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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

Page 16

by Creative Anthologies

I kneel back down at her feet and kiss up her gloriously long legs. I run my hand across her damp panties, teasing, probing as I go. Her body is warm and wanting; I can feel it from one simple touch.

  I kiss up her flat stomach, towards her breasts, and pull down the cups of her bra. I clench my hands around her more than average tits and suck, bite, and caress. Her back arches up, pushing her nipples farther into my mouth.

  “Your mouth,” she pants.

  I cut off her words with my mouth and our tongues duel against one another.

  “Are you sure you want this, Ilythia?”

  She nods. “I’m sure. I need you now.”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  Again, she nods.

  “I’m clean, but I can go and get a condom if you wish. I trust you.”

  “I trust you.” She says my words back.

  I lower my shorts and my large member springs free. He’ll be enjoying the attention, since it isn’t my hand he’s getting tonight.

  I let my hand run down to her center. She’s soaking for me. I probe one, two, three fingers in and out of her core, rubbing at her clit. I bite into her nipple, making her body react from all the waves of pleasure shooting through her.

  “I’m going to come, Damon.”

  “Come for me, angel.” Her body soars higher and higher, exploding beneath me. If I thought she looked beautiful before, well, she looks fucking fantastic now. The just-fucked-look suits her.

  I lie over her, taking my weight with one hand, rubbing my dick through her wetness, teasing her more. I know I won’t last long once I get inside her. I need to feel her. All of her.

  I push inside of her in one swift move. I hit her cervix, pushing her farther up the rug. Her legs wrap around my waist, giving me better access.

  “You feel so good.” I kiss her with everything I have.

  Moving in and out of her is an act I could get used to. She feels amazing. She clenches around my dick, drawing me in farther.


  I smile into her neck that I’ve got her cursing.

  I reach down and rub her clit, pushing in and out of her. I feel her legs clench, her body rise, and her cries of pleasure send me skyrocketing, exploding like a fucking detonator.

  We both lie tangled together in a sweaty mess. Our breathing is erratic, hearts beating wildly. I swear I can see stars. I look up and place my hands on her cheeks, making her look me straight in the eye.

  “Stay with me tonight.”

  She doesn’t say a word, but she nods and smiles warmly at me. That’s the only answer I need. I roll off her and pull her into my chest. Her warm cheek resting against my heart is a feeling I could get used to.

  I’m fucked. This woman is going to crucify me.


  I wake up with my head leaning against a warm chest. It’s at that moment I remember Damon, everything we did here on this floor, his sweet words, and the perfect way he rocked my world. I feel like I’m dreaming. I’ve never felt that pleasure before. In fact, no man has ever made me orgasm like that. I’ve only ever felt pleasure from my trusted vibrator, Rex.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” a rough voice croaks, and I look up to see Damon. It looks like he’s been awake for a while. I probably look like hell; I didn’t even take off my makeup before we fell asleep.

  “Eurgh, don’t look at me.” I raise my hand to cover my face, but he quickly retrieves it and holds it over his naked chest.

  “You look beautiful in that sleepy state. Don’t ever hide your natural beauty from me.”

  “I don’t recall a makeup-smeared face being natural.”

  He rolls me over to my back and a squeal leaves my mouth. “No, but your natural, I’ve-just-been-fucked face, is adorable.”

  “And here was me thinking you were a gentleman last night. How can that be with language like that?”

  “That smart mouth will get you into trouble, Ilythia.”

  I roll my eyes. “I had a nice time last night.”

  “Nice,” he growls.

  “Okay, I get it, you don’t like the word nice. I had a fantastic night. Is that better?”

  “It’s a start. Shower with me.” He leans down and captures my lip between his teeth. My body does crazy things again, just from his words. I wish I could bottle up this feeling.

  “Don’t you have places to be? It is Christmas Eve, after all.”

  He shakes his head and rubs his nose across mine. “My assistant took care of all my Christmas shopping and had it delivered to the rightful owners. I’m meant to be at my parents’ house tonight for a Christmas party, but I very rarely show my face. What do you say we get out of here and do some celebrating of our own?”

  My stomach flips at the thought of spending more time with Damon. In fact, last night I wanted someone’s company, because I was upset about my flights, but now I don’t think I’m ready to walk away.

  “What are we celebrating?” I avoid his direct question first.

  “Christmas, of course. You can’t spend Christmas in New York and not explore what it has to offer.”

  “Can I go home first to get changed? I don’t fancy exploring New York in the snow with killer heels on.”


  He kisses the end of my nose quickly and jumps to his feet in all his naked glory. He reaches out for my hands and pulls me up carefully. I think I’ve passed the stage of being shy around Damon. He’s seen every inch of me, touched places no man has touched before, and found spots that send me wild. I think I can walk to the shower with him in my birthday suit.

  I walk behind him, down a long white hall, and through to a room I suspect is his. It’s bright, spacious, and extremely masculine in navy and white. It’s exactly what I thought it would be like.

  “You have good taste,” I say.

  He walks us into a shower room that resembles something out of a magazine. Everything is white and gold. It’s beautiful. I can just imagine myself soaking in his claw tub, but I squash that idea and watch him turn on the shower. The jet sprays blast alive from all directions.

