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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

Page 17

by Creative Anthologies


  I look at myself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in Damon’s bedroom. I think I’ve gone a little over the top with my long navy dress and silver heels and accessories. I’ve left my hair down to hang in loose curls around my back. I need something to hide behind, because I have no idea what I’m about to walk into. I already know Damon is nothing like his father, but who will I say I am? A friend? An associate? A nobody?

  A knock sounds on the door and I don’t move. I look over my shoulder through the mirror at the look on Damon’s face when he sees me ready.

  He looks like a small child in a sweetie shop; his breath taken away, but surprised and excited all at the same time.


  He breathes out and stalks towards me. His arms wrap around my waist from behind and his chin rests on my shoulder, getting a bird’s-eye view of my cleavage.

  “You’re stunning. I feel like all my birthdays and Christmases have come at once.”

  I turn in his arms and rest my hands flat over his shirt-covered chest. “Well, Mr. Brewster, the quicker we get out of here, the quicker we can come back and I can give you an actual present,” I tease, because I know how much he hates being called Mr. Brewster.

  “Can I not get my present now?”

  I shake my head. “It isn’t Christmas yet.” I push him back slightly, avoiding brushing against him, and grab my silver clutch bag.

  I’m surprising myself, because I’m not the flirty type, but with Damon, flirting comes naturally. He adjusts his pants. I feel sorry for him, because it’s going to be a long night with pants on when he’s as hard as stone.

  We pull up outside of a large mansion I presume is Damon’s parents’ house. It’s a bit bigger than I expected, but I’m not surprised. Mr. Brewster comes across as an elite member of New York City.

  It’s only now that the nerves are kicking in, my stomach feels like butterflies are floating around, and I wish I had flat shoes on to run in the opposite direction.

  Damon’s driver pulls up out front of the house. I don’t know why I was surprised, but when I asked Damon if he wanted me to book an Uber, he said it was taken care of.

  “Maybe this was a bad idea, Damon.”

  Damon swirls to face me, puts his hands on my cheeks, and rests his head against mine.

  “I will not leave your side, I promise. The minute you want to leave, just say the word.”

  I growl. “Okay. Let’s do this before I get your driver to take me home.”

  Damon climbs out of the car and holds his hand out for me. I step out and let my dress fall straight to the ground. Thankfully, there’s no snow or ice on the ground here. I’ve showed my ice-skating skills enough today.

  I link my arm with Damon’s, and he squeezes my hand and pulls his arm away, linking our hands together. I feel every nerve ending tingle with warmth at his touch. He’s touched me a lot since we met yesterday, but his gentle, caring attitude does something to me, more than any sexual experience we’ve shared.

  We walk into the grand entrance and I’m met by the most beautiful Christmas tree. It’s stunning.

  “It puts my Christmas tree to shame,” Damon whispers in my ear, and I smile.

  I feel all eyes on us, but Damon doesn’t pay attention and walks straight into the house where everyone is enjoying the Christmas festivities. There’s Christmas music playing lightly in the background, and people chatting away, enjoying each other’s company.

  Damon takes two glasses of champagne from the waitress. The alcohol is needed right now, but I’m anxious of tripping, falling, or making a fool of myself. I accept the glass graciously and take a sip. It’s deliciously cold. It hits the palate perfectly.

  “Damon. Sweetheart. You made it,” says an elegant lady in a floor-length red dress.


  Damon’s mother air kisses his cheeks and turns to look me up and down.

  “And who do we have here?” She holds out her hand and shakes mine.

  “Mom, this is Ilythia. Ilythia, this is my mom, Jacqueline.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, but please, call me Thia. It’s much easier.”

  She smiles warmly at me. “It’s lovely to see Damon here and with a beautiful girl on his arm.”

  I’m glad I have makeup on that will hide my heated cheeks. My beetroot look is never good on me.

  “Come, let me introduce you to the family.” She pulls my hand and I follow her as elegantly as I can.

  “Hey, bro. You made it,” says Damon’s brother.

  I know he’s Damon’s brother because he’s never out of the spotlight for something or other. He’s the opposite of Damon, it would appear.

  “And you have company.” He looks me up and down in a sarcastic way. He places his hand on my forehead and smiles. “She’s real. I’m not imagining this.”

  “Shut up.” Damon slaps his brother’s hand away from my forehead. “Gerome, this is Ilythia. Ilythia, if you didn’t already know, this is my pain-in-the-ass brother.”

  “Lovely to meet you.” I nod, unsure of what to do or say. I certainly don’t feel easy around Damon’s family.

  “Ilythia, this is my husband, Damon’s father, Duncan.”

  I turn around at Jacqueline’s arrival. I don’t even get to hold my hand out to Mr. Brewster, because he says, “I know you. You work at Foresters.”

  I don’t know this man as well as most people, but it’s clear he’s already judging me because of the company I work for.

  “I do. We worked together on the NYC book convention.”

  “I remember.”

  I feel awkward, because there were no pleasantries, no shake of the hand. Not that I’m surprised. I didn’t even get that when I was introduced to him for work purposes.

  “And you’re what to my son?” he asks.

