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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 34

by Thea Atkinson

  Rubbing my lips against her neck, my fang descended, and I sank them into her tender flesh. She dug her nails into my wrist, but it only added to my excitement. She would live whether she wanted to or not. Her blood tasted like raspberries and pineapples dipped in molten chocolate. It was sweet and thick, sending a surge of heat through my body straight to my cock.

  Pulling away, I watched as she slumped over unconscious. My skin tingled and something felt off. My body quivered on the inside and my brain became foggy. I carried her to car.

  “Genziano, I need you to drive.” I put her in the backseat and darkness ensued.


  Torin Cullen

  “What do you mean she’s dead?” I took a step back and fell against the wall. My muscles went weak and I gasped as acid slid up and scorched my esophagus.

  “We don’t know, but I identified the body myself. Micheline Lambert is dead. She was torn apart by a werewolf, and they didn’t want us to think they had anything to do with it,” said Matias.

  Narrowing my eyes, I grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the floor. “She was my fiancée, just two weeks away from being my wife. Nobody would dare touch her.”

  Matias Machesky had once challenged me to rule but I defeated him. He had wanted the Machesky bloodline to rule but he wasn’t successful. His bloodline didn’t have the power or the prestige like the Cullens. We were an ancient line of power and had the prestige that few could rival.

  Throwing him away from me, I scrubbed my hand through my hair. “You should’ve brought her body to me. Go get it.”

  Matias swallowed hard. “I can’t. The werewolves set her body on fire. The body would’ve drawn attention to the pack.”

  “You challenged me for alpha and lost. If you want to fight to death this time, let’s do that.” I took another step toward him but stilled when I saw my twin brother Tobias step in front of me.

  “Brother, we’ll get to the bottom of this together.” He shot a skeptical look at Matias.

  “The vamps and werewolves are jealous of our power. They can’t kill you, so they murdered your future wife. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t under your protection until you exchanged vows. You can’t retaliate against the werewolves without consequence from the council,” said Matias.

  Tobias frowned. “It doesn’t make sense for the werewolves to attack her, they haven’t given us any issues for fifteen decades. It sounds like someone wanted this to look like a werewolf attack.”

  “You’re naïve, Tobias, and you don’t understand the fragile alliance we have with the werewolves and vamps.”

  He nodded. “Let me guess, you want to retaliate and kill the werewolves.”

  Matias smiled and his pointy ears twitched. “We need to send a message. Anyone that fucks with us will be killed.”

  Tobias snorted. “Your plan is to go to war with the werewolves and then what? What will happen when the council comes after us? We can’t fight legions of enemies.”

  “We are powerful sorcerers and shouldn’t have to answer to the Immortal Mafia Council anyway. It’s time we take our rightful place at the top.”

  “How do you plan to do that, Matias? You can’t kill an enemy you don’t know.”

  “We could be stronger than the snobby council members if we consumed the Halawekuni.”

  Tobias laughed. “You’re crazy. Your grand plan is to kill the Immortal Mafia Council, wipe out the werewolf pacts, travel to the Realm of Shadows and steal and consume the Halawekuni.”

  “Matias, traveling to the Shadow Realm is a death sentence and if you managed to escape before the Shadow Spirits tore you apart, are you aware that the Halawekuni chooses its host? I knew you lusted for power, but I didn’t know the vision of death had seduced you too.”

  I watched him as he walked to the door. “We shouldn’t have to take orders from the council or anyone else. We should live like gods.”

  Listening to Matias’ fading footsteps, I shook my head. Glancing at my brother we both nodded, and at the same time we closed our eyes, and teleported inside the New Orleans Police Station. We were invisible and could remain so indefinitely. That was one of the perks of being an identical twin, we had the ability to combine our power and do unheard of things.

  “Chief Warner, there was so much blood, it looked like a massacre, but I only found this body. There had to be more bodies down on the lower level of the bowling alley,” he said.

