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Cowgirl Crazy (Bad Girls Book 2)

Page 6

by Jennifer Labelle

  “The feeling’s mutual big guy, now let’s eat. I have a feeling I’ll need the energy.”



  Kerrville was great for the many tranquil escapes along the beautiful Texas Hill Country, and she wanted to share some of them with Mace. There were many parks and water activities along the Guadalupe River and it seemed like something they both might enjoy.

  “So where are we going?” Mace asked. He suggested she choose their outing today because he’d only been in town for a few months now, and he wasn’t all that familiar with the attractions yet. Besides Tipsy’s Bar, Mad Ink, Jagger’s place, and Sawyers homestead where he was currently staying and fixing up, he hadn’t really seen much else. Becca had been purposely tight lipped about it so far, so she could watch his reaction when they arrived.

  “You’ll see.” She smirked. All he knew was that she’d packed them a picnic lunch, a blanket, and plenty of water to drink.

  “Come on, just a hint?” he asked, and she sighed, giving in.

  “I’m taking you to a park along the Guadalupe. It’s one of my favorite spots. I figured we could eat lunch, swim a little, and do some hiking if you’re up to it.” She shrugged. She was currently driving and had to keep her eyes on the road, but she could still make out his smile from the corner of her eye. “The scenery is just so breathtaking. You’re going to love it.”

  “It already is, Becca,” he said.

  “What already is?” She was confused. They were almost there, but he hadn’t seen anything yet.

  “You, my scenery, it’s already beautiful.” Mace stroked the side of her face, and chuckled when she shivered with goose bumps.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, Tattoos.” She teased. “Keep it up and I may have to reward you again.”

  “Can’t wait.” He grinned.

  “The feeling’s mutual.” Becca licked her lips and turned her blinker on. They’d finally arrived. “We’re here.”

  They got out and Mace helped her with the backpack of supplies for the day. He put it on. Their lunch, water, a blanket, and some towels were stashed inside of it. Becca led him down a trail and figured they’d start with their hike first, where they would eventually find a spot by the river to eat and swim. Somewhere a little secluded and peaceful, she hoped.

  “If we hike far enough along this trail, you’ll be able to see an overlook of the river. Some of these trails are also open to horseback riders. You ever ride before?” she asked as Mace helped her over a rock.

  “Only on my motorcycle,” he said, winking at her. “And, that mechanical bull that one time.”

  “I remember that night fondly,” she replied. “It was the first time you really kissed me.”

  “Not the first time I wanted to though.”

  She smiled at him. They held hands along the trail, and they could hear the water in the distance. She pointed a few things out along the way, and they both bird watched until they reached the overlook and decided that was as good a place as any to eat their lunch. Becca had packed them some leftover salad from the night before and made some steak sandwiches.

  Mace laid the blanket she packed on the grass and helped himself to the food. They were both quiet while they ate but it was a peaceful silence, so it was nice.

  “I’m glad you brought me here. It’s not every day a man finds a woman who doesn’t mind the outdoors,” he said. “You continue to surprise me the more I get to know you. It’s refreshing. I haven’t met a woman quite like you before.”

  “Uh, thanks I think.” Becca blushed. “What type of woman are you used to, then?” They were done eating now, and they both began to put away their food containers. Meanwhile, Mace took a moment to think about his answer.

  “I came from a city much busier than what you’re used to here, and truthfully I didn’t really have a type until recently.” He got up and handed her a bottle of water before they continued their hike to lower ground, so they could pick a spot to swim. “If I wasn’t working, I had family obligations, and in the spare time that I managed to scrounge up to go out with anyone it was mostly a string of one-night stands that didn’t mean anything.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “Do you really?” Mace asked. “Until you I haven’t ever wanted anything more than one night. You’re different for me, and it blows my mind, but not enough to scare me away. I like you Becca, a hell of a lot.”

  “I like you too.” She smiled and reached out to hold his hand again. “Probably more than I should considering the amount of time we’ve known each other.”

  “Exactly,” he agreed. “But here we are.”

  “Here we are.” She repeated. “I take it you no longer have the same family obligations now. Is that why you wanted a change?”

  “Something like that. Mom was sick and passed away last year so when Toby mentioned Sawyer needed some help down here, I jumped at the opportunity. I needed the change of scenery from the bad memories, and we were worried about Sawyer after Carly died, so it seemed like the right thing to do.” He explained. “Glad I did, cause I got to meet you.”

  “How are you not snatched up yet?” Becca shook her head in disbelief. “You intrigue me, and l haven’t met anyone like you either.”

  “See we have so much in common.” He teased.

  She nodded in agreement and turned somber. “I’m sorry about your mom.”

  “Thank you,” he whispered, and then stopped in his tracks. He traced a finger down her face and then tucked some hair behind her ear. “It was hard for a while, but I’m in a good place now. As for why I’m still single you asked?” He shrugged. “I hadn’t met you yet, and now that I have I’m willing to negotiate that status with you if you’re willing.”

  “How so?” She wondered. “It’s been a while so you may have to spell it out for me.”

