unless someone else is paying for it. The train station “In many cases you can rent a bike in one town and drop it at another for no extra charge” (Steves). Rent a bike is a good idea. Furthermore, in some countries in Europe has the option to travel in group that means that you can find persons who travel to a specific city with their own car and have space to take someone else. This option is very usual.


  "Five Ways to Ride a Horse"

  Sofia A. Ribeiro

  1.Talk to your horse before mount him/her: It important have a great relationship with the horse, and pass good feels and love to your horse. Don’t be scared or nervous because the horse can feel and it will make your horse be nervous like you when you mount it.

  2.Prepare your horse: Before mount a horse to ride tie the horse up and groom it. Then, go over your horse with a rubber curry comb. Use the stiff brush. Move it in the direction of the hair in long strokes ending with a flick of brush. This removes the dust and hair that rubber curry combs brought to the surface. So after brush your horse put the right equipment on your horse and doesn’t forget to adjust the cell by your size.

  3.Mount your horse: Some specialists that also give suggestion for the readers say that “Your very first step to learning ride is learning to get on the horse. The first few times you get on a horse, have someone hold the horse's head so that it stands quietly. You can, and should be able to get on from the ground, but a mounting block makes it easier for you, is better for your saddle and is easier on your horse's back. If your horse is tall and your legs are short you can drop the stirrup a few holes so that you can reach it with your toe, or you can use a stirrup extender. Don't forget to re-adjust the stirrup leather to the proper length once mounted. It is traditional to mount a horse from the near side. But you should be able to mount from the off side as well” (Blocksdorf).


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