  “Nick, I can’t go off on a tangent with you. I need evidence, surveillance, and bodies. Nobody reported a crime, yet you received an anonymous tip from a concerned citizen. This city doesn’t have any concerned citizens, they abandoned this city long ago.”

  The chief kicked his chair over. He snatched his coffee mug and took a swig. “Stop chasing ghosts, and head back down there to Mo’s Bowling Alley, and find out who killed Leonardo Ferarri. His family has dinner with Senator Connor, for fuck sake. I need answers like a year ago and I need them before I have to call Leonardo Sr and inform him that his heir is dead.”

  “Chief, what about the dead naked guy that we found on the lower level? He didn’t have any identification or clothes on. I ran his fingerprints in the database but didn’t get a match.”

  Warner slammed his cup on the desk. “Your priority is Leonardo’s death. The cameras were stolen, but someone must have seen something. Locate some witnesses, someone knows something.”

  “Leonardo had a girlfriend named Micheline Lambert. She is a real nice girl, attending Vanderbuilt University School of Law. Rumor has it that they were engaged. Oh, wait her sister, Madeleine Lambert dated Leonardo, the other one was engaged to Edward Cullen.”

  Warner grabbed a fist of his hair. “You can’t even keep the sisters straight. Just go. I can’t afford to have this investigation screwed up.”

  “Sir, I won’t let you down. It’s just that Micheline and Madeleine look alike since they’re identical twins. Anyway, I interviewed Madeleine, who dated Leonardo. She stated that they broke up because he was sleeping with her best friend Beth.”

  “Nick get me some answers and stop flapping your gums. His father won’t care that his son cheated on his girlfriend.”

  Nick turned and walked to the door.

  “Interview Micheline. She might be engaged but they are twins; maybe she killed him for her sister.”

  He shook his head. “She told me that her sister was out of town making wedding preparations to marry Torin Cullen. I checked her credit card history, and she had purchased two tickets to California. Her credit card was used an hour ago in Las Vegas.”

  “You triple checked Madeleine’s alibi?”

  “Yes, it’s airtight. She was having dinner with friends tonight. Beth Cunningham doesn’t have an alibi, so I’m checking into her background now. She was the side chick, maybe she shot him because he wouldn’t leave Madeleine.”

  Closing my eyes, I concentrated. Thoughts of her filled my mind, as Tobias and I stood in the lower level of Mo’s Bowling Alley. The smell of blood, her blood permeated the air. The chalk outline of her body was too small to be that of an immortal. I was staring at the crime scene where Micheline had been murdered.

  Why were you here? I told you that it was dangerous now that your parents had died, which I’m sure wasn’t a coincidence.

  Walking over to the bloody spot a few feet away from the shattered window, I frowned. “A werewolf attacked her, but I’m not certain that he killed her. Whoever set her up wasn’t acting alone.”

  Tobias rubbed his chin. “She was out here because she came to get Madeleine. The werewolves came and she fought them so that her sister could get away. Look at that glass window. That’s another bullet hole.”

  “I don’t believe the werewolves killed her; they helped, but they didn’t have any quarrel with her or me. Nobody messes with the Cullens; our bloodline is as strong as the descendants of the Dark Ones.”

  My brother sighed then turned away.

  “What, speak your mind. I can feel
your turmoil.”

  He rubbed his head. “Matias is jealous of you and he wants your position of power. I wouldn’t put it past him if he orchestrated her death, so you’ll go against the council. He has an excellent chance of seizing power when you’re dead, which is what you would be if you go against the council.”

  Walking closer to the window, I looked up, and saw glowing amber eyes staring back at me. My heart leapt in my throat.

  “Shadow Spirit.” I glanced behind me at Tobias, but the spirit held him by the throat.

  My body floated into the air while an invisible force held me immobilized. Gasping, I trembled as my air was suddenly cut off. Detaching from my emotions, I channel my energy before it was too late, and sent Tobias home.