  “It appears I have good taste in many things, Ilythia.”

  He turns and wraps his arms around my waist. Our mouths collide fiercely. He lifts me easily and my legs instantly wrap around his waist and cross at the back. I feel his dick rubbing at my core. Every nerve ending is tingling, crying out for more. He backs us into the glass cubicle and the hot water cascades down our bare skin. It’s a catalyst amongst others that make us both cry out with pleasure. And that’s before he enters me.

  “You make me feel crazy and unhinged, angel.”


  He pushes my back against the cold tile walls. It’s like sweet and sour, hot and cold shouldn’t go, but it makes me spiral out of control. He maneuvers himself to my entrance and pushes inside me with no warning. Instantly, my body cries out with the relief of it. It’s like eating that ice cream you’ve been craving; it’s heaven on earth good.

  Our bodies move in sync with one another, in and out, harder and faster. It’s crazy how out of control we both are with one another. It’s completely out of character for both of us, but I like it.

  “Oh, God,” I cry out.

  His body shudders with mine and we both soar and erupt together in a moment of pure bliss. My body is shaking uncontrollably. I don’t think my legs will hold me for the time being.

  “Don’t let me go,” I whisper into his neck.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Where have you been all my life?”

  He laughs. “I could ask you the same thing, but instead, I’m going to assist you to wash so we can get on with our Christmas Eve.”

  The last twelve hours have been a whirlwind of emotions. I don’t know how I’ve gone from being upset about my flight to my world being rocked by the perfect stranger.

  We entered my apartment ten minutes ago. I quickly kicked off yesterday’s clothes and changed into casual jeans, Converse, a
nd an off-the-shoulder jumper. New York is chilly at Christmas, and I have no idea what Damon’s plans are. I throw my hair up into a messy bun. Everything about my appearance today is the complete opposite from yesterday’s look. This look is me. It’s how I live when I’m not working. I just hope Damon likes it.

  I walk back into my kitchen and Damon is leaning against my counter with his cell phone in his hand.

  “Wow!” He looks up as I approach. “I thought you were beautiful last night, but this look suits you even more.”

  “Thanks, I guess. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  And that’s an understatement. Even with jeans and a sweater on, covered up with his thick jacket, hat, and scarf, he still looks like sex on legs. I don’t think he could look terrible in anything… ever.

  “One thing I’m going to teach you over the course of our time together is how to take a compliment and own it.”

  “Good luck with that one, buster. So, what do you have in mind for today?”

  He taps his nose and winks at me. “Nosey. Grab your winter warmers and we’ll get started on our little adventure.”

  I do as I’m told. I pull on my jacket, hat, and scarf. I grab my phone and bag and turn to see Mr. Handsome leaning against my doorframe. He has a cheeky look on his face, and it speaks directly to my core. It’s like his cheeky smile knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  “Let’s get going before we don’t leave my apartment.”

  And it wouldn’t bother me at all if we didn’t get out of here today. I suddenly like the male specimen. I’m addicted to it, even.

  Who would have thought a cancelled flight would have had a positive outcome?

  We walk along the outskirts of Central Park, and Damon waves to a horse and carriage. The man jumps down and approaches us instantly.

  Damon hands over a few hundred dollar notes and says something to the man I can’t understand, but I can tell that however much Damon has just paid has made the man’s Christmas.

  The man offers me his hand to help me into the carriage. Damon follows me in, and a blanket is placed over my legs. Damon’s arm reaches around my shoulders and I snuggle into his side. I’m handed a glass of champagne, and so is Damon.

  “I’ve been in New York for three years and I’ve never once been on a horse and carriage.”

  “I thought as much. Sometimes when we’re working everything fun flies out of the window.”

  “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience. Have you been on a carriage before?”

  “I work too hard. I’m guilty as charged.” He grins like a spoiled child. “However, I haven’t been on a carriage since I was a kid. Our nanny brought me and my brother. We went ice-skating after. Central Park is the most beautiful park to be in at Christmas.”

  I nod and look out around the Christmas stragglers. The shoppers, the families enjoying some Christmas fun, and the joggers getting in their last jog before the festivities really begin.

  “It really is something else,” I agree.

  We sit in comfortable silence for a while. Snuggled into Damon’s side is also something else. I’m not usually a huge fan of public displays or cuddling, but Damon makes me jump out of my comfort zone, and I’m enjoying it. No, I’m loving it.

  “What do you think about joining me at my parents’ Christmas party tonight?”

  I splutter on the sip of champagne I’ve just taken and swivel round to face Damon.

  “Why? Isn’t it a family thing? I’m a big girl, Damon. I can enjoy a quiet Christmas Eve on my own.”

  “I know you’re a big girl. I’m glad you are.” He winks at me and lightens the atmosphere. “And my family’s gatherings are never family-oriented. The whole of New York attends. You can help me show face, and then we can escape and make our own fun… again.” He leans in and captures my lips with his. The simple action makes my heart beat wildly, and my body covers in goose bumps.