  I look over my shoulder to Damon for help, but Mrs. Brewster takes her husband’s arm and smiles brightly. “Does it matter, dear? Let them have some fun. Enjoy your evening, kids.” She pulls Mr. Brewster away.

  “Okay, that was weird,” says Gerome.

  “Awkward, more like.” I sigh.

  “Don’t pay any attention to my father. He’s an old fool. Let me show you around.” Damon squeezes my hand and I instantly relax.

  I hate meeting hoity-toity people. Give me your run-of-the-mill working class any day. There are no airs and graces. That’s the way I like it.

  Damon has just nipped out to the bathroom, and my nosiness gets the better of me. I walk out onto the patio area that is covered in beautiful twinkling fairy lights. Snow is starting to fall again and the whole area looks like a magical winter wonderland. I’m not big on posh houses, but the gardens that surround these estates are something else. I can just imagine myself sitting out here in better weather, working on a book, or reading a book for pleasure.

  “I’d like to know what your game is.”

  I jump out of my skin and turn around to see Mr. Brewster standing a few feet behind me. No one is out here apart from us, and that makes me anxious.

  “I don’t know what you mean. Damon and I are good friends. We enjoy each other’s company. That’s all there is to know.”

  “No woman ever just hangs around for the company.”

  “I don’t know what women you’re used to being around, Mr. Brewster, but I can assure you that I have no interest in what Damon is worth. I live comfortably, just the way I like it. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  I walk past the older man, but he catches my wrist tightly. I struggle to get free of him and that only tightens his grip more.

  “I’ll be watching you. You’re not made for our world.”

  “You’ve got that perfectly correct, Mr. Brewster. I’m not made for your world, nor would I like to be part of it. Now, take your hand off me.”

  I pull my hand free, hitch my dress up, and walk quickly through the mansion.

  “Ilythia,” I hear behind me. Without looking, I can’t be sure, but it sounds like Damo
n’s brother.

  I keep on walking. Taking the steps quickly, I clip my heel and go over on my ankle, falling to the ground in a heap.

  “Thia, what happened?”

  Damon rushes to my aid and helps me up. I push him away from me, but the pain radiates through my ankle.

  “I was away for all of five minutes. What the hell happened out there?” He points over his shoulder.

  “Ask your father. I’m going home.”

  “I’ll deal with my father after I’ve taken care of you.” He bends down and lifts me into his arms easily. As much as my stubborn streak is desperate to break free, I know I can’t walk anywhere with my sore ankle.

  “Just take me home, Damon.”

  I’m too tired to argue with him, because he’ll never give up until he gets what he wants.

  Typical Brewster man.


  I know Ilythia wants to go home, but there is no way I’m letting her go in this state. I’m keeping her with me, not only because I want to take care of her, but because I’m not ready to say goodbye. And it’s fucking Christmas. She shouldn’t be hurt because of something that happened in my parents’ house. I won’t let this add to her spoiled Christmas.

  We pull up outside my block and I open the door. The snow is falling heavily now; it’s perfect Christmas weather.

  “Come on. Let me help you upstairs and we can ice your ankle.”

  “Why are we here, Damon? I told you I want to go home.”

  “And I will take you home only once I’m satisfied you haven’t broken anything.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and shuffles out of the car. The moment she’s out, I bend down and pick her up. Her soft body cradled against mine stirs feelings inside me I’ve never felt before. I’m also angry at whatever my father did. I will deal with him later.

  I make it to the elevator without any mishaps. I fumble to type in my code and we’re on our way.

  “I can stand, Damon.”

  “And I can carry you, Ilythia.”

  “You proved not thirty minutes ago that you can, in fact, call me Thia, but you insist on using my full name.”

  I smile, because having her feisty attitude back is a start. It lets me know that the woman I met last night is still in there somewhere.

  “When I saw you fall…” I shake my head and the doors ping open. “…I just wanted to get to you. Thia was the first thing that came into my head.”

  I walk over to the couch and lay her down. I build up some cushions and raise her leg over them. “I’ll get some ice.”

  I quickly grab the ice, a bottle of wine, and two glasses. I’m guessing the alcohol will work better than any pain meds. It will also loosen her tongue and let me know how she feels.

  “I come bearing gifts.” I set everything down on the coffee table and turn my attention to her ankle. She flinches when the weight lies on the injured limb. “I think you’ve just sprained it; it will hurt like a bitch for a few days.”

  “Perfect.” She throws her head back on the couch and growls.

  “What would you be doing in Scotland on Christmas Eve?”

  “A Christmas film, hot chocolate, and plenty of junk food,” she says, never lifting her head off the back of my couch.

  “Favorite Christmas film?”

  This gets a reaction out of her and she lifts her head with a big smile on her face. “I can’t choose just one. I love them all. Elf, The Christmas Chronicles, The Santa Clause, Deck The Halls… they’re all amazing.”

  I lift the controller for my entertainment system and the television springs to life. Netflix is a lifesaver tonight, not that I watch much of it at any other time. But I press play on The Christmas Chronicles, turn up the fire, and sit down on the floor at the side of the couch. I pour our wine and hand her one over my shoulder.