  “No, we die together,” said Tobias. His face started to turn from ruby red to ashen.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time to get my hands on you, Torin Cullen. We’ve been interested in you for a long time, and your infinite abilities.”

  “Never, will I side with a life thief.”

  “My name is Valen Kampf, ruler of the Givensku, the Dark Realm, but you may call me Shadow King.”

  “Kill me and be done.” Closing my eyes, a sharp pain of sadness sliced through me as I heard Tobias take three swift breaths then went silent.

  It won’t be long Tobias. I’m coming.

  Retreating inside my mind, I focused on Micheline. She and I would be reunited again.

  “Most people don’t look happy to stare death in the face, but you love her so much, the mere thought brings you bliss. I can see why he killed her; you loved her. It was a pity that your pride never let you tell her.”

  My eyes flew open and Micheline’s face faded from the recesses of my mind like mist. “Who killed her?”

  Valen’s face became visible, but his body was still invisible. “It doesn’t matter. You are my property now. You see, through you this world will fall, and the Shadow Spirits will once again rule over Earth.” His hand appeared and he reached inside his chest and removed a fiery seafoam-green eight-tentacle creature that jumped on my face.

  Shaking my entire body, I couldn’t shake it off, as its claws pried opened my mouth and crawled inside. My eyes rolled back, and I fell to the floor.

  “Don’t fight; the Halawekuni chooses its host. We can’t control these symbiotes, we just plead with them. When they bond, you will be our flunky to summon to the Dark Realm whenever I see fit. You will bring about this world’s destruction.”

  I opened my mouth on a silent scream as the symbiote embedded itself inside my brain. Searing heat flooded my body like lava. My eyes fluttered opened as I watched Valen wave and disappear. I surrendered into the warm arms of the darkness.



  I was cold. This was the coldest I had ever been in my life. My teeth ached, and I could see my breath coming out into puffy clouds around me. Sitting up, I ignored the splitting headache that pounded at my temples. Where the heck was I?

  Sliding off the bed, I walked across the room to the door. Passing the mirror, I stopped as the sight made my heart flutter. I couldn’t see my image. Moving closer, I didn’t stop until my clammy fingers stroked the reflective surface. In a flash, my memories came back.

  His tall muscular body kneeled over me. His thick, dark, wavy brown hair sculpted off his face. Beautiful jade green eyes that had turned to a sea foam green when he saw the puddle of blood, I was laying in.

  Shaking my head, I stepped away from the mirror. He had offered to help me, and I declined. Closing my eyes, I ran my fingers along my sensitive neck. The place where he had sunk his teeth had healed.

  I don’t care how handsome he is. He didn’t have the right to decide anything for me. How dare him.

  Opening the dresser, I pulled out a jogging suit. Tossing my bloody tattered clothes in the trash, I threw the hood over my face. After folding the pants three times, I managed to keep the large clothing on me.

  Opening the window, I climbed out. Gripping the bars tight, I looked down. Big mistake. The high-rise was twenty floors off the ground.

  Pressing my face to the bar, I inhaled and thought of Madeleine. I had died for her once, heinously; I could do this. Moving quickly, it didn’t take long to get to the bottom. When I wasn’t far from the bottom, I jumped down.

  I walked down the street and placed my hands inside the hoodie. Turning the corner, I bumped into something hard.

  “Watch where you’re going,” he said as he stepped around me and kept walking. Releasing a breath, I didn’t know I held, I rounded the corner and ran.

  Wherever I was, it wasn’t near civilization. There was a black coupe with tinted windows parked at the end of the street. I moved my fingers along the front of it. Yes, it was still warm.

  I had never driven a Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, which was my favorite car. Stealing one had never been in my plan. I tried the door, and it opened.

  What kind of idiot would leave this kind of car unlocked with the keys inside?

  Sliding in, I buckled the seatbelt and started the car. When the fancy high-rise was no longer in the rearview mirror, I sighed. I didn’t stop until I pulled into the garage at the house. Punching in the combination, and placing my finger on the keypad, the door opened.

  Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes. What was I going to say? Hey guys, I’ve turned into a damn monster. I couldn’t let Madeleine see me like this.

  “I thought I’d never see you again. Your funeral is scheduled for tomorrow at noon,” said Quin, “and Madeleine has been more of a train wreck than usual.”

  Rubbing my temples, I sighed. “What do you want me to say? I did what I had to do, but instead of dying I was turned. You can handle her; you don’t have a choice.”

  He shook his head. “No, I can’t.”

  My shoulders slumped, and I fought tears. “I have faith in you.”

  “She has tried to commit suicide three times, and this last time I came close to losing her. She’s in the hospital, but you know as well as I do, it’s the best place to kill someone.”

  I choked. The pain in the back of my throat had tears sliding down my cheeks.

  I walked down the hall and headed to my bedroom. It was bad enough that I died saving her, and now she had tried to kill herself.

  Once I crossed the threshold of my room, I fell face first on the bed. Ignoring the fact that everything I owned was in a box, I allowed myself to feel grief. Sorry I wasn’t a good sister, sorry I failed mon and dad, and sorry I put all of this on Quin.

  Quin leaned against the door frame. “She gets discharged in two hours, so you have two hours to get yourself together before you see her.”

  “It’s better if she thinks I’m dead. After I leave her, I plan to finish myself off. I can’t soil our parent’s legacy with mess. We are special and I can’t allow myself to be aligned with them.”

  “You can’t be that stupid. If you’re worried about the sorcerers, don’t be. We’ll handle them together.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sat up. “Torin is a beautiful wizard. He’s powerful, so he can have any female he wants. He probably didn’t blink twice when he heard of my demise.”

  “You know so little about men. Torin can have any female he wants but he wants you, which makes this a problem for all of us. He’s not a wizard you piss off, but with the vampires protecting you and this family, it will be alright.”

  “Who saved you?”

  Turning away from him, I debated on how to answer this. Either way I answered, he wasn’t likely to want to hear this.

  “I don’t know his name. I didn’t ask him to save me, and I woke up and immediately came here to check on you guys.”

  He covered his forehead. “Is that code for you ran from the man? Please tell me that isn’t his luxury car parked in the garage.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t know who the car belongs to. I wasn’t asking when I stole it.”

  “Let’s hope he do
esn’t show up while Torin is here. He and his brother are coming in an hour.”

  “Why is he coming here? My funeral is near, so why is he coming here today?”

  “He wants revenge on the person that killed you. Torin just wants answers. My sources said that he went ballistic when he heard the news, and nobody has seen him in three days.”

  My problems hadn’t gone away but a hot bubble bath did make things seem better. The only way out of this was to relocate to Canada or someplace that had cold weather. I couldn’t risk the sorcerers going to war with the vampires over me. I never wanted to be a part of that world, but my wishes didn’t matter now.

  Quin ran inside my room, panting like he had run a marathon. “Hide, the security system picked up a shadow, and more than likely it’s your vampire.”

  Holding my towel, I glared at him. “He’s not MY anything. Besides, it might just be a shadow.” Despite my carefree tone, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Rushing to the bed, I lifted the mattress, and grabbed one of the guns.

  How had he found me? Was his car bugged or something?

  I handed him the gun. “Here, take this just in case.”

  “Don’t bother with that primitive weapon. It can’t harm me,” he said. He waltzed into the room and grabbed Quin by the throat. Knocking the gun out of his hand, it hit the floor and slid across the room.

  He slammed Quin against the wall. His green eyes turning a darker shade of green. “I have no complaints with your attire, but I think you might want to be clothed when the others come.”

  Snagging the other gun from under the mattress, I pointed it at him. “Let him go.”

  He smiled. “You can’t kill me. I would’ve explained that to you if you hadn’t scaled down the thirty-seven floors and stole my car,”.


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