  “I love spending time with you, Becca, so I was hoping we could make this exclusive. I’ve never been in a relationship before, so I may screw up somehow. You may need to be patient with me at some point.”

  “I think I can manage that,” she said. “Just so we’re clear, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

  “I guess I am,” he replied.

  “Exclusively?” she clarified.

  “You’re damn right.” He growled, “No other men for you, and I haven’t wanted another woman since the second I laid eyes on you.”

  “Yay!” She clapped, and Mace guffawed.

  “So, is that a yes?”

  “It’s a yes!” she exclaimed. “A definite yes.” Her heart swelled to maximum capacity she was so happy, and she jumped into his arms to kiss his whole face. “Now let’s celebrate with a swim, and later I’ll properly welcome you into boyfriend status.”

  Chapter Six


  There’s nothing like the real deal,

  Hey y’all, here’s another story to enjoy.

  Once upon a time in the Hill Country of Texas there lived a grown woman who took a leap of faith. She’d been alone a long time and no longer believed in fairy tales, until recently. Only it wasn’t Prince Charming who came to her rescue, he was somebody much better, more realistic. Rough, rugged, and gorgeous inside and out. His skin was a canvas of beautiful art, and he loved all things motorcycles and vintage muscle cars. He was a hardworking man who worked with his hands and made the world a more beautiful place to be, most especially mine.

  That’s right y’all, I’m a kept woman now and I want to share it with the world. Who needs the prince when you’ve got a man with tattoos, a big heart, and a big…


  He is the one and only Mr. Fantasy Man aka Mr. Tall, Tempting, and Tattooed I’ve been sharing about. After spending more time together we’ve realized we have a lot in common, and we just couldn’t beat the chemistry that flows between us.

  I’m so happy.

  But, no worries I fully intend to keep the blog going so continue to ask me questions or send me requests. I’m
here for y’all as always.

  Now, it’s back to business. The last time I wrote we talked about exploring anal play. Committed but Curious had written that she and her long-time partner were wanting to try it for the first time, and she requested my help on what she may be able to use to practice before the real thing. Well, I went through my rather big toy box and found some Crazy Girl Anal Ease. It’s a silicone gel desensitizing lube meant to relax the anal muscles for a more pleasurable penetration experience. It’s completely condom safe and is suitable for use with toys as well. Everyone has their own preferences, but I’d recommend going with a silicone-based lubricant instead of a water based one because it seems to last longer, it’s thicker, and it makes for an easier glide inside. The Anal Ease gets five Cowgirl Crazy stars.

  Now for some practice, if you’re inexperienced in this area, I’d recommend using a small beginner-sized butt plug. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes so if you enjoy the feeling you can eventually upgrade to something much larger. Always remember to use plenty of lubricant though.

  Communication is always very important in a relationship. Remember to talk things through, especially when it comes to exploring sexually. Express your likes, dislikes, and concerns, always. Don’t be shy. I hope this helps.

  Don’t forget to leave your comments. I’ll be checking in every now and again and I’ll choose our next adventure from them for next time.

  Until then,

  Pleasurable encounters, and pleasant dreams,

  Your number one Cowgirl Crazy lady,




  Mace settled into boyfriend status like a dream. A couple of weeks had gone by since their Guadalupe date, and they had spent every spare moment together ever since. She was running behind on some of her other obligations and decided to do a little catching up, starting with Mrs. Coulter.

  The nosy but lovable old lady wasn’t feeling well the last time Becca had called to keep her updated on the KACC exhibit. That was last week. She’d tried calling a few more times to check in on her again with no answer. So, she decided to drive over to see her in person instead. She’d told Bax she’d do that anyway.

  Her cell rang and she turned on her Bluetooth to answer it.

  “Howdy, Becca Everett speaking.” She always answered in a formal way in case it was business related.

  “Hello, beautiful.” The deep timber of Mace’s voice still made her heart beat a little faster, and the butterflies in her belly dance. “Miss you already.”

  “Well aren’t you sweet.” She smiled. “I took off work early because I’m fixin’ to go see Ol’ lady Coulter to check in.”

  “She still sick?” he asked with what sounded like a hint of worry, and she wondered if it was because it reminded him of his mother’s sickness. Beneath the tattoos and the bad boy good looks, he was really a big softy, and so loveable.

  “I’m not too sure. I gave her a ring but there was no answer so I’m on my way to see if she’s home.”

  “Good, let me know how that goes. When you’re done there you feel like swinging by to get me? We could pick up something for dinner and I can cook for you, for once.”

  “Mm, a man who cooks, now that’s sexy.” She chuckled. “What time you think you’ll be done working?”

  “Should be done with my last client by seven,” he said.

  “I’ll see you then. Oh, and Mace…” She paused for a moment. “I’ll bring the dessert. Whip cream, chocolate sauce, maybe some cherries you can eat off me. You have any preference?”

  He cursed. “My favorite flavor is you, babe. Anything else is just icing on the cake.”

  “I’m missing you more and more as we speak.” She teased. “See you as soon as I can okay?”

  “Yeah, gotta go,” he replied. “At work, stuck with a boner. Speaking to you isn’t helping right now when all I can think about is getting you naked.”