  “Why are you doing this, Damon? I don’t need to be here.”

  I sigh. I’m done playing games. I know I’m probably crazy jumping in feetfirst, but what the hell? You only live once.

  “A wise woman once told me that the heart gets what the heart wants. And my young, stupid self, laughed at her. I’ve never felt a connection to a woman before. You’re different. I enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy your company. I felt like my heart was being torn from my chest when I watched you fall tonight. So, to answer your question, I want you to be here. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I want you to spend the rest of Christmas with me.”

  “The wise woman?”


  “I’m beginning to like this woman already and I haven’t even met her.”

  “She was at home with her family tonight. I’ll introduce you to her. She’ll like you too.”

  “I don’t belong in your world, Damon.”

  “And I do? I’m not a part of the world my parents are, Ilythia. I’m my own person, making a life for myself. This is me. The person you’ve been with for twenty-four hours is the real me.”

  She nods, lifts her hand, and runs it through my hair.

  “Never change, Damon. Always be the person you are now.”

  “I’ll never change.” I wink at her and turn up the volume on the movie we’re about to watch.

  Usually, on Christmas Eve, I’m working or drinking myself into oblivion. Today, I’ve had fun and enjoyed every minute of it.

  I wake up with a head resting on my chest. I remember lifting Ilythia into my bed after the movie finished. I didn’t want her getting sorer from lying on a couch.

  I lift my head and see her sleeping soundly. I’ve never fallen asleep with a woman in my bed, but the last two nights have felt amazing. I’ve gone to sleep in a good mood and woken up in an even better mood. For the first time since I was a child, I want to celebrate Christmas.

  “Hey,” she croaks, and buries her head into my chest further. The room is brighter because I didn’t close the drapes last night. I had other things on my mind.

  “Morning. Merry Christmas.”

  She lifts her head and looks me in the eye. “Merry Christmas.”

  “How’s the foot feeling this morning?”

  “Hmm.” She lifts her leg slightly and tries to move the ankle. There is no flinch in her features, so I assume that’s a good sign. “Not as bad. I’ll live. Thank you for being the perfect doctor.”

  “My pleasure. What do you say that we get up and I take you somewhere you’ve probably never been on Christmas morning?”


  I was expecting her to be standoffish this morning, but she appears to be herself. Whatever went down at my parents’ house last night she has either forgotten about, or locked it away for another day.

  “I’ll go and make us some breakfast. I had your clothes washed from yesterday. They’re in the corner. Help yourself to anything in the bathroom.”


  “If you need a hand, just give me a shout.” I lean in and kiss her lips softly.

  I need to leave the bed and the room, because I’m remembering everything we did in that shower yesterday, and it just makes me feel like a horny teen again.

  I grab my robe, wrap it tightly around me, and leave the room. I take in a few deep breaths the moment I’m out of sight, because if we ever make love again, then I want it to be on her terms.

  It only took us about two hours to get out of my apartment. Ilythia’s ankle isn’t as swollen today, but she managed to get her Converse on, and she says it doesn’t feel as bad.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Patience. Christmas in New York is magical, or so I’ve heard all the tourists spouting.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  I shrug. “I’ve never had anyone to share it with before. I guess I’m seeing it with fresh eyes this Christmas.”

  “And?” she probes.

  “And I’m beginning to see what others do.”

  She squeezes her arms around mine and I feel her heat nestled into my side. It’s like I just gave her the
moon and the stars, and I would if I could.

  We walk around the corner, and standing in the middle of the square is the Rockefeller Christmas tree. Tourists are milling around, snapping pictures, making memories. It’s even better because the snow is falling all around us, and the twinkling lights make everything look majestic.

  “You’re right. I haven’t been here on Christmas morning.”

  “We can always say it’s a first for both of us.”

  We walk closer to the Christmas tree and I take out my cell and snap a few selfies with Ilythia. Again, something I never do, but I need the memories of our time together.

  “Thank you for making my Christmas a little brighter. It was hard sending text messages to my family back home and not being with them in person.”

  “Thank you for making my Christmas a little brighter, too.”

  “I guess we were just in the right place at the right time, huh?”

  I watch the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen gaze up at the tall tree. She has the most perfect smile ever. It reaches her eyes and makes them twinkle like the fairy lights.

  “When Christmas is over, I want you in my life, Ilythia. I can’t imagine walking away from you after this.”

  She spins her head in my direction and studies me carefully. “Damon. It would never work.”

  “Says who?”

  “Your father.”

  I scoff. “My father, who has lived his whole adult life in a loveless marriage. A marriage of convenience. We are made for each other, Thia.” I move my hands into her hair and hold her still. “We are meant to be together. Tell me you feel this connection.”

  “But your dad…”

  “Let me deal with my father. Just you concentrate on us, and what this could mean for us. How happy we make one another.”

  “I feel it, Damon. I felt it the first moment you spoke to me in the hotel bar. I don’t date. I’ve been the office gossip with everyone thinking I’m gay.”

  “And I can safely say that you’re very heterosexual.”

  She slaps my arm playfully and we both laugh. It’s a good feeling, laughing with this woman. I don’t want a day to go by without her in it, laughing, making memories.


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