  “I must be crazy for saying this, but okay. I’ll join you.”


  I nod. I tuck an invisible strand of hair behind my ear, something I do when I’m nervous, but I settle back in beside Damon and take in a large deep breath of clean air. I have a funny feeling I’m going to need a lot more than air to get through tonight. I know exactly what Damon’s father can be like, and I usually do anything not to cross paths with him.

  God, I’m a fool. I’m letting this lust and orgasms go to my head.


  “Come on. I didn’t take you for being a wimp.” I make fun of Ilythia walking like Bambi on ice.

  You can’t come to Central Park and not go ice-skating, and I wanted to have some fun with Ilythia, not only because I can, but I want to feel what it’s like to be in another woman’s company in a social setting. I’m not big at socializing at the best of times, and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve entertained a woman.

  “I thought I liked you, Mr. Brewster.”

  “Oh, the angel is pissed at me.”

  I skate over and hold my hand out for her to take. She slowly lets go of the side and puts all her trust in me. I like that.

  “I haven’t been on ice since I was a child,” she tells me.

  I can’t help but laugh at her. She hasn’t showed me this vulnerable side since I met her last night, but put her on ice and she’s like a little lost puppy.

  “It’s like a walk in the park, honey. I’ve got you.”

  I skate backwards and pull her along with me. She finally lifts her head from looking at the ice and smiles at me. Her eyes are twinkling, and her shoulders relax. This is the look I like on her the most.

  “How did you become so good at this?”

  “I played ice hockey. I quit when I was fifteen, because it wasn’t what my father wanted me to do.” I shrug.

  At the time I was pissed with my dad, but now that I’m an adult, I know I wouldn’t have taken it up professionally, so there was no point continuing.

  “You keep surprising me. Your father, on the other hand, well, I pegged him as an overbearing person. None of what you’ve shared surprises me.”

  Another trait I like about her; she won’t hide what she thinks to spare my feelings.

  She takes a nosedive over her skates and lands right in my arms. I move us over to the side and she quickly recovers and holds on like her life depends on it.

  “I’m never getting off this ice without killing myself or someone else.” She giggles.

  Her infectious personality breaks another layer of ice away from my heart and I laugh along with her.

  “What do you say, if you can skate off this ice without a mishap, I’ll take you next door for a hot chocolate.”

  “I’d say you’re an overachiever, but hold my hands and I’ll give it a go.”


  I take her gloved hands in mine and skate backwards across the ice. As chaotic as this bit of the adventure has been, it has been fun. I never can tell what Ilythia is going to do or say next, and I love that. The unpredictability is part of the adventure.

  We step off the ice and she sighs. I laugh and bend over to control myself. She hits my shoulder and I pull her into my embrace and kiss her softly on the lips. I’m laughing with her, not at her. Never at her.

  “You did good, babe.”

  “I gave Bambi a run for his money.” We both laugh. “Please let me get my Converse back on. I’ll feel safer and more in control.”

  And that’s what I do. I’ll always do anything to make her feel more at ease.

  I watch Ilythia walking towards me with two super huge hot drinks. She was adamant, not to my liking, that I wasn’t paying for our drinks. I didn’t want to argue with her, but she’ll need to get used to me paying if we’re going to hang out. But, saying that, it’s appreciated that she’s not a money-grabbing woman, only hanging with me to get what she can.

  “I thought my mum made the best hot chocolate ever, but these smell amazing.” She sighs dreamily as she sits down be
side me.

  “That drinks stand has been there since I was a boy. Naomi, our nanny, used to have that same dreamy look on her face. Her own hot cocoa was immense, too.”

  “You speak fondly of Naomi. Where is she now?”

  “She still works at my parents’ house. I’ll introduce you tonight. You’ll like her.”

  Anyone that doesn’t like Naomi is either stuck-up, not a nice person, or not worth knowing.

  “So, horse and carriage ride, ice-skating, hot chocolate. What else do you have up your sleeve?”

  “We’re going to head back, have some food, and get ready for this party. We can stop by your apartment to get your things and head back to mine.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Her cell rings in her purse and she hands me her drink to answer it. I watch her shoulders sink and her happiness drains.

  “Hiya, Mum. You got my voice messages, then.”

  I listen to her Scottish accent become more prominent as she speaks with her mom. I look out across the park and try not to listen in on her conversation. I can’t help but find her accent a big turn-on. It’s clear that she speaks more “proper” here in New York for people to understand her, but I think I like her native tongue much better.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “No need to be sorry. Is your mom upset about not seeing you over the holidays?”

  She nods. “Devastated. You’d think the world was about to end, but I told her I had made plans tonight, and I’d make sure to let her know when I can come home for a visit.”

  I don’t know how to answer her, because I’ve never been in her shoes. Even if I was away from my hometown, I don’t think I’d find it a hardship. Probably a blessing.

  I stand up, throw my paper cup in the garbage, and hold my hand out for Ilythia to take. We walk hand in hand through the park, the cold crisp air surrounding us.

  “I don’t know how to deal with your family issue, but I can take your mind off it and show you a good time.”

  “I like the sound of being distracted.”


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