  “Hmm, I’m so wet right now.” She giggled when he growled. “Listen I just pulled into the driveway. Recite the alphabet backwards or think unsexy thoughts to help deflate your situation. I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening here.”

  “You do that, I lo…” Mace cleared his throat. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Definitely,” she replied, “I love you too, Tattoos.”

  Becca had been sure he was about to say that to her, but he stopped himself for some reason and she just wanted to make sure that he knew she did too. Only she chickened out because she disconnected the call as soon as those meaningful words left her mouth. They’d talk about it when she saw him later. In the meantime, she had a sweet old lady to visit.

  Becca sighed as she got out of her car and she touched her belly to calm her nerves. Telling, Mace, you love him shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Especially if he was about to say it first. But what if I was wrong? Rebecca Marie Everett, suck it up girl. Everything’s bigger in Texas, from our hair to our pickup trucks. What’s three little words?

  “The answer is—it’s everything,” she mumbled to herself as she climbed the steps to knock on the door. She took a deep breath and put all those thoughts to the back of her mind for now. As she stood in front of the door, she concentrated on the task at hand, which was to see how Mrs. Coulter was feeling. She’d be seeing her beloved boyfriend soon enough.

  “Becca, what a pleasant surprise,” Baxter answered her knock on the door and eagerly continued, “come in, come in.” He swept his arm inside the house, motioning for her to enter so she did.

  The Coulter place was much bigger than her own, and she couldn’t help but be captivated by the beautiful structure. It was a large older Victorian style house with decorative banisters, high ceilings, and sleek woodwork throughout. “Thank you, Bax. You know I forgot how lovely this place is.” She turned around and was startled by his proximity to her. He seemed to come out of his trance when she noticed he was in her space and he took a step back.

  “Yes, well a house is a house.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond so she just went with the truth. “I stopped by to see how your Grams was doing. May I see her?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said. “You wait right here, and I’ll go see if she’s up to it.”

  Becca watched Baxter’s retreating form and appreciated her new-found personal space since he left to go upstairs. She still stood in the entryway and admired the family photos that adorned the walls. There were wedding photos, childhood ones, and self-portraits too. She particularly liked the one of the late Mr. Coulter in an army uniform smiling down at a younger version of the lady she was there to see. You could just feel the love they shared with that one photo alone. It was precious, and they were quite a handsome couple.

  She was straightening the frame as Baxter rejoined her. “That picture was taken in 1958, right before they were married,” he said, and she watched him as he twisted a white cloth between his fingers.

  A handkerchief maybe?

  “It’s captivating,” Becca replied. “They look so right for each other in it.”

  “Yes, my grandmother still talks about it like it was yesterday. I think she secretly wishes I’d find someone to settle down with.” He went on.

  “Well, maybe you should,” Becca whispered. “Finding a good person to spend your time with is a gift. It’s even better when you find love, but you won’t achieve any of it if you don’t put yourself out there. I would know. Until recently I was ready to give up on any romantic interests, but I’ve met someone and it’s going great. You can have that too, Bax. I know you’re taking care of your grandmother and busy with work, but you have to make time for you too.”

  “It’s that guy with the tattoos, isn’t it?” He snapped, “What’s so great about him?”

  She retreated as he advanced, and it brought her further into the house while he blocked the exit. She was uncomfortable now, if only she could make it to the back door to run away. “What? I-I came to visit with your Grams, not to upset you. I
don’t understand.”

  “I don’t understand.” He mocked. “There’s only one interest I have, my sweet Becca, and if I can’t have you, neither can he!” He lunged for her this time and it caught her off guard. She tried to twist around to escape him, but it backfired on her when he caught the move and tackled her to the ground. The table beside them wobbled and a few knickknacks on top smashed to the ground. Her struggles were futile as he put his full weight on top of her body, holding her in place on her stomach. She struggled with him some more as he was determined to hold the white cloth over her face. Becca tried bucking him off, and scratching at his arms but it was useless. Baxter was so much stronger and it only took but a few moments before everything went black and his plan was in motion.



  “What time is Becca picking you up?” Sawyer asked.

  “Any minute now.” Mace looked at his watch as Sawyer flipped the sign on the door to closed. “Jagger coming to get you tonight?”

  “Nah, he had a project to finish so I told him I’d just meet him at home.” Jagger was Sawyers fiancé, and first love. After several misunderstandings and years apart, they had found each other again and had been together ever since. Mace was genuinely happy for his pseudo sister from another mister. Proud too, seeing as she’d come from hard times only to pull herself out of it and pursue her dream. Mad Ink was then created, and the tattoo parlor was a hit. Jagger on the other hand was a master welder. He built horse trailers mostly and decked them out with some pretty cool artwork as his signature touch. Each made was a one of a kind, which kept him busy. That’s the current project he was working on as Sawyer had mentioned.

  “Then do me a solid and wait until Becca gets here so I can walk you out and make sure you get to your car safely,” he said. “I’ll send Jag a text to let him know you may be a few minutes late.”

  “Whatever.” Sawyer rolled her eyes. “You’ve been hogging Becca lately anyway, so it’ll give me a chance to say hello.”


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